Garmin 010-02566-03 - 가민 010-02566-03 vívomove Sport Smart Watch - 비보무브 스포츠 스마트워치 Water Resistant - 방수 OLED Display - OLED 디스플레이 120 Hour Battery - 120 시간 배터리 Cool Mint - 쿨 민트

Garmin vívomove Sport smartwatch in cool mint color showing analog watch face with digital display-alternate-image1
Cool mint Garmin vívomove Sport showing heart rate monitoring screen with digital display-alternate-image2
Side view of Garmin vívomove Sport showing slim profile and band attachment-alternate-image3
Alternative side view of Garmin vívomove Sport showing opposite band attachment-alternate-image4
Back view of Garmin vívomove Sport showing heart rate sensor and charging contacts-alternate-image5
Garmin 010-02566-03 - 가민 010-02566-03 vívomove Sport Smart Watch - 비보무브 스포츠 스마트워치 Water Resistant - 방수 OLED Display - OLED 디스플레이 120 Hour Battery - 120 시간 배터리 Cool Mint - 쿨 민트
Garmin 010-02566-03 - 가민 010-02566-03 vívomove Sport Smart Watch - 비보무브 스포츠 스마트워치 Water Resistant - 방수 OLED Display - OLED 디스플레이 120 Hour Battery - 120 시간 배터리 Cool Mint - 쿨 민트
Garmin 010-02566-03 - 가민 010-02566-03 vívomove Sport Smart Watch - 비보무브 스포츠 스마트워치 Water Resistant - 방수 OLED Display - OLED 디스플레이 120 Hour Battery - 120 시간 배터리 Cool Mint - 쿨 민트
Garmin 010-02566-03 - 가민 010-02566-03 vívomove Sport Smart Watch - 비보무브 스포츠 스마트워치 Water Resistant - 방수 OLED Display - OLED 디스플레이 120 Hour Battery - 120 시간 배터리 Cool Mint - 쿨 민트
Garmin 010-02566-03 - 가민 010-02566-03 vívomove Sport Smart Watch - 비보무브 스포츠 스마트워치 Water Resistant - 방수 OLED Display - OLED 디스플레이 120 Hour Battery - 120 시간 배터리 Cool Mint - 쿨 민트
Garmin 010-02566-03 - 가민 010-02566-03 vívomove Sport Smart Watch - 비보무브 스포츠 스마트워치 Water Resistant - 방수 OLED Display - OLED 디스플레이 120 Hour Battery - 120 시간 배터리 Cool Mint - 쿨 민트
Garmin 010-02566-03 - 가민 010-02566-03 vívomove Sport Smart Watch - 비보무브 스포츠 스마트워치 Water Resistant - 방수 OLED Display - OLED 디스플레이 120 Hour Battery - 120 시간 배터리 Cool Mint - 쿨 민트
Garmin 010-02566-03 - 가민 010-02566-03 vívomove Sport Smart Watch - 비보무브 스포츠 스마트워치 Water Resistant - 방수 OLED Display - OLED 디스플레이 120 Hour Battery - 120 시간 배터리 Cool Mint - 쿨 민트
Garmin 010-02566-03 - 가민 010-02566-03 vívomove Sport Smart Watch - 비보무브 스포츠 스마트워치 Water Resistant - 방수 OLED Display - OLED 디스플레이 120 Hour Battery - 120 시간 배터리 Cool Mint - 쿨 민트

Garmin 010-02566-03 - 가민 010-02566-03 vívomove Sport Smart Watch - 비보무브 스포츠 스마트워치 Water Resistant - 방수 OLED Display - OLED 디스플레이 120 Hour Battery - 120 시간 배터리 Cool Mint - 쿨 민트

Garmin 010-02566-03

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  • Free Shipping
  • 1 Year Warranty
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  • Carbon Neutral

Product Key Features

  • 내구성을 위한 방수 디자인
  • 터치스크린 OLED 디스플레이로 쉬운 네비게이션
  • 최대 120시간의 긴 배터리 수명
  • 추적 및 통신을 위한 GPS 및 블루투스 연결
  • 캘린더, 스톱워치, 수면 모니터 등 다양한 기능
  • 걸음, 거리, 심박수 등을 측정하는 센서
  • 세련된 쿨 민트 색상
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Garmin 010-02566-03 - 가민 010-02566-03 vívomove Sport Smart Watch - 비보무브 스포츠 스마트워치 Water Resistant - 방수 OLED Display - OLED 디스플레이 120 Hour Battery - 120 시간 배터리 Cool Mint - 쿨 민트

