تريpp لايت SMART1548ET سمارت برو 1500VA قابل للتثبيت على الرف، 120VAC 48VDC 1200W، SNMP/Telnet/SSH، موجة جيبية نقية

Front view of Tripp Lite SMART1548ET UPS showing LCD display, connectivity ports, and control panel-alternate-image1
Rear view of SMART1548ET showing connectivity ports, terminal blocks and cooling system-alternate-image2
Side view of SMART1548ET UPS showing ventilation design-alternate-image3
Angled view of SMART1548ET showing display and control interface-alternate-image4
Bottom view of SMART1548ET showing cooling vents and construction-alternate-image5
Top view of SMART1548ET showing construction and ventilation-alternate-image6
Diagram showing SMART1548ET features and connection points-alternate-image7
Temperature range diagram for SMART1548ET operation-alternate-image8
Connection diagram showing SMART1548ET system integration options-alternate-image9
Dimensional diagram of SMART1548ET rack mount UPS-alternate-image10
SMART1548ET UPS system with included installation accessories-alternate-image11

تريpp لايت SMART1548ET سمارت برو 1500VA قابل للتثبيت على الرف، 120VAC 48VDC 1200W، SNMP/Telnet/SSH، موجة جيبية نقية

Tripp Lite SMART1548ET

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ميزات مفتاح المنتج

  • موصى به للمواقع النائية حيث تتراوح درجات الحرارة بين -40 درجة مئوية و 80 درجة مئوية
  • يحمي المعدات من الانقطاعات والتيارات الكهربائية الزائدة والارتفاعات المفاجئة وضوضاء الخطوط
  • يحافظ على تشغيل الكهرباء أثناء الانقطاعات للسماح بوقت كافٍ لإيقاف النظام بأمان
  • يحافظ على منتج طاقة مستمر بقيمة 120 فولت أثناء الانقطاعات الجزئية والتيارات الزائدة
  • تدعم واجهة الشبكة الاختيارية WEBCARDLXMINI ميزة الاستطلاع التلقائي
  • ضمان لمدة سنتين، سنة ثالثة مع التسجيل. ملاحظة: التسجيل مطلوب لضمان سنتين
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Tripp Lite


Tripp Lite SMART1548ET SmartPro UPS: Industrial-Grade 1500VA/1200W Battery Backup for Extreme Environments

The Tripp Lite SMART1548ET SmartPro is a robust 1500VA/1200W line-interactive UPS system designed for mission-critical equipment operating in extreme temperatures from -40°C to 80°C. This rack-mountable pure sine wave UPS features hardwired AC input/output, making it ideal for industrial applications, traffic systems, security installations, and military deployments where reliable power protection is essential.

Advanced Temperature Management for Harsh Environments

Engineered with conformal-coated circuitry, this UPS system delivers exceptional performance across three temperature-dependent output ranges:

  • Maximum output up to 55°C
  • Up to 1200W output at 75°C
  • Up to 1000W output at 80°C
Key Feature: Ideal for oil fields, offshore rigs, traffic cameras, and security systems requiring reliable operation in extreme conditions.

Comprehensive Power Protection and Management

The SMART1548ET offers superior power protection features including:

  • Pure sine wave output for sensitive equipment
  • Automatic Voltage Regulation (AVR) correcting voltages from 88V to 152V
  • 474 joules surge protection
  • 10ms transfer time
  • 48VDC battery system with expandable runtime capability up to 200Ah

Advanced Monitoring and Control Capabilities

Features comprehensive monitoring through:

  • Four-line LCD display for status, alarms, and settings
  • SNMP/Telnet/SSH management (with optional WEBCARDLXMINI)
  • Six sets of configurable dry contact outputs
  • Temperature-controlled 48V DC fan power output
  • USB and serial connectivity

