scheda di rete Gigabit NETWORK-M2 di Eaton adattatore di gestione UPS

Eaton NETWORK-M2 Gigabit network card showing green PCB board with RJ-45 port and black faceplate-alternate-image1

scheda di rete Gigabit NETWORK-M2 di Eaton adattatore di gestione UPS


$748.00 $882.00 Save $134
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  • Carbon Neutral: Neutro in carbonio

Caratteristiche chiave del prodotto

  • Risponde agli stringenti standard di sicurezza cibernetica UL 2900-1 e IEC 62443-4-2
  • Le migliorie includono una forte crittografia e una politica delle password configurabile
  • Velocità veloce di 1 Gbps compatibile con switch di rete Gigabit ampiamente diffusi
  • Consente la gestione remota degli UPS e degli PDU trasformandoli in dispositivi gestiti
  • Compatibile con il modulo di monitoraggio ambientale opzionale EMPDT1H1C2}
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Eaton NETWORK-M2 Gigabit Network Card - Advanced UPS Management Solution

The Eaton NETWORK-M2 Gigabit Network Card represents a breakthrough in UPS management technology, offering enterprise-grade cybersecurity compliance with UL 2900-1 and IEC 62443-4-2 standards. This advanced network interface transforms compatible UPS systems and PDUs into fully managed network devices, delivering Gigabit speed and enhanced security features.

Enterprise-Grade Cybersecurity Features

Experience unparalleled security with strong encryption protocols, configurable password policies, and CA and PKI signed certificates. The NETWORK-M2 is specifically designed to protect against emerging cybersecurity threats while maintaining optimal performance with Gigabit network switches.

Intelligent Power Management Integration

Seamlessly works with IPM v1.61 and higher, enabling automated disaster recovery actions and virtual machine relocation during power anomalies. This integration ensures business continuity through sophisticated power management policies.

Comprehensive Remote Management Capabilities

  • Real-time monitoring of electrical data and UPS self-test logs
  • Alert notifications via email or SMS
  • Network Time Protocol (NTP) server synchronization
  • Support for multiple protocols including IPv4, IPv6, HTTP, HTTPS, SMTP, SNMPv1, SNMPv3
  • Compatible with Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox browsers

Technical Specifications

  • Dimensions: 5.2" (L) x 2.6" (W) x 1.7" (H)
  • Weight: 2.50 oz
  • Warranty: 2-Year Limited
  • Environmental Monitoring: Compatible with EMPDT1H1C2 probe (sold separately)
Key Feature: Supports up to three daisy-chained EMPDT1H1C2 Environmental Monitoring Probes for comprehensive temperature, humidity, and security monitoring.
Il dispositivo di connettività UPS è certificato secondo rigidi standard di sicurezza informatica UL Il NETWORK-M2 Gigabit Network M2 card soddisfa gli standard di sicurezza informatica UL 2900-1 e IEC 62443-4-2, fornendo agli esperti IT una velocità Gigabit superiore, funzionalità e caratteristiche, garantendo nel contempo il più alto livello di difesa contro le minacce emergenti alla sicurezza informatica. Gli aggiornamenti di sicurezza includono una crittografia robusta, una politica di password configurabile e l'uso di certificati firmati CA e PKI. Questa interfaccia di rete è consigliata per l'uso con switch di rete Gigabit più performanti, più economici e ampiamente implementati. Compatibile con Eaton Intelligent Power Manager NETWORK-M2 funziona con IPM v1.61 e versioni successive per migliorare la continuità aziendale attivando le politiche configurate per mantenere in esecuzione le applicazioni mission-critical in caso di anomalie della rete elettrica o ambientali, inclusa la ricollocazione delle macchine virtuali o l'azione di ripristino automatica in caso di disastro. Consente di gestire UPS e PDU in remoto NETWORK-M2 trasforma un sistema UPS compatibile o un PDU in un dispositivo gestito sulla tua rete. Consente la gestione remota di un UPS attraverso lo spegnimento del carico e spegnimenti sicuri e riavvii dei dispositivi protetti collegati ai segmenti di carico. Monitora i dati elettrici del sito, i log dei test di autodiagnosi dell'UPS, i log delle notifiche e gli eventi di alimentazione registrati come black-out, cali di tensione e condizioni di sovratensione. È possibile ricevere notifiche di allarme via email o SMS. L'orologio in tempo reale si collega a un server Network Time Protocol (NTP) per mantenere il giorno e la data correnti anche dopo lo spegnimento di un UPS. Supporta vari protocolli Questa interfaccia di rete offre un supporto versatile attraverso IPv4, IPv6, HTTP, HTTPS, SMTP, SNMPv1, SNMPv3, SMTP/SMTPS, SSL e SSH. Supporta anche i browser web Google Chrome e Mozilla Firefox. Il supporto alla configurazione DHCP/manuale consente l'assegnazione automatica o manuale delle impostazioni di rete. Sensore opzionale che monitora le condizioni ambientali La sonda di monitoraggio ambientale EMPDT1H1C2 (venduta separatamente) fornisce monitoraggio remoto della temperatura e dell'umidità, nonché un'interfaccia a contatto secco per monitorare dispositivi di allarme, sicurezza e telecomunicazioni. È possibile collegare in serie fino a tre sonde EMPDT1H1C2 a un host, consentendo più connessioni sensoriali. La sonda è compatibile con NETWORK-M2 e con i PDU rack Eaton, inclusi i modelli G3 (firmware 4.x o successivi), G3HD e G3+.