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Garmin vívomove Sport Smart Watch: The Ultimate Hybrid Fitness Companion with 120-Hour Battery Life

Experience the perfect blend of classic style and modern technology with the Garmin vívomove Sport Smart Watch in Cool Mint. This sophisticated hybrid smartwatch combines traditional analog aesthetics with advanced health tracking features, including heart rate monitoring, stress tracking, and connected GPS functionality. With its impressive 120-hour battery life and water-resistant design, it's the ideal companion for both active lifestyles and professional settings.

Advanced Health and Fitness Tracking Capabilities

Monitor your well-being with comprehensive health metrics including steps taken, distance traveled, calories burned, and sleep quality. The built-in heart rate monitor, stress tracker, and Pulse Oximeter sensor provide detailed insights into your body's performance. The innovative Body Battery™ energy monitoring helps you identify optimal times for activity and rest.

Smart Features for Connected Living

Stay connected with smart notifications for emails, texts, and alerts directly on your wrist. The hidden OLED touchscreen display (72 x 154 resolution) seamlessly integrates into the analog design, appearing only when needed. Access calendar views, timer, and stopwatch functions with simple touch controls.

Key Features:
  • Connected GPS for accurate outdoor activity tracking
  • Multiple sport profiles including yoga, strength, cardio, and swimming
  • Advanced sleep monitoring with REM sleep tracking
  • Menstrual cycle tracking capabilities
  • Hydration tracking and reminders

Premium Design and Comfort

The vívomove Sport features a durable fiber-reinforced polymer case and comfortable silicone band, measuring 1.57" x 1.57" x 0.43". At just 1.19 oz, it's lightweight enough for all-day wear. The Cool Mint color option offers a fresh, modern aesthetic, while the 18mm quick-release band system allows for easy customization.

Connectivity and Battery Performance

Equipped with Bluetooth technology, the watch seamlessly syncs with the Garmin Connect™ app, creating a comprehensive health and fitness ecosystem. The impressive 120-hour battery life ensures extended use between charges, perfect for active users who don't want to worry about frequent charging.

Package Contents

  • vívomove Sport Smart Watch
  • Charging/data cable
  • Documentation
Warranty Information: Backed by Garmin's 1-year limited warranty for peace of mind.

룩을 사랑하세요

여러 색상으로 제공되는 이 작은 하이브리드 스마트워치는 전통적인 아날로그 시계의 디자인과 바쁜 일상에 필요한 중요한 스마트 기능을 조화롭게 결합합니다.

스마트한 터치를 더한 전통적인 아날로그 시계 디자인.

작은 비밀입니다. 탭하거나 스와이프하여 숨겨진 터치스크린 디스플레이를 드러냅니다.

스마트한 알림이 스타일에 잘 어울립니다. 텍스트 메시지를 손목에서 바로 확인하세요.

단순한 외모뿐만이 아닙니다. 건강과 피트니스 정보를 손에 넣어주세요.

운동 준비가 되셨나요? 연결된 GPS로 야외 산책과 러닝을 추적하세요.

5일간의 배터리 수명 - 이를 능가해보세요.

당신의 스타일에 완벽히 어울립니다

다양한 색상으로 제공되는 vívomove 3S는 실리콘 밴드와 스테인리스 스틸 베젤로 만들어져서 업무, 주말 - 어디에서든 완벽합니다.

룩을 바꾸어보세요

모든 장소에 어울리는 시계 밴드를 찾고 싶을 때, 이 시계와 호환되는 18mm 퀵 릴리스 밴드를 사용하면 됩니다.

숨겨진 디스플레이

디스플레이는 필요할 때만 나타납니다. 터치스크린과 상호 작용하면 시계바늘이 동적으로 움직입니다.

항상 움직임 속에서 연결 상태를 유지하세요 | 스마트 알림

호환되는 스마트폰과 연결되면 이메일, 텍스트 메시지 및 알림을 시계에서 바로 받아보세요.

달력 뷰

전용 캘린더 화면으로 하루 일정을 쉽게 확인하세요.

타이머 및 스톱워치

손목에서 바로 유용한 시간 유지 기능에 액세스하세요.

