Tripp Lite B002A-UH2AC4 4-Port Dual-Monitor Secure KVM -kytkin HDMI - 4K NIAP PP3.0 Ääni TAA

Front view of Tripp Lite B002A-UH2AC4 secure KVM switch showing four illuminated selection buttons-alternate-image1
Side view of Tripp Lite secure KVM switch showing ventilation system-alternate-image2
Rear view of secure KVM switch showing anti-tamper seals and security features-alternate-image3
Close-up of secure KVM switch ports showing isolation features-alternate-image4
Rear panel view of KVM switch showing all available ports and connections-alternate-image5
Top view of KVM switch showing security warning label and tamper-evident features-alternate-image6
Product package contents including KVM switch, power adapter, and manual-alternate-image7

Tripp Lite B002A-UH2AC4 4-Port Dual-Monitor Secure KVM -kytkin HDMI - 4K NIAP PP3.0 Ääni TAA

Tripp Lite B002A-UH2AC4

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Tuotteen pääominaisuudet

  • Turvallisesti ja turvallisesti vaihtaa neljän eristetyn tietokoneen välillä, joilla on eri turvallisuustasot
  • Vahvistettu NIAP/Common Criteria Protection Profile for Peripheral Sharing Switches V3.0:n mukaiseksi
  • Yhteensopiva Common Access Card (CAC) -portin kanssa, tukee biometrisiä ja muita älykortinlukijoita
  • Tukee UHD-resoluutiota jopa 4K @ 30 Hz kristallinkirkasta videota varten
  • Noudattaa Federal Trade Agreements Act (TAA) -lakia GSA-ohjelman hankintoja varten
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Tripp Lite


Tripp Lite 4-Port Dual-Monitor Secure KVM Switch with NIAP PP3.0 Certification and 4K HDMI Support

The Tripp Lite B002A-UH2AC4 is a military-grade secure KVM switch designed for high-security environments where data protection is paramount. This NIAP PP3.0 certified device supports dual 4K HDMI displays at 3840 x 2160 resolution, features dedicated CAC port for biometric authentication, and provides complete port isolation to prevent data leakage between connected systems.

Advanced Security Features for Government and Healthcare Applications

Certified by the National Information Assurance Partnership (NIAP), this KVM switch implements discrete processing paths and peripheral isolation to prevent data leakage and cross-talk. The tamper-proof design includes automatic keyboard buffer clearing and firmware protection, making it ideal for military, financial, and healthcare environments.

Military-Grade Security Protocols

The switch features anti-tampering mechanisms that disable the unit if the housing is breached, with visual indicators for tampering attempts. Port switching is exclusively controlled through physical buttons, eliminating potential vulnerabilities from OSD or hotkey commands.

Key Security Features:
  • NIAP PP3.0 Certification for highest security standards
  • Physical anti-tampering protection
  • Dedicated CAC port for biometric authentication
  • Automatic keyboard buffer clearing

Professional-Grade Video and Interface Support

Supporting dual HDMI displays with 4K resolution (3840 x 2160 at 30 Hz), this KVM switch offers crystal-clear video quality. With 11 USB ports and 10 HDMI ports, it provides comprehensive connectivity for multiple devices while maintaining secure video emulation and EDID learning capabilities.

Technical Specifications and Compatibility

The B002A-UH2AC4 operates on 100-240V AC (50/60 Hz) power input and features compact dimensions of 12.6" x 6.7" x 2.7". It's compatible with Windows, Mac, and Linux operating systems, requiring USB 2.0 for CAC support and HDMI-equipped computers.

Package Contents and Warranty Information

Package Includes:
  • 4-Port Dual-Monitor Secure KVM Switch
  • External power supply (Input: 100-240V, 50/60 Hz, 0.8A; Output: 12V 2A)
  • Owner's Manual

This TAA-compliant device comes with a comprehensive 3-year warranty and is manufactured in the United States, meeting federal procurement requirements for GSA Schedule purchases.

