Eaton 5P 5P1500R Viestinnän UPS 1440VA 1100W 120V Valonvuorovaikutteinen UPS Aito Siniaaliohjattu Cyber-Secure Verkkokorttivaihtoehto

Front view of Eaton 5P1500R rackmount UPS showing LCD display panel, ventilation grille, and 1U form factor design-alternate-image1

Eaton 5P 5P1500R Viestinnän UPS 1440VA 1100W 120V Valonvuorovaikutteinen UPS Aito Siniaaliohjattu Cyber-Secure Verkkokorttivaihtoehto

Eaton 5P1500R

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Tuotteen pääominaisuudet

  • Pitää laitteet toiminnassa katkosten aikana, jotta tiedostot voidaan tallentaa ja sammuttaa turvallisesti
  • Tarjoaa 20 % enemmän tehoa verrattuna perinteisiin UPS-järjestelmiin laitteiden suojaamiseksi
  • Yksinoikeudellinen ABM-teknologia kolmiportaisella latauksella pidentää sisäakun käyttöikää 50 %
  • Viiden painikkeen graafinen LCD näyttää kriittiset UPS-tiedot ja kuormituksen tilan yhdellä silmäyksellä
  • Valinnainen NETWORK-M2 Gigabit-verkkokortti mahdollistaa täydellisen etäkäytön ja hallinnan
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Eaton 5P1500R Rackmount UPS: 1440VA/1100W Line-Interactive Battery Backup with True Sine Wave Output

The Eaton 5P1500R is a professional-grade 1U rackmount UPS system delivering 1440VA/1100W of reliable power protection for critical network infrastructure. This line-interactive UPS features true sine wave output, cybersecure network management capabilities, and advanced battery management technology that extends battery life by up to 50%. Perfect for small data centers, network closets, and mission-critical equipment in healthcare, education, and financial sectors.

Advanced Power Protection Features

Experience superior power protection with the 5P1500R's line-interactive topology and pure sine wave output. With 20% more wattage than traditional UPS systems, it efficiently powers and protects servers, VoIP phones, PoE switches, and network storage devices. The unit provides extended runtime with 4 minutes at full load and 14 minutes at half load, ensuring proper equipment shutdown during power events.

Intelligent Power Management

Five NEMA 5-15R outlets are strategically organized into two managed load banks, allowing for programmed load shedding of non-critical equipment to extend runtime for essential devices. The intuitive LCD interface provides real-time monitoring of UPS status, load conditions, and power measurements.

Cybersecure Network Integration

Compatible with the optional NETWORK-M2 Gigabit card, the 5P1500R offers enterprise-level remote management capabilities. Meeting UL 2900-1 and IEC 62443-4-2 cybersecurity standards, it provides secure remote configuration, firmware updates without load interruption, and comprehensive power monitoring.

Professional Installation and Maintenance

The 1U rack-mountable design (17.2" x 21.8" x 1.7") comes with a 4-post rail kit for easy installation. Hot-swappable batteries and ABM technology simplify maintenance while maximizing battery service life. The unit is backed by a comprehensive 3-year warranty and meets numerous safety certifications including UL 1778, cULus, and FCC Class B standards.

Package Contents

  • 5P Rackmount UPS
  • User Manual CD
  • Intelligent Power Software Suite CD
  • Quick Start Guide
  • USB Cable
  • RS-232 Serial Cable
  • 4-Post Rail Kit
Key Features:
  • 1440VA/1100W capacity with true sine wave output
  • Five NEMA 5-15R outlets with load shedding capability
  • Advanced Battery Management (ABM) technology
  • Optional cybersecure network management card
  • Energy Star certified and RoHS compliant
  • Comprehensive 3-year warranty

1.44kVA/1.1kW/120V Akun varmuuskopiointi verkkojaostoille ja pienille tietokeskuksille

Tämä 5P-rack-mount-linjainteraktiivinen UPS-järjestelmä tarjoaa luotettavaa akun varmuuskopiointia pienille yrityksille, koulutukselle, vähittäiskaupalle, rahoitusalalle tai terveydenhuollolle tarkoitettaville verkkokomponenteille, mukaan lukien palvelimet, VoIP-puhelimet, tietovarastot ja PoE-kytkimet. 5P1500R suojaa liitettyjä laitteita tarjoamalla 20 prosenttia enemmän wattia verrattuna perinteisiin UPS-järjestelmiin.

