SteelSeries 62610 Aerox 3 Langaton Pelihiiiri ladattava 18000 dpi 2.4 GHz USB Tyyppi C

SteelSeries Aerox 3 Wireless gaming mouse with RGB lighting and honeycomb design, top view-alternate-image1
Bottom view of Aerox 3 Wireless mouse showing wireless switch and sensor-alternate-image2
Side profile view of the Aerox 3 Wireless gaming mouse with RGB lighting strip-alternate-image3
Aerox 3 Wireless mouse displaying vibrant RGB lighting effects-alternate-image4
Super Mesh USB-C charging cable for Aerox 3 Wireless mouse-alternate-image5
Close-up of Aerox 3 Wireless mouse button layout and switches-alternate-image6
Comparison of Aerox 3 Wireless mouse in both wireless and wired modes-alternate-image7
Ergonomic grip demonstration of Aerox 3 Wireless mouse-alternate-image8
Close-up of Aerox 3 Wireless mouse sensor and tracking system-alternate-image9
Wireless performance visualization of Aerox 3 mouse-alternate-image10
Minimalist design showcase of Aerox 3 Wireless mouse-alternate-image11
Water-resistance demonstration of Aerox 3 Wireless mouse-alternate-image12
RGB lighting effects showcase of Aerox 3 Wireless mouse-alternate-image13
Gaming setup integration showcase with Aerox 3 Wireless mouse-alternate-image14
Award recognition showcase of Aerox 3 Wireless gaming mouse-alternate-image15

SteelSeries 62610 Aerox 3 Langaton Pelihiiiri ladattava 18000 dpi 2.4 GHz USB Tyyppi C

SteelSeries 62610

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Tuotteen pääominaisuudet

  • Tuetut laitteet: Yhteensopiva kannettavien tietokoneiden ja Xbox-konsolien kanssa
  • Tuettu alusta: Toimii Mac- ja PC-käyttöjärjestelmien kanssa
  • Käyttöjärjestelmäyhteensopivuus: Tukee Linuxia, Mac OS X 10.12 Sierraa ja Windows 7:ää
  • Ladattava: Mukautettava hiiri, jota voidaan ladata keskeytyksettä pelaamista varten
  • Ergonominen muotoilu: Suunniteltu oikeakätisille käyttäjille mukavaa ja luonnollista otetta varten
  • Bluetooth-versio 5: Nauti nopeasta ja vakaasta langattomasta yhteydestä
  • Liikuntatunnistus: Optinen anturi tarkkaa ja täsmällistä seurantaa varten
  • Kokonaispainikkeiden määrä: 6 ohjelmoitavaa nappia mukautettavaa pelielämystä varten
  • Liikuntaratkaisu (dpi): Korkea herkkyys 18 000 dpi tarkkaan osoittimen liikuttamiseen
  • Langaton toimintataajuus: 2,4 GHz taajuus luotettavaa langatonta suorituskykyä varten
  • Osottimen liitäntätekniikka: Langaton yhteys vaivattomaan pelaamiseen
  • Osottimen isäntäliitäntä: USB Type C helppoa ja nopeaa liittämistä varten
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SteelSeries Aerox 3 Wireless Gaming Mouse - Ultra-Lightweight 66g Design with 18000 DPI Precision

Experience gaming excellence with the SteelSeries Aerox 3 Wireless Gaming Mouse, featuring an ultra-lightweight 66g design and advanced 18000 DPI TrueMove Air sensor. This premium wireless gaming mouse combines cutting-edge technology with exceptional durability, offering both 2.4GHz wireless and Bluetooth 5.0 connectivity for versatile gaming performance.

