Tripp Lite U223-004-IND-1 4-Port 工业级 USB 2.0 集线器,15KV 静电保护 Tripp Lite 贝尔金

Tripp Lite U223-004-IND-1 4-Port 工业级 USB 2.0 集线器,15KV 静电保护 Tripp Lite 贝尔金
Tripp Lite U223-004-IND-1
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- 1年 保修
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- 碳中和
- 添加条形码扫描器,串行设备,传感器-多达4个设备-到您的主机计算机
- 支持高达480 Mbps的USB 2.0速度,以确保可靠的数据传输
- 工业级金属外壳可经受恶劣的仓库和工厂环境
- 静电保护至±15 kV,可减少与连接的外围设备的静电损坏风险
- USB端口支持螺钉锁扣电缆,以帮助防止意外断开连接
Tripp Lite
工业级 USB 2.0 集线器可将高达 4 个 USB 设备连接到您的计算机
这款带有坚固金属外壳的 USB 2.0 集线器可连接四个 USB 设备,如外部硬盘、工业打印机、条码扫描仪、串行设备和传感器,连接到您的主机 PC、服务器或瘦客户端。耐用的金属外壳可经受工业和商业应用中恶劣物理条件的考验,例如工厂、施工现场、供应室和仓库。该集线器支持高达 480 Mbps 的 USB 2.0 数据传输速率,并向后兼容 USB 1.1 设备。所有端口支持螺丝锁定的 USB 2.0 电缆,以防止意外断开。
车间内的设备可能会产生静电放电,导致数据丢失并损坏敏感的电子设备。这款四端口集线器包括最高 ±15 kV 的静电保护,可降低您连接的外围设备遭受静电损害的风险。此功能与过电流保护一起工作,以保护您的连接设备免受来自电源浪涌的损害。
U223-004-IND-1 无需下载和安装软件。它可以通过 USB-A 到 USB-B 电缆从连接的计算机获取电源。但是,为了获得最佳性能,建议连接兼容的 5V 2.5A 直流外部电源(不包括在内)。您还可以将附带的 3 线端子块插入集线器以从电源端获取电源。绿色 LED 指示单元正在接收电源。金属机箱可使用附带的安装硬件轻松安装到墙壁或 DIN 导轨上。
- 将高达 4 个 USB 设备和外围设备连接到您的计算机或笔记本电脑
- 为存放在柜子、家具背后或其他难以到达的位置的计算机添加易于访问的 USB 端口
- 安装到恶劣环境中的墙壁或 DIN 导轨上,例如工厂、施工现场、供应室或仓库
- 兼容 Windows、Mac OS 和 Linux 操作系统
- 如果使用可选电源,需要输出插头为 5.5 x 2.1 x 9.5 毫米,正极针脚、负极套筒的 5V 2.5A 直流电源单元
Return Policy |
Time to Return |
Standard Return Policy |
We offer a hassle-free 30-day returns policy for domestic (US) orders, excluding non-refundable items. Refund or Replacement within 30 days of the delivery date. All products that fall under the Standard Return Policy qualify for our 30-Day Hassle-Free Returns. Please see the section above for more details. |
Replacement Only Return Policy |
Replacement within 30 days of the delivery date. |
Manufacturer Only Return Policy |
Covered by the manufacturer's warranty. Please refer to the terms and conditions for the manufacturer's warranty or contact the manufacturer. |
Holiday Extended Return Policies |
Extended Holiday Return Policy.Qualifying purchases of products displaying the " Extended Holiday Return Policy ", from November 1st, 2023 to December 25, 2023, are eligible for a Refund or Replacement until January 31, 2024. Extended Holiday Replacement-Only Return PolicyQualifying purchases of products displaying the " Extended Holiday Replacement-Only Return Policy ", from November 1st, 2023 to December 25, 2023, are eligible for a Replacement until January 31, 2024. |

Rugged Industrial USB Hub with Enhanced Port Protection
Technical Specifications
- Heavy-duty metal housing for industrial durability
- 4 downstream USB 2.0 ports with screw-lock capability
- Flexible power options via USB, DC adapter, or terminal block
- Factory floor equipment connectivity
- Industrial automation systems
- Manufacturing process control stations

Flexible Mounting Solutions for Industrial Environments
Technical Specifications
- Integrated mounting bracket for secure installation
- Multiple mounting configuration options
- Durable metal construction for long-term reliability
- Control panel integration
- Equipment cabinet mounting
- Production line installation

DIN Rail Mounting for Control Panel Integration
Technical Specifications
- Standard DIN rail mounting compatibility
- Space-efficient side-mount design
- Accessible port configuration
- Control panel systems
- Industrial automation cabinets
- Machine control stations

Clear Port Labeling for Efficient Device Management
Technical Specifications
- Numbered port identification system
- LED power status indicator
- Clear port layout design
- Multi-device industrial monitoring
- Sensor network management
- Production equipment connectivity

Industrial-Grade Design with Multiple Mounting Options
Technical Specifications
- Dual mounting option compatibility
- Industrial-grade metal construction
- Comprehensive port protection
- Industrial workspace integration
- Manufacturing equipment connectivity
- Process control system installation