सैमसंग HG50NT678UFXZA HG50NT678UF एलईडी-एलसीडी टीवी 50" UHD (4K) नॉन-स्मार्ट टीवी डॉल्बी डिजिटल प्लस 20 वॉट RMS आउटपुट पावर 2160p 4K UHDTV PQI 1300Hz

Samsung 50-inch NT678U TV displaying high-resolution coastal scene with limestone cliffs and turquoise ocean waters-alternate-image1
Side view of Samsung NT678U TV showing ultra-slim profile design-alternate-image2
Front view of Samsung NT678U TV displaying vibrant coastal scene-alternate-image3
Top-down view of Samsung NT678U TV showing thin profile and bezel design-alternate-image4
Close-up of Samsung NT678U TV screen showing vivid coastal imagery-alternate-image5
Close-up detail of Samsung NT678U TV screen showing high resolution capabilities-alternate-image6
Samsung LYNK REACH 4.0 content management interface display-alternate-image7
Samsung NT678U TV in healthcare setting showing patient interface-alternate-image8
Multiple room setup showing Samsung NT678U TV system integration-alternate-image9
Samsung NT678U TV displaying customized welcome screen with resort imagery-alternate-image10
Angled view of Samsung NT678U TV showing hospitality interface-alternate-image11
Wide angle view of Samsung NT678U TV showing slim design and display quality-alternate-image12
Angled view of Samsung NT678U TV displaying welcome screen interface-alternate-image13

सैमसंग HG50NT678UFXZA HG50NT678UF एलईडी-एलसीडी टीवी 50" UHD (4K) नॉन-स्मार्ट टीवी डॉल्बी डिजिटल प्लस 20 वॉट RMS आउटपुट पावर 2160p 4K UHDTV PQI 1300Hz

Samsung HG50NT678UFXZA

0 out of 5 star rating
$624.85 $655.49 Save $30.64
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  • 1 Year Warranty
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Product Key Features

  • 📺 50" 4K UHD Display (3840 x 2160) with HDR10+ Technology
  • 🎨 PurColor and Direct LED Technology for Superior Color Accuracy
  • 🔊 20W RMS Output Power with Dolby Digital Plus Sound
  • ⚡ PQI 1300Hz Motion Technology for Smooth Action
  • 📡 Built-in DVB-T2/T/C/S2 & ATSC Tuners
  • 🌐 Ethernet & Wireless LAN Connectivity
  • 🔌 3 HDMI Ports & USB Connection
  • 👀 178° Wide Viewing Angles (Horizontal & Vertical)
  • 🏢 LYNK REACH 4.0 Content Management for Hospitality
  • 🔒 Integrated LYNK DRM Technology for Content Protection
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सैमसंग HG50NT678UFXZA HG50NT678UF एलईडी-एलसीडी टीवी 50" UHD (4K) नॉन-स्मार्ट टीवी डॉल्बी डिजिटल प्लस 20 वॉट RMS आउटपुट पावर 2160p 4K UHDTV PQI 1300Hz

This item: सैमसंग HG50NT678UFXZA HG50NT678UF एलईडी-एलसीडी टीवी 50" U...


Total price: 624.85
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Samsung HG50NT678UF 50-inch 4K UHD Hospitality TV with HDR10+ and LYNK REACH 4.0

Experience superior hospitality entertainment with the Samsung HG50NT678UF, a 50-inch 4K UHD LED-LCD TV designed specifically for commercial environments. This professional-grade display combines stunning 3840 x 2160 resolution with HDR10+ technology and PurColor enhancement, delivering breathtaking visual quality with four times the pixels of Full HD. The bezel-less design adds a touch of sophistication while the integrated LYNK REACH 4.0 management solution ensures seamless content control.

Premium Picture Quality with Advanced Display Technology

The NT678U series features Direct-LED backlighting technology that provides uniform brightness and energy efficiency without compromising on picture quality. With a remarkable PQI 1300Hz motion interpolation rate, viewers enjoy smooth motion handling and crystal-clear imagery. The display boasts impressive 178-degree horizontal and vertical viewing angles, ensuring optimal visibility from virtually any position.

Visual Excellence: 4K UHD (3840 x 2160) resolution, HDR10+ support, HLG compatibility, and PurColor technology for lifelike color reproduction.

