IronKey IKD500S/256GB D500S 256GB USB 3.2 (Gen 1) Type A Flash-stasjon Vanntett Robust Kabinett

IronKey D500S USB flash drive in black zinc casing with silver logo branding-alternate-image1
Top view of IronKey D500S secure USB drive showing sleek black design-alternate-image2
IronKey D500S USB drive with exposed connector against blue background-alternate-image3
IronKey D500S retail package with binary code pattern and security certifications-alternate-image4

IronKey IKD500S/256GB D500S 256GB USB 3.2 (Gen 1) Type A Flash-stasjon Vanntett Robust Kabinett

IronKey IKD500S/256GB

3.630,00 kr
Brand New
Availability: In stock , ready to be shipped .
  • Free Shipping
  • 1 Year Warranty
  • 30 Day Returns
  • Carbon Neutral

Product Key Features

  • 🔒 FIPS 140-3 Level 3 certified with military-grade security
  • 🔐 XTS-AES 256-bit hardware encryption
  • ⚡ Fast USB 3.2 speeds: 240MB/s read, 170MB/s write
  • 💾 256GB storage capacity
  • 💪 Rugged zinc casing: waterproof, dustproof, crush-resistant
  • 🛡️ Multi-password support with Admin, User, and Recovery options
  • 🚫 Brute Force attack protection with auto crypto-erase
  • 📁 Dual Hidden Partition feature
  • 🔍 Unique 8-digit serial number with barcode
  • 🌐 TAA/CMMC Compliant and Assembled in USA
3.630,00 kr
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IronKey D500S 256GB Military-Grade Secure Flash Drive with FIPS 140-3 Certification

Experience uncompromising data security with the Kingston IronKey D500S 256GB USB Flash Drive, featuring military-grade FIPS 140-3 Level 3 certification and XTS-AES 256-bit encryption. This rugged, waterproof drive delivers exceptional performance with speeds up to 240MB/s read and 170MB/s write, making it the ultimate choice for protecting classified and sensitive information.

Military-Grade Security Features

  • FIPS 140-3 Level 3 (Pending) certification for government and military compliance
  • Hardware-based XTS-AES 256-bit encryption
  • Brute Force password attack protection with crypto-erase functionality
  • BadUSB malware immunity with digitally-signed firmware
  • Multi-password option with Admin, User, and One-Time Recovery access

Advanced Data Protection Capabilities

The D500S offers unique security features including:

  • Dual Hidden Partition option with custom-sized secure partitions
  • Global and Session-based Read-Only modes
  • Virtual Keyboard for protection against keyloggers
  • Cryptographic Erase feature for secure data destruction
  • Complex password and Passphrase support (10-128 characters)

Rugged Physical Protection

Engineered for durability with:

  • Zinc casing with epoxy-filled protection
  • Waterproof and dustproof construction
  • Crush-resistant design
  • Compact dimensions: 3.1" x 0.9" x 0.5"
  • USB 3.2 Gen 1 interface for high-speed data transfer

Compliance and Certification

  • TAA/CMMC Compliant
  • Assembled in USA
  • Environmental certifications: PFOS, REACH, WEEE, RoHS
  • Meets DLP best practices
  • Compliant with GDPR, HIPAA, SOX, and CCPA regulations

KINGSTON IRONKEY D500S | Militærgrad FIPS 140-3 Nivå 3 (Venter) sikkerhet for å beskytte mobile data

Kingston IronKey™ D500S/SM USB Flash-stasjon har flaggskip militærgrad sikkerhet som gjør IronKey til det mest betrodde merket for å beskytte klassifisert informasjon. Den er FIPS 140-3 Nivå 3 (Venter) sertifisert med nye forbedringer fra NIST som krever sikre mikroprosessoroppgraderinger for sterkere sikkerhet og beskyttelse mot angrep for bruk i offentlig sektor og militæret. Data blir kryptert og dekryptert på D500S uten at noe spor etterlates på vertssystemet. I tillegg til maskinvarebasert XTS-AES 256-bit kryptering, har den et robust sinkhus som er vanntett, støvtett, crush-resistent og spesielt fylt med epoxy for å beskytte interne komponenter mot penetreringsangrep.

IronKey D500S er en essensiell søyle for å oppfylle beste praksis for datatapbeskyttelse (DLP) med den tøffeste militærgrad sikkerhet for overholdelse av lovgivning og forskrifter om datakryptering som GDPR, HIPAA, SOX og CCPA. D500S tilbyr flere funksjoner enn noen annen stasjon i sin klasse, noe som gjør den til en komplett sikkerhetsløsning for høyverdig databeskyttelse.

