ट्रिप लाइट पीडीयू3ईवीएनआर6एच50ए 18-आउटलेट पीडीयू 14.40 केडब्ल्यू पावर रेटिंग मॉनिटर किया गया तीन चरण रैक-माउंटेबल

Detailed view of PDU interface showing network management card, outlet banks, and power connections with Hubbell CS8365C connector-alternate-image1
Full-length view of vertical PDU showing outlet arrangement and mounting features-alternate-image2
Close-up of PDU network management interface showing touchscreen display and network ports-alternate-image3
Detailed view of PDU outlet section showing C13 and C19 outlets with status indicators-alternate-image4
Close-up of PDU circuit breaker control panel showing ON/OFF switch-alternate-image5
Detail of PDU Hubbell CS8365C 50A power input connector-alternate-image6
Layout of PDU installation accessories including plug locks and mounting hardware-alternate-image7

ट्रिप लाइट पीडीयू3ईवीएनआर6एच50ए 18-आउटलेट पीडीयू 14.40 केडब्ल्यू पावर रेटिंग मॉनिटर किया गया तीन चरण रैक-माउंटेबल

Tripp Lite PDU3EVNR6H50A

₦2,699,900.00 ₦4,032,000.00 Save ₦1,332,100
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Product Key Features

  • उच्चतम दूरस्थ क्षमताओं में रियल टाइम में आउटलेट-स्तरीय वर्तमान निगरानी शामिल है
  • 6 C13 और 12 C19 208V आउटलेट्स जुड़े हुए उपकरणों को AC पावर वितरित करते हैं
  • बिल्ट-इन जैवा-फ्री HTML5-आधारित LX प्लेटफ़ॉर्म इंटरफ़ेस आपको 24/7 दूरस्थ पहुँच प्रदान करता है
  • रंगीन टचस्क्रीन LCD वर्तमान स्तर, पर्यावरणीय डेटा, और नेटवर्क जानकारी प्रदान करता है
  • मानक 19 इंच की रैक में शामिल माउंटिंग हार्डवेयर का उपयोग करके 0U रैक स्थान में स्थापित होता है
  • 2 वर्षीय सीमित वारंटी
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Tripp Lite


Tripp Lite PDU3EVNR6H50A: 14.40 kW Three-Phase Monitored PDU with Network Management

The Tripp Lite PDU3EVNR6H50A is a high-performance 14.40 kW three-phase PDU featuring 18 outlets (12 C19 and 6 C13) with advanced monitoring capabilities. This rack-mountable power distribution unit delivers network-grade power management with real-time remote monitoring of voltage and load levels through its integrated network interface.

Advanced Monitoring and Power Distribution Features

  • Precise monitoring of per-phase input current and output current per bank and outlet
  • Built-in LX Platform network interface with HTML5-based management
  • Full 10/100/1000 Mbps auto-sensing Ethernet connectivity
  • Color touchscreen LCD with ±1% billing-grade accuracy
  • Support for multiple protocols including HTTP, HTTPS, SMTP, SNMPv1/v2/v3, FTP, DHCP, and NTP

Professional-Grade Power Specifications

  • 14.40 kW power rating for high-density applications
  • 208V AC output voltage with 230V AC input
  • Hubbell CS8365C 50A input connection
  • 18 total outlets: 12 IEC 60320 C19 and 6 IEC 60320 C13
  • Six breakered load banks for efficient power distribution

Installation and Physical Specifications

  • 70-inch 0U vertical form factor for efficient rack space utilization
  • Toolless mounting with included buttons and rack-mounting brackets
  • PDUMVROTATEBRKT kit for flexible outlet orientation
  • Compact dimensions: 2.2" width x 2.5" depth
  • TAA-compliant for GSA Schedule purchases

Package Contents

  • PDU3EVNR6H50A 18-Outlets PDU
  • Built-in LX Platform interface
  • Configuration cable
  • 18 plug-lock insert sleeves
  • Rack-mounting hardware
  • Spare mounting buttons
  • PDUMVROTATEBRKT mounting bracket accessory
  • Owner's manual