Luotettava akun varmuuskopiointi pitää sinut toiminnassa sähkökatkojen aikana

Venttiilireguloitu lyijyakku (VRLA) mahdollistaa työskentelyn lyhyiden sähkökatkojen aikana ja antaa sinulle riittävästi aikaa tallentaa tiedostot turvallisesti ja sammuttaa järjestelmäsi mahdollisen pitkän mustan ajan osalta. Eksklusiivinen ABM-tekniikka kasvattaa akun kestoa 50 prosentilla ja valvoo akkujen terveyttä antaen etukäteen ilmoituksen, kun akut tarvitsevat vaihdon.

Valinnainen Gigabit-verkko-paikka tarjoaa 24/7 etäkäynnistyksen

NETWORK-M2-gigabit-verkko kortti (myydään erikseen) mahdollistaa täydellisen etäkonfiguroinnin ja hallinnan, mukaan lukien kuormankäsittelyn, liitettyjen laitteiden uudelleenkäynnistyksen ja turvalliset sammutukset. UPS-ohjelmiston voi myös päivittää etänä NETWORK-M2:n kautta ilman kuorman katkaisemista, joten sinun ei tarvitse suunnitella alasajoa. Kortti täyttää sekä UL 2900-1: n että IEC 62443-4-2: n standardit kyberturvallisuudelle, jotka on kehitetty osoittamaan yhteyksien laitteiden haavoittuvuutta tunnetuille haittaohjelmille/kiusoille ja suojaamaan yrityksiä näiltä riskeiltä. Valinnainen ympäristönseurantaprobe Gen 2 (EMPDT1H1C2, myydään erikseen) tarjoaa monia ympäristönseurantamahdollisuuksia, mukaan lukien lämpötila- ja kosteusolosuhteet.

NEMA 5-15R-pistorasiat suojaavat liitettyjä komponentteja

Viisi hallittua 5-15R-pistorasiaa tarjoaa liitetyille laitteille puhtaan sinimuotoisen AC-virtauksen ja mahdollistaa energian kulutuksen seurannan jopa outlet-ryhmätasolla. Kolme pistorasiaa on ryhmitelty kahteen kuormaban-kiin, jotka antavat sinun kytkeä pois ei-kriittisiä kuormia, jotta kriittisille kuormille jää enemmän aikaa.

LCD-näyttö pitää sinut ajan tasalla yhdellä silmäyksellä

Viiden painikkeen graafinen LCD näyttää hyödyllistä tietoa itse UPS:stä, kuormitustilasta, tapahtumista, mittauksista ja asetuksista. Energian säästämiseksi LCD siirtyy ruutusuojatilaaan viiden minuutin käyttämättömyyden jälkeen. Taustavalolla varustettu LCD himmenee automaattisesti kymmenen minuutin käyttämättömyyden jälkeen.

Return Policy

Time to Return

Standard Return Policy

We offer a hassle-free 30-day returns policy for domestic (US) orders, excluding non-refundable items. Refund or Replacement within 30 days of the delivery date. All products that fall under the Standard Return Policy qualify for our 30-Day Hassle-Free Returns. Please see the section above for more details.

Replacement Only Return Policy

Replacement within 30 days of the delivery date.

Manufacturer Only Return Policy

Covered by the manufacturer's warranty. Please refer to the terms and conditions for the manufacturer's warranty or contact the manufacturer.

