आसूस आरओजी एक्सजी17एएचपी स्ट्रिक्स 17.3" गेमिंग एलसीडी मॉनिटर पूर्ण एचडी अनुकूली समन्वय 4-वर्ष की वारंटी

ASUS ROG Strix XG17AHP portable gaming monitor with ROG logo display and tripod stand-alternate-image1
Front view of ASUS ROG Strix XG17AHP portable monitor displaying ROG logo-alternate-image2
ROG Strix XG17AHP being used as a second screen with a laptop in gaming environment-alternate-image3
Side view of ROG Strix XG17AHP with laptop showing different viewing angles-alternate-image4
ROG Strix XG17AHP showing mobile gaming capabilities with hands holding device-alternate-image5
ROG Strix XG17AHP shown in dual display configuration-alternate-image6
ROG tripod stand for XG17AHP monitor-alternate-image7
Close-up view of ROG tripod stand mechanism-alternate-image8
ROG Strix XG17AHP showing different usage configurations with iF Design Award logo-alternate-image9
ROG Strix XG17AHP shown with multiple gaming device connections-alternate-image10
ROG Strix XG17AHP complete package contents including accessories-alternate-image11
ROG Strix XG17AHP shown in dual-screen gaming configuration with gaming laptop-alternate-image12

आसूस आरओजी एक्सजी17एएचपी स्ट्रिक्स 17.3" गेमिंग एलसीडी मॉनिटर पूर्ण एचडी अनुकूली समन्वय 4-वर्ष की वारंटी


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  • 4 Year Warranty
  • 30 Day Returns
  • Carbon Neutral

Product Key Features

  • 🎮 17.3" Full HD IPS Gaming Monitor with 240Hz refresh rate
  • ⚡ 3ms response time with Adaptive-Sync technology
  • 🔋 7800mAh built-in battery with 3.5 hours gaming time at 240Hz
  • 🎨 100% sRGB color gamut with 1000:1 contrast ratio
  • 📱 USB-C and Micro-HDMI connectivity for multiple devices
  • 👀 178° wide viewing angles with Eye Care technology
  • 💼 Ultra-portable at 1cm thin and 1060g weight
  • 🔆 300 nit brightness with Non-Glare display
  • 🎯 Includes ROG Tripod, Smart Cover, and carrying bag
  • ✨ 4-Year warranty coverage
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आसूस आरओजी एक्सजी17एएचपी स्ट्रिक्स 17.3" गेमिंग एलसीडी मॉनिटर पूर्ण एचडी अनुकूली समन्वय 4-वर्ष की वारंटी

This item: आसूस आरओजी एक्सजी17एएचपी स्ट्रिक्स 17.3" गेमिंग एलसीडी मॉ...


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Asus ROG


ASUS ROG Strix XG17AHP 17.3" Portable Gaming Monitor with 240Hz Refresh Rate

Experience unparalleled portable gaming with the ASUS ROG Strix XG17AHP, the world's fastest portable gaming monitor featuring a 240Hz refresh rate and Full HD IPS display. This 17.3-inch powerhouse combines mobility with premium gaming features, including Adaptive-Sync technology and a built-in 7800mAh battery for ultimate gaming freedom.

Premium Display Technology for Competitive Gaming

  • 17.3-inch Full HD (1920x1080) IPS panel with 100% sRGB color gamut
  • Ultra-fast 240Hz refresh rate with 3ms response time
  • 178-degree wide viewing angles for consistent visuals
  • 300-nit brightness with 1000:1 contrast ratio
  • Adaptive-Sync technology for tear-free gaming experience

Portable Design with Extended Battery Life

  • Slim 1cm profile weighing only 1060g
  • 7800mAh battery providing up to 3.5 hours at 240Hz
  • Quick Charge 3.0 support - 120 minutes usage from 1-hour charging
  • Versatile connectivity with USB-C and micro-HDMI ports
  • Included ROG Tripod stand for optimal viewing positions

Professional-Grade Features

  • Factory-calibrated display for accurate color reproduction
  • Eye Care technology with Low Blue Light filter
  • Built-in stereo speakers for immersive audio
  • GamePlus features for enhanced gaming experience
  • Comprehensive 4-year warranty coverage
Package Contents:
  • ROG Strix XG17AHP Portable Gaming Monitor
  • ROG Tripod Stand
  • ROG Carrying Bag
  • Smart Cover
  • USB-C and Micro-HDMI cables

