अलाइड टेलेसिस एटी-जीएस910/8-10 सेंटरकॉम ईथरनेट स्विच 8 x गीगाबिट ईथरनेट नेटवर्क गीगाबिट ईथरनेट ट्विस्टेड पेयर

Allied Telesis AT-GS910/8 8-port Gigabit Ethernet switch featuring metal housing with front-facing ports and status LEDs-alternate-image1

अलाइड टेलेसिस एटी-जीएस910/8-10 सेंटरकॉम ईथरनेट स्विच 8 x गीगाबिट ईथरनेट नेटवर्क गीगाबिट ईथरनेट ट्विस्टेड पेयर

Allied Telesis AT-GS910/8-10

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$113.49 $137.49 Save $24
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  • 1 Year Warranty
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Product Key Features

  • उच्च-सPEED कनेक्टिविटी के लिए 8 गीगाबिट ईथरनेट नेटवर्क पोर्ट
  • मन की शांति के लिए जीवनकाल सीमा वारंटी
  • लचीले इंस्टॉलेशन विकल्पों के लिए कॉम्पैक्ट डेस्कटॉप/वॉल माउंटेबल फॉर्म फैक्टर
  • REACH, EU RoHS, ECO, RoHS, और WEEE प्रमाणपत्रों के साथ पर्यावरण के अनुकूल
  • तेज़ और विश्वसनीय डेटा ट्रांसफर के लिए गीगाबिट ईथरनेट प्रौद्योगिकी
  • आसान कनेक्टिविटी के लिए ट्विस्टेड पेयर मीडिया प्रकार समर्थित
  • सरल सेटअप के लिए कोई स्टैक पोर्ट, अपलिंक पोर्ट, या मॉड्यूलर इंटरफेस नहीं
  • विश्वसनीय संचालन के लिए पावर सप्लाई पावर स्रोत
  • निर्माता: एलाइड टेलिसिस, नेटवर्किंग समाधान में एक विश्वसनीय ब्रांड
  • उन्नत नेटवर्क कार्यक्षमता के लिए लेयर 3 समर्थित
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Allied Telesis


Allied Telesis CenterCOM GS910 8-Port Gigabit Ethernet Network Switch

Experience enterprise-grade networking with the Allied Telesis CenterCOM AT-GS910/8 Gigabit Ethernet Switch. This high-performance 8-port network switch delivers reliable 10/100/1000Base-TX connectivity, making it ideal for small to medium-sized business environments requiring fast and efficient data transfer.

Advanced Network Connectivity Features

  • 8 Gigabit Ethernet ports supporting high-speed data transfer
  • Layer 3 functionality for advanced networking capabilities
  • 10/100/1000Base-TX technology ensuring backward compatibility
  • Twisted Pair media support for reliable connections
  • Versatile desktop or wall-mounting installation options

Compact Design and Flexible Installation

With dimensions of 8.3" width, 4.8" depth, and just 0.3" height, this compact switch fits perfectly in space-constrained environments. The versatile form factor allows for both desktop placement and wall mounting, providing flexibility in deployment options for various workspace configurations.

Environmental Certifications and Sustainability

The AT-GS910/8 switch demonstrates environmental responsibility through multiple certifications:

  • REACH compliant for chemical safety
  • EU RoHS certified for hazardous substance restriction
  • ECO-friendly design principles
  • WEEE compliance for proper electronic waste management

Reliability and Support

Backed by Allied Telesis's lifetime limited warranty, this CenterCOM switch offers long-term value and peace of mind. The non-modular, straightforward design eliminates complexity while maintaining professional-grade performance for your network infrastructure needs.

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Allied Telesis AT-GS910/8 8-port Gigabit Ethernet switch featuring metal housing with front-facing ports and status LEDs

High-Performance 8-Port Network Switch with Gigabit Speed

The Allied Telesis AT-GS910/8 switch features a sleek, compact design with 8 Gigabit Ethernet ports arranged in a single row for efficient cable management. The durable metal housing ensures reliable operation while the LED indicators provide clear status monitoring for each port connection. This enterprise-grade switch combines power-efficient operation with non-blocking wire-speed performance across all ports. The fanless design enables silent operation, making it ideal for both open office environments and network closets. Its low-profile form factor allows for flexible mounting options, whether on a desktop or wall-mounted to save space.

Technical Specifications

  • 8 auto-negotiating 10/100/1000BASE-T ports for maximum network flexibility
  • Non-blocking wire-speed performance with 16Gbps switching capacity
  • Fanless design for silent operation and increased reliability


  • Small business network infrastructure deployment
  • Departmental network connectivity in enterprise environments
  • Edge network expansion for growing organizations
The AT-GS910/8 is an 8-port Gigabit Ethernet switch featuring 10/100/1000Base-TX connectivity, Layer 3 support, and twisted pair compatibility. It offers flexible mounting options (desktop or wall-mountable), and comes with a lifetime limited warranty. The switch is environmentally certified (REACH, RoHS, WEEE) and provides non-managed switching capabilities for straightforward network deployment.
The AT-GS910/8 comes with 8 Gigabit Ethernet network ports. All ports support 10/100/1000Base-TX connectivity, allowing for backward compatibility with older devices while providing Gigabit speeds (up to 1000 Mbps) for modern network requirements. Each port uses twisted pair cabling for standard network connections.
The AT-GS910/8 offers flexible mounting options as it can be used as either a desktop switch or wall-mounted. Its compact dimensions of 0.3" height, 8.3" width, and 4.8" depth make it suitable for various installation scenarios, whether placed on a desk or mounted to save space.
The AT-GS910/8 is a non-manageable switch (plug-and-play) but supports Layer 3 functionality. While it doesn't require complex configuration, it can handle Layer 3 network operations, making it suitable for both basic and advanced networking needs in small to medium-sized business environments.
The Allied Telesis AT-GS910/8 comes with a Lifetime Limited Warranty, providing long-term protection for your investment. This warranty coverage demonstrates Allied Telesis's confidence in the switch's reliability and durability, offering peace of mind for business users.
The AT-GS910/8 is environmentally friendly and holds multiple certifications including REACH, EU RoHS, ECO, RoHS, and WEEE. These certifications demonstrate the switch's compliance with international environmental standards and regulations for electronic equipment, ensuring eco-friendly operation and disposal.
No, the AT-GS910/8 does not support redundant power supply. It operates on a single power supply source. While it doesn't offer power redundancy, the switch is designed for reliable operation with its standard power supply configuration.
The AT-GS910/8 supports 10/100/1000Base-TX networking standards, providing full Gigabit Ethernet technology support. This triple-speed capability ensures compatibility with devices operating at 10 Mbps, 100 Mbps, or 1000 Mbps, making it versatile for various network environments and equipment.

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