Tämä neljän portin KVM-kytkin on suositeltavaa käyttää hallinnollisissa, sotilaallisissa, rahoitus- tai terveydenhuoltoympäristöissä, joissa herkkien tietojen tiukka turvallisuus on ensisijaisen tärkeää jatkuvasti muuttuvassa kyberuhkien maailmassa. Jokainen KVM-portti on elektronisesti eristetty kanava, jolloin tietojen siirtäminen yhdistettyjen tietokoneiden välillä KVM:n kautta on mahdotonta. Kaksoisnäyttökytkin tukee kristallinkirkasta Ultra HD -videoresoluutiota jopa 3840 x 2160 (4K x 2K) taajuudella 30 Hz.

NIAP PP3.0 -sertifioitu täyttämään tämän päivän huipputietoturvastandardit
Tämä KVM-kytkin on NIAPin (National Information Assurance Partnership) sertifioima, jota operoi Kansallinen turvallisuusvirasto (NSA), viimeiselle Yhteisen Kriteerien Suojausprofiilille periferalien jakokytkimsille, versio 3.0. Eri käsittelypolut jokaiselle yhdistetylle järjestelmälle estävät tietovuotoja, siirtoa ja häiriöitä vierekkäisten porttien välillä. Lisälaite-eristys mahdollistaa tiedon kulkemisen laitteesta isäntään vain.

Huipputason turvallisuusominaisuudet pitävät tietosi turvassa
Erityinen suojaus estää laiteohjelmiston uudelleen ohjelmoinnin, joten kytkimen KVM-logiikka pysyy muuttumattomana. Näppäimistön välimuisti tyhjennetään automaattisesti tietojen siirron jälkeen, varmistaen että tietoja ei jää tallennettuna. Lisäksi voit käyttää liitettyjä tietokoneita vain kytkimen paneelin painikkeiden kautta. Muut porttien vaihtomenetelmät, kuten näytön osoitus (OSD) ja pikaavainten komennot, on poistettu tiedon eheyden lisäämiseksi.

CAC-portti tukee biometrisiä ja muita älykortinlukijoita
Yhteinen pääsykorttiporras tukee älykortteja, skannereita ja biometrisiä lukijoita, mukaan lukien sormenjälkilukijat, turvallisuuden lisäämiseksi. Voit määrittää ja rekisteröidä erityiset laitteet CAC-portille, tarjoten turvallisen yhteyden käyttäjän todennukselle.

Vandalismi suojaus estää fyysiset murrot
Jos kotelo avataan, sisäiset varkaussuojauskytkimet deaktivoi laitteen, jolloin se muuttuu käyttökelvottomaksi ja etupaneelin LED-valot alkavat vilkkua toistuvasti. Tiivisteet kotelossa tarjoavat visuaalista todisteita manipuloinnista.

Pitää jatkuvan näppäimistön ja hiiren emuloinnin sujuvassa, viiveettömässä vaihdossa
Koko USB-laitteen suodatus varmistaa tuen vain näppäimistölle ja hiirelle. Tämä KVM-kytkin tukee myös turvallista videounelmointia ja EDID-oppimista, mikä estää ei-toivottujen tietojen siirron DDC-linjojen kautta. Sekä näppäimistön/hiiren että videon emulaatiokontrollerit rajoittavat uusien liitettyjen laitteiden tai näyttöjen löytämistä vaihto-operaatioiden aikana, suojaten tietokoneitasi mahdollisilta haavoittuvuuksilta.

TAA-yhteensopiva GSA-aikatauluhankintoja varten
B002A-UH2AC4 on yhteensopiva liittovaltion kauppasopimusten lain (TAA) kanssa, mikä tekee siitä kelvollisen GSA (Yleinen palveluvirasto) aikatauluille ja muille liittovaltion hankintasopimuksille.