Package Contents and Installation

Package Includes:
  • SmartPro SMART1548ET 1500VA Rack-mountable UPS
  • External Battery Connection Kit
  • Battery Temperature Sensor Cable
  • USB Cable
  • External Fan Power Adapter Cable
  • Mounting Hardware (AC Hardwire Strain Reliefs, M4/M6 Screws)
  • Rack-Mounting Brackets
  • Documentation (Instruction Sheet, Owner's Manual)

Technical Specifications

Form Factor: 3U Rack-mountable (15.7" x 9.4" x 5.2")

Weight: 32.41 lbs

Warranty: 3-Year Limited

Certifications: RoHS, TAA Compliant

Country of Origin: Taiwan

1.5kVA/1.2kW/120V دعم بطارية للتطبيقات في درجات حرارة منخفضة ومرتفعةيقدم نظام UPS هذا من نوع SmartPro® SMART1548ET التفاعلي مع إدخال/إخراج AC مدمج نطاق تشغيل واسع من درجات الحرارة ويقدم طاقة احتياطية ثابتة وموثوقة للأجهزة الحيوية في بيئات قاسية، بما في ذلك المعدات الخارجية والصناعية. يمنع الارتفاعات، والارتفاعات المفاجئة، والجهد الزائد، والجهد المنخفض والانقطاعات من إلحاق الضرر بالمعدات، وتدمير البيانات والمساهمة في التوقف المكلف. مثالي لتشغيل معدات الشبكات والأمن أو حركة المرور في درجات حرارة من -40 درجة مئوية إلى 80 درجة مئويةيعتبر SMART1548ET الحماية المثالية لمجموعة متنوعة من تكنولوجيا المعلومات المحددة للصناعة، والاتصالات، والحوسبة الطرفية، والأمن، والمراقبة، ومعدات إشارات المرور وكاميرات الحركة في المواقع النائية حيث تكون درجات الحرارة عادةً بين -40 درجة مئوية و55 درجة مئوية (لأقصى خرج)، -40 درجة مئوية و75 درجة مئوية (حتى 1200 واط خرج) أو -40 درجة مئوية و80 درجة مئوية (حتى 1000 واط خرج). يتم تغطية الدوائر الداخلية بطبقة مطابقة تحميها من درجات الحرارة القصوى. تتراوح التطبيقات من حقول النفط، ومنصات النفط البحرية ومواقع صناعية أخرى إلى تطبيقات الأمن العسكري والنائي إلى إعدادات متعلقة بحركة المرور تشمل الإشارات والكاميرات. دعم بطارية موثوق وقابل للتوسيع يحافظ على تشغيلك خلال انقطاع الكهرباءيتيح لك دعم النسخ الاحتياطي الحفاظ بأمان على تشغيل الأجهزة الحيوية الخاصة بحركة المرور/الصناعة وغيرها من التطبيقات التي تتطلب وقت تشغيل موثوق وطويل للـ UPS في بيئات صارمة. مجموعة موصل البطارية مع دبابيس اتصال قابلة للتوصيل تتيح لك ربط وحدات بطارية 48V خاصة بك تصل إلى 200Ah (البطاريات والأسلاك غير مشمولة). أجهزة استشعار درجة الحرارة تراقب أطراف البطارية وتخصص الشحن إلى مستويات مثالية لتمديد عمر البطاريات المتصلة. واجهة الشبكة الاختيارية WEBCARDLXMINI توفر وصولاً عن بُعد على مدار الساعة لمراقبة وتحكمتمكن WEBCARDLXMINI المعتمدة على HTML5 خالية من جافا (تباع بشكل منفصل) الوصول الكامل عن بُعد لمراقبة موقع الطاقة وحالة UPS، والتكوين، والتحكم وإشعارات البريد الإلكتروني عبر متصفح ويب آمن، SNMP، telnet أو SSH. تدعم 10/100 ميغابت في الثانية مع اكتشاف تلقائي لأفضل اتصال بشبكة Ethernet. تساعد التنبيهات الآلية في منع الأحمال الزائدة غير المقصودة، وفقدان الطاقة والتوقف. تتيح WEBCARDLXMINI لك استخدام ميزة Auto Probe، والتي يمكن أن تمنع المكالمات الخدمية المكلفة عن طريق إعادة تشغيل الأجهزة الشبكية غير المستجيبة تلقائيًا. ملاحظة: يمتلك WEBCARDLXMINI نطاق درجة حرارة من 0 درجة مئوية إلى 70 درجة مئوية، كما يتم قياسه داخل علبة الـ UPS. موصلات جافة مدخلة/مخرجة مدمجة ومخرج طاقة مروحة تحكم درجة حرارة 48 فولت DCست مجموعات من المخرجات الجافة تدعم إشارات Normally Open (NO) أو Normally Closed (NC) من حالات UPS القابلة لتكوين المستخدم، مثل On Battery، Low Battery أو UPS Fault إلى أجهزة متكاملة أخرى. مجموعة واحدة من المدخلات الجافة تدعم توصيل جهاز استشعار إغلاق الاتصال المقدم من المستخدم لإشعار عن بُعد عبر WEBCARDLXMINI وإشعار محلي عبر شاشة LCD الأمامية. يدعم مخرج الطاقة 48V DC الذي يتحكم فيه درجة الحرارة تركيب مروحة تقدمها المستخدم اختيارياً للتحكم في ظروف الحرارة الزائدة في صناديق المعدات. تنظيم الجهد التلقائي (AVR) يصحح ظروف الجهد المنخفض والعالييعمل AVR على حماية معداتك من الأضرار التدريجية للمعدات، وفقدان البيانات ومشكلات الأداء التي تسببها انقطاعات الطاقة والجهود الزائدة. يمكن لـ SMART1548ET تصحيح الانقطاعات التي تصل إلى 88V والجهود الزائدة التي تصل إلى 152V مع إعدادات انخفاض وزيادة قابلة لتكوينها من قبل المستخدم، كل ذلك أثناء الحفاظ على البطارية مشحونة بالكامل وجاهزة للتولى في حالة فشل الطاقة.

