Dahua N45EFN2 4MP Yöväri LED Kameran Bullet 2.8mm Linssi 2688 x 1520 Resoluutio IP67 Luokiteltu

Dahua N45EFN2 4MP bullet security camera in white featuring Night Color LED array and 2.8mm lens mounted on wall-alternate-image1

Dahua N45EFN2 4MP Yöväri LED Kameran Bullet 2.8mm Linssi 2688 x 1520 Resoluutio IP67 Luokiteltu

Dahua N45EFN2

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Tuotteen pääominaisuudet

  • 1/1.8 tuuman 4 MP edistyksellinen skannaustunnistin
  • Kolmoisvirtauskoodaus
  • AI-koodaus, älykäs H.265+ ja älykäs H.264+ videopakkaus
  • 4 MP (2688 x 1520) 30 fps, 2.8 mm kiinteä linssi
  • Ultra laaja dynamiikka-alue (140 dB)
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Dahua N45EFN2 4MP Night Color LED Bullet Camera: Professional-Grade Surveillance with Advanced Analytics

The Dahua N45EFN2 4MP Night Color LED Bullet Camera represents the pinnacle of modern surveillance technology, combining superior 2688 x 1520 resolution with advanced WizMind Analytics+ capabilities. This professional-grade security camera features a versatile 2.8mm lens, full-color night vision, and robust IP67-rated construction, making it ideal for comprehensive 24/7 monitoring in any environment.

Advanced WizMind Analytics+ Technology

Experience next-level surveillance with Dahua's WizMind Series analytics, featuring:

  • Perimeter Protection with custom tripwires and intrusion detection
  • Smart Motion Detection+ (SMD+) for accurate human and vehicle detection
  • Advanced People Counting with Line Crossing and Regional functions
  • Face Detection capabilities for enhanced security

Superior Night Color Technology 2.0

The camera excels in low-light conditions with:

  • Full-color imaging in total darkness up to 131.23 ft
  • Smart white-light LED illumination with automatic adjustment
  • Ultra Wide Dynamic Range for balanced exposure
  • 4 integrated IR LEDs for optimal night visibility

Professional-Grade Image Quality

Capture every detail with:

  • 4MP CMOS sensor delivering 2688 x 1520 resolution
  • Wide 107° horizontal field of view
  • Multiple video formats including Smart H.265+ and H.264+
  • Smooth 30fps frame rate for fluid motion capture

Robust Construction and Versatile Installation

Built for reliability with:

  • IP67-rated weatherproof housing
  • Operating temperature range from -40°F to 140°F
  • Multiple mounting options: pole, junction box, and corner mount
  • Compact dimensions: 9.6" x 3.1" x 3"
Key Features:
  • Built-in microphone for audio monitoring
  • SD card local storage support
  • 3D Digital Noise Reduction
  • Auto Gain Control and White Balance
  • HLC and BLC compensation
  • 5-year limited warranty

