MSI OPTIXG274 Optix G274 27 tuuman Full HD -pelimonitori 1ms vasteaika G-Sync -yhteensopiva laaja värikirjo.

MSI Optix G274 gaming monitor displaying a colorful animated scene with a figure under a large moon, demonstrating color vibrancy and display quality-alternate-image1
Side angle view of MSI Optix G274 monitor showing color consistency and IPS display quality-alternate-image2
Side profile of MSI Optix G274 gaming monitor showing stand design and tilt mechanism-alternate-image3
Opposite side view of MSI Optix G274 showing tilt mechanism and stand stability-alternate-image4
Rear view of MSI Optix G274 showing ports, cable management, and MSI dragon shield logo-alternate-image5
Angled view of MSI Optix G274 displaying vibrant demo image with consistent colors-alternate-image6
Detailed rear view of MSI Optix G274 showing build quality and design elements-alternate-image7
Close-up of MSI Optix G274 rear panel showing port arrangement and cable management-alternate-image8
Angular view of MSI Optix G274 showing gaming aesthetic and design details-alternate-image9

MSI OPTIXG274 Optix G274 27 tuuman Full HD -pelimonitori 1ms vasteaika G-Sync -yhteensopiva laaja värikirjo.


0 out of 5 star rating
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Saatavuus: Varastossa , valmiina lähetettäväksi .
  • 1 vuosi Takuu
  • 30 päivän palautusoikeus
  • Hiilidioksidineutraali

Tuotteen pääominaisuudet

  • IPS-näyttö - Optimoi näytön värit ja kirkkaus parantaaksesi katselukokemustasi.
  • 170Hz virkistystaajuus - Vastaa nopeammin sujuvemmilla kuvaframeilla.
  • 1ms vasteaika - Poista kuvankatkeilu ja nykivä kuvataajuus.
  • NVIDIA G-SYNC-yhteensopiva - Estä kuvankatkeilu tai nykiminen, tuottaen äärimmäisen sujuvaa ja viivästymätöntä peliä.
  • Yövisio - Älykäs mustan sävyn säädin kirkastaa päivääsi tuomalla esiin hienoja yksityiskohtia tummissa alueissa.
  • Laaja väriavaruus - Pelivärit ja yksityiskohdat näyttävät realistisilta ja tarkoilta.
  • Reunaton muotoilu - Nauti äärimmäisestä pelikokemuksesta superkapeilla reunoilla.
  • Anti-vilkkufunktio ja vähemmän sinistä valoa - Pelaa pidempään ja estä silmien rasittuminen ja väsymys.
  • 178° laaja katselukulma - Värit ja yksityiskohdat pysyvät terävinä useammista kulmista 178° laajalla katselukulmallaan.
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MSI Optix G274 27-Inch Gaming Monitor: 170Hz IPS Display with G-Sync Compatibility

Experience competitive gaming excellence with the MSI Optix G274, a 27-inch Full HD gaming monitor that combines a lightning-fast 170Hz refresh rate with a 1ms MPRT response time. This IPS panel monitor delivers exceptional color accuracy with 135% sRGB coverage and NVIDIA G-Sync compatibility, making it the perfect choice for esports enthusiasts and competitive gamers seeking smooth, tear-free gameplay.

Professional-Grade Display Performance

The Optix G274 features a premium IPS panel with Full HD resolution (1920x1080), offering stunning visual clarity and consistent colors across wide 178-degree viewing angles. With its impressive color gamut coverage of 92% DCI-P3 and 85% Adobe RGB, this monitor ensures vibrant, true-to-life colors in every gaming session.

Advanced Gaming Technologies

Gain a competitive edge with the monitor's 170Hz refresh rate and 1ms MPRT response time, perfect for fast-paced gaming genres like FPS, racing, and fighting games. The G-Sync Compatible certification ensures smooth, artifact-free gaming when paired with NVIDIA graphics cards.