Return Policy

Time to Return

Standard Return Policy

We offer a hassle-free 30-day returns policy for domestic (US) orders, excluding non-refundable items. Refund or Replacement within 30 days of the delivery date. All products that fall under the Standard Return Policy qualify for our 30-Day Hassle-Free Returns. Please see the section above for more details.

Replacement Only Return Policy

Replacement within 30 days of the delivery date.

Manufacturer Only Return Policy

Covered by the manufacturer's warranty. Please refer to the terms and conditions for the manufacturer's warranty or contact the manufacturer.

Holiday Extended Return Policies

Extended Holiday Return Policy.

Qualifying purchases of products displaying the " Extended Holiday Return Policy ", from November 1st, 2023 to December 25, 2023, are eligible for a Refund or Replacement until January 31, 2024.

Extended Holiday Replacement-Only Return Policy

Qualifying purchases of products displaying the " Extended Holiday Replacement-Only Return Policy ", from November 1st, 2023 to December 25, 2023, are eligible for a Replacement until January 31, 2024.

Front view of Tripp Lite SMART1548ET UPS showing LCD display, connectivity ports, and control panel

Industrial-Grade Power Protection with Advanced Monitoring

The SMART1548ET UPS system features a comprehensive front panel interface with LCD display, LED indicators, and multiple connectivity options. The hardwired input/output design and rugged construction ensure reliable power protection in demanding environments. Multiple monitoring and control interfaces including RS-232, USB, and optional SNMP management provide flexible integration options.

Technical Specifications

  • LCD display with full UPS status monitoring
  • RS-232 and USB management ports
  • Hardwired AC input/output connections


  • Industrial control room power protection
  • Remote site equipment backup
  • Network infrastructure power management
Rear view of SMART1548ET showing connectivity ports, terminal blocks and cooling system

Comprehensive Connection Interface for Mission-Critical Equipment

The rear panel provides extensive connectivity options with hardwired AC terminals, communication ports, and a multi-function terminal block for advanced monitoring and control. The integrated dry contact interface enables seamless integration with building management systems and remote monitoring solutions.