Technical Specifications

  • Power Input: 12V DC
  • Network Connectivity: RJ-45 port
  • Lens Mount: M16
  • Maximum Aperture: f/1
  • Shutter Speed Range: 1/100000 to 1/3 Second
  • Operating Humidity: Up to 95%
```html WizMind-sarjan laitteet tarjoavat Dahua Analytics+ -toimintoja kattavien, ihmiskeskeisten analytiikkaratkaisujen tarjoamiseksi. WizMind-sarjan tuotteet sopivat erinomaisesti monimutkaisiin sovelluksiin, joilla on tiukat vaatimukset ja jotka tarvitsevat edistyneitä analytiikkakykyjä.

Järjestelmän yleiskatsaus
Dahua 4 MP ePoE Night Color 2.0 -kamera tarjoaa Analytics+ -toimintoja reunoilla - suorittaen monimutkaista reaaliaikaista ympäristönsuojelua, älykästä liikkeentunnistusta ja kasvontunnistusta. Dahua Analytics+ -algoritmit parantavat merkittävästi tarkkuutta ja luotettavuutta verrattuna tavanomaisiin älykkäisiin ominaisuuksiin. Kamera on ihanteellinen monille erilaisille sovelluksille - Night Color -teknologia ja Ultra Wide Dynamic Range mahdollistavat kameran toimimisen kaikissa valaistusolosuhteissa, ja IP67-luokitus tekee kamerasta sopivan ankarimpiin ympäristöihin.


Ympäristön suojelu
Dahua Analytics+ sisältää tripwire- ja tunkeutumisfunktiot, jotka tarjoavat mukautettavia esteitä objektityypin mukaan rajoitetuissa pääsyoalueissa. Ympäristön suojelu vaatii vähemmän pikseleitä objektin havaitsemiseksi, mikä parantaa tarkkuutta ja vähentää väärien hälytysten määrää johtuen valoista, säästä, puista tai eläimistä.

Ihmisten laskeminen
Kamera käyttää monimutkaisia reaaliaikaisia ihmisten laskentaalgoritmeja tarjotakseen tarkkoja virrankäytön tilastoja kahdesta erillisestä ihmisten laskentatoiminnosta, Line Crossingista ja Regionalista. Line Crossing -toiminto laskee niiden ihmisten määrän, jotka ylittävät määritellyn viivan, ja Regional-toiminto laskee niiden ihmisten määrän tietyllä, käyttäjän määrittelemällä alueella. Ihmisten laskeminen on ihanteellinen asiakkaiden määrän mittaamiseen, jotka tulevat tai lähtevät paikasta, sekä ryhmien seuraamiseen tietyllä alueella.

Älykäs liikkeentunnistus+
Älykäs liikkeentunnistus+, osa Dahuan Analytics+ -teknologiaa, parantaa hälytyksen tarkkuutta ja vähentää väärien hälytysten määrää. Edistynyt SMD+ -algoritmi analysoi kohtauksen ihmisten tai ajoneuvojen liikettä suodattaen pois muut liikkeet, kuten puiden, lehtien, eläinten, sään vuoksi, ja laukaisee hälytyksen havaittuna. SMD+ säästää myös aikaa etsittäessä tallennettua videota suodattamalla väärät hälytykset ja mahdollistamalla nopean hakemisen hälytykselle, joka johtuu henkilöstä tai ajoneuvosta.

Night Color -teknologia
Night Color -kamera sisältää valkoiset LEDit tarjoten täysivärisiä kuvia täydellisessä pimeydessä sekä tehokkaan visuaalisen pelotteena. Tämä teknologia tarjoaa älykästä valaistusta, jossa kamera aktivoituu automaattisesti valkoisten valonheittimien ollessa ympäristön valotason tippuessa ja säätää valotusaikaa ja LEDin kirkkautta estääkseen kuvan ylivalaistumisen. ```

Return Policy

Time to Return

Standard Return Policy

We offer a hassle-free 30-day returns policy for domestic (US) orders, excluding non-refundable items. Refund or Replacement within 30 days of the delivery date. All products that fall under the Standard Return Policy qualify for our 30-Day Hassle-Free Returns. Please see the section above for more details.

Replacement Only Return Policy

Replacement within 30 days of the delivery date.

Manufacturer Only Return Policy

Covered by the manufacturer's warranty. Please refer to the terms and conditions for the manufacturer's warranty or contact the manufacturer.

Holiday Extended Return Policies

Extended Holiday Return Policy.

Qualifying purchases of products displaying the " Extended Holiday Return Policy ", from November 1st, 2023 to December 25, 2023, are eligible for a Refund or Replacement until January 31, 2024.

Extended Holiday Replacement-Only Return Policy

Qualifying purchases of products displaying the " Extended Holiday Replacement-Only Return Policy ", from November 1st, 2023 to December 25, 2023, are eligible for a Replacement until January 31, 2024.

Dahua N45EFN2 4MP bullet security camera in white featuring Night Color LED array and 2.8mm lens mounted on wall

Full-Color Night Vision with Advanced Analytics for Superior Security