Tyypilliset sovellukset

  • Hallitse jopa 4 tietokonetta eri turvallisuustasoilla yhdeltä näytöltä/näppäimistöltä/hiireltä
  • Käytä älykortteja, skannereita, sormenjälkilukijoita ja muita biometrisiä laitteita CAC-portin kautta
  • Suojata yksityisiä tietoja, kuten lääketieteellisiä tai sotilasintelligenssitietoja, kyberhyökkäyksiltä


  • HDMI-näytöt
  • Langallinen USB-hiiri/näppäimistö ilman sisäistä hubia tai yhteistoimintoja (langatonta hiirtä/näppäimistöä ei tueta)
  • Tietokone HDMI- ja USB-portilla (USB 2.0 vaaditaan CAC-tukea varten)
  • Tietokone ja kaiuttimet, joissa on 3,5 mm:n stereosukitus (valinnainen)
  • Windows, Mac, Linux tai mikä tahansa muu pääkäyttöjärjestelmä

Return Policy

Time to Return

Standard Return Policy

We offer a hassle-free 30-day returns policy for domestic (US) orders, excluding non-refundable items. Refund or Replacement within 30 days of the delivery date. All products that fall under the Standard Return Policy qualify for our 30-Day Hassle-Free Returns. Please see the section above for more details.

Replacement Only Return Policy

Replacement within 30 days of the delivery date.

Manufacturer Only Return Policy

Covered by the manufacturer's warranty. Please refer to the terms and conditions for the manufacturer's warranty or contact the manufacturer.

Holiday Extended Return Policies

Extended Holiday Return Policy.

Qualifying purchases of products displaying the " Extended Holiday Return Policy ", from November 1st, 2023 to December 25, 2023, are eligible for a Refund or Replacement until January 31, 2024.

Extended Holiday Replacement-Only Return Policy

Qualifying purchases of products displaying the " Extended Holiday Replacement-Only Return Policy ", from November 1st, 2023 to December 25, 2023, are eligible for a Replacement until January 31, 2024.

Front view of Tripp Lite B002A-UH2AC4 secure KVM switch showing four illuminated selection buttons

Military-Grade Security with Intuitive Controls

The front panel of this secure KVM switch features four dedicated selection buttons with LED indicators, providing clear visual feedback of the active connection. The streamlined interface eliminates complexity while maintaining strict security protocols, making it ideal for sensitive environments where data protection is paramount.

Technical Specifications

  • Four dedicated port selection buttons with LED status indicators
  • Tamper-evident seals and housing
  • NIAP PP3.0 certified security features


  • Government facility secure workstation management
  • Military command center multi-computer control
  • Financial institution secure system administration
Side view of Tripp Lite secure KVM switch showing ventilation system

Efficient Heat Management Design

The robust ventilation system integrated into the chassis ensures optimal thermal performance during extended operation. Strategic placement of cooling vents maintains ideal operating temperatures while adhering to strict security standards that prevent unauthorized access or tampering.

Technical Specifications

  • Engineered ventilation system for continuous operation
  • Tamper-resistant cooling design
  • Optimized thermal management


  • 24/7 security operations centers
  • High-security data center deployments
  • Critical infrastructure monitoring stations
Rear view of secure KVM switch showing anti-tamper seals and security features

Advanced Anti-Tamper Protection

The sealed enclosure incorporates sophisticated anti-tamper mechanisms that render the device inoperable if breached. Security seals and specialized screws provide visual evidence of tampering attempts while protecting sensitive internal components.

Technical Specifications

  • Automatic system disable upon tampering
  • Visual tamper indication system
  • Reinforced security seals


  • Classified information handling environments
  • Healthcare data security compliance
  • Financial trading system protection
Close-up of secure KVM switch ports showing isolation features

Comprehensive Port Security

Each connection point features dedicated isolation and filtering to prevent data leakage between ports. The robust port design ensures secure, reliable connections while maintaining complete channel separation for maximum security in multi-computer environments.