Advanced Gaming Performance Features

  • Ultra-Lightweight Design: Precision-engineered 66g construction with uniquely perforated outer casing
  • Exceptional Battery Life: Up to 200 hours of continuous use with fast charging capability - 15 minutes charge for 40+ hours gameplay
  • Dual Wireless Connectivity: Gaming-grade 2.4GHz wireless and Bluetooth 5.0 technology
  • Professional-Grade Sensor: TrueMove Air sensor with 18000 DPI for unprecedented accuracy

Durability and Protection

The Aerox 3 Wireless features industry-leading durability with:

  • AquaBarrier™ Protection: IP54-rated water resistance and protection against dust, dirt, oil, and fur
  • Golden Micro IP54 Switches: Rated for 80 million clicks with dust and water resistance
  • PTFE Glide Skates: Enhanced control and smoothness for effortless mouse movements
  • Super Mesh USB-C Cable: Flexible, detachable design for easy charging and customization

Technical Specifications

Specification Detail
Dimensions 4.7" (L) x 2.6" (W) x 1.5" (H)
Weight 2.33 oz (66g)
Connectivity 2.4GHz Wireless, Bluetooth 5.0, USB-C
Compatibility Windows 7+, Mac OS X 10.12+, Linux, Xbox
Sensor Resolution Up to 18000 DPI

Ergonomic Design and Comfort

Optimized for right-handed users, the Aerox 3 Wireless is specifically designed for claw and fingertip grip styles. The battle-tested shape ensures maximum comfort during extended gaming sessions, while the lightweight design reduces hand fatigue and enables faster, more precise movements.

Salaman Nopeus

Aerox 3 Wireless on optimoitu saamaan nopeimmat pyyhkäisyt peleissä, jotta voit voittaa kilpailijat liipasimelle. Kun millisekunnit merkitsevät, nopeudella on merkitystä.

Erityisen Kevyt 66g

Uniikkisesti rei'itetty ulkokuori ja kevyemmäksi muokatut elektroniikat on tarkkuussuunniteltu niin, että ne ovat hämmästyttävän kevyitä ja tarjoavat uusia kestävyystasoja.

200 Tunnin Akkukesto

Erityisesti optimoidun energian käyttöä varten suunniteltu Aerox 3 Wirelessin akku tarjoaa jopa 200 tuntia jatkuvaa käyttöä ilman, että suorituskyky tai paino kärsii. 15 minuutin pika-lataus tarjoaa yli 40 tuntia peliä.

Quantum 2.0 Langaton

Uudenlainen Quantum 2.0 langaton teknologia siirtää langatonta dataa uskomattomilla nopeuksilla entistä vakaammalla, luotettavammalla ja energiatehokkaammalla tavalla.

2.4GHz Langaton

Leikkaa kaapeli ilman kompromisseja käyttämällä ultramatala-latenssista peliluokan 2.4 GHz langatonta, jotta flick-shottisi ovat virheettömiä ja et usko, että olet vapaa kaapeleista.


Hiiren kuljettaminen matkassa on yhtä helppoa kuin laittaminen taskuun, ei donglea tarvita. Yhdistä vain kannettaviin tietokoneisiin ja muihin laitteisiin Bluetoothin kautta.

AquaBarrier™ Suojaus

Suunniteltu suojaamaan sisäisiä piirejä lähes kaikilta ympäristövahingoilta, Aerox on ensimmäinen pelihiiri, joka on saanut IP54-luokituksen, joka tarjoaa vedenkestävyyttä ja suojaa pölyltä, liioilta, öljyltä, karvoilta ja muilta.

TrueMove Air Anturi

Yhteistyössä maailman johtavan anturivalmistajan kanssa kehitetty uusi TrueMove Air -anturi on kehitetty erityisesti tarkkuuskäyttöön langattomassa seurannassa, jotta voit tähtäillä aiemmin mahdottoman tarkkuudella.

Seuraavan Sukupolven Golden Micro IP54 Kytkimet

80M napsautuksen luokituksella (3 kertaa kestävämpi kuin muissa pelihiirissä), päivitetyt pölyn ja vedenkestävät kytkimet tarjoavat virheettömiä napsautuksia jopa vaativimmissa olosuhteissa, estävät kaksoisnapsautukset ja mahdollistavat huipputason laukaukset.

Super Mesh USB-C Kaapeli

Joustava kevyt USB-C verkkojohto tekee lataamisesta pelaamisen aikana helppoa ja on irrotettavissa, mikä mahdollistaa jälkimarkkinointimukautukset.

