Tripp Lite B002-DV2AC4-N4 Suojattu KVM-kytkin 4-portainen kaksipäinen DVI:stä DVI:seen NIAP PP4.0 Ääni CAC TAA

Front angled view of Tripp Lite Secure KVM Switch showing sleek black housing and LED indicators-alternate-image1
Direct front view of Tripp Lite Secure KVM Switch control panel with four port selection buttons and status LEDs-alternate-image2
Rear panel view of Tripp Lite Secure KVM Switch showing multiple DVI, USB, and audio ports-alternate-image3
Complete package contents of Tripp Lite Secure KVM Switch including power adapters and documentation-alternate-image4

Tripp Lite B002-DV2AC4-N4 Suojattu KVM-kytkin 4-portainen kaksipäinen DVI:stä DVI:seen NIAP PP4.0 Ääni CAC TAA

Tripp Lite B002-DV2AC4-N4

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Saatavuus: Varastossa , valmiina lähetettäväksi .
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Tuotteen pääominaisuudet

  • 🔒 NIAP PP4.0 Certified for maximum security with isolated channels
  • 🖥️ Supports dual monitors with 2560 x 1600 resolution at 60Hz
  • 🔌 4-Port DVI KVM switch with USB and audio support
  • 🔐 CAC port for smart cards and biometric authentication
  • ⚡ Anti-tampering protection with automatic disable feature
  • 🛡️ Automatic keyboard buffer clearing for enhanced security
  • 🚫 No flash drive support - keyboard and mouse only
  • 🏛️ TAA compliant for government procurement
  • 🔄 Constant keyboard/mouse emulation for smooth switching
  • ⚙️ Universal power supply (100-240V) with international adapters
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Tripp Lite


Tripp Lite 4-Port Secure DVI KVM Switch with NIAP PP4.0 Certification and CAC Support

The Tripp Lite B002-DV2AC4-N4 is a military-grade, NIAP PP4.0 certified secure KVM switch designed for high-security environments. This dual-head DVI switch supports four computers with isolated channels, preventing data leakage between systems while delivering crystal-clear 2560 x 1600 resolution at 60 Hz. Perfect for government, military, healthcare, and financial institutions requiring top-tier security compliance.

Advanced Security Features for Critical Data Protection

Each port features electronic isolation technology, creating discrete processing paths that prevent data leakage, transfer, and crosstalk between connected systems. The switch's firmware protection prevents unauthorized reprogramming, while the automatic keyboard buffer clearing ensures no residual data remains after transmission.

NIAP PP4.0 Certification and Anti-Tampering Measures

Certified by the National Information Assurance Partnership (NIAP/NSA) to the latest Common Criteria Protection Profile v4.0, this KVM switch includes sophisticated anti-tampering features. Internal switches disable the unit if the housing is breached, with visual tamper-evident seals providing additional security.

Key Security Features:
  • NIAP PP4.0 certified for maximum security
  • Electronic isolation between ports
  • Anti-tampering protection with visual indicators
  • CAC port for smart card and biometric authentication

Professional-Grade Video and Interface Support

Supporting dual DVI displays with resolutions up to 2560 x 1600 (including 1080p) at 60 Hz, this switch ensures superior visual clarity. The unit features 11 USB ports and 10 DVI ports, providing comprehensive connectivity for secure multi-computer setups.

Enhanced Peripheral Security

Full USB device filtering restricts support to keyboard and mouse only, preventing unauthorized flash drive access. The secure video emulation and EDID learning prevent data transmission through DDC lines, while constant keyboard and mouse emulation ensure smooth switching operations.

Package Contents and Specifications

Package Includes:
  • Secure KVM Switch (B002-DV2AC4-N4)
  • External power supply (100-240V, 50/60 Hz, 1.3A) with international adapters
  • Owner's Manual

Technical Specifications

Dimensions: 12.5" W x 6.7" D x 2.7" H
Weight: 4.20 lb
Power: 100-240V, 50/60 Hz
Warranty: 3-Year Limited
TAA Compliant: Yes

System Requirements and Compatibility

For optimal performance, systems must include:

  • DVI monitors
  • Wired USB keyboard/mouse (no internal hub/composite devices)
  • Computer with DVI and USB ports (USB 2.0 for CAC support)
  • 3.5mm stereo audio ports for audio functionality

Ominaisuudet | 4-Port DVI KVM-kytkin on ihanteellinen sovelluksiin, jotka vaativat turvallisia verkkoja

Tämä neljän portin KVM-kytkin on suositeltava kaikille hallituksille, armeijalle, rahoituslaitoksille, koulutukseen tai terveydenhuoltoon, joissa tiukka herkän tiedon turvallisuus on äärimmäisen tärkeää alati muuttuvassa kyberuhkien maailmassa. Jokainen KVM-portti on sähköisesti eristetty kanava, mikä tekee tiedon siirrosta liitetyissä tietokoneissa mahdotonta KVM:n kautta, jopa silloin, kun tietokoneet ovat eri turvallisuustasoilla. Kaksoismonitorikytkin tukee kristallinkirkkaita teräväpiirtovideoresoluutiota jopa 2560 x 1600 (mukaan lukien 1080p) 60 Hz:n taajuudella.