Gaming Features:
  • 170Hz Refresh Rate for ultra-smooth motion
  • 1ms MPRT Response Time
  • G-Sync Compatible for tear-free gaming
  • Wide Color Gamut (135% sRGB coverage)

Eye Care Technology and Comfort Features

MSI prioritizes your gaming comfort with TÜV Rheinland-certified eye care features. The monitor includes Anti-Flicker technology and Blue Light Reduction to minimize eye strain during extended gaming sessions. The Night Vision feature intelligently enhances visibility in dark game scenes without overexposure.

Design and Connectivity

The Optix G274 features a sleek design with super-narrow bezels, perfect for multi-monitor setups. The monitor includes essential connectivity options with DisplayPort and HDMI inputs. Its versatile mounting options include a tilt-adjustable stand and VESA 75x75 compatibility.

Physical Specifications

The monitor measures 24.15" x 18.58" x 9.13" with the stand and weighs 11.68 lbs. Without the stand, it maintains a slim profile of 24.2" x 14.3" x 2.7" and weighs 8.49 lbs.

Display Quality

Experience exceptional visual quality with:

  • 250 nits brightness for clear visibility
  • 1,000:1 native contrast ratio
  • 100,000,000:1 dynamic contrast ratio
  • 16.7 million colors for smooth gradients
  • Anti-glare coating for reduced reflections
Perfect For:
  • Competitive Esports Gaming
  • Fast-paced Action Games
  • Multi-monitor Gaming Setups
  • Professional Gaming Environments

Visualisoi voittoasi MSI Optix G274 esports-pelimonitorilla. Varustettuna 1920x1080, 170hz virkistystaajuudella ja 1ms vasteajalla IPS-paneelilla, Optix G274 antaa sinulle kilpailuedun, jota tarvitset vastustajiesi voittamiseen. Nauti äärimmäisestä sujuvasta, repeytymättömästä pelistä integroidun NVIDIA G-SYNC yhteensopivan teknologian ansiosta, kun se on yhdistetty yhteensopivaan NVIDIA-näytönohjaimeen.


Optix-sarjan monitorissa on IPS-paneeli, joka tuottaa ei-kuva vääristymää ja minimaalista väri-siirtymää, kun sitä katsotaan eri kulmista. Lisäksi IPS-paneeli tarjoaa selkeitä kuvia ja optimoi heti näytön väriä ja kirkkautta varmistaakseen, että nautit jokaisesta kohtauksesta parhaimmillaan.


Optix-monitorit on varustettu 170hz virkistystaajuudella ja 1ms vasteajalla IPS-paneelilla, jolla on etua nopeaa toimintaa vaativissa peligenreissä, kuten ensimmäisen persoonan ampujissa, taistelupelissä, ajosimulaattoreissa, reaaliaikaisessa strategiassa ja urheilussa. Tällaiset pelit vaativat nopeita ja tarkkoja liikkeitä, ja virkistystaajuus ja nopea vasteaika -monitori vie sinut kilpailijoidesi edelle.


Kokeile mitä tahansa peliä ilman näyttöreikää, nykimistä, vilkkumista tai artefakteja. G-SYNC-yhteensopiva säätää dynaamisesti näytön virkistystaajuuden GPU:n kuvataajuuteen.


Erityisen kapealla reunalla nauti parhaasta uppoutumisesta uusimmissa peleissä monimonitorisessa 180 asteen kokoonpanossa. Nauti paremmasta jatkuvuudesta näyttöjen välillä pelatessasi, työskennellessäsi tai yleisessä laskentatoiminnassa.


Suuren katselukulman avulla MSI-pelimonitorit antavat enemmän liikkumavaraa monitorisi sijoittamisessa asetuksessasi luopumatta optimaalista katselukokemusta. Värit ja yksityiskohdat pysyvät terävinä enemmän kulmista verrattuna muihin näyttöihin, joilla on vähemmän katselukulmia.


Olipa koko näyttösi pimeä tai vain muutama osa on voimakkaasti varjostettu. Anna maailman ensimmäisen älykkään mustan säätimen valaista päiväsi tuomalla esiin hienoja yksityiskohtia pimeistä alueista.