Professional Hospitality Features and Management

Built for commercial environments, this TV comes equipped with Samsung LYNK REACH 4.0 content management solution, supporting coaxial, LAN, and Wi-Fi infrastructures. The integrated LYNK DRM technology provides secure content decryption for premium HDTV programming. Additional hospitality features include customizable welcome messages, channel list management, USB cloning, and security mode options.

Advanced Audio Performance

Enjoy immersive sound quality with 20W RMS output power and Dolby Digital Plus support, creating an engaging audio experience for guests. The TV is also soundbar-compatible for enhanced audio possibilities.

Connectivity and Energy Efficiency

The HG50NT678UF offers comprehensive connectivity with 3 HDMI ports, USB interfaces, and both Ethernet and wireless networking capabilities. As an ENERGY STAR certified display, it maintains efficient power consumption with only 135W during operation and 0.5W in standby mode, contributing to an estimated annual energy consumption of 122 kWh.

Installation and Physical Specifications

This versatile display supports VESA 200 x 200 mounting and includes a rotating pedestal stand with 20/20, 60/60, and 90/90 degree adjustment stops. Weighing 33.30 lbs with the stand (26.20 lbs without), the sleek black design integrates seamlessly into any commercial space.

Key Features Summary:
  • 50-inch 4K UHD Display (3840 x 2160)
  • HDR10+ and HLG Support
  • LYNK REACH 4.0 Management Solution
  • Direct-LED Backlighting
  • PQI 1300Hz Motion Technology
  • Dolby Digital Plus Audio
  • Integrated LYNK DRM
  • ENERGY STAR Certified

एक नजर में

चाहे वह टीवी हो, इन-रूम विज्ञापन या आपकी अपनी मालिकाना सामग्री, बेज़ल-लेस NT678U श्रृंखला का शानदार 4K रिज़ॉल्यूशन और HDR10+ चित्र प्रौद्योगिकी आपके मेहमानों को प्रभावित करेगी। और सामग्री प्रबंधन को सरल बनाना Samsung REACH 4.0 प्रबंधन समाधान से संभव है।

  • पहले दर्जे के मेहमान टीवी देखने का अनुभव के लिए 4K UHD रिज़ॉल्यूशन और HDR10+ चित्र प्रौद्योगिकी
  • एक सस्ती अस्पताल टीवी समाधान के लिए डायरेक्ट-लिट LED प्रौद्योगिकी
  • Samsung LYNK REACH 4.0 के साथ सामग्री का प्रबंधन आराम से करें
  • सामग्री की सुरक्षा के लिए एकीकृत सॉफ़्टवेयर-आधारित Samsung LYNK DRM प्रौद्योगिकी जो निर्बाध दृश्य अनुभव प्रदान करती है

विशेषताएँ | 4K UHD और PurColor के साथ अद्भुत रंग

3840 x 2160 4K UHD रिज़ॉल्यूशन के साथ अपने मेहमानों को बेजोड़, लग्जरी अनुभव दें। फुल एचडी की तुलना में चार गुना पिक्सल की पेशकश करते हुए, NT678U श्रृंखला सामग्री को आश्चर्यजनक, जीवन जैसी विस्तार में प्रदर्शित करती है। परिणामस्वरूप, अद्वितीय और यथार्थवादी रंग की विस्तृतता और वास्तविकता है।

HDR10+ चित्र प्रौद्योगिकी के लिए शानदार गहराई

4K अधिक पिक्सल प्रदान करता है, और HDR10+ इनमें से प्रत्येक का अधिकतम उपयोग करता है। रंग समृद्ध होते हैं। प्रकाश और अंधेरे दृश्य अधिक संतुलित होते हैं। विपरीतता बढ़ाई जाती है, जिससे चित्र की गहराई और सूक्ष्मता बढ़ती है। NT678U श्रृंखला के साथ हर मेहमान अनुभव एक अद्भुत अनुभव होगा।

बेज़ल-लेस एक चिकना, स्वच्छ रूप प्रदान करता है

ऊपर और किनारों पर कोई बेज़ल नहीं होने के कारण, NT678U श्रृंखला एक परिष्कृत, आकर्षक अनुभव जोड़ती है जो किसी भी कमरे या सार्वजनिक स्थलों के सज्जा के साथ मेल खाती है।

