Eaton 9PX5KTF5 9PX5K 5 kVA UPS 120V - 9PX5K 5 kVA: n pistoke- 120V-askelmuuntaja SNMP-hallittava hätävirta pois käytöstä

Eaton 9PX 5kVA UPS system with LCD display panel and mesh ventilation design in rack-mount format-alternate-image1

Eaton 9PX5KTF5 9PX5K 5 kVA UPS 120V - 9PX5K 5 kVA: n pistoke- 120V-askelmuuntaja SNMP-hallittava hätävirta pois käytöstä

Eaton 9PX5KTF5

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Saatavuus: Varastossa , valmiina lähetettäväksi .
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Tuotteen pääominaisuudet

  • Pitää laitteet käynnissä katkosten aikana, jotta tiedostot voidaan tallentaa ja sulkea turvallisesti
  • Mukana oleva NETWORK-M2 Gigabit-verkkoadapteri mahdollistaa täydellisen etäkäytön ja hallinnan
  • Yksinoikeudellinen ABM-teknologia, jossa on 3-vaiheinen lataus, pidentää sisäisen akun käyttöikää 50 %
  • Interaktiivinen LCD-käyttöliittymä pitää sinut ajan tasalla kriittisistä kuormitustiedoista reaaliaikaisesti
  • Valinnaiset laajennetut akkumoduulit mahdollistavat pidennetyn toiminta-ajan laitteiden sähkönsaannin turvaamiseksi
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Eaton 9PX5KTF5 5kVA Online Double-Conversion UPS with 208V to 120V Stepdown Transformer

The Eaton 9PX5KTF5 is a professional-grade 5kVA/4.5kW online double-conversion UPS system designed for critical IT installations and edge networks. This versatile rack/tower convertible UPS features an integrated 208V to 120V stepdown transformer, SNMP management capabilities, and comprehensive power protection against various electrical disturbances. Perfect for educational institutions, healthcare facilities, and enterprise networks running mission-critical equipment like Cisco switches and servers.

Advanced Power Protection and Management Features

Experience zero transfer time with true online double-conversion technology, providing pure sine wave output across 21 outlets (18 NEMA 5-20R, 2 NEMA L6-20R, and 1 NEMA L6-30R), plus hardwired output options. The integrated stepdown transformer efficiently converts 208V to 120V, offering exceptional flexibility for diverse equipment connections.

Intelligent Battery Management

Featuring advanced ABM technology that extends battery life by up to 50%, this UPS includes hot-swappable VRLA batteries providing 3 minutes of runtime at full load. The system supports up to four optional 9PXEBM180RT extended battery modules for increased backup time during critical operations.

Key Takeaway: Zero-transfer-time protection with flexible voltage options and intelligent battery management make this UPS ideal for protecting sensitive networking equipment.

Enterprise-Grade Network Management

The included NETWORK-M2 Gigabit card enables comprehensive remote management capabilities, including:

  • Remote configuration and monitoring
  • Load shedding capabilities
  • Remote firmware updates without load interruption
  • UL 2900-1 and IEC 62443-4-2 cybersecurity compliance
  • Compatible with optional EMPDT1H1C2 environmental monitoring probe

Installation and Physical Specifications

This 6U rack-mount solution measures 17" wide x 28" deep x 10.2" high and weighs 200.62 lbs. The versatile form factor supports both rack and tower installations, with included rail kit and tower pedestals for flexible deployment options.

Package Contents

  • 9PX5K 5 kVA UPS
  • 9PXTFMR5 120V Stepdown Transformer
  • Network-MS Web/SNMP Card
  • 4-Post Rail Kit
  • User Manual and Quick Start Guide
  • Tower Pedestals
  • Intelligent Power Software Suite CD
  • RS-232 Serial Cable
  • USB Cable
  • Cable Gland for Hardwire Connection
  • Phillips Head Screwdriver

Warranty and Compliance

The Eaton 9PX5KTF5 comes with a 2-year limited warranty and is RoHS compliant, demonstrating Eaton's commitment to environmental responsibility and product reliability. The unit includes Eaton Intelligent Power Software for comprehensive power management and monitoring capabilities.