MSI Esports-pelimonitorilla on enemmän gamut-kattavuutta verrattuna tavallisiin näyttöihin. Pelin värit ja yksityiskohdat näyttävät luonnollisilta ja hienostuneilta, jotta uppoutumisesi saavuttaisi äärimmilleen.


Yleisillä näyttöjen näyttöillä on yleensä vilkkumisnopeus noin 200 kertaa sekunnissa, mikä on havaittavissa paljaalla silmällä, mutta voi aiheuttaa väsymystä ajan myötä. TÜV Rheinland®:in sertifioima MSI Anti-Flicker -teknologia tarjoaa erittäin mukautuvan katselukokemuksen vähentämällä vilkkumista.


TÜV Rheinland®:in sertifioimilla MSI-näytöillä on optimoitu tuottamaan vähemmän sinistä valoa, jota näyttö tuottaa, niin voit pelata pidempiä aikoja ilman silmäväsyä.

Kirkkaus250 nittiä
Väriavaruus85% Adobe RGB,92% DCI-P3,135% sRGB
Tuetut värit16.7 miljoonaa väriä
Maksimiresoluutio1920 x 1080
Repeilyn estoteknologiaG-Sync -yhteensopiva
Dynaaminen kontrastisuhde100,000,000:1
Luontainen kontrastisuhde1,000:1
Yleiset tiedot
Tuotteen nimiOptix G274 Widescreen Gaming LCD -näyttö
Tuotemerkin nimiMSI
Valmistajan osanumeroOPTIXG274
Tekniset tiedot
Vasteaika1 ms MPRT
OminaisuudetVähäinen sininen valo,NVIDIA G-SYNC,Laaja katselukulma,Näytönäyttö (OSD),Välkkymätön,Laaja väriavaruus (sRGB),Häikäisemätön,sRGB,Kaapelilukkolähtö
Pikseliväli12.3 mil
Näytön tilaTäysin HD
Telineen säädötKallistus
Näytön koon luokka27
Pystysuuntainen taajuus48 Hz - 170 Hz
Vaakasuuntainen taajuus96.40 kHz - 186.70 kHz
Näyttöjen lukumäärä1
Katseltavan näytön koko27
Pystysuuntainen katselukulma178°
Vaakasuuntainen katselukulma178°
Näyttöporttien lukumäärä1
Fyysiset ominaisuudet
Paino (noin)8.49 paunaa
Leveys jalustalla24.15
Syvyys jalustalla9.13
Korkeus jalustalla18.58
Paino jalustalla (noin)11.68 paunaa
VESA-kiinnityksen standardi75 x 75

Return Policy

Time to Return

Standard Return Policy

We offer a hassle-free 30-day returns policy for domestic (US) orders, excluding non-refundable items. Refund or Replacement within 30 days of the delivery date. All products that fall under the Standard Return Policy qualify for our 30-Day Hassle-Free Returns. Please see the section above for more details.

Replacement Only Return Policy

Replacement within 30 days of the delivery date.

Manufacturer Only Return Policy

Covered by the manufacturer's warranty. Please refer to the terms and conditions for the manufacturer's warranty or contact the manufacturer.

Holiday Extended Return Policies

Extended Holiday Return Policy.

Qualifying purchases of products displaying the " Extended Holiday Return Policy ", from November 1st, 2023 to December 25, 2023, are eligible for a Refund or Replacement until January 31, 2024.

Extended Holiday Replacement-Only Return Policy

Qualifying purchases of products displaying the " Extended Holiday Replacement-Only Return Policy ", from November 1st, 2023 to December 25, 2023, are eligible for a Replacement until January 31, 2024.

MSI Optix G274 gaming monitor displaying a colorful animated scene with a figure under a large moon, demonstrating color vibrancy and display quality

Immersive Gaming Experience with 170Hz Refresh Rate

The MSI Optix G274 delivers stunning visuals through its 27-inch IPS panel, bringing games to life with vivid colors and smooth motion. The display demonstrates exceptional color accuracy and clarity, perfectly showcased through the artistic demo image that highlights its wide color gamut capabilities and fluid refresh rate performance.