NIAP PP4.0 Sertifioitu nykyaikaisten tietoturvastandardien täyttämiseksi
Tämä KVM-kytkin on sertifioitu NIAP (National Information Assurance Partnership) toimesta, jota hallinnoi kansallinen turvallisuusvirasto (NSA), viimeisimpään yleiseen kriteerien suojaprofiiliin Peripheral Sharing Switches Versio 4.0. Eri käsittelypolut jokaiselle liitetylle järjestelmälle estävät tiedon vuotamisen, siirron ja häiriön viereisten porttien välillä. Perifeerinen eristys mahdollistaa tiedon kulkeutumisen vain laitteesta isäntään.

Huippuluokan turvallisuusominaisuudet pitävät tietosi turvassa
Erityinen suojaus estää laiteohjelmiston uudelleenohjelmoinnin, joten kytkimen KVM-logiikka pysyy muuttumattomana. Näppäimistön puskurin tyhjennys tapahtuu automaattisesti tietosiirron jälkeen, varmistaen ettei tietoa jää tallennettuna. Lisäksi voit käyttää liitettyjä tietokoneita vain kytkimen paneelin painikkeiden kautta. Muiden portin vaihtomenetelmien, kuten näyttöön perustuvan (OSD) ja pikanäppäinkomentojen, käyttö on suljettu pois tietojen eheyden varmistamiseksi.

CAC-portti tukee biometrisiä ja muita älykortinlukijoita
Yhteinen pääsykorttiportti tukee älykortteja, skannereita ja biometrisia lukijoita, mukaan lukien sormenjälkilukijat, turvallisuuden parantamiseksi. Voit määrittää ja rekisteröidä tiettyjä oheislaitteita CAC-porttiin, mikä tarjoaa turvallisen yhteyden käyttäjän todennukseen.

Varkaudenestotoimet estävät fyysisiä loukkauksia
Jos kotelo avataan, sisäiset varkaudenestokytkimet estävät yksikön toiminnan, jolloin se muuttuu käyttämättömäksi ja etupaneelin LEDit alkavat vilkkua toistuvasti. Kotelon tiivisteet antavat visuaalisen todisteen mahdollisesta manipuloinnista.

Pidetään jatkuva näppäimistön ja hiiren emulointi sujuvalla ilman viivettä -kytkennällä
Koko USB-laitepuhdistus takaa tuen vain näppäimistölle ja hiirelle - muistitikkuja ei sallita. Tämä KVM-kytkin tukee myös turvallista videon emulointia ja EDID-oppimista, mikä estää ei-toivottujen tietojen siirtämisen DDC-linjojen kautta. Sekä näppäimistö/hiiri että videon emulointi ohjaimet rajoittavat uusien liitettyjen oheislaitteiden tai näyttöjen löytämistä vaihdon aikana, suojaten tietokoneitasi mahdollisilta haavoittuvuuksilta.

Lisäkaapelikits - P784-006-DVU ja P784-010-DVU
Tripp Liten P784-006-DVU ja P784-010-DVU KVM-kaapelikits (myydään erikseen) auttavat vähentämään turhaa sekasotkua ja säästämään rahaa yhdistämällä kaapelit yhdeksi käteväksi paketiksi. Nämä kaapelit noudattavat DVI 1.0 -standardeja ja tukevat USB 2.0 -nopeutta jopa 480 Mbps.

TAA-yhteensopiva GSA-aikatauluhankintoihin
B002-DV2AC4-N4 on yhteensopiva liittovaltion kaupankäynnin sopimuslain (TAA) kanssa, mikä tekee siitä kelvollisen GSA (General Services Administration) aikatauluille ja muille liittovaltion hankintasopimuksille.


  • DVI-näytöt
  • Langallinen USB-hiiri/näppäimistö ilman sisäistä hubia tai yhdisteitä (langattomia hiiri/näppäimistöjä ei tueta)
  • Tietokone, jossa on DVI- ja USB-portit (USB 2.0 vaaditaan CAC-tuen vuoksi)
  • Tietokone ja kaiuttimet, joissa on 3.5 mm stereoääniliitäntä (valinnainen)

Return Policy

Time to Return

Standard Return Policy

We offer a hassle-free 30-day returns policy for domestic (US) orders, excluding non-refundable items. Refund or Replacement within 30 days of the delivery date. All products that fall under the Standard Return Policy qualify for our 30-Day Hassle-Free Returns. Please see the section above for more details.

Replacement Only Return Policy

Replacement within 30 days of the delivery date.

Manufacturer Only Return Policy

Covered by the manufacturer's warranty. Please refer to the terms and conditions for the manufacturer's warranty or contact the manufacturer.

Holiday Extended Return Policies

Extended Holiday Return Policy.