5kVA/4.5kW/208V Akkuvarmuus IT-asennuksille ja reunaverkoille

Tämä 9PX-rakennusvaunu online kaksoismuunnos UPS-järjestelmä tarjoaa luotettavaa akkuvarmuutta ja AC-virran suojaa mustilta, ruskeilta, ylikuormilta ja linjakohinalta, jotka voivat vahingoittaa arvokasta IT-laitteistoa tai tuhota tietoja. Mukana oleva muuntaja mahdollistaa jännitteen alennuksen 208V:stä 120V:iin, jotta voit liittää laajemman valikoiman komponentteja. 9PX5KTF5 on ylivoimainen voimanhallinta koulutuksessa, kaupallisessa toiminnassa, rahoituksessa tai terveydenhuollossa oleville verkko-komponenteille, kuten Cisco-kytkimille ja palvelimille.

Laajennettavat sisäiset akkuvarmuus pitää sinut toimintakykyisenä sähkökatkosten aikana

Kentällä vaihdettavat, kuuma-vaihtoiset venttiilireguloidut lyijyhappo (VRLA) akkumoduulit antavat sinun työskennellä ohi lyhyiden sähkönkatkosten ja antavat sinulle tarpeeksi aikaa turvalliseen tiedostojen tallentamiseen ja järjestelmän sulkemiseen pidemmän mustanhetken sattuessa. Exklusiivinen ABM-teknologia pidentää akun käyttöikää 50 prosentilla ja seuraa tarkasti akun kuntoa, antaen etukäteen ilmoituksen, kun akut tarvitsevat vaihtamista. Voit myös liittää jopa neljä pidennetyn akkumoduulin (9PXEBM180RT, myydään erikseen) saadaksesi tunteja pidennettyä toimintoaikaa.

Mukana oleva Gigabit-verkko käyttöliittymä mahdollistaa 24/7 etäyhteyden hallinnan

NETWORK-M2 Gigabit -verkkokortti mahdollistaa täydellisen etäkonfiguroinnin ja hallinnan, mukaan lukien kuormituksen vähentäminen, kytkettyjen laitteiden uudelleenkäynnistykset ja turvalliset sulkemiset. UPS: n ohjelmistopäivitys voidaan myös päivittää etänä NETWORK-M2:n kautta ilman kuormituksen katkaisemista, joten sinun ei tarvitse suunnitella seisokkia. Kortti täyttää sekä UL 2900-1 että IEC 62443-4-2 standardit kyberturvallisuudelle, jotka on kehitetty vastaamaan kytkettyjen laitteiden tunnetuista haittaohjelmista/hyökkäyksistä johtuvia haavoittuvuuksia ja suojaamaan liiketoimintaa näiltä riskeiltä. Vaihtoehtoinen ympäristön seurantapaneeli Gen 2 (EMPDT1H1C2, myydään erikseen) tarjoaa monenlaisia ympäristömonitorointimahdollisuuksia, mukaan lukien lämpötila- ja kosteusolosuhteet.

NEMA-otokset suojaavat kytkettyjä komponentteja

Kaksi L6-20R, yksi L6-30R ja 18 5-20R hallittua ulostuloa tarjoavat kytketyille laitteille puhtaan sinimuotoisen AC-ulostulon ja antavat sinun seurata sähkönkulutusta jopa ulostuloryhmäkohtaisesti. Näiden ulostulojen tarjoama virta on suodatettu suojaamaan kytkettyjä laitteita vahingollisilta ylikuormilta ja linjakohinalta. 9PX5KTF5 tukee myös kovapohjaista ulostuloa.


Return Policy

Time to Return

Standard Return Policy

We offer a hassle-free 30-day returns policy for domestic (US) orders, excluding non-refundable items. Refund or Replacement within 30 days of the delivery date. All products that fall under the Standard Return Policy qualify for our 30-Day Hassle-Free Returns. Please see the section above for more details.

Replacement Only Return Policy

Replacement within 30 days of the delivery date.

Manufacturer Only Return Policy

Covered by the manufacturer's warranty. Please refer to the terms and conditions for the manufacturer's warranty or contact the manufacturer.

Holiday Extended Return Policies

Extended Holiday Return Policy.

Qualifying purchases of products displaying the " Extended Holiday Return Policy ", from November 1st, 2023 to December 25, 2023, are eligible for a Refund or Replacement until January 31, 2024.

