Tripp Lite PDU3EVSR1L1530 36-Stikkontakter PDU Administrert Byskiftet 8600W Effektrating Trefase Multifarge LCD

Full-length view of Tripp Lite PDU3EVSR1L1530 showing vertical outlet arrangement-alternate-image1
Vertical view of PDU showing outlet arrangement and mounting design-alternate-image2
Side view of PDU showing construction and housing design-alternate-image3
Close-up of PDU mounting system and installation points-alternate-image4
Detail of PDU power input connection and cabling-alternate-image5
Close-up of PDU control panel and display interface-alternate-image6
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Close-up of Bank 3 outlet arrangement-alternate-image8
Detail of Bank 2 power distribution section-alternate-image9
Close-up of PDU mounting button and interface-alternate-image10
Detail of NEMA L15-30P power input connector-alternate-image11
Installation accessories and documentation package-alternate-image12

Tripp Lite PDU3EVSR1L1530 36-Stikkontakter PDU Administrert Byskiftet 8600W Effektrating Trefase Multifarge LCD

Tripp Lite PDU3EVSR1L1530

30.277,00 kr
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  • Free Shipping
  • 1 Year Warranty
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Product Key Features

  • 30 C13 og 6 C19 200-240V uttak distribuerer AC-strøm til tilkoblede enheter
  • GbE-kapabel nettverksgrensesnitt tilbyr forbedrede fjerndriftsevner
  • Fargedisplay LCD gir nåværende nivåer, miljødata og nettverksinformasjon
  • Isolerer og utløser kun uttaket med strømstøtet, og holder de andre uttakene på belastningsbanken på nett
  • Samsvarer med den føderale avtalen om handel (TAA) for GSA-planlagte kjøp
30.277,00 kr
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Tripp Lite


Tripp Lite PDU3EVSR1L1530: Advanced 3-Phase 36-Outlet Managed PDU with Switched Control for Enterprise Data Centers

The Tripp Lite PDU3EVSR1L1530 is a high-performance 8600W three-phase PDU featuring 36 individually controllable outlets, advanced network management capabilities, and innovative IsoBreaker™ technology. This 0U vertical rack-mounted power distribution unit combines sophisticated power monitoring, including THDv waveform capture, with remote outlet control through its built-in Gigabit Ethernet interface, making it ideal for modern data centers and enterprise environments.

Advanced Power Distribution and Management Features

This managed PDU delivers reliable power through 30 C13 and 6 C19 outlets, operating at 200-240V AC. Each outlet features LED indicators for status monitoring and can be individually controlled for remote power cycling. The unit's sophisticated PADM20 firmware enables comprehensive remote management, including customizable dashboard monitoring and automated device reboot capabilities through the Auto Probe feature.

IsoBreaker™ Technology for Enhanced Reliability

The PDU incorporates innovative IsoBreaker™ technology that maintains critical system uptime by isolating power surges to individual outlets rather than entire banks. This selective tripping mechanism ensures that unaffected equipment remains operational during overload conditions, significantly reducing the risk of widespread system downtime.

Key Feature: THDv waveform capture functionality provides precise 200ms snapshots of power quality, essential for critical installations in data centers, hospitals, and airports.

Network Management and Monitoring Capabilities

The integrated network management card supports GbE connectivity and features the latest PowerAlert® Device Manager (PADM20) firmware. Combined with PowerAlert Element Manager (PAEM) software, it provides comprehensive remote monitoring, configuration backup, and firmware management capabilities. The multi-color LCD touchscreen offers instant access to critical PDU data, including phase-specific metrics and QR code generation for mobile device access.

Technical Specifications and Installation

With a robust 8600W power rating and 24A input current capacity, this PDU is equipped with a NEMA L15-30P plug for reliable three-phase power connection. The 0U vertical form factor (70" x 2.2" x 3.1") optimizes rack space utilization, while the included mounting hardware ensures secure installation.

