Xerox B310/DNI Wireless Monochrome Laser Printer for Small Business and Home Office
Experience professional-grade printing with the Xerox B310/DNI, a high-performance monochrome laser printer designed for small to medium-sized businesses and remote workers. With blazing-fast 42 ppm printing speeds, automatic duplex capability, and comprehensive wireless connectivity options, this compact powerhouse delivers enterprise-level functionality in a desktop-friendly format.
Advanced Connectivity for Modern Workspaces
Stay productive with versatile wireless printing options including Apple AirPrint, Mopria, Chromebook printing, Wi-Fi, and Wi-Fi Direct®. The B310/DNI features Fast Ethernet connectivity and USB ports, ensuring seamless integration with your existing network infrastructure.
Professional Print Performance
Achieve exceptional print quality with 600 x 600 dpi resolution and swift 42 pages per minute output. The 1.05 GHz processor and 256 MB memory ensure smooth handling of complex print jobs, while the 350-sheet input capacity minimizes refill interruptions.
Monthly Capacity: Designed for high-volume environments with an 80,000-page duty cycle and recommended monthly print volume of 6,000 pages.
Compact Design with Versatile Media Handling
With dimensions of 14.5" width x 14.3" depth x 8.7" height, this desktop printer accommodates various paper sizes from A6 to Letter format. The automatic duplex printing feature helps reduce paper consumption while maintaining productivity.
Eco-Friendly and Security-Focused
EPEAT certified and Energy Star compliant, the B310/DNI supports green initiatives through the Green World Alliance program. Advanced security features protect sensitive documents and safeguard against cyber threats.
Package Contents
- B310 Printer
- Pre-installed Toner Cartridge (2,500 Pages Yield)
- Software and Documentation CD
- Installation Guide
- Product Safety Sheet
- Quick Use Guide
- Power Cord
Finally, a printer that can keep up with you あなたに対応できるプリンターがついに登場しました For small- to medium-sized businesses (SMBs) and remote employees, the new way to work demands a better way to print. 中小企業(SMB)やリモート従業員向けに、新しい働き方には、より良い印刷方法が求められます。 Introducing the Xerox® B310 Printer - a fast, compact, black-and-white workhorse that's ideal for lean, busy work teams, home offices, and tight spaces. Xerox® B310 プリンターをご紹介します - 速く、コンパクトで白黒の頼もしい作業用機器で、効率的な忙しいチーム、自宅のオフィス、狭いスペースに最適です。 Ready to work right out of the box, the B310 delivers the ease and robust reliability needed to get more done, faster. 箱から出してすぐに作業できるB310は、より迅速に作業を完了するために必要な使いやすさと堅牢な信頼性を提供します。 MOBILE READY モバイルデバイスで安全に印刷できます(MOBILE READY) Print securely from your favorite mobile devices with Apple AirPrint, Mopria, Chromebook printing, Wi-Fi and Wi-Fi Direct®. Apple AirPrint、Mopria、Chromebook 印刷、Wi-Fi、Wi-Fi Direct® を使用して、お気に入りのモバイルデバイスから安全に印刷できます。 SETUP IS A BREEZE セットアップは簡単です(SETUP IS A BREEZE) Spend more time printing and less time getting set up with the Xerox® Smart Start Software. Xerox® Smart Start ソフトウエアを使用すれば、印刷に時間を費やすことができ、設定にかかる時間を短縮できます。 Connect to your home or company Wi-Fi in just a few minutes. 数分で自宅や会社のWi-Fiに接続できます。 The best part? No IT support is needed. IT サポートは不要です。 ONE-TOUCH SIMPLICITY ワンタッチで簡単に(ONE-TOUCH SIMPLICITY) Xerox® Print Drivers and the Xerox® Print & Scan Experience App provide convenient access to printer presets and print functionality via your laptop or desktop. Xerox® Print Drivers と Xerox® Print & Scan Experience App では、ノートパソコンやデスクトップを介してプリンターのプリセットや印刷機能に便利にアクセスできます。 Set up printer settings in a single click and simply configure your B310 to your liking. 1回のクリックでプリンターの設定を行い、お好みに合わせて簡単にB310を構成できます。 END-TO-END SECURITY エンドツーエンドのセキュリティ(END-TO-END SECURITY) Advanced security features provide comprehensive protection against increasingly sophisticated cyber threats by safeguarding access and keeping sensitive data and documents safe. 高度なセキュリティ機能により、アクセスを保護し、機密データと文書を安全に保持することで、ますます洗練されたサイバー脅威に対する包括的な保護を提供します。 SMALL, QUIET, AND MIGHTY コンパクトで静かで強力です(SMALL, QUIET, AND MIGHTY) Big performance is packed into a compact frame that's small enough to fit where you need it. 大きなパフォーマンスがコンパクトなフレームに詰め込まれており、必要な場所に収まるほど小さくなっています。 Ultra-quiet operation and fast print speeds minimize interruptions to your workflow. 超静かな操作と高速な印刷速度により、作業の中断を最小限に抑えることができます。 DAY- IN, DAY-OUTDEPENDABILITY 日々頼れる(DAY- IN, DAY-OUTDEPENDABILITY) Save more and do more with lower running costs, less maintenance, and unrivaled reliability. 運用コストを下げ、より多くを行い、整備が少なく、無類の信頼性を提供します。 Improve your eco-footprint with easy cartridge recycling through our Green World Alliance program. 簡単なカートリッジの再資源化を通じて、Green World Alliance プログラムを通じて環境への配慮を向上させます。