14.4kW 3-फेज PDU नेटवर्क-ग्रेड पावर वितरित और मॉनिटर करता है

यह मॉनिटर किया गया PDU अपनी अंतर्निहित नेटवर्क इंटरफ़ेस के माध्यम से वोल्टेज और लोड स्तरों की वास्तविक समय की दूरस्थ निगरानी प्रदान करता है। आपके डेटा केंद्र, कंप्यूटर कक्ष या उच्च घनत्व नेटवर्क क्लोजेट के लिए आदर्श, PDU3EVNR6H50A में छह C13 और 12 C19 208V आउटलेट हैं जो छह ब्रेकर लोड बैंकों में विभाजित हैं, जो रैक उपकरणों को AC पावर वितरित करते हैं। उपकरण के केबलों के गलत तरीके से डिस्लॉज होने से रोकने के लिए प्लग-लॉक इंसर्ट स्लीव्स शामिल हैं।

मॉनिटर किया गया प्रति-आउटलेट PDU आपको वास्तविक समय में पावर खपत पर नज़र रखने की अनुमति देता है

आप केवल वोल्टेज और आवृत्ति की दूरस्थ निगरानी नहीं कर सकते, बल्कि PDU3EVNR6H50A प्रति-फेज इनपुट वर्तमान, साथ ही आउटपुट वर्तमान को प्रत्येक बैंक और प्रत्येक आउटलेट के लिए मेटर करने की अनुमति भी देता है। बैंकों की व्यक्तिगत रूप से निगरानी की जा सकती है ताकि सही लोड संतुलन सुनिश्चित किया जा सके और डाउनटाइम से बचा जा सके। प्रत्येक आउटलेट की निगरानी करने से आपको जुड़े उपकरणों के लिए पावर खपत के रुझानों का अध्ययन करने में मदद मिलती है। इससे आपको हार्डवेयर समस्याओं और नेटवर्क ट्रैफ़िक की बाधाओं का पता लगाने में मदद मिलती है, साथ ही विभिन्न उपकरणों के बीच पावर उपयोग की तुलना करने में भी।

बिल्ट-इन LX प्लेटफ़ॉर्म नेटवर्क प्रबंधन कार्ड 24/7 दूरस्थ पहुंच सक्षम करता है

जावा-फ्री HTML5-आधारित LX प्लेटफ़ॉर्म नेटवर्क इंटरफेस PDU स्थिति की निगरानी और सुरक्षित वेब ब्राउज़र, SNMP, Telnet या SSH के माध्यम से ईमेल सूचनाओं के लिए पूर्ण दूरस्थ पहुंच सक्षम करता है। पूर्ण 10/100/1000 Mbps ऑटो-सेंसिंग एक ईथरनेट नेटवर्क के साथ अनुकूल संचार सुनिश्चित करता है। वैकल्पिक EnviroSense2 मॉड्यूल (अलग से बेचे जाने वाले) विभिन्न पर्यावरणीय निगरानी क्षमताएं प्रदान करते हैं। समर्थित प्रोटोकॉल में HTTP, HTTPS, SMTP, SNMPv1, SNMPv2, SNMPv3, FTP, DHCP और NTP शामिल हैं।

कलर टचस्क्रीन LCD आपको महत्वपूर्ण डेटा एक नज़र में देता है

आसान-से-नेविगेट कलर टचस्क्रीन LCD नेटवर्क डेटा की रिपोर्ट करता है, जिसमें IP पता, प्रति फेज इनपुट करंट स्तर, और प्रति लोड बैंक और प्रति आउटलेट आउटपुट करंट के साथ ±1% बिलिंग-ग्रेड सटीकता शामिल है। यह PDU को PowerAlert® डिवाइस प्रबंधक के माध्यम से पढ़ने के लिए केवल पहुंच की अनुमति देने के लिए एक अद्वितीय QR कोड भी उत्पन्न करता है। यदि एक EnviroSense2 मॉड्यूल जुड़ा हुआ है, तो LCD स्थिति और पर्यावरणीय डेटा, जिसमें तापमान और आर्द्रता शामिल है, भी प्रदर्शित करता है।

EIA-मानक 19 इंच रैक में लंबवत स्थापित करना आसान है

70-इंच 0U PDU को शामिल किए गए टूललेस माउंटिंग बटन या शामिल रैक-माउंटिंग ब्रैकेट का उपयोग करके लंबवत माउंट किया जाता है। अतिरिक्त बटन भी शामिल हैं। बेहतर एयरफ्लो या उपकरण पहुंच के लिए PDU को रिटर्न की ओर आउटलेट के साथ स्थापित करने के लिए शामिल PDUMVROTATEBRKT किट का उपयोग करें। 208V इनपुट के साथ एक हबेल 50A CS8365C के साथ छह फुट की तार PDU को एक संगत AC पावर स्रोत, जनरेटर या सुरक्षित UPS से जोड़ती है।

GSA अनुसूची खरीद के लिए TAA-पालक

PDU3EVNR6H50A संघीय व्यापार समझौता अधिनियम (TAA) के अनुपालन में है, जो इसे GSA (जनरल सर्विसेज एडमिनिस्ट्रेशन) अनुसूची और अन्य संघीय अधिग्रहण अनुबंधों के लिए पात्र बनाता है।

Return Policy

Time to Return

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We offer a hassle-free 30-day returns policy for domestic (US) orders, excluding non-refundable items. Refund or Replacement within 30 days of the delivery date. All products that fall under the Standard Return Policy qualify for our 30-Day Hassle-Free Returns. Please see the section above for more details.