PTFE Liukukengät

Suunniteltu tarjoamaan parempaa hallintaa ja sujuvuutta vaivattomille ja sileille hiirin liikkeille.


Jokainen komponentti sisäisesti ja ulkoisesti on huolellisesti muotoiltu maksimoimaan kestävyys ja mukavuus.

Langallinen vai Langaton?

Aerox 3 Wireless on saatavilla myös langallisena versiona kaikilla samoilla premium-ominaisuuksilla ja vielä kevyempänä: Aerox 3.

Suositellut Käsitys Tyylit

Oikeakätinen muotoilu Aerox 3 Wirelessissä on suunniteltu pelaajien korkeimpien vaatimusten täyttämiseksi kevyessä tarkkuudessa ja mukavuudessa, käyttäen kynsi- tai sormihälytysmallia.

Return Policy

Time to Return

Standard Return Policy

We offer a hassle-free 30-day returns policy for domestic (US) orders, excluding non-refundable items. Refund or Replacement within 30 days of the delivery date. All products that fall under the Standard Return Policy qualify for our 30-Day Hassle-Free Returns. Please see the section above for more details.

Replacement Only Return Policy

Replacement within 30 days of the delivery date.

Manufacturer Only Return Policy

Covered by the manufacturer's warranty. Please refer to the terms and conditions for the manufacturer's warranty or contact the manufacturer.

Holiday Extended Return Policies

Extended Holiday Return Policy.

Qualifying purchases of products displaying the " Extended Holiday Return Policy ", from November 1st, 2023 to December 25, 2023, are eligible for a Refund or Replacement until January 31, 2024.

Extended Holiday Replacement-Only Return Policy

Qualifying purchases of products displaying the " Extended Holiday Replacement-Only Return Policy ", from November 1st, 2023 to December 25, 2023, are eligible for a Replacement until January 31, 2024.

SteelSeries Aerox 3 Wireless gaming mouse with RGB lighting and honeycomb design, top view

Ultra-Light Engineering Meets RGB Excellence

The perforated honeycomb design combines striking aesthetics with practical weight reduction, creating a mouse that's both beautiful and functional. The precision-engineered shell maintains structural integrity while reducing weight to just 66g, allowing for faster, more controlled movements in intense gaming sessions.

Technical Specifications

  • 🎮 Ultra-lightweight 66g design for enhanced agility
  • 💡 Customizable RGB lighting zones
  • 🔲 Durable honeycomb shell structure


  • 🎯 Fast-paced FPS gaming requiring quick movements
  • 🎮 Extended gaming sessions with minimal fatigue
  • 🌈 Personalized setup aesthetics
Bottom view of Aerox 3 Wireless mouse showing wireless switch and sensor

Dual Wireless Freedom

Experience gaming-grade connectivity with options for both 2.4GHz wireless and Bluetooth 5.0. The bottom view reveals the smart power management system and smooth PTFE glide skates for optimal tracking performance.

Technical Specifications

  • 🔄 Quantum 2.0 Wireless technology
  • 📱 Bluetooth 5.0 connectivity
  • ⚡ Power efficiency optimization


  • 💻 Multi-device switching
  • 🎮 Low-latency competitive gaming
  • 🔋 Long-duration wireless performance
Side profile view of the Aerox 3 Wireless gaming mouse with RGB lighting strip

Streamlined Side Profile

The ergonomic side profile showcases the mouse's sleek design and RGB lighting strip. Perfect balance between form and function for extended gaming sessions.

Technical Specifications

  • 🎯 Ergonomic right-handed design
  • 💫 Smooth side button placement
  • 🎨 Side RGB illumination


  • 🎮 Precise side button control
  • ✨ Immersive RGB experience
  • 🖱️ Comfortable palm and claw grip
Aerox 3 Wireless mouse displaying vibrant RGB lighting effects

Dynamic RGB Illumination

Three-zone RGB lighting system creates an immersive gaming atmosphere while providing functional feedback. PrismSync technology enables synchronized lighting effects across your gaming setup.