Qualifying purchases of products displaying the " Extended Holiday Return Policy ", from November 1st, 2023 to December 25, 2023, are eligible for a Refund or Replacement until January 31, 2024.

Extended Holiday Replacement-Only Return Policy

Qualifying purchases of products displaying the " Extended Holiday Replacement-Only Return Policy ", from November 1st, 2023 to December 25, 2023, are eligible for a Replacement until January 31, 2024.

Front angled view of Tripp Lite Secure KVM Switch showing sleek black housing and LED indicators

Military-Grade Security with Sleek Design

The Tripp Lite B002-DV2AC4-N4 secure KVM switch combines robust security features with an elegant, low-profile design. Its tamper-evident housing and clean front panel interface with LED indicators provide at-a-glance status monitoring while maintaining the highest levels of data protection. The streamlined form factor efficiently manages connections for up to four computers while taking up minimal desk space.

Technical Specifications

  • NIAP PP4.0 certified secure architecture
  • Tamper-evident housing with anti-tampering switches
  • LED status indicators for each port


  • Government classified information handling
  • Military command center operations
  • Financial institution secure workstations
Direct front view of Tripp Lite Secure KVM Switch control panel with four port selection buttons and status LEDs

Intuitive Control Interface for Maximum Security

The front panel features four dedicated selection buttons with corresponding LED indicators, ensuring foolproof computer switching while maintaining complete isolation between channels. This direct-control interface eliminates security vulnerabilities associated with software-based switching methods, making it ideal for environments where data security is paramount.

Technical Specifications

  • Hardware-only switching mechanism
  • Dedicated port selection buttons
  • Visual status confirmation LEDs


  • Healthcare records management
  • Intelligence agency workstations
  • Critical infrastructure control rooms
Rear panel view of Tripp Lite Secure KVM Switch showing multiple DVI, USB, and audio ports

Comprehensive Connectivity for Secure Operations

The rear panel showcases the switch's extensive connectivity options with dual DVI outputs per channel, dedicated USB ports for peripherals, and CAC reader support. Each port is electronically isolated to prevent data leakage between channels, while maintaining support for high-definition video up to 2560x1600 resolution.

Technical Specifications

  • Dual DVI outputs per channel
  • Isolated USB ports for peripherals
  • Common Access Card (CAC) support


  • Multi-screen secure workstations
  • Classified document processing
  • Secure authentication systems
Complete package contents of Tripp Lite Secure KVM Switch including power adapters and documentation

Complete Security Solution with Global Power Compatibility

The comprehensive package includes everything needed for secure deployment, featuring the KVM switch unit, multi-country power supply adapters, and detailed documentation. The included international power adapters ensure compatibility across global installations while maintaining the highest security standards.

Technical Specifications

  • Universal power supply (100-240V)
  • Multiple international plug adapters
  • TAA compliant components


  • International secure facilities
  • Embassy security operations
  • Global military installations
The B002-DV2AC4-N4 features multiple advanced security measures: NIAP PP4.0 certification by the National Security Agency, electronically isolated channels for each port preventing data transfer between computers, anti-tampering protection that disables the unit if opened, automatic keyboard buffer clearing, firmware protection against reprogramming, and a CAC port supporting smart cards and biometric readers. The switch only allows port switching via physical buttons, eliminating vulnerable OSD and hotkey commands.
The Tripp Lite B002-DV2AC4-N4 supports high-definition video resolutions up to 2560 x 1600 at 60 Hz, including 1080p. The dual-monitor switch features secure video emulation and EDID learning to prevent unwanted data transmission through DDC lines.
This KVM switch supports connections for 4 computers with dual-head (two monitor) capability for each computer. It features 10 DVI ports total and supports one local user. The switch is designed for dual DVI monitor setups, making it ideal for environments requiring multiple display configurations.
The switch operates on 100-240V input voltage at 50/60 Hz frequency. It comes with an external power supply with a NEMA 1-15P plug and includes 4 interchangeable power supply heads for US, UK, EU & Australia, making it globally compatible.
The system requires DVI monitors, wired USB mouse/keyboard without internal hub or composite device functions (wireless peripherals not supported), computers with DVI and USB ports (USB 2.0 required for CAC support), and computers/speakers with 3.5mm stereo audio ports if audio is needed.
The Tripp Lite B002-DV2AC4-N4 measures 12.5 inches in width, 6.7 inches in depth, and 2.7 inches in height. The unit weighs approximately 4.20 pounds, making it a compact yet robust solution for secure desktop switching applications.
Yes, the B002-DV2AC4-N4 is TAA (Trade Agreements Act) compliant, making it eligible for GSA Schedule and federal procurement contracts. It's also NIAP PP4.0 certified, RoHS compliant, and manufactured in the United States, meeting strict government and environmental standards.
The Tripp Lite B002-DV2AC4-N4 comes with a 3-year limited warranty. The package includes the KVM switch, external power supply with international adapters, and an owner's manual for setup and operation guidance.

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