डायरेक्ट-लिट LED प्रौद्योगिकी से सस्ती, उत्कृष्ट अनुभव

डायरेक्ट-लिट LED प्रौद्योगिकी LED प्रौद्योगिकी के चमक और ऊर्जा बचत लाभ प्रदान करती है, साथ ही CCFL डिस्प्ले की समानता के साथ एकरूप चमक। और यह सब एक दक्षता के साथ करता है जो इसे एक अधिक सस्ती तकनीक बनाती है। वास्तव में, यह संभव है कि आप अपने कमरों को CCFL प्रौद्योगिकी की तुलना में एक लागत पर LED प्रौद्योगिकी में अपग्रेड कर सकें।

Samsung LYNK REACH 4.0 सामग्री प्रबंधन समाधान

Samsung का LYNK REACH 4.0 एक संपूर्ण सामग्री प्रबंधन समाधान है जो होटल प्रबंधन, निगरानी और मेहमान सेवा कार्यों में सुधार के लिए कोएक्सियल, LAN और वाई-फाई अवसंरचनाओं को समायोजित करता है। LYNK REACH 4.0 ऐसे तकनीकी उपायों की पेशकश करता है जो कमरे में प्रदर्शन को एक उत्कृष्ट मेहमान अनुभव में परिवर्तित करते हैं।

Samsung LYNK DRM HD सामग्री डिक्रिप्शन

Samsung की सॉफ़्टवेयर-आधारित DRM प्रौद्योगिकी Samsung होटल टीवी श्रृंखला में एकीकृत है। Samsung LYNK DRM केबल, सैटेलाइट और VOD प्रदाताओं से प्रीमियम HDTV सामग्री को अधिकतम दक्षता और सुरक्षा के साथ अनलॉक करने के लिए एक मजबूत समाधान प्रदान करता है।

b-LAN (SONIFI इंटीग्रेशन)

ब्रॉडबैंड लोकल एरिया नेटवर्क (b-LAN) SONIFI तकनीक को एकीकृत करता है ताकि टेलीविज़न सीधे बॉक्स से SONIFI सिस्टम के साथ काम कर सके।

विशेषताओं का एक समूह

डिस्प्ले पैडस्टल 20/20, 60/60 और 90/90 डिग्री स्टॉप के साथ घुमते हैं जिससे आसानी से समायोजित किया जा सके। NT678U श्रृंखला की अन्य विशेषताओं में शामिल हैं: होम मेनू, RJ12 IR पास, वॉल्यूम सीमित करने वाले, रियर पैनल लॉक-आउट, मेनू डिस्प्ले लॉक-आउट, होटल कस्टम लोगो/स्वागत संदेश, चैनल सूची गाइड, चैनल री-मैपिंग, रिमोट जैक पैक (RJP) प्राथमिकता, USB क्लोनिंग और एंटी-थीफ बैटरी कवर रिमोट कंट्रोल।