Technical Specifications

  • Multiple dry contact interfaces
  • Terminal block for monitoring/control
  • Integrated cooling system


  • Building management system integration
  • Remote monitoring applications
  • Industrial automation power backup
Side view of SMART1548ET UPS showing ventilation design

Space-Efficient Side Profile with Thermal Management

The slim side profile showcases the UPS's efficient thermal design with strategically placed ventilation. This allows for optimal heat dissipation while maintaining a compact form factor suitable for space-constrained installations.

Technical Specifications

  • Optimized ventilation layout
  • Compact 3U rack height
  • Efficient thermal management


  • Space-constrained installations
  • High-density rack environments
  • Temperature-sensitive locations
Angled view of SMART1548ET showing display and control interface

Pure Sine Wave Output for Sensitive Equipment

The SMART1548ET delivers clean, reliable power with pure sine wave output essential for sensitive electronic equipment. The advanced line-interactive topology with AVR provides stable power conditioning while maximizing efficiency.

Technical Specifications

  • Pure sine wave output
  • Line-interactive topology
  • Automatic voltage regulation


  • Medical equipment backup
  • Laboratory instrumentation
  • Precision manufacturing equipment
Bottom view of SMART1548ET showing cooling vents and construction

Enhanced Cooling System for Extended Operation

The UPS features a robust cooling system with temperature-controlled fan operation to maintain optimal internal temperatures. The conformal-coated circuit boards provide additional protection in harsh environments.

Technical Specifications

  • Temperature-controlled fan
  • Conformal-coated circuits
  • Industrial-grade construction


  • High-temperature environments
  • Outdoor enclosure installation
  • Industrial process control
Top view of SMART1548ET showing construction and ventilation

Durable Construction for Industrial Applications

Built to withstand demanding industrial environments, the SMART1548ET features robust metal construction and high-quality components. The rack-mount design provides flexible installation options while maintaining structural integrity.

Technical Specifications

  • Heavy-duty metal chassis
  • Industrial-grade components
  • Flexible mounting options


  • Manufacturing facilities
  • Oil and gas installations
  • Transportation infrastructure
Diagram showing SMART1548ET features and connection points

Intelligent Network Management Interface

The detailed interface diagram highlights key features including the optional WEBCARDLXMINI slot for advanced network management, multiple monitoring points, and expandable battery connectivity for extended runtime capabilities.

Technical Specifications

  • SNMP/Web management capability
  • Multiple monitoring interfaces
  • Expandable battery support


  • Remote site management
  • Network operations centers
  • Critical infrastructure monitoring
Temperature range diagram for SMART1548ET operation

Extreme Temperature Operation Range

Engineered for reliable operation across an extensive temperature range from -40°C to 80°C, making it ideal for challenging environments where standard UPS systems cannot function effectively.

Technical Specifications

  • -40°C to 80°C operating range
  • Temperature-hardened components
  • Adaptive thermal management


  • Outdoor telecom installations
  • Desert operations
  • Cold climate facilities
Connection diagram showing SMART1548ET system integration options

Expandable Battery System Integration

The comprehensive connection diagram illustrates the UPS's integration capabilities with external battery systems, optional network management card, and auxiliary equipment for a complete power protection solution.

Technical Specifications

  • 200Ah battery capacity support
  • Multiple integration points
  • Scalable runtime options


  • Extended runtime applications
  • Critical system backup
  • 24/7 operation environments
Dimensional diagram of SMART1548ET rack mount UPS

Compact 3U Rack-Mount Design

The dimensional diagram details the space-efficient 3U design that maximizes rack space utilization while providing full-featured UPS capabilities. Compatible with standard 19-inch racks and various mounting options.

Technical Specifications

  • 3U rack height (5.2 inches)
  • 19-inch rack compatible
  • Multiple mounting options


  • Data center deployment
  • Network closet installation
  • Industrial control room
SMART1548ET UPS system with included installation accessories

Complete Installation Kit Included

Every SMART1548ET comes with a comprehensive installation kit including mounting brackets, cables, and accessories for quick deployment. The package ensures all necessary components are available for immediate installation.