Technical Specifications

  • 🎮 170Hz refresh rate for ultra-smooth gaming
  • 🖥️ 27-inch IPS panel with wide viewing angles
  • 🎨 135% sRGB color coverage for vibrant visuals


  • 🎯 Competitive gaming with minimal motion blur
  • 🎬 Content creation with accurate colors
  • 🎮 Immersive story-driven gaming experiences
Side angle view of MSI Optix G274 monitor showing color consistency and IPS display quality

Dynamic Viewing Angles with IPS Technology

Experience consistent color accuracy from any perspective with the monitor's IPS panel technology. The angled view demonstrates the display's excellent color retention and minimal distortion, ensuring your gaming experience remains pristine regardless of viewing position.

Technical Specifications

  • 👀 178-degree viewing angles
  • 🎨 Consistent color reproduction
  • ✨ Anti-glare coating for reduced reflections


  • 🎮 Multi-player split-screen gaming
  • 💻 Collaborative content review
  • 🎥 Group viewing sessions
Side profile of MSI Optix G274 gaming monitor showing stand design and tilt mechanism

Sleek Design with Ergonomic Adjustability

The MSI Optix G274's thoughtful design incorporates a robust stand with tilt functionality. The side profile reveals the monitor's slim build and professional aesthetic, complemented by clean lines and a sturdy construction that ensures stability during intense gaming sessions.

Technical Specifications

  • 🔧 Tilt adjustment for optimal viewing
  • 💪 Durable stand construction
  • 📏 Slim profile design


  • ⚡ Extended gaming sessions with comfort
  • 💼 Professional desktop setups
  • 🎮 Competitive gaming environments
Opposite side view of MSI Optix G274 showing tilt mechanism and stand stability

Enhanced Tilt Mechanism for Perfect Positioning

The opposite side profile showcases the monitor's precise tilt mechanism, allowing users to find their optimal viewing angle. The sturdy construction maintains stability while enabling smooth adjustments for personalized comfort.

Technical Specifications

  • 🔄 Smooth tilt adjustment
  • 🛡️ Robust build quality
  • ⚖️ Balanced weight distribution


  • 🎮 Ergonomic gaming setup
  • 💻 Multi-monitor configurations
  • 🎨 Digital art creation
Rear view of MSI Optix G274 showing ports, cable management, and MSI dragon shield logo

Connectivity and Cable Management

The rear view highlights the monitor's clean design with integrated cable management and accessible ports. The MSI dragon shield logo adds a premium touch while maintaining the sleek gaming aesthetic.

Technical Specifications

  • 🔌 Multiple display inputs
  • 📍 VESA mount compatibility
  • 🎮 Gaming-oriented design


  • 🎮 Multi-platform gaming setup
  • 🖥️ Clean desk organization
  • 🎬 Streaming station configuration
Angled view of MSI Optix G274 displaying vibrant demo image with consistent colors

Brilliant Color Performance at Any Angle

Another perspective of the display showcases the monitor's excellent color reproduction and anti-glare coating. The artistic demo image remains vibrant and clear from various viewing positions.

Technical Specifications

  • 🎨 Wide color gamut display
  • ✨ Anti-glare surface treatment
  • 📺 IPS panel technology


  • 🎨 Digital content creation
  • 🎮 Competitive gaming
  • 📺 Entertainment viewing
Detailed rear view of MSI Optix G274 showing build quality and design elements

Professional Build Quality and Design

The rear design showcases MSI's attention to detail with geometric patterns and premium materials. The stand's construction ensures stability while maintaining a sophisticated gaming aesthetic.

Technical Specifications

  • 🛡️ Premium build materials
  • 🎮 Gaming-inspired design
  • 🔧 Robust construction


  • 🏢 Professional gaming setups
  • 🎮 Esports environments
  • 🎨 Creative workstations
Close-up of MSI Optix G274 rear panel showing port arrangement and cable management

Streamlined Connectivity Solutions

A closer look at the rear panel reveals the monitor's organized port layout and cable management system. The design facilitates easy access while maintaining a clean, professional appearance.