Garmin Connect™와 동기화

건강 및 피트니스 정보를 한 곳에서 확인하세요. Garmin Connect 앱은 이동 중인 사람들이 연결하고 경쟁하고 공유할 수 있는 번창하는 온라인 커뮤니티입니다.

자신에 대해 더 잘 이해하세요 | 체질 에너지 모니터링

하루 내내 체질의 에너지 수준을 확인하여 활동과 휴식을 위한 최적 시간을 찾아보세요.

스트레스 추적

조용한 날, 균형 잡힌 날 또는 스트레스가 많은 날인지 확인하세요. 스트레스를 느낄 때 짧은 호흡 활동을 할 것을 상기시켜주는 휴식 알림도 제공합니다.

손목 기반 심박수

시계는 지속적으로 심박수를 샘플링하고 휴식 중에도 높은 상태로 유지되면 알려줍니다. 또한 활동 중 얼마나 힘들게 일하는지 측정하는 데 도움을 줍니다.

수분 추적

매일 섭취한 액체량을 기록하여 수분 섭취를 상기시킵니다.

고급 수면 모니터링

가벼운, 깊은 및 REM 수면 단계 및 펄스 옥스의 분석을 통해 당신이 어떻게 잠을 자는지 전체 그림을 파악하세요.

생리주기 추적

Garmin Connect를 사용하여 생리주기를 추적하고 육체적 및 정서적 증상을 기록하며 각 주기의 훈련 및 영양에 대해 배우세요. 심지어 손목에서 주기 추적 정보를 얻을 수 있습니다.

피트한 삶을 살아보세요 | 연결된 GPS

호환되는 스마트폰의 GPS에 연결하여 야외 산책, 라이딩 및 러닝 중 정확한 추적을 받으세요.

사전 설치된 스포츠 앱

요가, 근력 운동, 유산소, 수영 등을 위한 활동 프로필로 운동 루틴을 바꿔보세요.

피트니스 추적

외출하면서도 vívomove 3S는 걸음 수, 올라간 층, 강도 분, 등을 추적합니다. 심지어 다중 Garmin 스마트워치 간 데이터를 동기화할 수 있습니다.

Return Policy

Time to Return

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We offer a hassle-free 30-day returns policy for domestic (US) orders, excluding non-refundable items. Refund or Replacement within 30 days of the delivery date. All products that fall under the Standard Return Policy qualify for our 30-Day Hassle-Free Returns. Please see the section above for more details.

Replacement Only Return Policy

Replacement within 30 days of the delivery date.

Manufacturer Only Return Policy

Covered by the manufacturer's warranty. Please refer to the terms and conditions for the manufacturer's warranty or contact the manufacturer.

Holiday Extended Return Policies

Extended Holiday Return Policy.

Qualifying purchases of products displaying the " Extended Holiday Return Policy ", from November 1st, 2023 to December 25, 2023, are eligible for a Refund or Replacement until January 31, 2024.

Extended Holiday Replacement-Only Return Policy

Qualifying purchases of products displaying the " Extended Holiday Replacement-Only Return Policy ", from November 1st, 2023 to December 25, 2023, are eligible for a Replacement until January 31, 2024.

Garmin vívomove Sport smartwatch in cool mint color showing analog watch face with digital display

Elegant Design Meets Smart Technology

The Garmin vívomove Sport seamlessly blends classic analog styling with modern smart features. The cool mint colorway with sunburst dial pattern creates a sophisticated look while hiding advanced health monitoring capabilities beneath its traditional watch face.

Technical Specifications

  • ⌚ OLED touchscreen display with hidden smart features
  • 💪 Fiber reinforced polymer case in cool mint
  • 🔋 Up to 5 days battery life


  • 👔 Perfect for office wear while tracking health metrics
  • 📱 Discreet notifications during meetings
  • 🏃‍♀️ Activity tracking with style
Cool mint Garmin vívomove Sport showing heart rate monitoring screen with digital display

Advanced Health Monitoring Display

Track your daily health metrics with the vivid OLED display that appears with a simple gesture. The seamless integration of digital information within the analog design provides instant access to heart rate, steps, and other vital statistics.

Technical Specifications

  • ❤️ Real-time heart rate monitoring
  • 📊 Clear digital health metric display
  • 🔄 Dynamic analog hands move for digital readout


  • 💓 Monitor heart rate throughout the day
  • 👟 Track daily step progress
  • 📈 View health stats at a glance
Side view of Garmin vívomove Sport showing slim profile and band attachment

Streamlined Profile Design

Experience exceptional comfort with the sleek side profile and ergonomic design. The slim case and flexible silicone band work together to provide a secure yet comfortable fit for all-day wear.