ROG स्ट्रिक्स XG17AHP पोर्टेबल USB टाइप-C गेमिंग मॉनिटर - 17.3-इंच, IPS, FHD (फुलHD, 1920x1080), 240Hz(144Hz से अधिक), एडेप्टिव-सिंक, नॉन-ग्लैयर, USB-C, माइक्रो-HDMI, लैपटॉप, कैमरा, कंसोल के लिए बिल्ट-इन बैटरी, ROG त्रिपोद, ROG बैग, स्मार्ट कवर, आई केयर

  • 17.3-इंच फुल HD पोर्टेबल IPS गेमिंग मॉनिटर 240 Hz रिफ्रेश रेट और एडेप्टिव-सिंक के साथ जो चिकनी, बिना झपकी वाली गेमप्ले अनुभव प्रदान करता है

  • 240 Hz पर चलते-फिरते इस्तेमाल के लिए 7800 mAh की शक्तिशाली बिल्ट-इन बैटरी, साथ में 120 मिनट की उपयोगिता के लिए एक घंटे में तेज़ चार्ज तकनीक
  • USB-C और माइक्रो-HDMI पोर्ट स्मार्टफोन, लैपटॉप, गेम कंसोल, कैमरा, टैबलेट और अन्य उपकरणों के लिए विस्तारित कनेक्टिविटी प्रदान करते हैं
  • केवल 1060g वज़न और 1cm पतले में सुखद परिवहन के लिए पतली, हल्की डिज़ाइन
  • फोल्डेबल ROG त्रिपोद और ROG स्मार्ट कवर सभी परिदृश्यों में काम या खेल के लिए देखने की स्थिति को अनुकूलित करना आसान बनाते हैं

दुनिया का सबसे तेज़ पोर्टेबल गेमिंग मॉनिटर

ROG स्ट्रिक्स XG17AHP एक शानदार 17.3" फुल HD IPS पोर्टेबल मॉनिटर है जिसे गेमिंग के लिए बनाया गया है। 3ms प्रतिक्रिया समय, 240Hz रिफ्रेश रेट और एडेप्टिव सिंक सुनिश्चित करता है कि आपका गेम गति और स्पष्टता के साथ चलेगा, इसका अल्ट्रा-पतला डिज़ाइन और 7800mAh की शक्तिशाली बैटरी आपको इसे कहीं भी ले जाने की अनुमति देती है। इसे कस्टम ROG त्रिपोद और स्मार्ट केस के साथ मिलाकर, आपके पास सबसे अच्छा पोर्टेबल गेमिंग मॉनिटर है।

एक मॉनिटर स्टैंड जो आपके साथ यात्रा करता है

आरओजी त्रिपोद एक आसान-संरचना, पोर्टेबल स्टैंड है जो आपको कहीं भी घर जैसा महसूस कराता है - और यह ROG स्ट्रिक्स XG17AHP के साथ शामिल है।

त्वरित रिलीज

सुविधाजनक त्वरित-मुक्ति तंत्र आपको त्रिपोद और XG17AHP को एक साथ क्लिक करने की अनुमति देता है और चला जाता है। जब आप काम खत्म कर लें, तो बस उसी तंत्र का उपयोग करके स्टैंड को मॉनिटर से हटा दें।

फोल्डेबल, कॉम्पैक्ट डिज़ाइन

ROG त्रिपोद अविश्वसनीय रूप से कॉम्पैक्ट पैकेज में मुड़ता है और लगभग किसी भी लैपटॉप बैग में के लिए फिट हो जाता है, इसलिए इसे स्ट्रिक्स XG17AHP के साथ ले जाना आसान है।

अपने गेम को सड़क पर ले जाएं

स्मार्ट कवर, त्रिपोद और यहां तक कि एक कस्टम ROG बैग शामिल हैं, ROG स्ट्रिक्स XG17AHP सब कुछ एक पोर्टेबल पैकेज में रखता है। बस पैक करें, उठाएं और कहीं भी गेम करने के लिए तैयार करें!