Technical Specifications

  • Complete mounting hardware
  • Installation accessories
  • Configuration cables


  • New system deployment
  • Infrastructure upgrades
  • Replacement installations
أسئلة وأجوبة
The SMART1548ET is a 1500VA/1200W line-interactive UPS system featuring pure sine wave output and hardwired AC input/output. It offers exceptional temperature tolerance (-40°C to 80°C), Automatic Voltage Regulation (AVR) for brownouts and overvoltages, and supports SNMP/Telnet/SSH network management. The unit includes six sets of configurable dry contacts, temperature monitoring, and can be expanded with external 48V battery banks up to 200Ah. It's ideal for critical equipment in harsh environments, including outdoor, industrial, security, and traffic control applications.
The SMART1548ET operates across an extensive temperature range with varying output capacities: -40°C to 55°C for maximum output (1500VA/1200W), -40°C to 75°C for up to 1200W output, and -40°C to 80°C for up to 1000W output. The unit features conformal coating on internal circuitry for temperature protection and includes a temperature sensor for optimal battery charging. This makes it suitable for extreme environment applications like oil rigs, industrial locations, and outdoor installations.
This UPS delivers 1500VA/1200W capacity with 120V AC input/output and pure sine wave output. It features Automatic Voltage Regulation (AVR) that corrects brownouts as low as 88V and overvoltages up to 152V. Protection features include a 474J surge energy rating, EMI/RFI noise filtering, and overload protection. The transfer time is 10ms, ensuring minimal interruption to connected equipment during power events.
Remote management is available through the optional WEBCARDLXMINI network interface, which enables monitoring and control via HTML5-based interface, SNMP, telnet, or SSH. Users can access site power status, UPS configuration, and receive email notifications through a secure web browser. The system includes a four-line LCD display for local monitoring, showing UPS status, alarms, faults, events, and settings. Additionally, three LED indicators show AC output status (green), alarm conditions (yellow), and fault conditions (red).
The SMART1548ET is a rack-mountable UPS that occupies 3U of rack space. Its dimensions are 5.2" height x 15.7" width x 9.4" depth, weighing approximately 32.41 lbs. The package includes rack-mounting brackets, M4 and M6 screws, AC hardwire strain reliefs, and complete mounting hardware. The unit features hardwired input/output connections and can be installed in various configurations suitable for industrial and outdoor applications.
The UPS operates on a 48V DC system and includes a battery connector kit with wireable contact pins for connecting external battery banks up to 200Ah (batteries and cables not included). A temperature sensor monitors battery terminals and optimizes charging levels to extend battery life. The system provides reliable backup power during outages, making it suitable for critical applications requiring extended runtime in demanding environments.
The SMART1548ET features multiple connectivity options including USB (HID compliant) and serial ports for local management. It has six sets of output dry contacts for NO/NC signaling of UPS conditions, one set of input dry contacts for sensor integration, and a temperature-controlled 48V DC output power jack for optional fan installation. When equipped with the WEBCARDLXMINI, it supports 10/100 Mbps Ethernet networking for remote management.
The SMART1548ET comes with a 3-year limited warranty and is TAA compliant. It's environmentally certified with RoHS compliance and features environmentally friendly design elements. The unit is manufactured in Taiwan and meets various industry standards for UPS systems. The warranty covers protection against defects in materials and workmanship, providing peace of mind for mission-critical installations.

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المنتجات التي تمت مشاهدتها مؤخرًا

قارن التفاصيل تريpp لايت SMART1548ET سمارت برو 1500VA قابل للتثبيت على الرف، 120VAC 48VDC 1200W، SNMP/Telnet/SSH، موجة جيبية نقية

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تريبي ليت SMX1500LCDT ذكي LCD 1500VA برج تفاعلي خطي 230V UPS، انقطاع الطاقة، بطارية منخفضة، منفذ USB