Cisco Catalyst C9300-48UXM-E Ethernet -kytkin

Front view of four stacked Cisco Catalyst C9300-48UXM-E switches showing 48-port configuration and uplink modules-alternate-image1
Angled view of stacked Cisco Catalyst C9300-48UXM-E switches showing modular design and port density-alternate-image2

Cisco Catalyst C9300-48UXM-E Ethernet -kytkin

Cisco C9300-48UXM-E

0 out of 5 star rating
Saatavuus: Varastossa , valmiina lähetettäväksi .
  • 1 vuosi Takuu
  • 30 päivän palautusoikeus
  • Hiilidioksidineutraali

Tuotteen pääominaisuudet

  • 🔌 48 Gigabit Ethernet ports with flexible uplink architecture
  • ⚡ 480 Gbps stacking bandwidth - industry's highest-density solution
  • 📡 Optimized for high-density 802.11ac Wave2
  • 🔄 Cisco StackWise virtual technology with sub-50-ms failover
  • 🔋 Dual power supply support with 1100W consumption
  • 💻 x86 CPU architecture supporting container applications
  • 🛡️ Advanced security with Cisco IOS XE operating system
  • 🌐 Software-Defined Access (SD-Access) ready
  • 🔧 1.7" x 17.5" x 17.5" rack-mountable form factor
  • ⚙️ Supports 10/100/1000Base-T networking standards
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Total price: €2,466.95
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Cisco Catalyst 9300 48-Port Gigabit Ethernet Switch (C9300-48UXM-E) with UPOE+ and StackWise Virtual

The Cisco Catalyst 9300 C9300-48UXM-E is a high-performance 48-port Gigabit Ethernet switch designed for enterprise-grade networking solutions. As Cisco's leading stackable enterprise switching platform, it delivers exceptional security features, IoT compatibility, mobility support, and cloud integration capabilities. With 480 Gbps stacking bandwidth and flexible uplink architecture, this Layer 2 switch represents the industry's highest-density stacking solution.

Advanced Enterprise Network Features

The C9300-48UXM-E comes equipped with 48 Gigabit Ethernet ports supporting 10/100/1000Base-T connectivity. Its StackWise Virtual technology ensures flexible deployment with nonstop forwarding and stateful switchover (NSF/SSO), delivering a resilient sub-50-ms solution. The switch supports high-density Cisco Universal Power Over Ethernet (UPOE+) and PoE+ capabilities through its efficient Cisco StackPower architecture.

Key Features:
  • 48 Gigabit Ethernet ports with twisted pair support
  • StackWise Virtual technology for enhanced reliability
  • Redundant power supply support with 1100W consumption
  • Layer 2 switching capabilities
  • Rack-mountable design (1.7" x 17.5" x 17.5")

Software-Defined Access and Management

Built on the Cisco Unified Access Data Plane 2.0 (UADP 2.0) architecture, this switch features an x86 CPU architecture with expanded memory capacity for hosting containers and running third-party applications. The open Cisco IOS XE operating system offers advanced programmability and security features, making it ideal for IoT convergence and modern network requirements.

Physical Design and Power Specifications

The C9300-48UXM-E is designed for rack mounting, weighing approximately 17.03 lb. It supports dual power supplies for redundancy and delivers 1100W of power consumption. The compact form factor (1.7" height x 17.5" width x 17.5" depth) makes it suitable for various enterprise deployment scenarios while maintaining high performance and reliability.

Enterprise-Grade Network Management

This Catalyst switch supports comprehensive network management features, including:

  • Simplified device deployment
  • Unified management of wired and wireless networks
  • Network virtualization and segmentation
  • Group-based policies
  • Context-based analytics
Warranty Information:

The Cisco Catalyst C9300-48UXM-E comes with a 1-year warranty, ensuring peace of mind for enterprise deployments.

Rakennettu turvallisuutta, IoT:ta, liikkuvuutta ja pilveä varten

Cisco® Catalyst® 9300 -sarjan kytkimet ovat Cisco:n johtava pinottava yrityskytkinalusta, joka on rakennettu turvallisuuden, IoT:n, liikkuvuuden ja pilven varalle. Ne ovat seuraava sukupolvi alan laajimmin käyttöönotettua kytkinalustaa. Catalyst 9300 -sarjan kytkimet muodostaavat perustavan rakennuspalikan ohjelmistopohjaiselle käytölle (SD-Access), Cisco:n johtavalle yritysarkkitehtuurille. 480 Gbps:n nopeudellaan ne ovat alan korkeimman tiheyden pinottava kaistanleveysratkaisu, jossa on joustavin ylöspäin suuntautuva arkkitehtuuri. Catalyst 9300 -sarja on ensimmäinen optimoitu alusta suurtiheyksiselle 802.11ac Wave2:lle. Se asettaa uudet maksimit verkkoskaalalle. Nämä kytkimet ovat myös valmiita tulevaisuutta varten, x86 CPU -arkkitehtuurin ja suuremman muistin ansiosta, mikä mahdollistaa säiliöiden isännöinnin ja kolmannen osapuolen sovellusten ja skriptien suorittamisen suoraan kytkimessä.