D500S gjennomfører selvtester ved oppstart og oppdagelse av overtemperatur- eller spenningsforhold fører til at stasjonen slår seg av. For ekstra trygghet har D500S innebygd digitalt signert firmware som gjør den immun mot BadUSB malware og Brute Force angrep. Beskyttelse mot Brute Force passordangrep er alltid aktivert for å hindre passordgjettning og vil til slutt kryptoslette stasjonen hvis antall ugyldige passordforsøk overskrides.

Den tilbyr en Multi-Passord alternativ for tilgang til data som støtter opptil tre passord: Admin, Bruker og Engangsgjenoppretting. Admin kan tilbakestille et brukerpassord og også aktivere et engangsgjenopprettingspassord for å gjenopprette tilgang dersom brukerpassordet glemmes.

D500S støtter tradisjonell kompleks passord eller passfrase-modus. Tradisjonell kompleks modus tillater passord fra 8-16 tegn ved å bruke 3 av 4 tegnsett. Passfraser kan være fra 10-128 tegn lange. En setning med mellomrom, liste over ord eller til og med tekster for å forenkle det å huske meningsfulle, men svært sikre passord. FBI anbefaler flervords passfraser som er 15 tegn eller lengre som sterkere, men enklere å huske enn komplekse passord.

D500S inkluderer et bransjeledende alternativ for duplikat skjulte partisjoner hvor Admin kan opprette to spesialtilpassede sikre partisjoner for Admin og Bruker, og dermed tillate en skjult filoppbevaring som kan brukes til å tildele filer til brukerpartisjonen etter behov. Når du bruker ukjente systemer eller deler stasjonen, holder de skjulte filoppbevaringene dataene sikre og usynlige med mindre de blir riktig tilganget.

Med en spesiell tastekombinasjon kan Admin angi et Crypto-Erase-passord som vil kryptoslette stasjonen, ødelegge dataene for alltid og tilbakestille den for å forhindre uautorisert tilgang.

For å hjelpe brukere med tastaturproblemer, inkluderer alle passordinngangsskjermbilder et øye-symbol som viser passordet som er angitt for å redusere skrivefeil. Et virtuelt tastatur er også tilgjengelig på engelsk for å skjule passordinngang fra tastaturlogger og skjermlogger.

D500S støtter også to nivåer av skrivebeskyttelsesmodus (Read-Only). Både Admin og Bruker kan sette en sesjonsbasert skrivebeskyttelsesmåte for å beskytte stasjonen mot malware på ukjente systemer. Admin kan også sette en global skrivebeskyttelsesmodus som setter stasjonen i skrivebeskyttet modus til den tilbakestilles.

Den leverer også rask ytelse uten å kompromittere sikkerheten. Stasjonen inkluderer et unikt 8-sifret serienummer som er det samme elektronisk som gravert på huset, med en skannbar strekkode for distribusjon eller revisjonsformål.

D500S tilbyr mange tilpasningsalternativer og er TAA/CMMC-kompatibel og samlet i USA.


Return Policy

Time to Return

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We offer a hassle-free 30-day returns policy for domestic (US) orders, excluding non-refundable items. Refund or Replacement within 30 days of the delivery date. All products that fall under the Standard Return Policy qualify for our 30-Day Hassle-Free Returns. Please see the section above for more details.

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Replacement within 30 days of the delivery date.

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Covered by the manufacturer's warranty. Please refer to the terms and conditions for the manufacturer's warranty or contact the manufacturer.

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Extended Holiday Return Policy.

Qualifying purchases of products displaying the " Extended Holiday Return Policy ", from November 1st, 2023 to December 25, 2023, are eligible for a Refund or Replacement until January 31, 2024.

Extended Holiday Replacement-Only Return Policy

Qualifying purchases of products displaying the " Extended Holiday Replacement-Only Return Policy ", from November 1st, 2023 to December 25, 2023, are eligible for a Replacement until January 31, 2024.

IronKey D500S USB flash drive in black zinc casing with silver logo branding

Military-Grade Data Protection in a Sleek Design

The IronKey D500S combines sophisticated security with an understated professional aesthetic. The matte black zinc casing houses advanced encryption technology while maintaining a clean, minimalist profile that speaks to its enterprise-grade capabilities. The laser-etched branding and capacity indicator provide essential information without compromising the drive's sophisticated appearance.