Technical Specifications

  • 🌈 PrismSync RGB technology
  • 💡 Three independent lighting zones
  • ⚡ Smart illumination system


  • 🎮 Gaming setup customization
  • 🎨 Personalized lighting profiles
  • ✨ Ambient gaming atmosphere
Super Mesh USB-C charging cable for Aerox 3 Wireless mouse

Super Mesh USB-C Cable

Premium braided USB-C cable provides fast charging while gaming. Flexible and durable design ensures reliable connection and easy movement during charged use.

Technical Specifications

  • ⚡ Fast charging capability
  • 🔌 Detachable USB-C design
  • 🧵 Durable braided construction


  • 🔋 Quick charging between games
  • 🎮 Seamless wired gaming
  • 💪 Long-term durability
Close-up of Aerox 3 Wireless mouse button layout and switches

Precision Button Layout

Strategically placed buttons and switches ensure optimal gaming performance. Golden Micro IP54 switches provide tactile feedback and guaranteed durability.

Technical Specifications

  • 🎯 Golden Micro IP54 switches
  • ⚡ 80M click durability
  • 🔲 Optimized button placement


  • 🎮 Competitive gaming precision
  • 🎯 Quick-access controls
  • 💪 Reliable click performance
Comparison of Aerox 3 Wireless mouse in both wireless and wired modes

Wireless and Wired Versatility

Seamlessly switch between wireless freedom and wired performance. Dual connectivity options ensure uninterrupted gaming in any scenario.

Technical Specifications

  • 🔄 Dual connectivity modes
  • ⚡ Zero performance compromise
  • 🔌 Quick-switch capability


  • 🎮 Tournament-ready flexibility
  • 💻 Multi-setup gaming
  • 🔋 Adaptive gaming sessions
Ergonomic grip demonstration of Aerox 3 Wireless mouse

Ergonomic Grip Design

Contoured shape supports both claw and fingertip grip styles. Lightweight design enables precise control and reduced hand fatigue.

Technical Specifications

  • ✋ Multi-grip support
  • 🎯 Optimized weight distribution
  • 💪 Fatigue-reducing design


  • 🎮 Extended gaming sessions
  • 🎯 Precise aiming control
  • ✨ Comfortable daily use
Close-up of Aerox 3 Wireless mouse sensor and tracking system

Advanced Sensor Technology

TrueMove Air optical sensor delivers unmatched precision and accuracy. Optimized for both high-speed movements and pixel-perfect tracking.

Technical Specifications

  • 🎯 TrueMove Air sensor
  • ⚡ 18,000 CPI precision
  • 💫 1-to-1 tracking


  • 🎮 High-precision gaming
  • 🎯 Competitive FPS play
  • ✨ Creative work accuracy
Wireless performance visualization of Aerox 3 mouse

Quantum 2.0 Wireless Performance

Next-generation wireless technology ensures reliable, lag-free gaming performance. Optimized power efficiency extends battery life without compromising responsiveness.

Technical Specifications

  • ⚡ Ultra-low latency
  • 🔋 Power-efficient design
  • 📡 Stable connection


  • 🎮 Competitive wireless gaming
  • 🎯 Lag-free performance
  • 💻 Multi-device gaming
Minimalist design showcase of Aerox 3 Wireless mouse

Minimalist Design Excellence

Clean, professional aesthetic meets functional design. Every curve and perforation serves both style and performance purposes.

Technical Specifications

  • 🎨 Premium matte finish
  • 💡 Functional aesthetics
  • 🔲 Durable construction


  • 💼 Professional gaming setup
  • 🎮 Stream-ready aesthetics
  • 🎨 Setup customization
Water-resistance demonstration of Aerox 3 Wireless mouse

Water-Resistant Innovation

AquaBarrier™ protection ensures reliability in any gaming environment. IP54 rating protects against water splashes, dust, and debris.

Technical Specifications

  • 💧 IP54 water resistance
  • 🛡️ AquaBarrier™ technology
  • 🔒 Internal protection


  • 💪 Durability in daily use
  • 🏠 Accident protection
  • 🧹 Easy maintenance
RGB lighting effects showcase of Aerox 3 Wireless mouse

Immersive RGB Experience

Dynamic RGB lighting creates an engaging gaming atmosphere. Customize your setup with vibrant, responsive lighting effects.

