Asus 90IG0590-MA1G4V ZenWiFi AX XT8 Langaton Reititin Wi-Fi 6 2.5 Gigabit Ethernet 825 Mt/s - Ei palautusta

Two white ASUS ZenWiFi AX XT8 mesh routers with vertical cooling fins and gold ASUS logo-alternate-image1
Front view of white ASUS ZenWiFi AX XT8 routers showing clean design and gold branding-alternate-image2
Side view of ASUS ZenWiFi AX XT8 routers showing vertical cooling fin design-alternate-image3
Rear port panel of ASUS ZenWiFi AX XT8 showing multiple networking ports-alternate-image4
Angled view of two ASUS ZenWiFi AX XT8 units showing premium design and cooling fins-alternate-image5
Close-up view of single ASUS ZenWiFi AX XT8 unit showing detailed design elements-alternate-image6
Profile view of ASUS ZenWiFi AX XT8 showing compact design-alternate-image7
Angular view of ASUS ZenWiFi AX XT8 showing elegant design features-alternate-image8
ASUS ZenWiFi AX XT8 in modern living room setting-alternate-image9
Comparative infographic showing WiFi 6 performance benefits-alternate-image10
Floor plan diagram showing WiFi coverage area and backhaul system-alternate-image11

Asus 90IG0590-MA1G4V ZenWiFi AX XT8 Langaton Reititin Wi-Fi 6 2.5 Gigabit Ethernet 825 Mt/s - Ei palautusta

Asus 90IG0590-MA1G4V

0 out of 5 star rating
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Saatavuus: Varastossa , valmiina lähetettäväksi .
  • 1 vuosi Takuu
  • 30 päivän palautusoikeus
  • Hiilidioksidineutraali

Tuotteen pääominaisuudet

  • Wi-Fi 6 -tekniikka nopeampiin ja luotettavampiin langattomiin yhteyksiin
  • 2,5 Gigabitin Ethernet korkean nopeuden langallisiin yhteyksiin
  • Yhteensä langattoman siirron nopeus 825 MB/s saumattomaan suoratoistoon ja pelaamiseen
  • Kuusi sisäistä antennia laajennetulle kattavuudelle ja parannetulle signaalivahvuudelle
  • USB-portti helppoon tiedostojen jakamiseen ja laitteiden liittämiseen
  • Energy Star -sertifioitu energiatehokkuudesta
  • Kolme verkkopistoketta (RJ-45) ja yksi laajakaistapistoke (RJ-45) monipuolisia liitettävyysvaihtoehtoja varten
  • VPN-tuki turvalliseen etäyhteyteen
  • Tyylikäs valkoinen muotoilu kompaktissa pöytämallisessa muodossa
  • Sisältää 2 vuoden rajoitetun takuun mielenrauhan vuoksi
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ASUS ZenWiFi AX XT8 Mesh WiFi 6 System: Ultimate Whole-Home Coverage Solution

Experience unprecedented whole-home WiFi coverage with the ASUS ZenWiFi AX XT8 2-pack mesh system. This WiFi 6 powerhouse delivers tri-band connectivity across 5,500 square feet, featuring 2.5 Gigabit Ethernet and blazing-fast speeds up to 825 MB/s. Perfect for modern smart homes requiring stable, high-performance networking.

Advanced WiFi 6 Technology and Coverage

  • Latest WiFi 6 (802.11ax) technology with OFDMA and MU-MIMO capabilities
  • Tri-band design with dedicated backhaul for optimal performance
  • 6 high-performance internal antennas for maximum signal strength
  • Coverage up to 5,500 sq. ft. or 6+ rooms
  • 2.5 Gigabit Ethernet port for ultra-fast wired connections

Professional-Grade Security and Management

The ZenWiFi AX XT8 comes with lifetime free AiProtection Pro powered by Trend Micro™, offering:

  • Advanced parental controls with customizable profiles
  • Commercial-grade network security
  • Three separate SSIDs for flexible network management
  • VPN support for secure remote access
  • Easy 3-step setup through ASUS Router App

Technical Specifications and Design

  • Dual-band operation: 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz frequencies
  • 3 RJ-45 network ports plus USB connectivity
  • Elegant white design: 6.3" x 6.4" x 3" dimensions
  • Energy Star certified for efficient operation
  • AiMesh compatible for expandable network solutions
Key Features: WiFi 6 technology, 5,500 sq.ft coverage, 2.5 Gigabit Ethernet, tri-band mesh system, lifetime security, and 2-year warranty protection.