बिग-स्क्रीन खूबसूरती, उच्च-विश्लेषण और सटीक रंग के साथ

17.3-इंच का पैनल पारंपरिक पोर्टेबल डिस्प्ले की तुलना में 10% अधिक स्क्रीन स्पेस प्रस्तुत करता है, जिससे चलते-फिरते रोमांचक गेमिंग अनुभव मिलता है। IPS तकनीक के साथ इंजीनियर किया गया, आपको उत्कृष्ट रंगों के साथ बेहतर चित्रण का आनंद मिलेगा - 100% sRGB रंग गामट और एक उच्च 1,000:1 कंट्रास्ट अनुपात के साथ। चौड़े 178-डिग्री व्यूइंग एंगल सुनिश्चित करते हैं कि अत्यधिक स्थितियों से देखने पर भी न्यूनतम विकृति और रंग परिवर्तन होता है। रंग सटीकता सुनिश्चित करने के लिए प्रत्येक ROG स्ट्रिक्स XG17AHP को कारखाने में पूर्व-प्रमाणित किया गया है।

अविश्वसनीय-तेज़ 240 Hz रिफ्रेश रेट

240 Hz तक की विश्व-नेतृत्व करने वाले रिफ्रेश दरों के साथ, आप बहुत तरल गेमिंग दृश्य का अनुभव करेंगे, जो आपको पहले-व्यक्ति शूटर, रेसिंग, रियल-टाइम रणनीति और खेलों के शीर्षकों में बढ़त देता है।

एडेप्टिव-सिंक तकनीक

एडेप्टिव सिंक के लिए समर्थन, उच्च रिफ्रेश दरों, कम फ्रेम दर मुआवजा तकनीक और कम विलंबता के साथ बिना झटके वाले गेमप्ले अनुभव को सक्षम बनाता है, ROG स्ट्रिक्स XG17AHP कहीं भी बिना समझौता किए खेल अनुभव प्रदान करता है।

नॉन-स्टॉप गेमिंग के लिए शक्तिशाली बैटरी

उच्च-क्षमता 7800mAh बैटरी में 240 Hz पर 3.5 घंटे तक बिना रुके उपयोग करने के लिए पर्याप्त ऊर्जा होती है, जहां भी आप हों। ROG स्ट्रिक्स XG17AHP त्वरित चार्ज3.0 और USB पावर डिलीवरी 3.0 तकनीक का समर्थन करता है, जिससे आप केवल एक घंटे के चार्ज समय में बिना रुके 240hz उपयोग के लिए 120 मिनट तक बैटरी को चालू कर सकते हैं - इसलिए आप जल्दी से जाने के लिए तैयार रहेंगे।

General Information
ManufacturerASUS Computer International
Manufacturer Part NumberXG17AHP
Brand NameAsus ROG
Product LineStrix
Product ModelXG17AHP
Product NameStrix XG17AHP Widescreen Gaming LCD Monitor
Product TypeGaming LCD Monitor
Technical Information
Number of Screens1
Screen Size Class17
Viewable Screen Size17.3
Screen ModeFull HD
Panel TechnologyIn-plane Switching (IPS) Technology
Response Time3 ms GTG
Aspect Ratio16:9
Horizontal Viewing Angle178°
Vertical Viewing Angle178°
Mount TypeDesk Mountable
HDCP SupportedYes
FeaturesLow Blue Light,Eye-Care,sRGB,GamePlus
Adjustable Stand HeightYes
Maximum Resolution1920 x 1080
Native Contrast Ratio1,000:1
Brightness300 Nit
Tearing Prevention TechnologyAdaptive Sync
Color Gamut100% sRGB
Number of Speakers2
Micro HDMIYes
USB Type-CYes
Number of USB Ports1
Total Number of USB Type-C Ports1
Power Description
Off-Mode Power Consumption0 mW
Physical Characteristics
Height with Stand18.67
Width with Stand15.71
Depth with Stand11.13
Weight (Approximate)2.34 lb
Weight with Stand (Approximate)3.88 lb
Country of OriginChina
Limited Warranty4 Year

Return Policy

Time to Return

Standard Return Policy

We offer a hassle-free 30-day returns policy for domestic (US) orders, excluding non-refundable items. Refund or Replacement within 30 days of the delivery date. All products that fall under the Standard Return Policy qualify for our 30-Day Hassle-Free Returns. Please see the section above for more details.

Replacement Only Return Policy

Replacement within 30 days of the delivery date.