Technical Specifications

  • 🌈 Full RGB spectrum
  • 💡 Multiple lighting zones
  • ⚡ Reactive lighting


  • 🎮 Atmospheric gaming
  • 🎨 Setup personalization
  • ✨ Stream-ready lighting
Gaming setup integration showcase with Aerox 3 Wireless mouse

Complete Gaming Setup Integration

Seamlessly integrates with your gaming battlestation. Compatible with SteelSeries Engine for complete customization control.

Technical Specifications

  • 🔄 Cross-device sync
  • 💻 Software integration
  • 🎮 Ecosystem compatibility


  • 🎮 Unified gaming setup
  • 🎨 Synchronized RGB
  • 💻 Multi-device control
Award recognition showcase of Aerox 3 Wireless gaming mouse

Award-Winning Performance

Recognized as the best lightweight gaming mouse by PC Gamer. Combines professional-grade features with exceptional build quality.

Technical Specifications

  • 🏆 Award-winning design
  • 💫 Professional recognition
  • ⭐ Industry-leading features


  • 🎮 Professional gaming
  • 🎯 Competitive play
  • 💼 Content creation
The Aerox 3 Wireless offers dual connectivity options: 2.4GHz Quantum 2.0 Wireless technology for ultra-low latency gaming performance, and Bluetooth 5.0 for easy connection to laptops and other devices without requiring a dongle. The 2.4GHz wireless connection ensures gaming-grade responsiveness for flawless flick shots, while Bluetooth provides convenient portable connectivity.
The Aerox 3 Wireless delivers up to 200 hours of continuous use on a single charge, with optimized power consumption that doesn't compromise performance. It features fast charging capability through its detachable USB-C mesh cable - just 15 minutes of charging provides 40+ hours of gameplay. The mouse can be used while charging, making it highly convenient for extended gaming sessions.
The Aerox 3 Wireless features AquaBarrier™ Protection and is the first gaming mouse to receive an IP54 rating, protecting it from water, dust, dirt, oil, and fur. It's equipped with Golden Micro IP54 Switches rated for 80 million clicks (3X the standard durability), preventing double clicks and ensuring consistent performance. The uniquely perforated outer casing is precision engineered for durability despite its lightweight design.
The mouse features the exclusive TrueMove Air sensor, developed specifically for precision wireless tracking, offering up to 18,000 DPI resolution. This custom-engineered sensor enables unprecedented accuracy for wireless gaming, ensuring precise aim and tracking. The sensor is complemented by PTFE Glide Skates for smooth, effortless mouse movements and enhanced control.
The Aerox 3 Wireless weighs just 66g with dimensions of 4.7" length, 2.6" width, and 1.5" height. It features a right-handed ergonomic design optimized for claw or fingertip grip styles. The mouse includes 6 buttons and features a uniquely perforated outer casing that contributes to its ultra-lightweight design while maintaining structural integrity.
The Aerox 3 Wireless is compatible with multiple platforms including PC, Mac, and Xbox. It supports operating systems including Windows 7, Mac OS X 10.12 Sierra, and Linux. The mouse can be used with both notebooks and desktop computers, offering versatile connectivity through either 2.4GHz wireless or Bluetooth 5.0 connections.
Quantum 2.0 Wireless technology provides ultra-fast data transmission with exceptional stability and power efficiency. This technology ensures ultra-low latency gaming-grade performance through the 2.4GHz wireless connection, delivering wired-like responsiveness for precise gaming actions. The technology is optimized to provide reliable connectivity while maintaining the mouse's impressive 200-hour battery life.
The Aerox 3 Wireless is designed for minimal maintenance with its IP54-rated AquaBarrier™ Protection, which prevents damage from water, dust, dirt, oil, and fur. The PTFE Glide Skates are durable and self-maintaining for consistent smooth movement. The detachable USB-C mesh cable allows for easy replacement if needed, and the water-resistant switches ensure reliable performance even under demanding conditions.

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