ASUS ZenWiFi AX 2PK Valkoinen Mesh-reititin AX Koko-koti Tri-band Mesh WiFi 6 System (XT8) - 2 pakkausta, Peitto jopa 5,500 neliöjalkaa tai 6+huonetta, 6.6Gbps, WiFi, 3 SSID:t, elinikäinen ilmainen verkkoturvallisuus ja vanhempien hallinta, 2.5G-portti

  • Poista WiFi-kuolemat - Tri-band mesh WiFi -järjestelmä ainutlaatuisella antennipaikalla
  • Seuraavan Sukupolven Wi-Fi 6 -teknologia - OFDMA ja MU-MIMO, ZenWiFi AX
  • Vaivaton hallinta - 3 vaiheen asennus ja helppo hallinta ASUS Router App -sovelluksella
  • Elinikäinen ilmainen verkkoturvallisuus Trend Micro™:n avulla
  • AiMesh-tuki - Yhdistä ja sovi ZenWiFi AiMesh-yhteensopivien reitittimien kanssa

Tuotteen kuvaus

WiFi Peitto Kaukana. Aina Turvallinen.

ZenWiFi AX (XT8) on koko-koti mesh WiFi -järjestelmä, joka yhdistää äärimmäisen nopean ja vakaan langattoman verkon suorituskyvyn yksinkertaiseen konfigurointiin ja eleganttiin muotoiluun. Viimeisimmän WiFi 6 -teknologian, tri-band -rakenteen ja optimoidun antennipaikan ansiosta ZenWiFi AX vie mesh WiFi:n aivan uudelle tasolle dramaattisesti parannetulla peitolla, nopeudella ja vakaudella. Päivitetty AiMesh-teknologia tekee mesh WiFi -verkon asettamisesta helpompaa kuin koskaan, mutta tarjoaa myös edistyneitä, syvällisiä hallintatoimintoja käyttäjille, jotka haluavat konfiguroida verkkoaan omien tarpeidensa mukaan. Elegantti muotoilu tekee ZenWiFi AX:sta helpon yhdistää mihin tahansa sisustukseen, joten se sopii helposti olohuoneeseen tai kotitoimistoon.

Koko-koti Peitto. Korkea nopeus tri-band. Vakaa WiFi.

ZenWiFi AX -järjestelmässä on kaksi ASUS AX6600 WiFi 6 -reititintä, jotka yhdessä kattavat jopa 5500 neliöjalkaa tai noin kuusi huonetta. Laajennetun kattavuuden sekä tri-band -rakenteen ja määritettävän back-haul-tekniikan ansiosta nautit supernopeasta, luotettavasta ja turvallisesta WiFi-yhteydestä, olitpa olohuoneessa tai puutarhassa.

WiFi 6, Todellinen 8K-suoratoisto

ZenWiFi AX tarjoaa 160MHz kaistanleveyden ja 1024-QAM:in dramaattisesti nopeampia langattomia yhteyksiä. Kokonaisverkonopeus on 6600 Mbps, ja ZenWiFi AX on jopa 2.2X nopeampi kuin tri-band AC3000 (WiFi 5) reitittimet.

AiMesh Teknologia

Helppo asennus. Joustava hallinta.

ZenWiFi AX sisältää yksinomaisen AiMesh-teknologian, joka tekee kokonaisen kodin mesh-verkon asettamisesta nopeaa ja helppoa, samalla kun se antaa kokeneemmille käyttäjille täyden hallinnan edistyneistä verkkotoimintoista.

Suorituskykyä Insinöörityöllä

ZenWiFi AX:ssa on neliydinprosessoriprosessori, joka maksimoidaan WiFi 6:n suorituskykyä. Sen pystysuora kotelo pitää erityisesti suunnitellun antennin ja piirilevyn, joka optimoi WiFi-signaalin voimakkuuden ja parantaa ilman kulkua, mikä parantaa lämpötila-suorituskykyä luotettavan toiminnan varmistamiseksi.

Tee Internetistä Turvallinen Paikka Kaikille

Kaikki perheenjäsenesi, nuorista vanhoihin, altistuvat internetin vaaralle joka hetki, kun he ovat verkossa. ZenWiFi sisältää AiProtection Pro:n, jossa on edistyneet vanhempien hallintatoiminnot, jotta voit nauttia täydellisestä mielenrauhasta, kaupallisen tason turvallisuudesta kodin verkossa ja kattavista, helppo hallintaoikeudesta jokaiselle perheenjäsenelle ja jokaiselle laitteelle, kaikki mobiilisovelluksen kautta.