Catalyst 9300 -sarja on suunniteltu Cisco StackWise® -virtuaalitekniikalla, joka tarjoaa joustavaa käyttöönottoa, joka tukee jatkuvaa välitystä tilatietoisen siirtymän (NSF/SSO) kanssa, mikä tarjoaa joukon kestävimpiä arkkitehtuureja pinottavassa ratkaisussa, jossa on alle 50 ms:n palautusaika. Erittäin kestävä ja tehokas virtarakennus sisältää Cisco StackPower®:n, joka toimittaa tiheästi Cisco Universal Power Over Ethernet (Cisco UPOE®) ja Power over Ethernet Plus (PoE+) -portteja. Kytkimet perustuvat Cisco Unified Access Data Plane 2.0 (UADP) 2.0 -arkkitehtuuriin, joka ei vain suojaa investointiasi, vaan myös mahdollistaa suuremman skaalan ja korkeammat läpäisykyvyt. Moderni käyttöjärjestelmä, avoin Cisco IOS XE ohjelmoitavuudella, tarjoaa edistyksellisiä turvallisuusominaisuuksia ja Internet of Things (IoT) -yhteensopivuutta.

Ohjelmistopohjaisen käytön perusta

Edistyneet jatkuvat turvallisuusuhat. IoT-laitteiden eksponentiaalinen kasvu. Liikkuvuus kaikkialla. Pilven käyttöönotto. Kaikki nämä vaativat verkon kudosta, joka yhdistää edistykselliset laitteisto- ja ohjelmistoinnovaatioita automatisoimaan, suojaamaan ja yksinkertaistamaan asiakaskäyttäjien verkkoja. Tämän verkon kudoksen tavoitteena on mahdollistaa asiakastulojen kasvu kiihdyttämällä liiketoimintapalveluiden käyttöönottoa.

Cisco Digital Network Architecture (Cisco DNA) SD-Accessin avulla on verkon kudos, joka voimaannuttaa liiketoimintaa. Se on avoin ja laajennettavissa oleva, ohjelmisto-ohjattu arkkitehtuuri, joka kiihdyttää ja yksinkertaistaa yritysverkkojen toimintaa. Ohjelmoitava arkkitehtuuri vapauttaa IT-henkilöstösi aikaa vievistä, toistuvista verkon konfigurointitehtävistä, jotta he voivat keskittyä innovaatioihin, jotka muuttavat liiketoimintaasi positiivisesti. SD-Access mahdollistaa politiikkaan perustuvan automaation reunalta pilveen perustavien ominaisuuksien avulla. Näitä ovat:

? Yksinkertaistettu laitteiden käyttöönotto

? Yhdistetty hallinta langallisille ja langattomille verkoille

? Verkon virtuaalisointi ja segmentointi

? Ryhmään perustuvat politiikat

? Kontekstipohjaiset analytiikat

Virtankulutus1100 W
Tuettujen virtalähteiden määrä2
Yleiset tiedot
ValmistajaCisco Systems, Inc
Tuotteen nimiCatalyst C9300-48UXM-E Ethernet-kytkin
Valmistajan osanumeroC9300-48UXM-E
Portti/Laajennuspaikkojen tiedot48 x Gigabit Ethernet-verkko
Verkkoliittimien kokonaismäärä48
Verkko & Viestintä
Kerros tuki2
Media & Suorituskyky
Ethernet-tekniikkaGigabit Ethernet
Median tyyppi tukiKiertynyt pari
Fyysiset ominaisuudet
Leveys17,5 tuumaa
Syvyys17,5 tuumaa
Korkeus1,7 tuumaa
MuotoiluRäkkiin asennettava
Paino (noin)17,03 lb
Hallinta & Protokollat

Return Policy

Time to Return

Standard Return Policy

We offer a hassle-free 30-day returns policy for domestic (US) orders, excluding non-refundable items. Refund or Replacement within 30 days of the delivery date. All products that fall under the Standard Return Policy qualify for our 30-Day Hassle-Free Returns. Please see the section above for more details.

Replacement Only Return Policy

Replacement within 30 days of the delivery date.

Manufacturer Only Return Policy

Covered by the manufacturer's warranty. Please refer to the terms and conditions for the manufacturer's warranty or contact the manufacturer.