Holiday Extended Return Policies

Extended Holiday Return Policy.

Qualifying purchases of products displaying the " Extended Holiday Return Policy ", from November 1st, 2023 to December 25, 2023, are eligible for a Refund or Replacement until January 31, 2024.

Extended Holiday Replacement-Only Return Policy

Qualifying purchases of products displaying the " Extended Holiday Replacement-Only Return Policy ", from November 1st, 2023 to December 25, 2023, are eligible for a Replacement until January 31, 2024.

Front view of Eaton 5P1500R rackmount UPS showing LCD display panel, ventilation grille, and 1U form factor design

Streamlined 1U Design with Intuitive LCD Interface

The Eaton 5P1500R rackmount UPS exemplifies efficient power protection in a space-saving 1U form factor. The sleek front panel features a high-contrast LCD display that provides critical real-time information about power conditions, load status, and battery health. The intuitive five-button interface enables quick access to essential UPS functions and settings, while the energy-saving display automatically dims during periods of inactivity. The perforated front panel ensures optimal airflow for thermal management, while the robust construction houses advanced features like pure sine wave output and ABM battery technology. This thoughtful design delivers enterprise-grade power protection without compromising valuable rack space.

Technical Specifications

  • 1U rack height optimized for space-constrained installations
  • Graphical LCD interface with automatic power-saving mode
  • Perforated front panel design for enhanced cooling efficiency


  • Network closet deployment requiring minimal rack space
  • Data center installations requiring real-time power monitoring
  • Edge computing facilities with remote management needs
The Eaton 5P1500R UPS has a capacity of 1440VA/1100W at 120V. This line-interactive UPS provides 20% more wattage than traditional UPS systems, making it ideal for protecting network closets and small data centers. It can support critical equipment like servers, VoIP phones, data storage, and PoE switches.
The UPS provides 4 minutes of backup time at full load and 14 minutes at half load. It uses maintenance-free, sealed lead-acid batteries with Eaton's exclusive ABM technology that increases battery life by 50%. The batteries are hot-swappable, allowing for easy replacement without powering down connected equipment.
The Eaton 5P1500R features 5 NEMA 5-15R outlets. These outlets are managed and divided into two load banks, allowing for load shedding of non-critical equipment to extend runtime for critical devices. All outlets provide pure sine wave AC output, and power consumption can be monitored at the outlet group level.
The UPS supports optional NETWORK-M2 Gigabit network card integration for remote management. It includes USB and RS-232 serial connections by default. With the optional network card, you can remotely configure settings, manage load shedding, reboot connected equipment, and perform safe shutdowns. The card meets UL 2900-1 and IEC 62443-4-2 cybersecurity standards.
The Eaton 5P1500R is a rack-mountable unit that occupies 1U of rack space. It measures 1.7" in height, 17.2" in width, and 21.8" in depth, weighing approximately 44.10 lbs. The UPS comes with a 4-post rail kit for rack installation, making it suitable for standard 19-inch server racks.
The UPS features a five-button graphical LCD interface that displays UPS status, load status, events, measurements, and settings. The display includes energy-saving features where the LCD switches to screen saver mode after 5 minutes of inactivity and the backlight automatically dims after 10 minutes of inactivity.
The package includes the Intelligent Power Software Suite, user manual CD, quick start guide, USB cable, RS-232 serial cable, and 4-post rail kit. The Intelligent Power Software Suite enables comprehensive power management and monitoring capabilities. Additional accessories like the NETWORK-M2 card and Environmental Monitoring Probe (EMPDT1H1C2) are available separately.
The Eaton 5P1500R comes with a 3-year limited warranty. It holds numerous certifications including UL 1778, cULus, CE, IEC 62040-2 C1-C2, and FCC part 15 Class B. The unit is also Energy Star certified and RoHS compliant, demonstrating its commitment to energy efficiency and environmental standards.


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