Manufacturer Only Return Policy

Covered by the manufacturer's warranty. Please refer to the terms and conditions for the manufacturer's warranty or contact the manufacturer.

Holiday Extended Return Policies

Extended Holiday Return Policy.

Qualifying purchases of products displaying the " Extended Holiday Return Policy ", from November 1st, 2023 to December 25, 2023, are eligible for a Refund or Replacement until January 31, 2024.

Extended Holiday Replacement-Only Return Policy

Qualifying purchases of products displaying the " Extended Holiday Replacement-Only Return Policy ", from November 1st, 2023 to December 25, 2023, are eligible for a Replacement until January 31, 2024.

ASUS ROG Strix XG17AHP portable gaming monitor with ROG logo display and tripod stand

Lightning-Fast 240Hz Display for Competitive Edge

Experience gaming at its peak with the ROG Strix XG17AHP's stunning 17.3-inch IPS panel. The ultra-responsive 240Hz refresh rate combined with Adaptive-Sync technology delivers incredibly smooth, tear-free gameplay that gives you the competitive advantage in fast-paced titles.

Technical Specifications

  • 🎮 240Hz refresh rate for ultra-smooth motion
  • 🖥️ 17.3-inch Full HD IPS panel
  • ⚡ 3ms response time


  • 🏃 Competitive esports gaming
  • 🎯 Fast-paced FPS games
  • 🎮 Professional gaming tournaments
Front view of ASUS ROG Strix XG17AHP portable monitor displaying ROG logo

Premium IPS Panel with Wide Viewing Angles

The ROG Strix XG17AHP features a premium IPS panel that delivers consistent colors and contrast from any angle. With 100% sRGB coverage and factory calibration, you'll experience true-to-life colors and stunning visual clarity.

Technical Specifications

  • 🎨 100% sRGB color gamut
  • 👀 178° viewing angles
  • 💡 300 nits brightness


  • 🎨 Content creation
  • 🎬 Media consumption
  • 📊 Professional work
ROG Strix XG17AHP being used as a second screen with a laptop in gaming environment

Dual-Screen Productivity Setup

Transform any workspace into a multi-display setup with the XG17AHP's versatile connectivity options. Perfect for both work and gaming, this portable monitor extends your screen real estate wherever you go.

Technical Specifications

  • 🔌 USB-C and micro-HDMI ports
  • 🔋 Built-in 7800mAh battery
  • 📱 Multi-device compatibility


  • 💼 Mobile workstation
  • 🎮 Gaming setup
  • 📊 Productivity tasks
Side view of ROG Strix XG17AHP with laptop showing different viewing angles

Versatile Viewing Angles

The innovative stand design allows for perfect positioning in any environment. Whether gaming at a desk or working remotely, find your ideal viewing angle with the adjustable setup.

Technical Specifications

  • 🔧 Adjustable stand
  • 📏 Multiple viewing positions
  • 💪 Sturdy construction


  • 🎮 Desktop gaming
  • 💼 Office work
  • 🎥 Content viewing
ROG Strix XG17AHP showing mobile gaming capabilities with hands holding device

Mobile Gaming Excellence

Experience your games in full glory with the portable gaming display. Connect your smartphone or gaming device for an immersive gaming experience anywhere.

Technical Specifications

  • 🎮 Gaming-optimized display
  • 📱 Smartphone connectivity
  • ⚡ Quick response time


  • 🎮 Mobile gaming
  • 🎲 Multiplayer sessions
  • 🎯 Competitive play
ROG Strix XG17AHP shown in dual display configuration

Dual Display Configuration

Set up the perfect gaming command center with both portable and traditional displays. The XG17AHP works seamlessly alongside your existing setup.

Technical Specifications

  • 🖥️ Multi-monitor support
  • 🔌 Easy connectivity
  • 📊 Flexible positioning


  • 🎮 Gaming streams
  • 💼 Multi-tasking
  • 📈 Data monitoring
ROG tripod stand for XG17AHP monitor

Professional-Grade Tripod Stand

The included ROG tripod stand provides stable and adjustable positioning for your portable monitor. Its premium construction ensures reliability during extended use.

Technical Specifications

  • 🔧 Quick-release mechanism
  • 📏 Height adjustable
  • 💪 Durable construction


  • 🎮 Gaming setups
  • 💼 Presentations
  • 🎥 Content creation
Close-up view of ROG tripod stand mechanism

Compact Tripod Design

The ROG tripod features a space-saving design that's both functional and portable. Its sleek profile complements the monitor's premium aesthetics.