Package Contents and Warranty

  • PDU3EVSR1L1530 36-Outlets PDU
  • Configuration Cable
  • Rack-Mounting Hardware
  • 2 Spare Mounting Buttons
  • 2 Toothed Washers
  • 2 M4 Black Phillips Head Machine Screws
  • PDUMVROTATEBRKT Mounting Bracket Accessory
  • Owner's Manual

The PDU is backed by a 2-year limited warranty and is both TAA and RoHS compliant, demonstrating Tripp Lite's commitment to quality and environmental responsibility.


Funksjoner | 3-fase Switched PDU Distribuerer, Overvåker og Administrerer Nettverksklasse Strøm

Anbefalt for datasentre, nettverkstjenesteleverandører og store virksomheter, gir denne administrerte PDU med innebygget nettverksgrensesnitt avansert nettverkskontroll og fjernovervåking av strøm med muligheten til å slå på, slå av, starte på nytt eller låse strømmen til hver utsalgssted. Du kan mer effektivt administrere nettverks strømforbruk, opprettholde riktig belastningsbalanse og fjernstarte låste nettverkselementer uten å måtte besøke stedet. Reduksjon av antall besøk på stedet kan bidra til å senke kostnadene ved datasenter vedlikehold, og dermed senke 0U PDUs totale eierkostnad.

36 Utsalgssteder Fordeler AC Strøm til Tilkoblet Utstyr

I normal drift distribuerer 36 individuelt kontrollerbare utsalgssteder - 30 C13 og seks C19 - i tre lastbanker AC-strøm til rackutstyr. Hvert 200-240V utsalgssted er ledsaget av en LED som lyser når utsalgsstedet er aktivert og klart til bruk. Utsalgsstedene og bankene kan overvåkes individuelt for å sikre riktig belastningsnivåer og belastningsbalansering.

IsoBreaker™ Teknologi Hjelper med Å Opprettholde Kritisk Oppetid under Overbelastninger

Innovativ IsoBreaker-teknologi forhindrer behovet for å slå av flere enheter når det oppstår overspenninger. I tilfelle av en overspenning på grunn av en overbelastning på et individuelt utsalgssted, tripper lastbankens sikring kun det utsalgsstedet i stedet for hele banken. Dette bidrar til å opprettholde oppetiden til servere og annen kritisk utstyr som kan forbli online, og unngår en kostbar driftsstans.

Sofistikert Strømovervåking Inkluderer THDv Waveform Fangst

For installasjoner der svært spesifikke inngangsspenning forvrengningsmålinger er kritiske, som datasentre, sykehus og flyplasser, identifiserer og fanger THDv waveform capture-funksjonen PDU-inngangsspenningens kvalitet ved å ta et 200ms bølgeform-snapshot som trigges basert på en THDv-kriterium. THDv-bølgeformfanges trigger vil fange 100ms før og 100ms etter triggerkriteriet. Dette bidrar til å gi presise inngangslesninger og nøyaktig rapportere linestøy for å hjelpe deg med å diagnostisere strømproblemer og unngå fremtidig nedetid.

Innebygd GbE-Kapabel Nettverksadministrasjonskort Tillater Fjernadgang 24/7

Det innebygde nettverksgrensesnittet med den nyeste versjonen av PowerAlert® Device Manager-firmware (PADM20) gir forbedrede fjernadministrasjonsmuligheter, inkludert tilpassbare dashbordgrafer for å passe brukerpreferanser. PADM20-oppdateringen og PowerAlert Element Manager (PAEM) programvaren danner et kraftig verktøy for å utvide vedlikeholdsfunksjoner i store installasjoner, inkludert kontroller av firmwareoppdateringer og sikkerhetskopiering og gjenoppretting av enhetskonfigurasjoner. PADM20s Auto Probe-funksjon lar en PDU med svitsjede laster automatisk starte enheter på nytt hvis en nettverkskommunikasjonsfeil oppdages. Dette bevarer oppetiden og minimerer tiden og kostnadene knyttet til støtte på stedet.

Fargetouch-skjerm gir Viktige Data med et Blikk

En lettnavigert fargetouch-skjerm rapporterer detaljert analyse av PDU inngangs-/utgangsdata per fase, per bank og per utsalgssted. Den gir også informasjon om energiforbruk og maksimal strømbehov. Den kan generere en unik QR-kode for å muliggjøre skrivebeskyttet tilgang til PDU via mobil enhet. Hvis en EnviroSense2-modul (selges separat) er tilkoblet PDUen, viser LCD-en også status og miljødata som temperatur og fuktighet.