साउंड सिस्टमडोल्बी डिजिटल प्लस
आरएमएस आउटपुट पावर20 डब्ल्यू
ऊर्जा स्टारहां
स्कैन फॉर्मेट2160पी
ड‍िजिटल ट्यूनरडीवीबी-टी2,डीवीबी-टी,डीवीबी-सी,डीवीबी-एस2,एटीएससी
अधिकतम रिज़ोल्यूशन3840 x 2160
वीडियो सिग्नल मानक4K यूएचडीटीवी
मोशन इंटरपोलेशन टेक्नोलॉजीपीक्यूआई 1300हर्ट्ज
पावर विवरण
इनपुट वोल्टेज120वी एसी
तकनीकी जानकारी
विशेषताएँघड़ी बैकअप सप्लाई,ऑडियो रिटर्न चैनल (एआरसी),ऑटो सोर्स मोड,अस्पतालिती होम मेनू,वेलकम संदेश,साउंडबार कंपेटिबल,स्मूवी कंपेटिबल,स्क्रूड बैटरी कवर,ऑन/ऑफ टाइमर,प्रोग्रेसिव स्कैन,यूएचडी मास्टरिंग इंजन,ऑटो मोशन प्लस,फिल्म मोड,हाई डायनैमिक रेंज (एचडीआर),हाइब्रिड लॉग गामा,मेगा कंट्रास्ट,प्यूरकलर,ऑटो चैनल सर्च,ऑटो पावर ऑफ,क्लोज्ड कैप्शन,सबटाइटल,कनेक्ट शेयर,डिजिटल क्लीन व्यू,गेम मोड,ऑन स्क्रीन डिस्प्ले,पेरेंटल कंट्रोल,एनर्जी सेविंग मोड,होटल चैनल सूची,माय चैनल,लिंक डीआरएम,लिंक रीच 4.0,सुरक्षा मोड,यूएसबी क्लोनिंग,वेक-अप टाइमर
कोणीय दृश्य कोण178°
आस्पेक्ट अनुपात16:9
क्षैतिज दृश्य कोण178°
बैकलाइट टेक्नोलॉजीडायरेक्ट LED
स्क्रीन साइज़ क्लास50
देखने योग्य स्क्रीन साइज़50
इलेक्ट्रॉन‍िक प्रोग्राम गाइडहां
हाई डायनैमिक रेंज (एचडीआर) प्रकारएचडीआर10+,एचएलजी
कुल हांड्य से एफएमआई पोर्ट्स3
भौतिक विशेषताएँ
वजन (लगभग)26.20 पाउंड
उत्पाद रंगकाला
वेसा माउंट मानक200 x 200
वेसा माउंट कंपेटिबलहां
स्टैंड के साथ वजन (लगभग)33.30 पाउंड
सामान्य जानकारी
ब्रांड नामसैमसंग
उत्पाद मॉडलHG50NT678UF
उत्पाद का नामHG50NT678UF LED-LCD टीवी
उत्पाद शृंखलाNT678U
उत्पाद के प्रकारस्मार्ट LED-LCD टीवी
निर्माता का हिस्सा संख्याHG50NT678UFXZA
नेटवर्क और संचार
वायरलेस लैनहां
ऊर्जा और प्रदर्शन
सालाना ऊर्जा खपत122 किलोवॉट घंटे
ऑपरेटिंग पावर कंजम्प्शन135 डब् डब्ल्यू
स्टैंडबाय पावर कंजम्प्शन500 एमडब्ल्यू

Return Policy

Time to Return

Standard Return Policy

We offer a hassle-free 30-day returns policy for domestic (US) orders, excluding non-refundable items. Refund or Replacement within 30 days of the delivery date. All products that fall under the Standard Return Policy qualify for our 30-Day Hassle-Free Returns. Please see the section above for more details.

Replacement Only Return Policy

Replacement within 30 days of the delivery date.

Manufacturer Only Return Policy

Covered by the manufacturer's warranty. Please refer to the terms and conditions for the manufacturer's warranty or contact the manufacturer.

Holiday Extended Return Policies

Extended Holiday Return Policy.

Qualifying purchases of products displaying the " Extended Holiday Return Policy ", from November 1st, 2023 to December 25, 2023, are eligible for a Refund or Replacement until January 31, 2024.

Extended Holiday Replacement-Only Return Policy

Qualifying purchases of products displaying the " Extended Holiday Replacement-Only Return Policy ", from November 1st, 2023 to December 25, 2023, are eligible for a Replacement until January 31, 2024.

Samsung 50-inch NT678U TV displaying high-resolution coastal scene with limestone cliffs and turquoise ocean waters

Stunning 4K Resolution Brings Nature to Life

Experience the breathtaking detail of coastal landscapes with crystal-clear 4K UHD resolution. The NT678U's advanced display technology captures every nuance, from the textured limestone cliffs to the pristine turquoise waters below. Direct-lit LED technology ensures consistent brightness and vivid color reproduction across the entire 50-inch screen.

Technical Specifications

  • 4K UHD Resolution (3840 x 2160) for exceptional clarity
  • Direct-lit LED technology for uniform brightness
  • HDR10+ support for enhanced contrast and color depth


  • Hotel lobby displays showcasing destination imagery
  • Resort room entertainment systems
  • Hospitality venue digital signage
Side view of Samsung NT678U TV showing ultra-slim profile design

Slim Profile Design Maximizes Space

The NT678U's sophisticated slim profile design integrates seamlessly into any hospitality environment. The sleek side view demonstrates the TV's minimal footprint while maintaining structural integrity. Premium materials and construction ensure durability for high-traffic commercial spaces.

