넷기어 MS510TXM-100NAS MS510TXM 이더넷 스위치 8 포트 10기가비트-X 2.5 기가비트 이더넷 평생 보증

Front view of Netgear MS510TXM switch showing 8 network ports and LED indicators-alternate-image1
Angled view of MS510TXM switch showing ports and chassis design-alternate-image2
Side view of MS510TXM showing cooling system and chassis design-alternate-image3
Close-up front view of MS510TXM network ports and indicators-alternate-image4
Rear view of MS510TXM showing power connection interface-alternate-image5
Top view of MS510TXM showing surface finish and branding-alternate-image6
Detailed view of MS510TXM ventilation system-alternate-image7
Rear view showing MS510TXM cooling fan arrangement-alternate-image8
Profile view of MS510TXM rear interface-alternate-image9
Angular rear view of MS510TXM showing cooling and power systems-alternate-image10
Complete rear profile view of MS510TXM-alternate-image11

넷기어 MS510TXM-100NAS MS510TXM 이더넷 스위치 8 포트 10기가비트-X 2.5 기가비트 이더넷 평생 보증

Netgear MS510TXM-100NAS

0 out of 5 star rating
$1,065.00 $1,564.00 Save $499
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Availability: In stock , ready to be shipped .
  • 1 Year Warranty
  • 30 Day Returns
  • Carbon Neutral

Product Key Features

  • 평화로운 마음을 위한 한정 평생 보증
  • 콤팩트하고 다재다능한 디자인으로 데스크탑 및 랙 마운트 옵션 제공
  • 연결을 위한 8개의 네트워크 포트
  • 고속 네트워크 확장을 위한 2개의 SFP+ 슬롯
  • 2.5 기가비트 및 10 기가비트 이더넷 기술 지원
  • 관리가 용이하여 네트워크 관리 용이
  • 배터리 지침, REACH 및 CEC에 대한 인증을 받은 환경 친화적
  • 47W의 전력 소비로 에너지 효율성이 뛰어남
  • 신속한 설치를 위한 필요한 모든 액세서리 포함
  • 신뢰할 수 있는 네트워킹 솔루션 브랜드인 Netgear 제작
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Netgear MS510TXM Multi-Gigabit Smart Managed Pro Switch: Enterprise-Grade Networking Solution

Experience next-generation networking with the Netgear MS510TXM, a Layer 3 smart managed pro switch featuring 8 multi-gigabit ports and 2 SFP+ uplinks. This versatile switch combines 4x10G and 4x2.5G ports to deliver exceptional performance for modern SMB networks, supporting advanced features like BYOD, cloud services, and high-bandwidth applications.

Advanced Multi-Gigabit Connectivity

The MS510TXM offers flexible connectivity options with 4 dedicated 10-Gigabit ports and 4 2.5-Gigabit ports, complemented by 2 SFP+ fiber uplink ports. With a non-blocking switching capacity of 140Gbps, this switch ensures smooth data flow for bandwidth-intensive applications like VoIP, video streaming, and IP surveillance.

Performance Highlight: Supports both twisted pair and optical fiber connections, with compatibility for 1000Base-T and 10GBase-X network technologies.

Smart Management and Security Features

Leverage advanced VLAN support, L2/L3/L4 access control lists, and 802.1x port authentication for comprehensive network security. The switch supports IPv6 management, including QoS, ACL, and multicast functionality, ensuring future-proof network operations. Temperature and load-based fan-speed control maintains quiet operation at just 25dB, ideal for office environments.

Flexible Installation and Energy Efficiency

With its versatile desktop/rack-mountable design (13" x 8.1" x 1.7"), the MS510TXM adapts to various installation requirements. The switch incorporates Energy Efficient Ethernet (IEEE 802.3az) technology, consuming only 47W while maintaining optimal performance.

Package Contents

  • MS510TXM Ethernet Switch
  • Power Cord
  • Mounting Kit
  • Rubber Footpads For Tabletop Installation
  • Quick Installation Guide

Lifetime Warranty Protection

The MS510TXM comes with NETGEAR's lifetime warranty, ensuring long-term protection for your investment. This environmentally conscious product meets multiple certifications including Battery Directive, REACH, and CEC standards.