Holiday Extended Return Policies

Extended Holiday Return Policy.

Qualifying purchases of products displaying the " Extended Holiday Return Policy ", from November 1st, 2023 to December 25, 2023, are eligible for a Refund or Replacement until January 31, 2024.

Extended Holiday Replacement-Only Return Policy

Qualifying purchases of products displaying the " Extended Holiday Replacement-Only Return Policy ", from November 1st, 2023 to December 25, 2023, are eligible for a Replacement until January 31, 2024.

Front view of four stacked Cisco Catalyst C9300-48UXM-E switches showing 48-port configuration and uplink modules

Enterprise-Grade Stacking Performance with 480 Gbps Bandwidth

The Cisco Catalyst 9300-48UXM-E demonstrates superior stacking capabilities with its innovative StackWise virtual technology. The four-unit stack configuration showcases the industry-leading 480 Gbps bandwidth capacity, enabling seamless data flow across complex enterprise networks. Each unit features 48 Gigabit Ethernet ports with advanced UPOE and PoE+ support, delivering robust power and connectivity options for modern network deployments.

Technical Specifications

  • 480 Gbps stacking bandwidth capacity
  • 48 Gigabit Ethernet ports per switch
  • Integrated StackWise virtual technology


  • High-density enterprise campus deployments
  • Mission-critical network infrastructure
  • Large-scale IoT device connectivity
Angled view of stacked Cisco Catalyst C9300-48UXM-E switches showing modular design and port density

Modular Design Optimized for Enterprise Scalability

The angular perspective of the Catalyst 9300-48UXM-E stack highlights its efficient modular architecture. The unified access data plane design enables seamless integration of network services while maintaining high availability. The robust hardware platform supports advanced features like SD-Access and DNA Center integration, making it ideal for evolving enterprise requirements.

Technical Specifications

  • Unified Access Data Plane 2.0 architecture
  • Hot-swappable power supplies and fans
  • Advanced security and IoT convergence support


  • Software-defined network implementations
  • High-availability enterprise deployments
  • Advanced security and segmentation requirements
The Cisco Catalyst 9300 48-Port Switch (C9300-48UXM-E) offers industry-leading features including 480 Gbps stacking bandwidth, StackWise virtual technology, and UPOE+ support. It features 48 Gigabit Ethernet ports, x86 CPU architecture for container hosting, and supports Software-Defined Access (SD-Access). The switch includes advanced security capabilities, IoT convergence, and runs on the open Cisco IOS XE platform with programmability features.
The Cisco C9300-48UXM-E comes with a 1100W power consumption capacity and supports redundant power supplies. It features Cisco StackPower technology and can accommodate up to 2 power supplies for enhanced reliability. The switch supports UPOE+ (Universal Power Over Ethernet Plus) and PoE+, making it ideal for powering various network devices and IoT endpoints.
The Cisco Catalyst 9300 switch is rack-mountable with dimensions of 1.7" in height, 17.5" in width, and 17.5" in depth. It weighs approximately 17.03 lb. The form factor is designed for standard rack installation, making it suitable for data center and network closet deployments.
The switch supports Layer 2 operations with 48 Gigabit Ethernet ports supporting 10/100/1000Base-T networking. It features twisted pair media type support and includes uplink ports and stack ports. The switch is optimized for high-density 802.11ac Wave2 deployments and offers flexible uplink architecture with advanced networking features through Cisco's UADP 2.0 architecture.
The switch is fully manageable and includes advanced security features through Cisco IOS XE. It supports Software-Defined Access (SD-Access) with policy-based automation, unified management of wired and wireless networks, network virtualization and segmentation, group-based policies, and context-based analytics. The platform also supports third-party applications and scripts running natively.
The Cisco Catalyst 9300 C9300-48UXM-E comes with a 1-year warranty. As part of Cisco's enterprise switching platform, it includes access to Cisco's technical support resources, software updates, and hardware replacement options according to the warranty terms.
The Catalyst 9300 is built specifically for IoT, mobility, and cloud applications with its advanced UADP 2.0 architecture. It features high-density UPOE+ ports for IoT device connectivity, container hosting capabilities through its x86 CPU architecture, and supports Cisco DNA with SD-Access for simplified IoT device deployment and management. The switch provides automated policy enforcement and security features essential for IoT and cloud environments.
StackWise Virtual technology in the Catalyst 9300 provides flexible deployment options with support for nonstop forwarding with stateful switchover (NSF/SSO). This technology delivers sub-50-ms resiliency in a stackable solution and enables up to 480 Gbps of stacking bandwidth, making it the industry's highest-density stacking solution. It enhances network reliability and simplifies network management by allowing multiple switches to operate as a single logical unit.


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