Technical Specifications

  • Space-saving slim profile construction
  • Durable commercial-grade materials
  • VESA mount compatible (200 x 200)


  • Wall-mounted installations in guest rooms
  • Space-conscious business environments
  • Digital signage in narrow spaces
Front view of Samsung NT678U TV displaying vibrant coastal scene

Immersive Viewing from Every Angle

The NT678U delivers consistent picture quality across a wide viewing angle, ensuring every guest enjoys the same premium experience. The advanced panel technology maintains color accuracy and contrast even when viewed from the sides, making it ideal for larger spaces and group viewing environments.

Technical Specifications

  • 178-degree horizontal and vertical viewing angles
  • PurColor technology for consistent color reproduction
  • Anti-glare screen coating


  • Hotel common areas and lounges
  • Conference room presentations
  • Restaurant and bar entertainment
Top-down view of Samsung NT678U TV showing thin profile and bezel design

Sleek Top-Down Perspective

The NT678U's refined design is evident from every angle, with a top-down view highlighting its premium construction and attention to detail. The ultra-thin bezel maximizes screen real estate while maintaining a sophisticated appearance suitable for upscale hospitality environments.

Technical Specifications

  • Minimal bezel design
  • Premium build quality
  • Optimized heat dissipation


  • Luxury hotel room installations
  • High-end retail displays
  • Executive suite entertainment systems
Close-up of Samsung NT678U TV screen showing vivid coastal imagery

Crystal Clear Display Technology

Witness the power of Direct LED backlighting as it brings content to life with exceptional clarity and color accuracy. The NT678U's advanced display technology ensures consistent brightness across the entire screen, while HDR10+ support delivers stunning contrast and detail in every scene.

Technical Specifications

  • Direct LED backlighting technology
  • HDR10+ dynamic range enhancement
  • PurColor color processing


  • Premium content display
  • Digital art exhibitions
  • High-end advertising displays
Close-up detail of Samsung NT678U TV screen showing high resolution capabilities

Enhanced Detail Resolution

Experience unprecedented detail with the NT678U's 4K UHD resolution. The precise pixel management system ensures crystal-clear image reproduction, while the advanced processing engine optimizes every frame for maximum visual impact.

Technical Specifications

  • 4K UHD resolution optimization
  • Advanced image processing
  • Enhanced detail rendering


  • Detailed digital signage
  • Professional presentations
  • High-quality content streaming
Samsung LYNK REACH 4.0 content management interface display

Intuitive Content Management System

The LYNK REACH 4.0 system provides comprehensive content management capabilities through an intuitive interface. Easily manage and distribute content across multiple displays while maintaining consistent quality and presentation.

Technical Specifications

  • LYNK REACH 4.0 integration
  • Multi-display management
  • Custom content scheduling


  • Hotel information systems
  • Corporate communications
  • Digital signage networks
Samsung NT678U TV in healthcare setting showing patient interface

Healthcare Environment Integration

Purpose-built for healthcare environments, the NT678U provides patients with an enhanced viewing experience while offering staff easy access to important information and entertainment options. The specialized interface supports healthcare-specific features and content management.

Technical Specifications

  • Healthcare-optimized interface
  • Pillow speaker compatibility
  • Sanitizable remote control


  • Patient room entertainment
  • Healthcare information display
  • Medical facility communication
Multiple room setup showing Samsung NT678U TV system integration

Multi-Room Entertainment Solution

The NT678U supports seamless content distribution across multiple rooms, enabling centralized management of entertainment and information systems. The advanced networking capabilities ensure consistent performance across all connected displays.

Technical Specifications

  • Multi-room content distribution
  • Centralized management system
  • Network integration capabilities


  • Hotel entertainment systems
  • Multi-room deployments
  • Facility-wide content distribution
Samsung NT678U TV displaying customized welcome screen with resort imagery

Customizable Welcome Experience

Create engaging welcome experiences with customizable messaging and branded content. The NT678U's content management system allows for easy updates and modifications to welcome screens, ensuring a consistent brand experience across all displays.

Technical Specifications

  • Custom welcome screen capability
  • Brand integration options
  • Dynamic content updates


  • Hotel welcome messaging
  • Resort information display
  • Brand experience delivery
Angled view of Samsung NT678U TV showing hospitality interface

Integrated Hospitality Solutions

The NT678U seamlessly integrates with existing hospitality systems, providing a comprehensive solution for guest entertainment and information delivery. The intuitive interface ensures easy access to all services and features.

