フォーティネット FG-60F ネットワークセキュリティ/ファイアウォールアプライアンス、高度脅威防御、10ポート

Front view of Fortinet FortiGate 60F security appliance showing white chassis, LED indicators, and 10 Gigabit Ethernet ports-alternate-image1

フォーティネット FG-60F ネットワークセキュリティ/ファイアウォールアプライアンス、高度脅威防御、10ポート

Fortinet FG-60F

$840.00 $1,219.00 Save $379
入手可能時間: 在庫あり 、発送準備が整いました。 .
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  • ネットワークセキュリティ/ファイアウォールアプライアンス:サイバー脅威や不正アクセスからネットワークを保護します。
  • 高度な脅威インテリジェンス:先進的な脅威インテリジェンス機能で新興脅威に一歩先んじます。
  • 安全なIPsec VPN接続:安全なIPsec VPN接続でリモートオフィスや従業員を安全に接続します。
  • ウイルス対策およびマルウェア保護:ウイルスやマルウェアからネットワークやデバイスを守ります。
  • Webコンテンツフィルタリング:不要なまたは有害なコンテンツをフィルタリングしてインターネットアクセスを制御および監視します。
  • ボットネット検知:ネットワーク上の悪意のあるボットネット活動を検知およびブロックします。
  • 高度検査ファイアウォール:潜在的な脅威を特定およびブロックするためにネットワークトラフィックを深く分析および検査します。
  • ICSA認定OS:ICSA認定のオペレーティングシステムでネットワークのセキュリティと信頼性を確保します。
  • ゼロデイイベント保護:ゼロデイの脆弱性や未知の脅威から保護します。
  • 簡単な管理:ユーザーフレンドリーなインターフェースでネットワークセキュリティ設定を簡単に管理および構成します。




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FortiGate 60F Network Security/Firewall Appliance with Advanced Threat Protection

The FortiGate 60F delivers enterprise-grade network security in a compact, fanless desktop form factor, ideal for branch offices and mid-sized businesses. This next-generation firewall combines advanced threat protection, deep packet inspection, and secure SD-WAN capabilities with 10 Gigabit ports for comprehensive network security.

Comprehensive Security Features

  • Deep inspection firewall with application control and advanced threat intelligence
  • SSL encrypted traffic protection with deep packet inspection
  • Integrated malware and botnet protection with zero-day threat detection
  • ICSA certified operating system with continuous AI-powered FortiGuard Labs updates
  • Secure IPsec VPN connectivity supporting up to 200 concurrent connections

Network Performance and Connectivity

Experience superior network performance with:

  • 10 Gigabit Ethernet ports (RJ-45) supporting 10/100/1000Base-T
  • Purpose-built security processor (SPU) for ultra-low latency
  • Advanced SD-WAN capabilities for optimal application steering
  • USB port for additional connectivity options

Management and Integration

Simplified network management through:

  • Zero Touch Integration with Security Fabric's Single Pane of Glass Management
  • Automated Network Topology visualization with IoT device discovery
  • Comprehensive compliance checklist and security posture analysis
  • Integrated end-to-end detection and automated remediation

Physical Specifications

Dimension Measurement
Height 1.5 inches
Width 8.5 inches
Depth 6.3 inches
Weight 1.90 lb
Form Factor Desktop
FortiGate 60Fシリーズは、企業の支社や中堅企業向けにコンパクトでファンレスのデスクトップ形式で優れたセキュリティとSD-WANソリューションを提供します。業界トップレベルのセキュアSD-WANによるサイバー脅威から保護し、シンプルで手頃な価格で展開しやすいソリューションです。

  • ディープインスペクションおよび細かいポリシーの実施のために、ネットワークトラフィック内の数千のアプリケーションを識別
  • 暗号化されたトラフィックと非暗号化トラフィックの両方でマルウェア、エクスプロイト、悪質なウェブサイトに対して保護
  • AI搭載のFortiGuard Labsセキュリティサービスからの継続的な脅威インテリジェンスを使用して既知および未知の攻撃に対抗および検出
  • 業界最高の脅威保護パフォーマンスと超低遅延を、専用のセキュリティプロセッサ(SPU)テクノロジを使用して実現
  • SSL暗号化トラフィックに対する業界をリードするパフォーマンスと保護を提供
  • 独立してテストされ、優れたセキュリティ有効性とパフォーマンスを認証
  • NSS Labs、ICSA、Virus Bulletin、AV Comparativesから前例のない第三者認証を受け取りました
  • 高品質なエクスペリエンスのためのWANパス制御を使用したアプリケーションステアリングを可能にするベストオブブリードのSD-WAN機能
  • 高度なネットワーキング機能、高性能、スケーラブルなIPsec VPN機能を提供
  • 効果的で使いやすく、包括的なネットワーク自動化と可視性を提供する管理コンソールが含まれています。
  • セキュリティファブリックのシングルペインオブグラス管理とのゼロタッチ統合を提供
  • 事前定義されたコンプライアンスチェックリストがデプロイメントを分析し、全体的なセキュリティポジションを改善するためのベストプラクティスを強調
  • FortinetおよびFabric対応パートナーの製品が広範囲な可視性、統合エンドツーエンドの検出、脅威インテリジェンス共有、自動化された是正を提供できるようにします
  • IoTデバイスを発見し、FortinetおよびFabric対応パートナー製品への完全な可視性を提供するネットワークトポロジの視覚化を自動的に作成