Energy StarKyllä
Rajoitettu takuu2 vuotta
Tekniset tiedot
Wi-Fi-sukupolviWi-Fi 6
Yleistä tietoa
TuotesarjaZenWiFi AX
ValmistajaASUS Computer International
TuotetyyppiLangaton reititin
Tuotteen nimiZenWiFi AX XT8 Langaton reititin
Tuotemerkin nimiAsus
Valmistajan osanumero90IG0590-MA1G4V
Langattomat tiedot
ISM-maksimitaajuus2,40 GHz
UNII-maksimitaajuus5 GHz
Langattoman LAN-standardiIEEE 802.11ax
Antennien kokonaismäärä6
Sisäisten antennien määrä6
Langaton siirtonopeus yhteensä825 Mt/s
Verkkoliitäntöjen (RJ-45) määrä3
Laajakaistaliitäntöjen (RJ-45) määrä1
Fyysiset ominaisuudet
Paino (noin)1,58 lb
Tuotteen väriValkoinen
Verkko & kommunikaatio
Ethernet-tekniikka2,5 Gigabit Ethernet
Two white ASUS ZenWiFi AX XT8 mesh routers with vertical cooling fins and gold ASUS logo

Next-Gen WiFi 6 Mesh System with Premium Design

The ASUS ZenWiFi AX XT8 features a sophisticated white design with precision-engineered cooling fins. The vertical orientation and innovative thermal architecture ensure optimal performance while maintaining an elegant presence that complements modern home décor. Each unit houses advanced WiFi 6 technology within its carefully crafted exterior.

Technical Specifications

  • 🌐 Tri-band WiFi 6 system with 6.6 Gbps total bandwidth
  • ❄️ Vertical thermal design for enhanced cooling efficiency
  • 📡 Six internal antennas for optimal signal coverage


  • 🏠 Perfect for modern minimalist home environments
  • 🎮 Ideal for multi-story homes requiring consistent coverage
  • 💻 Seamless integration with smart home setups
Front view of white ASUS ZenWiFi AX XT8 routers showing clean design and gold branding

Clean Front Panel Design with Minimalist Aesthetics

The front view of the ZenWiFi AX XT8 showcases its understated elegance with a seamless white facade. The subtle gold ASUS branding adds a premium touch while maintaining the device's contemporary appeal. This thoughtful design approach allows the router to blend seamlessly into any room's decor.

Technical Specifications

  • ✨ Premium brushed finish surface
  • 🎯 Status LED indicator for easy monitoring
  • 🎨 Elegant white color scheme


  • 🏢 Professional office environments
  • 🎭 Design-conscious living spaces
  • 📚 Home office setups
Side view of ASUS ZenWiFi AX XT8 routers showing vertical cooling fin design

Advanced Cooling System with Vertical Fins

The side profile reveals the innovative cooling system with precisely engineered vertical fins. This design enables efficient heat dissipation while maintaining the router's aesthetic appeal. The combination of form and function ensures reliable performance during intensive usage.

Technical Specifications

  • 🌡️ Optimized airflow design
  • ⚡ Enhanced thermal efficiency
  • 🛡️ Durable build quality


  • 🎮 High-performance gaming setups
  • 🎬 4K/8K streaming environments
  • 💼 Small business deployments
Rear port panel of ASUS ZenWiFi AX XT8 showing multiple networking ports

Enterprise-Grade Connectivity Options

The rear panel showcases professional-grade networking capabilities with a 2.5G WAN port and multiple LAN ports. The color-coded port system simplifies setup while providing flexible connectivity options for various network configurations.

Technical Specifications

  • 🔌 2.5G WAN/LAN flexible port
  • 🌐 3 Gigabit LAN ports
  • 📱 USB 3.0 port for network sharing


  • 🏢 Home office networking
  • 🎮 Multi-device gaming setups
  • 💾 Network attached storage solutions
Angled view of two ASUS ZenWiFi AX XT8 units showing premium design and cooling fins

Dual-Unit Mesh System with Premium Build

The angled perspective highlights the sophisticated design of both mesh units, featuring premium materials and careful attention to thermal management through strategic fin placement.

Technical Specifications

  • 🌡️ Advanced thermal management system
  • 🎨 Premium white finish
  • 📡 Optimized antenna placement


  • 🏠 Whole-home coverage
  • 🎭 Design-conscious spaces
  • 🏢 Professional environments
Close-up view of single ASUS ZenWiFi AX XT8 unit showing detailed design elements

Refined Single Unit Design

A detailed view of a single ZenWiFi AX XT8 unit showcases its sophisticated cooling system and premium finish, demonstrating how form meets function in modern networking equipment.

Technical Specifications

  • 🎨 Premium white finish
  • ❄️ Vertical cooling system
  • ✨ Brushed top surface


  • 🏠 Standalone router setup
  • 🎭 Minimalist interiors
  • 📚 Study room deployment
Profile view of ASUS ZenWiFi AX XT8 showing compact design

Compact Yet Powerful Design

The profile view emphasizes the compact footprint of the ZenWiFi AX XT8, showing how high-performance networking can be achieved without compromising on space or aesthetics.