Technical Specifications

  • 🎨 Slim 0.43-inch case depth
  • 💪 Durable fiber-reinforced construction
  • 🔄 Quick-release band mechanism


  • 🌙 Comfortable for sleep tracking
  • 🏃‍♀️ Secure fit during workouts
  • 📅 All-day wear comfort
Alternative side view of Garmin vívomove Sport showing opposite band attachment

Opposite Side Profile View

The symmetrical design ensures balanced weight distribution and comfort from every angle. The carefully crafted curves and minimal profile maintain elegance while housing advanced tracking sensors.

Technical Specifications

  • 📏 Balanced 1.57-inch case dimensions
  • 🔌 Discrete charging port placement
  • 🎯 Optimized sensor positioning


  • 💪 Workout-ready secure fit
  • 🛌 Comfortable sleep tracking
  • 🏊‍♀️ Water-resistant design
Back view of Garmin vívomove Sport showing heart rate sensor and charging contacts

Smart Sensor Technology

The back of the watch houses advanced health monitoring sensors and charging contacts. The optical heart rate monitor and other sensors work continuously to track your well-being while maintaining comfort.

Technical Specifications

  • ❤️ Optical heart rate sensor
  • ⚡ Easy-access charging contacts
  • 💫 Multiple health monitoring sensors


  • 🏃‍♀️ Accurate workout tracking
  • 😴 Detailed sleep monitoring
  • 💓 24/7 heart rate tracking
The Garmin vívomove Sport Smart Watch combines traditional analog design with smart features including a hidden OLED touchscreen display, health monitoring capabilities (heart rate, stress, sleep tracking, Body Battery), connected GPS, smart notifications, and water resistance. It features multiple sport profiles, fitness tracking, and up to 120 hours of battery life. The watch includes essential sensors like heart rate monitor, pulse oximeter, accelerometer, and altimeter, all packaged in a stylish Cool Mint design with a fiber-reinforced polymer case and silicone band.
The Garmin vívomove Sport Smart Watch offers up to 120 hours (5 days) of battery life under normal usage conditions. This extended battery life allows users to track their activities, receive notifications, and monitor their health metrics continuously without frequent charging. The watch comes with a charging/data cable for convenient recharging when needed.
The vívomove Sport offers comprehensive health and fitness tracking including wrist-based heart rate monitoring, stress tracking, Body Battery energy monitoring, advanced sleep monitoring with REM tracking and Pulse Ox, hydration tracking, and menstrual cycle tracking. For fitness, it tracks steps, floors climbed, intensity minutes, and includes preloaded sports apps for yoga, strength, cardio, and pool swimming. The watch also connects to your smartphone's GPS for accurate outdoor activity tracking.
Yes, the Garmin vívomove Sport is water resistant, making it suitable for swimming and water-based activities. The watch features a durable fiber-reinforced polymer case and silicone band that can withstand exposure to water, allowing users to wear it while swimming, showering, or during other water activities without concern.
The Garmin vívomove Sport features a unique hybrid display system with traditional analog hands and a hidden OLED touchscreen display with a resolution of 72 x 154 pixels. The smart display only appears when needed through tap or swipe gestures, and the analog hands dynamically move away to reveal the digital display. This innovative design maintains the classic watch appearance while providing smart functionality.
The vívomove Sport supports comprehensive smart notifications when paired with a compatible smartphone, including emails, texts, and alerts directly on your wrist. It also features a dedicated calendar screen for viewing daily plans, timer and stopwatch functions, and can sync with Garmin Connect for additional connectivity features and community engagement.
The Garmin vívomove Sport has a case measuring 1.57" x 1.57" x 0.43" and weighs approximately 1.19 oz. It features a Cool Mint color scheme with a fiber-reinforced polymer case and comfortable silicone band. The watch is compatible with industry-standard 18mm quick-release bands for easy customization. The design combines traditional analog watch aesthetics with modern smartwatch functionality in a compact, lightweight form factor.
The Garmin vívomove Sport comes packaged with the smartwatch itself, a charging/data cable for power and data transfer, and documentation including user guides and warranty information. The watch includes a 1-year limited warranty from Garmin for peace of mind.

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