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Replacement within 30 days of the delivery date.

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Qualifying purchases of products displaying the " Extended Holiday Return Policy ", from November 1st, 2023 to December 25, 2023, are eligible for a Refund or Replacement until January 31, 2024.

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Qualifying purchases of products displaying the " Extended Holiday Replacement-Only Return Policy ", from November 1st, 2023 to December 25, 2023, are eligible for a Replacement until January 31, 2024.

Full-length view of Tripp Lite PDU3EVSR1L1530 showing vertical outlet arrangement

Full-Length Power Distribution Excellence

The vertical 0U PDU features an optimized layout of 36 outlets arranged for efficient power distribution. The sleek black design incorporates LED indicators for each outlet, providing instant visual status monitoring. Strategic placement of C13 and C19 outlets ensures compatibility with various enterprise equipment.

Technical Specifications

  • 36 total outlets in vertical configuration
  • LED status indicators per outlet
  • 0U form factor design


  • High-density rack power distribution
  • Enterprise data center deployment
  • Managed power distribution systems
Vertical view of PDU showing outlet arrangement and mounting design

Vertical Mounting Efficiency

The PDU's slim profile maximizes rack space utilization while providing comprehensive power distribution capabilities. The vertical design incorporates both C13 and C19 outlets with clear labeling and organized grouping for optimal cable management.

Technical Specifications

  • Space-saving vertical design
  • Organized outlet grouping
  • Clear outlet labeling system


  • Rack space optimization
  • Structured cabling implementation
  • Enterprise power management
Side view of PDU showing construction and housing design

Robust Construction and Durability

The PDU's metal housing ensures long-term reliability in demanding data center environments. The sturdy construction supports continuous operation while providing proper heat dissipation and structural integrity.

Technical Specifications

  • Metal housing construction
  • Heat-dissipating design
  • Industrial-grade durability


  • 24/7 operation environments
  • High-reliability installations
  • Mission-critical facilities
Close-up of PDU mounting system and installation points

Professional Mounting System

The PDU features a secure mounting system designed for reliable installation in standard server racks. The mounting points are strategically placed to ensure stability and proper weight distribution.

Technical Specifications

  • Secure mounting design
  • Standard rack compatibility
  • Balanced weight distribution


  • Professional rack installation
  • Secure equipment mounting
  • Data center deployment
Detail of PDU power input connection and cabling

Comprehensive Input Connection

Features a professional-grade power input system with NEMA L15-30P connector, ensuring reliable three-phase power delivery. The input section includes proper strain relief and robust construction for long-term reliability.

Technical Specifications

  • NEMA L15-30P input connector
  • Three-phase power support
  • Industrial-grade strain relief


  • Three-phase power distribution
  • High-capacity power delivery
  • Enterprise power management
Close-up of PDU control panel and display interface

Intelligent Control Interface

The advanced control panel features an intuitive LCD display and navigation buttons for local management. Multiple interface options support comprehensive remote monitoring and control capabilities.

Technical Specifications

  • LCD display interface
  • Multi-button navigation
  • Network management ports


  • Local power monitoring
  • Remote management access
  • System configuration
Detail view of Bank 1 outlets and labeling

Bank 1 Power Distribution

The first power bank features clearly labeled outlets with individual circuit protection. Organized numbering system facilitates easy identification and management of connected devices.

Technical Specifications

  • Individual outlet protection
  • Clear numerical labeling
  • Circuit status indicators


  • Structured power distribution
  • Equipment load management
  • Circuit protection implementation
Close-up of Bank 3 outlet arrangement

Bank 3 Power Organization

Bank 3 provides additional power distribution capabilities with clearly marked outlets and protection features. The organized layout supports efficient cable management and device connection.