중소기업을 위한 네트워크 장비 선두 공급업체로서 NETGEAR®은 네트워크 속도의 성장, 가상화, 클라우드 기반 서비스 및 VoIP, 비디오 스트리밍, IP 감시와 같은 애플리케이션을 지원하기 위한 큰 속도와 성능 선택을 제공하는 중요성을 이해합니다. 뿐만 아니라 WiFi 6 액세스 포인트의 속도 증가로 인해 네트워크에서 더 빠른 속도가 필요합니다. MS510TXM 및 MS510TXUP 8포트 멀티-기가/10G 스위치는 2개의 SFP+ 포트가 함께하여 NETGEAR 독립형 스마트 매니지드 프로 스위치 패밀리에 추가되었으며, 멀티-기가비트/10G 속도, 모든 PoE/PoE+ 장치에 대한 높은 PoE 예산 및 (MS510TXUP의 경우) Ultra60 PoE++ 지원(총 295W PoE 예산)으로 멀티-기가 기능과 속도가 있는 장치(예: NETGEAR의 WAX610) 및 멀티-기가 또는 10G NAS를 배치하는 데 사용됩니다. NETGEAR 스마트 매니지드 프로 스위치는 강력한 레이어 2+/Lite L3 기능, 우수한 PoE 기능 및 향상된 성능 및 사용성을 제공합니다. 이러한 스위치는 현대 애플리케이션에 특별히 설계되었으며, BYOD를 지원하여 회사가 매끄러운 네트워크 연결을 보장하기 위해 더 많은 대역폭을 필요로 합니다. 또한, 2.5G 또는 5G 속도의 경우 Cat5E 케이블을 업그레이드할 필요가 없으므로 설치 비용을 절감할 수 있습니다. 무선 및 PoE 애플리케이션을 강화하기 위해 이 두 개의 새로운 스위치 모델에 NETGEAR Insight 원격/클라우드 관리가 선택적으로 추가되었습니다. NETGEAR Insight 클라우드 관리를 활성화하면 사용자는 모바일 기기의 NETGEAR Insight 앱 또는 웹 브라우저를 통해 Insight 클라우드 포털을 사용하여 어디서나 간편한 구성 및 배포를 가능하게 합니다. 강조 온도 및 부하 기반 팬 속도 제어는 정확한 모니터링과 최소한의 시스템 소음을 결합하여 사무실 환경에 이상적입니다. MS510TXM 및 MS510TXUP은 전체 전력에서 실에도 최대 25dB(MS510TXM) 및 33dBA(MS510TXUP)까지 지원합니다. 심지어 전원과 25°C(77°F)의 주변 온도에서도. 멀티-기가비트/10G 속도를 가진 더 강력한 스위치
  • 4 x 1G/2.5G 포트 및 4 x 멀티기가/10G 포트
  • 295W PoE 예산을 가진 8개의 Ultra60 PoE++ 포트(MS510TXUP 전용)
  • 전용 10G SFP+ 광 파이버 업링크 포트 2개
SMB 데이터, 음성 및 비디오 통합 네트워크용 빠르고 유연한 솔루션
  • 140Gbps 대역폭으로 막힘없는 스위칭
  • 유연한 랙 장착 옵션
NETGEAR WAX610의 이상적인 동반자
  • MS510TXUP로 WAX610 연결 및 전원 공급
  • MS510TXM으로 WAX610PA 연결
  • NETGEAR Insight에서 단일 대시보드에서 모든 장치 관리
강력한 연결성 및 보안
  • 더 나은 네트워크 분할을 위한 고급 VLAN 지원
  • 802.1x 포트 인증을 포함한 세밀한 네트워크 액세스 제어를 위한 L2/L3/L4 액세스 컨트롤 목록(ACL)
  • 작업 예약을 포함한 원격 전원 관리를 위한 고급 포트별 PoE 제어
  • 포트 기반, 802.1p 및 L2/L3/L4 DSCP 기반의 트래픽 우선 순위 지정을 위한 고급 QoS(Quality of Service)
  • DoS(서비스 거부) 방지 자동화
  • 멀티캐스트 최적화를 위한 IGMP 스눠피드 및 쿼라이어
  • 더 나은 대역폭 할당을 위한 Egress 속도 제한 및 우선순위 큐잉
  • 네트워크 모니터링을 위한 포트 미러링
  • 최대 전력 절약을 위한 에너지 효율적인 이더넷(IEEE 802.3az)
  • IPv6 관리: IPv6 QoS, IPv6 ACL, IPv6 멀티캐스트 및 정적 및 동적 IPv6 주소 할당
  • MS510TXM 이더넷 스위치
  • 전원 코드
  • 마운팅 키트
  • 탁상용 설치용 고무 발판
  • 빠른 설치 안내서
환경 인증배터리 지침, REACH, CEC
환경 친화적
제한 보증 기간평생
일반 정보
제품명MS510TXM 이더넷 스위치
제조업체Netgear, Inc
제품 모델MS510TXM
제품 유형이더넷 스위치
제조업체 부품 번호MS510TXM-100NAS
전원 설명
전력 소비47 W
전원 공급원전원 공급
물리적 특성
폼 팩터데스크탑, 랙 마운트 가능
무게(대략)4.59 lb
입출력 확장
SFP+ 슬롯 수2
확장 슬롯 유형SFP+
총 확장 슬롯 수2
미디어 및 성능
이더넷 기술2.5 기가비트 이더넷, 10 기가비트 이더넷
네트워크 기술1000Base-T, 10GBase-X
지원되는 미디어 유형뒤틀린 쌍, 광섬유
업링크 포트
네트워크 포트 총 수8
포트/확장 슬롯 세부정보2 x 10 기가비트 이더넷 확장 슬롯,4 x 10 기가비트 이더넷 네트워크,4 x 2.5 기가비트 이더넷 네트워크
관리 및 프로토콜
관리 가능
네트워크 및 통신
지원되는 계층3