Extended Holiday Replacement-Only Return Policy

Qualifying purchases of products displaying the " Extended Holiday Replacement-Only Return Policy ", from November 1st, 2023 to December 25, 2023, are eligible for a Replacement until January 31, 2024.

Eaton 9PX 5kVA UPS system with LCD display panel and mesh ventilation design in rack-mount format

Enterprise-Grade Power Protection with LCD Monitoring Interface

The Eaton 9PX5KTF5 UPS system features an intuitive LCD display panel that provides real-time monitoring of critical power metrics and system status. This advanced interface enables IT professionals to quickly assess UPS performance, battery health, and load levels without additional tools or software. The sleek 3U rack-mount design incorporates robust ventilation through precision-engineered mesh panels, ensuring optimal thermal management for continuous operation. The double-conversion topology delivers pure sine wave output while the integrated stepdown transformer enables versatile 208V to 120V power distribution.

Technical Specifications

  • LCD interface displays real-time UPS status and power metrics
  • Double-conversion online topology with zero transfer time
  • Integrated 208V to 120V stepdown transformer


  • Data center power protection and distribution
  • Network infrastructure backup power systems
  • Mission-critical server and equipment protection
The Eaton 9PX5KTF5 UPS has a power capacity of 5000 VA (5kVA/4.5kW). This double-conversion online UPS system operates at 208V with a stepdown transformer capability to 120V, making it suitable for various IT installations and edge networks. The unit can handle multiple devices simultaneously through its various outlets, including two L6-20R, one L6-30R, and eighteen 5-20R managed outlets.
The Eaton 9PX5KTF5 features multiple outlet types: 18 NEMA 5-20R outlets, 2 NEMA L6-20R outlets, and 1 NEMA L6-30R outlet. Additionally, it supports hardwired output. All outlets provide pure sine wave AC output and are managed, allowing for power consumption monitoring at the outlet group level. These outlets are protected against surges and line noise to safeguard connected equipment.
The UPS includes a NETWORK-M2 Gigabit network card that enables comprehensive remote management capabilities. Features include full remote configuration, load shedding, equipment reboots, and safe shutdowns. The system is SNMP manageable and meets UL 2900-1 and IEC 62443-4-2 cybersecurity standards. It includes USB, serial, and RJ-45 network ports, and supports remote firmware updates without dropping the load. An optional Environmental Monitoring Probe can be added for temperature and humidity monitoring.
The UPS provides 3 minutes of backup time at full load with its standard battery configuration. The system uses maintenance-free, sealed lead-acid batteries that are hot-swappable and field-replaceable. For extended runtime, you can connect up to four additional battery modules (9PXEBM180RT, sold separately). The UPS features exclusive ABM technology that increases battery life by 50% and provides advanced notification when batteries need replacement.
The Eaton 9PX5KTF5 features a versatile rack/tower form factor that can be installed in either configuration. In rack format, it requires 6U of space. Physical dimensions are 10.2" height, 17" width, and 28" depth, with a weight of approximately 200.62 lbs. The package includes a 4-post rail kit and tower pedestals for flexible installation options.
The UPS supports input voltages of 110V AC and 220V AC. For output, it offers multiple voltage options including 120V AC, 208V AC, 220V AC, 230V AC, and 240V AC through its integrated stepdown transformer. The system operates with an input frequency of up to 70 Hz and provides a stable output frequency of 60 Hz. It features zero transfer time (0 ns) during power transitions.
The Eaton 9PX5KTF5 includes comprehensive protection features such as overload protection, Emergency Power OFF (EPO) capability, and pure sine wave output. It's environmentally certified (RoHS compliant) and features built-in surge protection and line noise filtering. The UPS also includes cybersecurity features meeting UL 2900-1 and IEC 62443-4-2 standards, protecting against known malware and exploits.
The package includes the 9PX5K 5 kVA UPS unit, 9PXTFMR5 120V stepdown transformer, Network-MS Web/SNMP card, 4-post rail kit, user manual, quick start guide, tower pedestals, Intelligent Power Software Suite CD, RS-232 serial cable, USB cable, cable gland for hardwire connection, and Phillips head screwdriver. The system comes with a 2-year limited warranty and includes Eaton Intelligent Power Software for management.


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