Technical Specifications

  • Hospitality system integration
  • Service menu customization
  • Guest interface optimization


  • Hotel service integration
  • Guest information systems
  • Amenity promotion
Wide angle view of Samsung NT678U TV showing slim design and display quality

Optimized Viewing Experience

The NT678U's advanced display technology ensures optimal viewing from any angle, while the slim design adds a touch of sophistication to any space. The integrated content management system provides easy access to all features and functions.

Technical Specifications

  • Wide viewing angle optimization
  • Slim profile design
  • Integrated management features


  • Public space installation
  • Commercial environment display
  • Hospitality entertainment
Angled view of Samsung NT678U TV displaying welcome screen interface

Enhanced Guest Interface

Deliver a superior guest experience with the NT678U's customizable interface and welcome screen capabilities. The system supports easy navigation and access to all available services and features.

Technical Specifications

  • Custom interface design
  • Welcome screen personalization
  • Easy navigation system


  • Guest welcome experience
  • Service information display
  • Brand communication
The Samsung NT678U features a 50" 4K UHD display with 3840 x 2160 resolution, offering four times the pixels of Full HD. It supports HDR10+ and HLG (Hybrid Log Gamma) for enhanced contrast and color depth. The TV uses Direct-LED backlight technology and features PQI 1300Hz motion interpolation for smooth motion handling. The display offers wide 178-degree viewing angles both horizontally and vertically, and includes PurColor technology for realistic color reproduction. The bezel-less design on top and sides adds a sophisticated look.
This Smart Hospitality TV comes with several specialized features including LYNK REACH 4.0 content management solution for hotel operations, integrated LYNK DRM technology for secure content delivery, and b-LAN for SONIFI integration. It offers hotel-specific functions like Home Menu, Welcome Message customization, Channel List Guide, Channel Re-mapping, Volume Limiters, Menu Display Lock-out, and USB Cloning for easy setup across multiple rooms. The TV also includes an anti-theft battery cover remote control and rear panel lock-out for security.
The Samsung NT678U features a 20W RMS audio output system with Dolby Digital Plus sound processing. It's soundbar compatible for enhanced audio options. The TV includes Audio Return Channel (ARC) functionality through HDMI, allowing for simplified connection to external audio systems while maintaining high-quality digital audio output.
The TV offers comprehensive connectivity options including 3 HDMI ports, USB ports for media playback (Connect Share), built-in Ethernet, and wireless LAN capability. It supports multiple digital tuner standards including DVB-T2, DVB-T, DVB-C, DVB-S2, and ATSC. The TV also features RJ12 IR PASS and Remote Jack Pack (RJP) Priority for integrated room control systems.
The Samsung NT678U is Energy Star certified and features various energy-saving capabilities. It operates at 135W during normal use and has a very low standby power consumption of just 500mW. The annual energy consumption is rated at 122 kWh. The TV includes an Energy Saving Mode for additional power optimization and Auto Power Off functionality to prevent wasted energy.
The TV is VESA mount compatible with a 200 x 200 mounting pattern for wall installation. It weighs 26.20 lbs without the stand and 33.30 lbs with the stand attached. The included display pedestal stand offers flexible positioning with rotation stops at 20/20, 60/60, and 90/90 degrees. The TV features a sleek black finish with a bezel-less design on the top and sides.
The TV features multiple picture enhancement technologies including UHD Mastering Engine, Auto Motion Plus, Film Mode, and Digital Clean View for improved image quality. It supports HDR10+ and HLG for enhanced dynamic range, PurColor for accurate color reproduction, and Mega Contrast for improved contrast levels. The PQI 1300Hz motion interpolation technology helps deliver smooth motion performance, particularly beneficial for fast-moving content.
The TV includes Samsung's LYNK REACH 4.0 system for comprehensive content management across coaxial, LAN, and Wi-Fi infrastructures. Security features include integrated LYNK DRM technology for protected content delivery, Security Mode, USB Cloning for efficient setup, and various lock-out features. It supports hotel-specific functions like custom welcome messages, channel list management, and volume limiting. The system is compatible with SONIFI technology through b-LAN integration for additional content delivery options.

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