The Dahua N45EFN2 bullet camera combines cutting-edge Night Color 2.0 technology with powerful WizMind analytics to deliver exceptional surveillance capabilities in any lighting condition. The white-light LED array and advanced sensor work in harmony to capture vivid, full-color images even in complete darkness, while maintaining crisp 4MP resolution at 2688 x 1520. Built for demanding environments, this IP67-rated camera features comprehensive Analytics+ functions including perimeter protection, people counting, and Smart Motion Detection+. The 2.8mm fixed lens provides an ultra-wide 107° horizontal field of view, making it ideal for monitoring large areas while the durable white housing withstands extreme temperatures from -40°F to 140°F.

Technical Specifications

  • 4MP resolution with 2688 x 1520 maximum video resolution
  • Night Color 2.0 technology with white-light LED illumination
  • IP67-rated housing for complete protection against dust and water


  • 24/7 perimeter monitoring for commercial properties
  • High-traffic entrance surveillance with people counting
  • Outdoor security for harsh environmental conditions
The Dahua N45EFN2 is a 4MP Night Color LED Bullet Camera featuring advanced Analytics+ functions including perimeter protection, smart motion detection, and face detection. It offers Night Color Technology with white-light LEDs for full-color images in darkness, 2688 x 1520 resolution, and multiple video format support (H.264, H.265, MJPEG). The camera is IP67 rated for outdoor use, operates in temperatures from -40°F to 140°F, and includes features like built-in microphone, 3D noise reduction, and wide dynamic range. It comes with a 2.8mm fixed lens providing a 107° horizontal field of view.
The camera features advanced Night Color Technology with white-light LEDs that provide full-color images even in total darkness. It has a night vision distance of 131.23 feet and includes 4 IR LEDs. The system automatically activates white-light illuminators in low light conditions and intelligently adjusts exposure time and LED intensity to prevent image overexposure. This dual infrared/color night vision capability ensures optimal surveillance in any lighting condition.
The camera captures video at 4 Megapixel resolution with a maximum resolution of 2688 x 1520 pixels at 30 fps. It supports multiple video formats including H.264, H.264B, H.264H, Smart H.265+, H.265, MJPEG, and Smart H.264+. The 2.8mm fixed lens provides a wide field of view (107° horizontal, 60° vertical, 135° diagonal) with a maximum aperture of f/1 for excellent low-light performance.
As part of the WizMind Series, the camera offers advanced Analytics+ features including: Perimeter Protection with Tripwire and Intrusion detection, People Counting with Line Crossing and Regional counting capabilities, Smart Motion Detection+ (SMD+) that accurately distinguishes between human/vehicle motion and environmental movement, and Face Detection. These analytics provide comprehensive surveillance solutions with improved accuracy and reduced false alarms.
The Dahua N45EFN2 is built for durability with an IP67 rating, making it water-resistant, dust-resistant, and waterproof. It can operate in extreme temperatures ranging from -40°F (-40°C) to 140°F (60°C) and up to 95% humidity. The camera is suitable for both indoor and outdoor installations and can be mounted using pole mount, junction box mount, or corner mount options. Its robust construction ensures reliable performance in harsh environmental conditions.
The camera features wired connectivity through an RJ-45 network port and supports remote management capabilities. For storage, it includes SD card local storage functionality, allowing for on-device recording. The camera can be powered using 12V DC input and integrates easily into existing surveillance networks with its comprehensive network features.
The Dahua N45EFN2 bullet camera measures 3 inches in height, 3.1 inches in width, and 9.6 inches in length, weighing approximately 1.81 pounds. It comes in white color and offers versatile mounting options including pole mount, junction box mount, and corner mount configurations. The camera's form factor and mounting flexibility make it suitable for various installation scenarios.
The Dahua N45EFN2 comes with a comprehensive 5-year limited warranty, demonstrating the manufacturer's confidence in the product's reliability and durability. The camera is manufactured by Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd., a respected name in surveillance technology, ensuring professional support and service throughout the warranty period.


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