Technical Specifications

  • 256GB storage capacity with XTS-AES 256-bit encryption
  • FIPS 140-3 Level 3 certified security features
  • Rugged zinc alloy casing for physical protection


  • Secure transport of classified government data
  • Protected storage of sensitive corporate information
  • Compliance with data protection regulations
Top view of IronKey D500S secure USB drive showing sleek black design

Engineered for Maximum Data Security

From every angle, the D500S exemplifies secure data storage excellence. The streamlined form factor belies its robust security features, while the reinforced USB connector ensures reliable data transfers. The drive's epoxy-filled interior provides an additional layer of protection against physical tampering attempts.

Technical Specifications

  • Tamper-resistant epoxy-filled construction
  • Digitally-signed firmware for BadUSB protection
  • Multi-password authentication system


  • Secure file transfer between secure facilities
  • Protected storage of intellectual property
  • Regulatory compliant data transport
IronKey D500S USB drive with exposed connector against blue background

High-Speed Secure Data Transfer

The USB 3.2 interface delivers exceptional transfer speeds without compromising security. The precision-engineered connector ensures consistent performance while maintaining the drive's waterproof and dustproof integrity. The distinctive blue USB port indicator signifies its high-speed capabilities.

Technical Specifications

  • USB 3.2 Gen 1 interface for fast data transfer
  • Read speeds up to 240MB/s
  • Write speeds up to 170MB/s


  • Rapid deployment of secure software updates
  • Quick backup of sensitive databases
  • Efficient transfer of large encrypted files
IronKey D500S retail package with binary code pattern and security certifications

FIPS 140-3 Certified Security Solution

The retail packaging emphasizes the D500S's security credentials with its binary code design motif. The FIPS 140-3 certification badge prominently displayed confirms its compliance with the strictest federal security standards. The packaging itself reflects the professional-grade nature of this security solution.

Technical Specifications

  • FIPS 140-3 Level 3 certification pending
  • Brute force protection with crypto-erase
  • Dual partition capability with hidden volumes


  • Government agency data protection
  • Healthcare information security compliance
  • Financial sector data transport
The IronKey D500S features military-grade FIPS 140-3 Level 3 certification with hardware-based XTS-AES 256-bit encryption. It includes Brute Force password attack protection, BadUSB malware immunity through digitally-signed firmware, and multiple password options (Admin, User, and One-Time Recovery). The drive offers Crypto-Erase capability, dual hidden partition options, and both session-based and global Read-Only modes for additional security.
The IronKey D500S delivers high-performance data transfer with speeds up to 240 MB/s for reading and 170 MB/s for writing. It features USB 3.2 (Gen 1) Type A connectivity and offers 256GB storage capacity. The drive maintains these performance levels while providing full hardware-based encryption without compromising security.
The IronKey D500S features exceptional durability with a rugged zinc casing that's waterproof, dustproof, and crush-resistant. The drive includes special epoxy-filling to protect internal components from physical penetration attacks. Its military-grade construction measures 3.1" in length, 0.9" in width, and 0.5" in height, making it both robust and portable.
The IronKey D500S supports multiple password modes including Complex password (8-16 characters using 3 out of 4 character sets) and Passphrase mode (10-128 characters). It offers three password levels: Admin, User, and One-Time Recovery. The drive includes a Virtual Keyboard for protection against keyloggers and an Eye symbol feature to verify password entry. FBI-recommended multi-word passphrases of 15+ characters are supported for enhanced security.
The IronKey D500S offers 256GB of secure storage with advanced partition management features. It includes a unique Dual Hidden Partition option where Admin can create two custom-sized secure partitions for Admin and User access. The drive supports Hidden File Store functionality, allowing secure file provisioning to the User partition. Additionally, it includes Read-Only mode options for both Admin and User to prevent unauthorized modifications.
The IronKey D500S is FIPS 140-3 Level 3 certified (Pending) and complies with major data protection regulations including GDPR, HIPAA, SOX, and CCPA. It's TAA/CMMC Compliant and Assembled in USA. The drive also meets environmental standards including PFOS, REACH, WEEE, and RoHS certifications, making it suitable for government, military, and enterprise use.
The IronKey D500S employs multiple security layers including Brute Force attack protection that crypto-erases the drive after exceeded password attempts, hardware-based XTS-AES 256-bit encryption, and immunity to BadUSB malware through digitally-signed firmware. It features self-testing upon bootup and automatic shutdown upon detecting over-temperature or voltage conditions. The drive also includes a special Crypto-Erase password feature for secure data destruction.
The IronKey D500S comes with a 1-year warranty and includes the secure flash drive with 256GB capacity. Each drive features a unique 8-digit serial number that's both electronically stored and physically engraved on the casing, with a scannable barcode for deployment and auditing purposes. The drive is ready for enterprise deployment with its comprehensive security features and management capabilities.

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