Return Policy

Time to Return

Standard Return Policy

We offer a hassle-free 30-day returns policy for domestic (US) orders, excluding non-refundable items. Refund or Replacement within 30 days of the delivery date. All products that fall under the Standard Return Policy qualify for our 30-Day Hassle-Free Returns. Please see the section above for more details.

Replacement Only Return Policy

Replacement within 30 days of the delivery date.

Manufacturer Only Return Policy

Covered by the manufacturer's warranty. Please refer to the terms and conditions for the manufacturer's warranty or contact the manufacturer.

Holiday Extended Return Policies

Extended Holiday Return Policy.

Qualifying purchases of products displaying the " Extended Holiday Return Policy ", from November 1st, 2023 to December 25, 2023, are eligible for a Refund or Replacement until January 31, 2024.

Extended Holiday Replacement-Only Return Policy

Qualifying purchases of products displaying the " Extended Holiday Replacement-Only Return Policy ", from November 1st, 2023 to December 25, 2023, are eligible for a Replacement until January 31, 2024.

Front view of Netgear MS510TXM switch showing 8 network ports and LED indicators

High-Performance Multi-Gigabit Front Panel Design

The MS510TXM features a clean front panel layout with 8 multi-speed ports and 2 SFP+ uplinks, complemented by clear LED indicators for easy status monitoring. The intuitive port arrangement optimizes cable management while maintaining professional aesthetics.

Technical Specifications

  • 8 multi-speed network ports
  • 2 dedicated SFP+ uplink ports
  • LED status indicators for system monitoring


  • Enterprise network deployment
  • Data center connectivity
  • High-bandwidth application support
Angled view of MS510TXM switch showing ports and chassis design

Angled Perspective of Enterprise Switch

The angular view highlights the switch's compact form factor and professional design. The sleek chassis combines functionality with modern industrial aesthetics, fitting seamlessly into any network infrastructure.

Technical Specifications

  • Compact 1U rack-mount design
  • Durable metal chassis construction
  • Integrated mounting points


  • Rack-mounted installations
  • Network closet deployment
  • Professional IT environments
Side view of MS510TXM showing cooling system and chassis design

Side Profile with Advanced Cooling

The side profile reveals the switch's thermal management system with precision-engineered ventilation. The design ensures optimal airflow while maintaining the unit's professional appearance.

Technical Specifications

  • Advanced thermal management system
  • Low-noise operation design
  • Optimized airflow pattern


  • Temperature-controlled environments
  • Quiet office installations
  • 24/7 operation scenarios
Close-up front view of MS510TXM network ports and indicators

Port-Centric Front View

Detailed front panel view emphasizing the port layout and labeling system. The clear port identification and status indicators facilitate easy network management and troubleshooting.

Technical Specifications

  • Clear port labeling system
  • Multi-speed port compatibility
  • Visual status monitoring


  • Network maintenance
  • Port configuration
  • System monitoring
Rear view of MS510TXM showing power connection interface

Power Interface Design

The rear power interface showcases the switch's universal power input capabilities and security features. The professional power connection ensures reliable operation across various power standards.

Technical Specifications

  • Universal power input (100-240V)
  • Secure power connection
  • Standard IEC power inlet


  • Global deployment
  • Power infrastructure integration
  • Secure installation
Top view of MS510TXM showing surface finish and branding

Top Surface Engineering

The top view highlights the switch's refined surface design and branding elements. The durable finish and professional aesthetics reflect its enterprise-grade capabilities.

Technical Specifications

  • Durable surface finish
  • Professional branding elements
  • Quality construction materials


  • Professional installations
  • Visible network infrastructure
  • Brand-conscious deployments
Detailed view of MS510TXM ventilation system

Ventilation System Detail

Close-up of the sophisticated ventilation system featuring hexagonal perforation patterns. The design optimizes airflow while maintaining structural integrity.