Technical Specifications

  • 📐 Space-efficient design
  • 🌐 Full-featured connectivity
  • 🎯 Optimal size-to-performance ratio


  • 🏠 Space-conscious setups
  • 📚 Desktop placement
  • 🎭 Modern interior spaces
Angular view of ASUS ZenWiFi AX XT8 showing elegant design features

Elegant Angular Design

An alternative angle reveals the ZenWiFi AX XT8's sophisticated design approach, with clean lines and purposeful aesthetics that complement any modern space.

Technical Specifications

  • 🎨 Modern aesthetic design
  • ✨ Premium finish quality
  • 🌡️ Efficient cooling architecture


  • 🏠 Living room placement
  • 🎭 Design-focused environments
  • 📚 Professional spaces
ASUS ZenWiFi AX XT8 in modern living room setting

Lifestyle Integration Excellence

The ZenWiFi AX XT8 shown in a modern living space demonstrates its ability to blend seamlessly with contemporary interiors while delivering powerful connectivity.

Technical Specifications

  • 🎨 Interior-friendly design
  • 📡 Unobtrusive placement options
  • ✨ Ambient-compatible aesthetics


  • 🏠 Contemporary living spaces
  • 🎭 Designer interiors
  • 📚 Modern home offices
Comparative infographic showing WiFi 6 performance benefits

Revolutionary WiFi 6 Performance

Infographic highlighting the significant speed and capacity improvements of WiFi 6 technology, showcasing up to 2.2X faster speeds and 4X greater capacity compared to previous generations.

Technical Specifications

  • ⚡ 2.2X faster speed capability
  • 🌐 4X increased network capacity
  • 📡 Enhanced WiFi 6 technology


  • 🎮 High-speed gaming
  • 🎬 4K/8K streaming
  • 💻 Multi-device households
Floor plan diagram showing WiFi coverage area and backhaul system

Whole-Home Coverage Solution

Coverage diagram illustrating the extensive reach of the tri-band system, capable of covering up to 5500 sq. ft. and 6+ rooms with dedicated backhaul for optimal performance.

Technical Specifications

  • 🏠 5500 sq. ft. coverage area
  • 🔄 Dedicated wireless backhaul
  • 📡 Multi-room optimization


  • 🏘️ Large home coverage
  • 🎮 Multi-room gaming
  • 💻 Whole-home streaming
The ASUS ZenWiFi AX XT8 system (2-pack) provides coverage for up to 5,500 square feet or 6+ rooms. This whole-home mesh WiFi system ensures consistent coverage from living room to garden, eliminating dead zones through its advanced tri-band technology and optimized antenna placement.
The ZenWiFi AX XT8 features WiFi 6 (802.11ax) technology with tri-band capability. It operates on both 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz frequencies, includes 6 internal antennas, and delivers a total wireless transmission speed of 825 MB/s. The system supports 160MHz bandwidth and 1024-QAM for faster wireless connections, offering up to 6600 Mbps total networking speed.
The ZenWiFi AX XT8 comes with AiProtection Pro powered by Trend Micro™, offering lifetime free network security. It includes advanced parental controls, commercial-grade security features for home networks, and comprehensive device management. Users can control online experiences for each family member and device through the mobile app, ensuring safe internet usage.
The ZenWiFi AX XT8 offers multiple connectivity options including 3 RJ-45 network ports, 1 broadband RJ-45 port, and USB connectivity. It features 2.5 Gigabit Ethernet technology for high-speed wired connections and supports VPN functionality. The system utilizes tri-band technology with configurable backhaul for optimal performance.
The ZenWiFi AX XT8 features ASUS AiMesh technology that enables a simple 3-step setup process through the ASUS Router App. While it's designed for easy configuration, it also provides advanced, in-depth controls for experienced users who want to customize their network settings. The system can be managed entirely through the mobile app for convenient control.
The ZenWiFi AX XT8 comes in a white desktop form factor with dimensions of 6.3" height, 6.4" width, and 3" depth, weighing approximately 1.58 lbs. It features a vertical housing with specially designed antenna placement for optimized WiFi signal strength and improved airflow for better thermal performance.
The ZenWiFi AX XT8 is equipped with a quad-core CPU specifically designed to deliver the full performance potential of WiFi 6 technology. This powerful processor ensures efficient handling of multiple connected devices, advanced security features, and optimal mesh networking performance across the entire system.
The ASUS ZenWiFi AX XT8 comes with a 2-year limited warranty for peace of mind. The system is Energy Star certified, demonstrating its energy efficiency. It also meets ISM and UNII band requirements, ensuring compliance with wireless communication standards.

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ManufacturerN/AASUS Computer InternationalNetgear, IncASUS Computer InternationalNetgear, Inc
Wireless LAN StandardN/AIEEE 802.11axIEEE 802.11axIEEE 802.11axIEEE 802.11ax
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Total Number of AntennasN/A644N/A
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