Return Policy

Time to Return

Standard Return Policy

We offer a hassle-free 30-day returns policy for domestic (US) orders, excluding non-refundable items. Refund or Replacement within 30 days of the delivery date. All products that fall under the Standard Return Policy qualify for our 30-Day Hassle-Free Returns. Please see the section above for more details.

Replacement Only Return Policy

Replacement within 30 days of the delivery date.

Manufacturer Only Return Policy

Covered by the manufacturer's warranty. Please refer to the terms and conditions for the manufacturer's warranty or contact the manufacturer.

Holiday Extended Return Policies

Extended Holiday Return Policy.

Qualifying purchases of products displaying the " Extended Holiday Return Policy ", from November 1st, 2023 to December 25, 2023, are eligible for a Refund or Replacement until January 31, 2024.

Extended Holiday Replacement-Only Return Policy

Qualifying purchases of products displaying the " Extended Holiday Replacement-Only Return Policy ", from November 1st, 2023 to December 25, 2023, are eligible for a Replacement until January 31, 2024.

Eaton NETWORK-M2 Gigabit network card showing green PCB board with RJ-45 port and black faceplate

Enhanced Network Security with Gigabit Speed Connectivity

The Eaton NETWORK-M2 card delivers enterprise-grade network management capabilities through its robust hardware design. The green PCB board houses advanced circuitry that enables Gigabit connectivity while maintaining stringent UL 2900-1 and IEC 62443-4-2 cybersecurity standards. Its compact form factor integrates seamlessly into compatible UPS systems, providing both high-speed communication and enhanced security features. The card's physical interface includes an RJ-45 Gigabit Ethernet port and auxiliary connections for environmental monitoring probes. The black faceplate features the Eaton branding and clear port labeling, ensuring proper installation and configuration. This network interface represents the perfect balance between performance and protection for critical power management infrastructure.

Technical Specifications

  • Gigabit Ethernet connectivity for high-speed network communication
  • UL 2900-1 and IEC 62443-4-2 certified cybersecurity features
  • Integrated environmental monitoring probe support


  • Remote UPS system management in data centers
  • Network-based power monitoring for IT infrastructure
  • Secure power management in regulated industries
The Eaton NETWORK-M2 is a Gigabit Network Card UPS Management Adapter that provides advanced remote monitoring and management capabilities for UPS systems. Its key features include cybersecurity certification (UL 2900-1 and IEC 62443-4-2 standards), Gigabit speed connectivity, strong encryption, configurable password policy, and PKI signed certificates. It supports multiple protocols including IPv4, IPv6, HTTP, HTTPS, SMTP, SNMPv1, SNMPv3, and SSH.
The NETWORK-M2 is certified to meet two strict cybersecurity standards: UL 2900-1 and IEC 62443-4-2. These certifications ensure the highest level of defense against emerging cybersecurity threats. The device implements security enhancements including strong encryption protocols, configurable password policies, and the use of CA and PKI signed certificates for secure communications.
The NETWORK-M2 is compatible with IPM v1.61 and higher, enabling enhanced business continuity features. It can trigger configured policies to maintain mission-critical applications during power or environmental anomalies. This includes automated capabilities such as virtual machine relocation and disaster recovery actions, ensuring continuous operation of essential systems.
The Eaton NETWORK-M2 has compact dimensions measuring 1.7" in height, 2.6" in width, and 5.2" in length. It weighs approximately 2.50 ounces, making it a lightweight solution for UPS management. The device comes in a multicolor design and is designed for easy installation in compatible UPS systems.
The NETWORK-M2 provides comprehensive monitoring capabilities including site electrical data tracking, UPS self-test logs, alert logs, and power event logging (blackouts, brownouts, and overvoltage conditions). It features real-time clock functionality linked to Network Time Protocol (NTP) servers and can send alert notifications via email or SMS. Users can remotely manage UPS systems through load shedding and safe shutdowns.
The NETWORK-M2 supports a wide range of protocols including IPv4, IPv6, HTTP, HTTPS, SMTP/SMTPS, SNMPv1, SNMPv3, SSL, and SSH. It's compatible with popular web browsers like Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox. The device also supports both DHCP and manual configuration for network settings, offering flexibility in network deployment.
The NETWORK-M2 can be enhanced with the optional EMPDT1H1C2 Environmental Monitoring Probe (EMP) Gen 2, sold separately. This probe enables remote temperature and humidity monitoring, plus includes a dry contact interface for monitoring alarm, security, and telecom devices. Up to three EMPDT1H1C2 probes can be daisy-chained to a single host for expanded monitoring coverage.
The Eaton NETWORK-M2 comes with a 2-year limited warranty, providing protection and support for your investment. This warranty coverage ensures peace of mind for IT professionals implementing this UPS management solution in their infrastructure.


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