Technical Specifications

  • 🔄 360-degree rotation
  • 📏 Compact folding design
  • 🎯 Precision adjustment


  • 🎮 LAN parties
  • 💼 Business travel
  • 🏃 Mobile setup
ROG Strix XG17AHP showing different usage configurations with iF Design Award logo

Award-Winning Design

The ROG Strix XG17AHP's innovative design has earned recognition with the iF Design Award 2020. Its versatility and style set new standards for portable gaming monitors.

Technical Specifications

  • 🏆 iF Design Award 2020
  • 🎨 Premium build quality
  • 📱 Versatile usage modes


  • 🎮 Gaming showcase
  • 💼 Professional presentation
  • 🎨 Creative work
ROG Strix XG17AHP shown with multiple gaming device connections

Multi-Device Gaming Solution

Connect to multiple gaming platforms with ease. From console gaming to PC setups and mobile devices, the XG17AHP adapts to your gaming needs.

Technical Specifications

  • 🎮 Cross-platform support
  • 🔌 Multiple input options
  • ⚡ Quick switching


  • 🎮 Console gaming
  • 💻 PC gaming
  • 📱 Mobile gaming
ROG Strix XG17AHP complete package contents including accessories

Complete Portable Package

Everything you need for a premium portable display experience comes in the box. From cables to the smart cover and carrying case, you're ready to go anywhere.

Technical Specifications

  • 💼 Premium carrying case
  • 🔌 Full cable selection
  • 🛡️ Smart protective cover


  • ✈️ Travel gaming
  • 🎮 Mobile tournaments
  • 💼 Business trips
ROG Strix XG17AHP shown in dual-screen gaming configuration with gaming laptop

Ultimate Gaming Flexibility

Experience the freedom of dual-screen gaming with the ROG Strix XG17AHP. Its innovative design allows for seamless integration with your gaming laptop for enhanced gameplay and multitasking.

Technical Specifications

  • 🎮 Gaming-optimized display
  • 🔄 Flexible positioning
  • 💻 Laptop compatibility


  • 🎮 Dual-screen gaming
  • 💬 Chat monitoring
  • 🎥 Stream management
The Asus ROG XG17AHP features a 240Hz refresh rate with a 3ms GTG response time and Adaptive-Sync technology for smooth, tear-free gaming. It has a 17.3-inch Full HD IPS panel with 100% sRGB color gamut and 1000:1 contrast ratio. The monitor includes gaming-specific features like GamePlus and Eye-Care technology for extended gaming sessions. Its 300-nit brightness and 178-degree viewing angles ensure clear visuals from any position.
The monitor features a 7800mAh built-in battery that provides up to 3.5 hours of continuous use at 240Hz. It supports Quick Charge 3.0 and USB Power Delivery 3.0, allowing you to get 120 minutes of usage at 240Hz with just one hour of charging. This fast-charging capability ensures minimal downtime during mobile gaming sessions.
The ROG XG17AHP comes with USB Type-C and Micro-HDMI ports for versatile connectivity. These ports allow you to connect to various devices including smartphones, laptops, gaming consoles, cameras, and tablets. The USB-C port can be used for both display signal and power delivery, making it a convenient single-cable solution.
The monitor is extremely portable, measuring 15.7" width x 9.9" height x 0.4" depth and weighing just 2.34 lbs without the stand. It's only 1cm thin, making it highly portable. The package includes a ROG Tripod stand, ROG Smart Cover, and a custom ROG bag for easy transportation. With the stand attached, it measures 15.71" x 18.67" x 11.13" and weighs 3.88 lbs.
The XG17AHP features a 17.3-inch IPS panel with Full HD (1920x1080) resolution. It offers 100% sRGB color gamut coverage, a 1000:1 contrast ratio, and 300 nits brightness. The monitor provides 178-degree horizontal and vertical viewing angles, ensuring consistent color and image quality from multiple viewing positions. Each unit is factory pre-calibrated for optimal color accuracy.
The monitor comes with a comprehensive accessory package including a ROG Tripod stand with quick-release mechanism, ROG Smart Cover for protection, and a custom ROG carrying bag. These accessories are specifically designed for the XG17AHP, making it a complete portable gaming solution right out of the box.
The Asus ROG XG17AHP comes with a 4-year limited warranty, providing long-term protection for your investment. This extensive warranty period demonstrates Asus's confidence in the monitor's build quality and reliability.
The monitor is equipped with several eye care features including Low Blue Light technology and Eye-Care technology to reduce eye strain during long gaming sessions. These features help protect users' eyes while maintaining color accuracy and display quality, making it suitable for extended use.

