优派 ZH520 环保 便携 高亮度 全高清 激光投影仪,16:9,便携式 优派 - Optoma

优派 ZH520 环保 便携 高亮度 全高清 激光投影仪,16:9,便携式 优派 - Optoma
优派 ZH520 环保 便携 高亮度 全高清 激光投影仪,16:9,便携式 优派 - Optoma
优派 ZH520 环保 便携 高亮度 全高清 激光投影仪,16:9,便携式 优派 - Optoma
优派 ZH520 环保 便携 高亮度 全高清 激光投影仪,16:9,便携式 优派 - Optoma
优派 ZH520 环保 便携 高亮度 全高清 激光投影仪,16:9,便携式 优派 - Optoma
优派 ZH520 环保 便携 高亮度 全高清 激光投影仪,16:9,便携式 优派 - Optoma

优派 ZH520 环保 便携 高亮度 全高清 激光投影仪,16:9,便携式 优派 - Optoma

Optoma ZH520

£1,428.00 £2,236.00 Save £808
可用性: 售罄!
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  • 激光灯技术:享受长寿命和节能的投影,激光灯技术提供长达30,000小时的灯寿命。
  • 高亮度和对比度:高对比度3,000,000:1和亮度5500流明,即使在光线充足的环境中也能体验令人惊叹的视觉效果,确保清晰生动的图像。
  • 全高清分辨率:通过本机16:9纵横比和全高清分辨率,沉浸于锐利详细的视觉效果,提供真正的电影体验。
  • 便携紧凑设计:Optoma ZH520投影仪具有便携紧凑的设计,可以随时随地进行演示,易于设置和携带。
  • 多功能连接:通过HDMI、USB和网络(RJ-45)端口无缝连接您的设备,可以从各种来源投射内容。
  • 内置扬声器:享受内置扬声器带来的增强音质,在演示或电影之夜期间不需要外部扬声器。
  • 简单设置和控制:使用附带的遥控器和用户友好的界面轻松设置和控制投影仪。
  • 适用于商务和演示:适用于会议室、董事会室和企业环境,Optoma ZH520投影仪为您的演示提供专业级性能。
  • 长寿命电池:投影仪配备了一块电池,确保您在演示期间不间断使用并提供便利。
  • 高动态范围(HDR)支持:通过HDR支持体验增强的色彩和对比度,使您的内容更加生动逼真。
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ZH520是Optoma迄今最紧凑、最无忧的全高清1080p DuraCore激光投影仪之一。设计用于无需维护的连续运行,它在一个时尚、紧凑的外形中提供了强大的图像性能,具有灵活的安装功能和广泛的连接选项,比以往的Optoma型号小34%。¹

为了支持Optoma对可持续发展的承诺,ZH520的功耗与Optoma的基于灯泡的投影仪相比降低了高达45%。² 节能的DuraCore激光技术确保了长达30,000小时的产品寿命,无需额外的灯泡,需要极小的维护,且无汞,进一步降低了碳足迹。


设计时以环保为考量,环保机箱设计采用高达50%的PCR(后消费者回收)塑料,包装含高达97%可回收材料。³ 此外,Optoma ZH520投影仪的紧凑产品和包装大小使得每个集装箱可携带2倍以上的产品,从而实现更高效的物流,有助于进一步减少碳排放。¹


Return Policy

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Standard Return Policy

We offer a hassle-free 30-day returns policy for domestic (US) orders, excluding non-refundable items. Refund or Replacement within 30 days of the delivery date. All products that fall under the Standard Return Policy qualify for our 30-Day Hassle-Free Returns. Please see the section above for more details.

Replacement Only Return Policy

Replacement within 30 days of the delivery date.

Manufacturer Only Return Policy

Covered by the manufacturer's warranty. Please refer to the terms and conditions for the manufacturer's warranty or contact the manufacturer.

Holiday Extended Return Policies

Extended Holiday Return Policy.

Qualifying purchases of products displaying the " Extended Holiday Return Policy ", from November 1st, 2023 to December 25, 2023, are eligible for a Refund or Replacement until January 31, 2024.

Extended Holiday Replacement-Only Return Policy

Qualifying purchases of products displaying the " Extended Holiday Replacement-Only Return Policy ", from November 1st, 2023 to December 25, 2023, are eligible for a Replacement until January 31, 2024.

The Optoma ZH520 3D DLP Projector is designed for indoor use in conference rooms, boardrooms, and similar environments. It may not perform optimally in outdoor settings due to ambient light conditions.
Yes, the projector offers multiple connectivity options, including HDMI, USB, and network (RJ-45) ports. You can easily connect your devices such as laptops, Blu-ray players, and gaming consoles.
The Optoma ZH520 3D DLP Projector features a laser lamp with a lifespan of up to 30,000 hours in normal mode. This ensures long-lasting performance and reduces the need for frequent lamp replacements.
Yes, the projector comes with built-in speakers, allowing you to enjoy audio without the need for external speakers. However, for a more immersive audio experience, you can also connect external speakers to the projector.
Absolutely! The Optoma ZH520 3D DLP Projector supports 3D content, providing an immersive viewing experience. You can enjoy 3D movies, games, and other compatible content with compatible 3D glasses.






比较细节 优派 ZH520 环保 便携 高亮度 全高清 激光投影仪,16:9,便携式 优派 - Optoma

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