Technical Specifications

  • Hexagonal ventilation pattern
  • Optimized airflow design
  • Structural reinforcement


  • High-performance cooling
  • Extended operation periods
  • Climate-controlled environments
Rear view showing MS510TXM cooling fan arrangement

Rear Cooling Architecture

The rear cooling system features multiple fan units for redundant cooling capability. The circular design maximizes air movement while minimizing operational noise.

Technical Specifications

  • Multiple cooling fans
  • Redundant cooling design
  • Low-noise operation


  • High-availability environments
  • Thermal management
  • Noise-sensitive locations
Profile view of MS510TXM rear interface

Rear Interface Profile

Profile view of the rear interface highlighting power and security features. The design emphasizes accessibility while maintaining professional standards.

Technical Specifications

  • Accessible power connection
  • Security features integration
  • Professional interface design


  • Easy maintenance access
  • Secure installations
  • Professional deployment
Angular rear view of MS510TXM showing cooling and power systems

Angular Rear Perspective

The angular rear view showcases the switch's comprehensive cooling system and power interface. The design balances functionality with professional aesthetics.

Technical Specifications

  • Integrated cooling system
  • Professional power interface
  • Robust construction


  • Professional installations
  • Infrastructure deployment
  • Enterprise environments
Complete rear profile view of MS510TXM

Complete Rear Profile

Full rear profile highlighting the switch's power system and ventilation design. The professional finish and attention to detail reflect its enterprise-grade capabilities.

Technical Specifications

  • Enterprise-grade power system
  • Advanced ventilation design
  • Professional finishing


  • Enterprise deployment
  • Professional installations
  • Infrastructure integration
The Netgear MS510TXM is a high-performance ethernet switch featuring 8 ports total: 4 x 1G/2.5G ports and 4 x multigig/10G ports, plus 2 dedicated 10G SFP+ fiber uplink ports. It offers non-blocking switching with 140Gbps bandwidth, advanced VLAN support, and Layer 2+/Lite L3 features. The switch includes temperature and load-based fan-speed control with quiet operation (max 25dB), making it ideal for office environments. It supports both desktop and rack-mounting options and comes with a lifetime warranty.
The MS510TXM features a versatile port configuration including: 4 ports supporting 1G/2.5G speeds, 4 ports supporting multi-gigabit/10G speeds, and 2 additional dedicated 10G SFP+ fiber uplink ports. The switch supports multiple network technologies including 1000Base-T and 10GBase-X, and can handle both twisted pair and optical fiber media types. This configuration allows for flexible connectivity options and supports various speed requirements without needing to upgrade from Cat5E cabling.
The MS510TXM offers comprehensive management and security features including advanced VLAN support for network segmentation, L2/L3/L4 access control lists (ACLs) for granular network access control, and 802.1x port authentication. It supports NETGEAR Insight Remote/Cloud Management for configuration and deployment from anywhere. Additional features include advanced QoS for traffic prioritization, auto denial-of-service prevention, IGMP Snooping and Querier for multicast optimization, and IPv6 management capabilities.
The MS510TXM measures 1.7" in height, 13" in width, and 8.1" in depth, weighing approximately 4.59 lb. It can be installed as either a desktop unit or rack-mounted, with both options included in the package. The switch comes with mounting hardware, rubber footpads for desktop installation, and maintains quiet operation with a maximum noise level of 25dB, making it suitable for office environments.
The MS510TXM package includes the ethernet switch unit, power cord, mounting kit for rack installation, rubber footpads for tabletop installation, and a quick installation guide. All necessary components for both desktop and rack-mounting setups are provided, allowing for flexible installation options right out of the box.
The MS510TXM has a power consumption of 47W and includes Energy Efficient Ethernet (IEEE 802.3az) for maximum power savings. It's environmentally certified, meeting Battery Directive, REACH, and CEC standards. The switch features temperature and load-based fan-speed control for optimal energy efficiency while maintaining quiet operation, making it an environmentally conscious choice for business networks.
The Netgear MS510TXM comes with a lifetime limited warranty, demonstrating Netgear's commitment to product quality and customer support. As a Smart Managed Pro Switch, it includes technical support options and can be managed through the NETGEAR Insight app or Cloud Portal, providing flexible support and management options for businesses.
Yes, the MS510TXM is specifically designed to be compatible with WiFi 6 access points, including NETGEAR's WAX610 series. The switch's multi-gigabit ports support the increased speeds required for WiFi 6 deployment. It's particularly suited for connecting with the WAX610PA, and when using NETGEAR Insight, all devices can be managed from a single dashboard for streamlined network administration.


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Ethernet TechnologyN/AN/AN/AN/A10 Gigabit Ethernet
Form FactorN/AN/AN/AN/ARack-mountable
Power ConsumptionN/AN/AN/AN/A60 W
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