Technical Specifications

  • Individual port isolation circuits
  • Filtered data channels
  • Secure port architecture


  • Multi-network security operations
  • Classified data handling workstations
  • Secure research facility deployments
Rear panel view of KVM switch showing all available ports and connections

Enterprise-Grade Connectivity Hub

The comprehensive rear panel provides dual HDMI outputs, CAC authentication ports, and dedicated audio connections for each channel. This thoughtful layout enables secure multi-computer control while maintaining strict isolation between systems.

Technical Specifications

  • Dual HDMI 4K video support
  • Dedicated CAC authentication ports
  • Isolated audio channels


  • Secure command center operations
  • Multi-level security environments
  • Regulatory compliance implementations
Top view of KVM switch showing security warning label and tamper-evident features

Tamper-Evident Design

Clear warning labels and tamper-evident seals provide immediate visual indication of any attempted security breaches. This robust physical security complements the advanced electronic protection features, ensuring data integrity at all times.

Technical Specifications

  • Holographic security seals
  • Warning label system
  • Anti-tampering indicators


  • High-security facility deployment
  • Classified information handling
  • Regulatory compliance verification
Product package contents including KVM switch, power adapter, and manual

Complete Security Solution Package

The comprehensive package includes the secure KVM switch, power adapter, and detailed documentation. Each component is designed and certified to meet the strictest security standards, providing a complete solution for sensitive data environments.

Technical Specifications

  • TAA compliant components
  • Certified power adapter
  • Security documentation included


  • Government facility deployment
  • Military installation setup
  • Security operations center implementation
The B002A-UH2AC4 features multiple advanced security measures: NIAP PP3.0 certification by the NSA, electronically isolated channels for each KVM port, anti-tampering protection that disables the unit if opened, automatic keyboard buffer clearing, and discrete processing paths to prevent data leakage. It includes a CAC port for smart cards and biometric readers, firmware protection against reprogramming, and supports only physical button switching for enhanced security.
The KVM switch supports Ultra HD video resolutions up to 3840 x 2160 (4K x 2K) at 30 Hz for both monitors. It features secure video emulation and EDID learning to prevent unwanted data transmission through DDC lines, ensuring both high-quality display output and maintained security.
The B002A-UH2AC4 can control up to 4 computers simultaneously and supports dual-monitor setups. It features 10 HDMI ports total to accommodate the dual-monitor configuration across all connected computers, with a single user interface for controlling all systems.
The KVM switch operates on 100V AC to 240V AC input voltage range, supporting both 120V AC and 230V AC systems. It works with both 50 Hz and 60 Hz frequencies, making it compatible with power systems worldwide. The unit comes with an external power supply featuring a NEMA 1-15P plug and 5 ft. cord (Output: 12V 2A).
The system requirements include HDMI monitors, wired USB mouse/keyboard without internal hub or composite device functions (wireless devices not supported), computers with HDMI and USB ports (USB 2.0 required for CAC support), and optional 3.5 mm stereo audio ports for computer and speakers. It's compatible with Windows, Mac, Linux, and other major operating systems.
The Tripp Lite B002A-UH2AC4 measures 12.6 inches in width, 6.7 inches in depth, and 2.7 inches in height. The unit weighs approximately 4.20 pounds, making it a compact yet robust solution for secure desktop switching applications.
Yes, the KVM switch is TAA-compliant and eligible for GSA Schedule and federal procurement contracts. It's NIAP PP3.0 certified by the National Security Agency (NSA) to the latest Common Criteria Protection Profile for Peripheral Sharing Switches Version 3.0. It's also RoHS certified for environmental compliance.
The package includes the 4-Port Dual-Monitor Secure KVM Switch, an external power supply with NEMA 1-15P plug and 5 ft. cord (Input: 100-240V, 50/60 Hz, 0.8A; Output: 12V 2A), and an owner's manual. The unit comes with a 3-year limited warranty.


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