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百丽康 A3L980-07-BLU 类别6 UTP 补丁电缆,7 英尺,防拉伤,蓝色 按键盘输入拼音,将拼音转换为简体中文。品牌名: 百丽康。品牌名翻译: Belkin Add to Cart
C2G - C2G 03970 - 03970 12ft - 12英尺 Cat6 - Cat6 Snagless - 防绊线 Ethernet - 以太网 Network - 网络 Patch Cable - 补丁电缆 Gray - 灰色 Add to Cart
HP U22XCE Care Pack Active Care Hardware Support with Defective Media Retention/Travel - 5 Year Warranty Add to Cart
ट्रिप लाइट B140-004 DVI ओवर कैट5 एक्सटेंडर/स्प्लिटर 4-पोर्ट स्थानीय ट्रांसमीटर यूनिट पूर्ण एचडी 1920 x 1080 टीएए अनुपालन Add to Cart
Black Box C6PC28-GY-01 Slim-Net Cat.6 UTP Patch Netwerk Kabel 1 ft 10 Gbit/s Grijs Add to Cart
微星 MSI G274PF 游戏 LCD 显示器 27 英寸 全高清,180Hz 刷新率,FreeSync Premium Pro / G-sync 兼容 Add to Cart
Black Box GigaBase Cat.5e UTP Network Cable, 20ft Snagless Boot, 1 Gbit/s Data Transfer, PoE Ready, Gold-Plated RJ-45 M/M, Damage Resistant, Orange - EVNSL89-0020 (Lifetime Warranty) Add to Cart
Tripp Lite 4U Wall Mount Hinged Patch Panel Bracket, Heavy-Duty Steel Mounting Bracket for 19  EIA Racks, Black, TAA Compliant - N060-004 (Lifetime Warranty) Add to Cart

Compare Details आसूस आरओजी एक्सजी17एएचपी स्ट्रिक्स 17.3" गेमिंग एलसीडी मॉनिटर पूर्ण एचडी अनुकूली समन्वय 4-वर्ष की वारंटी

एएसयूएस वीजी328एच1बी टीयूएफ 31.5 फुल एचडी वक्र गेमिंग एलसीडी मॉनिटर 120हॉर्ट्ज रिफ्रेश रेट फ्रीसिंक प्रीमियम

एएसयूएस वीजी328एच1बी टीयूएफ 31.5 फुल एचडी वक्र गेमिंग एलसीडी मॉनिटर 120हॉर्ट्ज रिफ्रेश रेट फ्रीसिंक प्रीमियम

Samsung LC32T550FDNXZA 32 T55 Curved Monitor, Full HD, 75 Hz Refresh Rate, FreeSync

Samsung LC32T550FDNXZA 32 T55 Curved Monitor, Full HD, 75 Hz Refresh Rate, FreeSync

ASUS VL249HE 23.8 Gaming LCD Monitor, Full HD IPS, 75Hz FreeSync, Flicker-Free, Blue Light Filter, VESA Mount, Frameless Design, 250 Nit Brightness, 16.7M Colors Black (3 Year Warranty)

ASUS VL249HE 23.8 Gaming LCD Monitor, Full HD IPS, 75Hz FreeSync, Flicker-Free, Blue Light Filter, VESA Mount, Frameless Design, 250 Nit Brightness, 16.7M Colors Black (3 Year Warranty)

ManufacturerASUS Computer InternationalN/ASamsungASUS Computer International
Response Time3 ms GTGN/AN/A5 ms GTG
Maximum Resolution1920 x 1080N/A1920 x 10801920 x 1080
Tearing Prevention TechnologyAdaptive SyncN/AFreeSyncFreeSync
Color Gamut100% sRGBN/AN/A72% NTSC
Panel TechnologyIn-plane Switching (IPS) TechnologyN/AN/AIn-plane Switching (IPS) Technology
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