Technical Specifications

  • Protected outlet array
  • Organized outlet grouping
  • Power status monitoring


  • Scalable power distribution
  • Multi-device power management
  • Load balancing implementation
Detail of Bank 2 power distribution section

Bank 2 Configuration

The second power bank delivers additional outlet capacity with integrated protection features. Clear labeling and organized layout facilitate proper power distribution and management.

Technical Specifications

  • Protected outlet design
  • Sequential numbering system
  • Status monitoring capabilities


  • Systematic power distribution
  • Device power management
  • Load distribution control
Close-up of PDU mounting button and interface

Secure Mounting Interface

Features a robust mounting button system for secure installation in rack environments. The design ensures stable positioning and reliable operation in various rack configurations.

Technical Specifications

  • Heavy-duty mounting system
  • Secure attachment design
  • Flexible positioning options


  • Secure rack mounting
  • Professional installation
  • Stable equipment positioning
Detail of NEMA L15-30P power input connector

Industrial-Grade Power Input

The NEMA L15-30P connector provides reliable three-phase power input with robust construction and gold-plated contacts for optimal conductivity and long-term reliability.

Technical Specifications

  • NEMA L15-30P specification
  • Gold-plated contacts
  • Heavy-duty construction


  • Three-phase power integration
  • High-capacity power delivery
  • Industrial power distribution
Installation accessories and documentation package

Complete Installation Kit

Includes comprehensive documentation, mounting hardware, and configuration accessories. The package provides everything needed for professional installation and setup of the PDU system.

Technical Specifications

  • Complete mounting hardware set
  • Configuration cable included
  • Multi-language documentation


  • Professional system setup
  • Rack integration projects
  • Enterprise deployment
The Tripp Lite PDU3EVSR1L1530 is a 3-phase switched PDU with 36 outlets (30 C13 and 6 C19), featuring 8600W power rating and advanced management capabilities. Key features include a multi-color LCD touchscreen, built-in GbE network interface, IsoBreaker™ technology for selective outlet protection, THDv waveform capture, and remote power monitoring/control. It supports PADM20 firmware for enhanced remote management and includes individual outlet control with LED indicators for each outlet.
This PDU has an 8600W power rating with 230V AC input voltage and 24A input current. It features a NEMA L15-30P plug type and provides output voltage ranging from 200V AC to 240V AC. The unit distributes power across three phases, making it ideal for high-power density applications in data centers and enterprise environments.
The PDU3EVSR1L1530 features 36 total outlets divided into: 30 IEC 60320 C13 outlets and 6 IEC 60320 C19 outlets. Each outlet is individually controllable and features an LED indicator that shows when the outlet is powered up and ready for use. The outlets are arranged in three load banks for proper load balancing.
This PDU is designed for 0U vertical rack mounting, with dimensions of 70" height, 2.2" width, and 3.1" depth. It weighs approximately 18.52 lb and comes with rack-mounting hardware including a PDUMVROTATEBRKT mounting bracket accessory. The black vertical form factor makes it ideal for efficient rack space utilization.
The PDU features comprehensive management capabilities including a built-in GbE network card, PADM20 firmware, and PAEM software support. It offers remote outlet switching, power monitoring per phase/bank/outlet, energy consumption tracking, and peak power demand monitoring. The color touchscreen LCD provides detailed analysis and can generate QR codes for mobile device access. It's also compatible with EnviroSense2 modules for environmental monitoring.
The PDU incorporates IsoBreaker™ technology for advanced protection, which selectively trips individual outlets during overloads instead of entire banks. It includes circuit breaker protection and overload protection features. This selective tripping helps maintain uptime for critical equipment by isolating power issues to specific outlets rather than affecting multiple devices.
The package includes the PDU3EVSR1L1530 unit, configuration cable, rack-mounting hardware, 2 spare mounting buttons, 2 toothed washers, 2 M4 black Phillips head machine screws, PDUMVROTATEBRKT mounting bracket accessory, and owner's manual. All necessary components for installation and configuration are provided.
The PDU3EVSR1L1530 comes with a 2-year limited warranty. It is TAA compliant and environmentally certified with RoHS compliance. The unit is designed for data center and server applications, meeting necessary standards for professional enterprise deployment.


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