Return Policy

Time to Return

Standard Return Policy

We offer a hassle-free 30-day returns policy for domestic (US) orders, excluding non-refundable items. Refund or Replacement within 30 days of the delivery date. All products that fall under the Standard Return Policy qualify for our 30-Day Hassle-Free Returns. Please see the section above for more details.

Replacement Only Return Policy

Replacement within 30 days of the delivery date.

Manufacturer Only Return Policy

Covered by the manufacturer's warranty. Please refer to the terms and conditions for the manufacturer's warranty or contact the manufacturer.

Holiday Extended Return Policies

Extended Holiday Return Policy.

Qualifying purchases of products displaying the " Extended Holiday Return Policy ", from November 1st, 2023 to December 25, 2023, are eligible for a Refund or Replacement until January 31, 2024.

Extended Holiday Replacement-Only Return Policy

Qualifying purchases of products displaying the " Extended Holiday Replacement-Only Return Policy ", from November 1st, 2023 to December 25, 2023, are eligible for a Replacement until January 31, 2024.

Front view of Fortinet FortiGate 60F security appliance showing white chassis, LED indicators, and 10 Gigabit Ethernet ports

Enterprise-Grade Security in a Compact Design

The FortiGate 60F delivers powerful network protection in an elegant, space-saving form factor. Its clean white chassis features 10 Gigabit Ethernet ports with clear LED indicators for instant status monitoring. The streamlined front panel provides essential system information while maintaining a professional appearance suitable for any office environment.

Technical Specifications

  • 10 Gigabit Ethernet ports for flexible network configuration
  • Compact desktop form factor measuring 8.5" x 6.3" x 1.5"
  • LED indicators for power, status, and port activity monitoring


  • Branch office network security deployment
  • Mid-sized business primary firewall implementation
  • Secure SD-WAN edge device installation
The FortiGate 60F offers comprehensive security features including deep inspection firewall, advanced threat protection, application control, antivirus, SSL encrypted traffic protection, and malware protection. It provides ICSA-certified OS security, secure IPsec VPN connectivity, botnet detection, and Zero Day event protection. The system can identify thousands of applications within network traffic for granular policy enforcement and uses AI-powered FortiGuard Labs security services for continuous threat intelligence.
The FortiGate 60F comes in a compact desktop form factor with dimensions of 1.5" height, 8.5" width, and 6.3" depth. It weighs approximately 1.90 lbs and features a fanless design making it ideal for enterprise branch offices and mid-sized businesses. The appliance includes 10 Gigabit Ethernet ports (RJ-45) and USB connectivity in a space-efficient package.
The FortiGate 60F supports up to 200 VPN connections. It delivers high-performance and scalable IPsec VPN capabilities, making it suitable for organizations requiring secure remote access and site-to-site connectivity. The system provides advanced networking capabilities and ensures secure communication through its robust VPN infrastructure.
The FortiGate 60F features 10 Gigabit Ethernet ports supporting 10/100/1000Base-T standards. It includes best-of-breed SD-WAN capabilities for application steering using WAN path control, ensuring high quality of experience. The appliance delivers advanced networking features with high-performance connectivity and supports comprehensive IPsec VPN functionality for secure communications.
The FortiGate 60F includes an effective and simple-to-use Management Console that provides comprehensive network automation and visibility. It features Zero Touch Integration with Security Fabric's Single Pane of Glass Management. The system automatically builds Network Topology visualizations to discover IoT devices and offers complete visibility into Fortinet and Fabric-ready partner products. It also includes a predefined compliance checklist to analyze deployment and highlight security best practices.
The FortiGate 60F has received extensive third-party certifications from multiple respected organizations including NSS Labs, ICSA, Virus Bulletin, and AV Comparatives. These independent tests validate its security effectiveness and performance capabilities. The appliance has been independently tested to verify its threat protection performance and security features.
The Security Fabric feature enables integration between Fortinet and Fabric-ready partner products to provide broader visibility and integrated end-to-end detection. It facilitates threat intelligence sharing and automated remediation across the network. The system automatically creates Network Topology visualizations, discovers IoT devices, and provides complete visibility into the entire security infrastructure, enabling a more coordinated and effective security approach.
The FortiGate 60F provides industry-leading protection for SSL encrypted traffic through deep inspection capabilities. It can protect against malware, exploits, and malicious websites in both encrypted and non-encrypted traffic. The appliance uses purpose-built security processor (SPU) technology to deliver ultra-low latency and superior threat protection performance while maintaining effective SSL traffic inspection.