Technical Specifications

  • 🔌 Organized port layout
  • 📶 Easy access design
  • 🎮 Gaming-optimized connections


  • 🎮 Multi-device gaming setup
  • 💻 Clean workspace organization
  • 🎬 Content creation station
Angular view of MSI Optix G274 showing gaming aesthetic and design details

Refined Gaming Aesthetics

The final angle emphasizes the monitor's gaming-inspired design elements, from the subtle MSI dragon shield to the angular rear panel patterns. Every detail serves both form and function.

Technical Specifications

  • 🎮 Gaming-focused design
  • 🛡️ Premium build quality
  • 📐 Thoughtful ergonomics


  • 🎮 Dedicated gaming stations
  • 🎨 Creative work environments
  • 🏢 Professional gaming setups
The MSI Optix G274 features a 170Hz refresh rate and 1ms MPRT response time on an IPS panel, making it ideal for fast-paced gaming. It's NVIDIA G-SYNC Compatible to eliminate screen tearing and stuttering. The monitor delivers Full HD resolution (1920x1080) with a wide color gamut (135% sRGB, 92% DCI-P3) for vibrant visuals. It also includes gaming-specific features like Night Vision for better visibility in dark areas and Anti-Flicker technology for reduced eye strain during long gaming sessions.
The MSI Optix G274 features a 27-inch IPS panel with Full HD (1920x1080) resolution. It offers excellent color reproduction with 16.7 million colors, 250 nits brightness, and impressive color gamut coverage (135% sRGB, 92% DCI-P3, 85% Adobe RGB). The monitor has a 1,000:1 native contrast ratio and 100,000,000:1 dynamic contrast ratio. It provides wide viewing angles of 178 degrees both horizontally and vertically, ensuring consistent image quality from different viewing positions.
The MSI Optix G274 comes equipped with both HDMI and DisplayPort connections. Specifically, it includes one DisplayPort input and HDMI ports for connecting to various gaming systems and devices. These modern connectivity options ensure compatibility with current gaming PCs and consoles while supporting the monitor's high refresh rate and G-SYNC Compatible features.
The MSI Optix G274 includes several ergonomic features for comfortable viewing. It offers tilt adjustment capabilities and is VESA mount compatible (75 x 75mm) for custom mounting solutions. The monitor features TÜV Rheinland certified Anti-Flicker technology and Blue Light Reduction to reduce eye strain during extended use. The super narrow bezel design also makes it ideal for multi-monitor setups with better continuity between screens.
The MSI Optix G274's dimensions without stand are 24.2" width x 14.3" height x 2.7" depth. With the stand attached, it measures 24.15" width x 18.58" height x 9.13" depth. The monitor weighs 8.49 lbs without the stand and 11.68 lbs with the stand included. These dimensions make it a reasonably compact 27-inch monitor suitable for most desktop setups.
The MSI Optix G274 offers superior color performance compared to standard monitors with its wide color gamut coverage: 135% sRGB, 92% DCI-P3, and 85% Adobe RGB. The IPS panel ensures accurate color reproduction with minimal color shift when viewed from different angles. It displays 16.7 million colors and maintains color consistency across its 178-degree viewing angle, making it excellent for both gaming and content creation.
The MSI Optix G274 includes several TÜV Rheinland certified eye care features. It features Anti-Flicker technology that reduces screen flickering compared to generic monitors' 200-times-per-second flicker rate. The Blue Light Reduction technology decreases blue light emission to reduce eye fatigue during long gaming sessions. These features, combined with the IPS panel's wide viewing angles, ensure a comfortable viewing experience.
The Night Vision feature on the MSI Optix G274 is a smart black tuner that enhances visibility in dark areas of the screen. This technology intelligently brightens dark areas while maintaining detail, making it easier to spot enemies or objects in shadowy game environments. It's particularly useful in games with dark scenes or varying lighting conditions, giving players a competitive advantage without compromising overall image quality.

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