ハネウェル CORDED SR BLK NA (1950GSR-2-N) 生産終了 ブランド: はちみつ製品 生産終了

ハネウェル CORDED SR BLK NA (1950GSR-2-N) 生産終了 ブランド: はちみつ製品 生産終了

ハネウェル CORDED SR BLK NA (1950GSR-2-N) 生産終了 ブランド: はちみつ製品 生産終了

Honeywell 1950GSR-2-N

£186.00 £372.00 Save £186
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The Honeywell Xenon Performance 1950g scanner features superior scan performance for capturing difficult-to-read or damaged barcodes. It offers class-leading durability with 50 drops at 1.8m and 2,000 tumbles at 0.5m testing, plus IP41 ingress rating. The scanner is optimized for both digital codes on smartphones and merchandise codes, reduces strain on associates, and comes with Honeywell Operational Intelligence software for scan insights. Available in Black or Lyric White models with optional vibration feedback mode.
The Xenon Performance 1950g can scan both 1D and 2D barcodes and supports multiple barcode symbologies including PDF, Postal Digimarc, DOT Code, and OCR. It uses imager scanning technology and is optimized for reading both digital codes from customer smartphones and traditional merchandise barcodes at the register.
The scanner offers multiple connectivity options including USB, Keyboard Wedge, Serial, and IBM 46XX interfaces. It's a corded model that provides reliable wired connectivity for point-of-sale and other scanning applications.
The scanner measures 6.5" in height, 2.5" in width, and 3.9" in length, weighing approximately 5.64 oz. It features exceptional durability with testing for 50 drops at 1.8m (6 ft) and 2,000 tumbles at 0.5m (1.6 ft). The unit has an IP41 rating for protection against water and dust.
The scanner comes with Honeywell Operational Intelligence software that delivers on-demand scan insights for improved employee productivity. It also includes the Honeywell Scanner Management Utility (SMU) which provides automated deployment and updates for scanners in your environment.




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Error calling Claude API: Error code: 429 - {'type': 'error', 'error': {'type': 'rate_limit_error', 'message': 'This request would exceed the rate limit for your organization (b68ab364-f91f-4e4c-9a0f-5699e7455d04) of 400,000 input tokens per minute. For details, refer to: https://docs.anthropic.com/en/api/rate-limits. You can see the response headers for current usage. Please reduce the prompt length or the maximum tokens requested, or try again later. You may also contact sales at https://www.anthropic.com/contact-sales to discuss your options for a rate limit increase.'}} Honeywell Xenon™ Performance(XP)シリーズを使用すれば、印刷が不鮮明または損傷したバーコードを読み取る際に苦労するレジ係員がおりません。卓越した顧客サービスを提供することが使命であり、迅速で正確、かつ友好的なチェックアウト体験を通じて忠実な顧客に残る印象を提供することは非常に重要です。レジ係員がミッションを達成し、卓越した顧客サービス体験を提供するために彼らに力を与え、Honeywell Xenon™ Performance(XP)シリーズで約束を果たしましょう。Xenon XP 1950gは、最も読み取りにくいまたは損傷したバーコードも簡単に捉える卓越したスキャン性能を提供します。 1.8 m(6 ft)からの50回の落下や0.5 m(1.6 ft)からの2,000回の振れ落ちに耐えるよう設計され、IP41の耐水性と防塵性評価を持つXenon XP 1950gスキャナは、業界をリードする耐久性を提供します。これによりスキャナのダウンタイムとサービスコストが大幅に削減され、長いライフサイクルと低い総所有コストが実現します。 距離がある場合や損傷したバーコードでも高精度のスキャンを要求する小売環境向けに設計されたXenon XP 1950gスキャナは、店員に負担をかけることなく棚の下やかごの底のバーコードに届く必要性を減らします。Xenon XP 1950gはブラックまたはLyric Whiteモデルで提供され、利用環境に合わせてスキャナを選択できます。また利用環境に関係なくスキャナのフィードバックを確実に受け取るためのバイブレーションモードも利用可能です。 【特長と利点】 - 印刷が不鮮明または品質の低いバーコードでも卓越したスキャン性能が、トランザクションごとに無駄な秒数を排除します。 - 2,000回の0.5 m(1.6 ft)振れ落ちと50回の1.8 m(6 ft)落下に耐える設計は、スキャナに業界をリードする耐久性と信頼性をもたらします。 - スキャナは、レジでの商品コードと一緒に顧客のスマートフォンからのデジタルコードをスキャンするように最適化されています。 - Honeywell Operational Intelligenceソフトウェアは、オンデマンドでスキャンのインサイトを提供し、従業員の生産性とスループットを向上させます。 - Honeywell Scanner Management Utility(SMU)は、環境内のスキャナの展開と更新を自動化する包括的なソリューションを作成します。

