IOGEAR GSTY200 Accu-Tip スタイラスタブレットとスマートフォン用、より正確な精度と画面上の可視性 品牌名称:IOGEAR 品牌翻译:アイオギア

IOGEAR GSTY200 Accu-Tip スタイラスタブレットとスマートフォン用、より正確な精度と画面上の可視性 品牌名称:IOGEAR 品牌翻译:アイオギア

IOGEAR GSTY200 Accu-Tip スタイラスタブレットとスマートフォン用、より正確な精度と画面上の可視性 品牌名称:IOGEAR 品牌翻译:アイオギア


入手可能時間: 在庫あり 、発送準備が整いました。 .
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  • 30日間の返品可能
  • カーボンニュートラル


  • 4.5mm AccuTip スタイラスを使用して、より正確性と画面上の視認性を向上させます
  • 柔軟で丈夫なゴム製 Accu-Tip は画面を傷つけたり、汚したり、指紋を残さない
  • 金属製ボディ構造が剛性と重量を追加し、一貫した感覚を向上させます
  • ビジネスや日常の使用に適したプロフェッショナルクオリティ スタイラス
  • デジタル署名、デジタル描画などに最適
無料のエクスプレス配送 無料返品




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IOGEARのAccu-Tipスタイラスは、iPhone®、iPad®、Galaxy S4、Galaxy Tabなどの容量性タッチスクリーンデバイスにとって必須のツールです。スリムな4.5mmのタッチポイントは、重要なデジタル文書に署名したり、描画アプリで芸術的なデザインを作成するのに適した正確な反応を提供します。金属製のボディ構造は、バランスの取れた重量感を提供し、快適に使用できるようになっています。低摩擦タッチポイントの先端は、マークを残さずにディスプレイの表面を滑らかに移動します。 Accu-Tipスタイラスは、授業のノートをとる学生、デジタルペインティングを作成するアーティスト、電子署名が必要な商人や銀行家に最適です。さらに、IOGEARのAccu-Tipスタイラスは、画面キーボードが小さいデバイスでメッセージを作成する際や、寒い天候や悪天候でタッチスクリーンの直接的な指の接触が難しい場合に最適なツールです。 メーカーからの詳細

IOGEAR's Accu-Tip Stylus for Tablets and Smartphone is an essential tool for your iPhone®, iPad®, Galaxy S4, Galaxy Tab or other capacitive touchscreen device. The slim, 4.5mm touchpoint provides accurate response that is perfect for signing important digital documents or creating artistic designs with drawing apps. The metal body construction provides balanced weight and a solid feel in the hand for comfortable use. The low friction touchpoint tip glides smoothly across the surface of your display without leaving marks.

The Accu-Tip Stylus is perfect for students taking class notes, artists creating digital paintings, and merchants or bankers that require a verifiable electronic signature. Additionally, IOGEAR's Accu-Tip Stylus is the perfect tool for composing messages on devices with small on-screen keyboards, or when cold and inclement weather makes direct finger contact on the touchscreen difficult.

Drawing and Painting

Both digital artists and novice doodlers alike will appreciate the Accu-Tip Stylus' small 4.5mm touchpoint. When working inside digital painting or drawing apps, the IOGEAR Accu-Tip Stylus exposes more of the screen area around the tip, so it is much easier to work in smaller detail.

Digital Document Signatures

The Accu-Tip Stylus allows a more accurate stroke which is perfect for signing digital credit card purchases or banking documents. Instead of jagged lines or odd looking handwriting when using a finger or traditional large tip stylus, the resulting signature from the Accu-Tip Stylus looks much more pen-like and easy to reference.

All Metal Body Construction

The metal housing of the Accu-Tip Stylus feels very solid in hand, similar to a fine writing instrument. The balanced weight provides a comfortable feel for long periods of use as when taking notes in class or drawing pictures. Additionally, the body is extremely durable and will not bend or break in the bottom of backpacks and book bags.

Return Policy

Time to Return

Standard Return Policy

We offer a hassle-free 30-day returns policy for domestic (US) orders, excluding non-refundable items. Refund or Replacement within 30 days of the delivery date. All products that fall under the Standard Return Policy qualify for our 30-Day Hassle-Free Returns. Please see the section above for more details.

Replacement Only Return Policy

Replacement within 30 days of the delivery date.

Manufacturer Only Return Policy

Covered by the manufacturer's warranty. Please refer to the terms and conditions for the manufacturer's warranty or contact the manufacturer.

Holiday Extended Return Policies

Extended Holiday Return Policy.

Qualifying purchases of products displaying the " Extended Holiday Return Policy ", from November 1st, 2023 to December 25, 2023, are eligible for a Refund or Replacement until January 31, 2024.

Extended Holiday Replacement-Only Return Policy

Qualifying purchases of products displaying the " Extended Holiday Replacement-Only Return Policy ", from November 1st, 2023 to December 25, 2023, are eligible for a Replacement until January 31, 2024.

Yes, the Accu-Tip Stylus is compatible with Apple iPhone and iPad.
Absolutely! The Accu-Tip Stylus is compatible with Samsung Galaxy S4 and Galaxy Tab.
No, the soft and durable rubber Accu-Tip will not scratch, smudge, or leave fingerprints on your screen.
The Accu-Tip Stylus features a 4.5mm AccuTip for better accuracy, a soft and durable rubber tip, metal body construction for a consistent feel, and it is suitable for digital signatures, drawing, and everyday use.
The Accu-Tip Stylus is manufactured in China.
Yes, the Accu-Tip Stylus comes with a 1-year limited warranty.