Return Policy

Time to Return

Standard Return Policy

We offer a hassle-free 30-day returns policy for domestic (US) orders, excluding non-refundable items. Refund or Replacement within 30 days of the delivery date. All products that fall under the Standard Return Policy qualify for our 30-Day Hassle-Free Returns. Please see the section above for more details.

Replacement Only Return Policy

Replacement within 30 days of the delivery date.

Manufacturer Only Return Policy

Covered by the manufacturer's warranty. Please refer to the terms and conditions for the manufacturer's warranty or contact the manufacturer.

Holiday Extended Return Policies

Extended Holiday Return Policy.

Qualifying purchases of products displaying the " Extended Holiday Return Policy ", from November 1st, 2023 to December 25, 2023, are eligible for a Refund or Replacement until January 31, 2024.

Extended Holiday Replacement-Only Return Policy

Qualifying purchases of products displaying the " Extended Holiday Replacement-Only Return Policy ", from November 1st, 2023 to December 25, 2023, are eligible for a Replacement until January 31, 2024.

The Honeywell Xenon Performance 1950g scanner features superior scan performance for capturing difficult-to-read or damaged barcodes. It offers class-leading durability with 50 drops at 1.8m and 2,000 tumbles at 0.5m testing, plus IP41 ingress rating. The scanner is optimized for both digital codes on smartphones and merchandise codes, reduces strain on associates, and comes with Honeywell Operational Intelligence software for scan insights. Available in Black or Lyric White models with optional vibration feedback mode.
The Xenon Performance 1950g can scan both 1D and 2D barcodes and supports multiple barcode symbologies including PDF, Postal Digimarc, DOT Code, and OCR. It uses imager scanning technology and is optimized for reading both digital codes from customer smartphones and traditional merchandise barcodes at the register.
The scanner offers multiple connectivity options including USB, Keyboard Wedge, Serial, and IBM 46XX interfaces. It's a corded model that provides reliable wired connectivity for point-of-sale and other scanning applications.
The scanner measures 6.5" in height, 2.5" in width, and 3.9" in length, weighing approximately 5.64 oz. It features exceptional durability with testing for 50 drops at 1.8m (6 ft) and 2,000 tumbles at 0.5m (1.6 ft). The unit has an IP41 rating for protection against water and dust.
The scanner comes with Honeywell Operational Intelligence software that delivers on-demand scan insights for improved employee productivity. It also includes the Honeywell Scanner Management Utility (SMU) which provides automated deployment and updates for scanners in your environment.
The Honeywell Xenon Performance 1950g scanner comes with a 5-year limited warranty, providing long-term protection for your investment.
This scanner is designed for retail environments that require high-accuracy scanning of barcodes at various distances, including damaged codes. It's particularly suited for checkout counters where cashiers need to scan items from different angles and distances, including bottom shelf items or items in shopping baskets.
The scanner is ergonomically designed to reduce worker strain by decreasing the need to bend when reaching for barcodes on bottom shelves or in baskets. The optional vibration feedback mode ensures scanner operation confirmation in any environment, while the superior scan performance reduces repeated scanning attempts.




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