Replacement Only Return Policy

Replacement within 30 days of the delivery date.

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Covered by the manufacturer's warranty. Please refer to the terms and conditions for the manufacturer's warranty or contact the manufacturer.

Holiday Extended Return Policies

Extended Holiday Return Policy.

Qualifying purchases of products displaying the " Extended Holiday Return Policy ", from November 1st, 2023 to December 25, 2023, are eligible for a Refund or Replacement until January 31, 2024.

Extended Holiday Replacement-Only Return Policy

Qualifying purchases of products displaying the " Extended Holiday Replacement-Only Return Policy ", from November 1st, 2023 to December 25, 2023, are eligible for a Replacement until January 31, 2024.

Detailed view of PDU interface showing network management card, outlet banks, and power connections with Hubbell CS8365C connector

Intelligent Power Distribution with Advanced Monitoring Interface

The PDU's comprehensive interface combines high-performance power distribution with real-time monitoring capabilities. The LX Platform network card enables seamless remote management, while multiple outlet banks provide organized power delivery to critical equipment. Each bank features dedicated circuit breakers and power monitoring for enhanced reliability and control.

Technical Specifications

  • Built-in LX Platform network interface for remote monitoring
  • Multiple load banks with individual circuit protection
  • Dual network ports for redundant connectivity


  • Data center power distribution with real-time monitoring
  • Remote management of multiple power zones
  • Critical infrastructure power monitoring and control
Full-length view of vertical PDU showing outlet arrangement and mounting features

Space-Efficient 0U Vertical Design

The PDU's vertical form factor maximizes rack space efficiency while providing extensive power distribution capabilities. The 70-inch design accommodates full-height racks while maintaining easy access to all outlets and monitoring features. The streamlined profile ensures proper airflow and cable management in high-density environments.

Technical Specifications

  • 70-inch 0U vertical mounting design
  • 18 outlets arranged in 6 monitored banks
  • Toolless mounting system for quick installation


  • High-density rack environments
  • Space-constrained data centers
  • Colocation facility power distribution
Close-up of PDU network management interface showing touchscreen display and network ports

Enhanced Network Management Interface

The intuitive touchscreen interface provides immediate access to critical power metrics and network settings. The HTML5-based management system enables secure remote access through multiple protocols, while dual network ports ensure continuous monitoring capability. Real-time data visualization helps identify potential issues before they impact operations.

Technical Specifications

  • HTML5-based management interface
  • Dual gigabit network ports
  • SNMP v1/v2/v3 support for monitoring integration


  • Enterprise-wide power monitoring
  • Multi-site power management
  • Automated power usage reporting
Detailed view of PDU outlet section showing C13 and C19 outlets with status indicators

High-Capacity Outlet Configuration

Strategic outlet arrangement provides optimal power distribution for various equipment types. The combination of C13 and C19 outlets supports diverse power requirements, while individual outlet monitoring enables precise load management. LED indicators provide instant status verification for each outlet bank.

Technical Specifications

  • 12 C19 and 6 C13 outlets
  • Individual outlet current monitoring
  • LED status indicators per bank


  • Mixed IT equipment power distribution
  • High-power server installations
  • Scalable infrastructure power management
Close-up of PDU circuit breaker control panel showing ON/OFF switch

Independent Circuit Protection Controls

Each outlet bank features dedicated circuit protection with easy-access controls. The robust switching mechanism ensures reliable power control, while clear labeling facilitates quick identification during maintenance. The 20-amp rating per bank supports high-power equipment deployment.

Technical Specifications

  • 20-amp circuit protection per bank
  • Individual bank power controls
  • Clear status indicators


  • Segmented power distribution
  • Maintenance isolation
  • Load balancing management
Detail of PDU Hubbell CS8365C 50A power input connector

Industrial-Grade Power Input Connection

The Hubbell CS8365C connector ensures secure, high-capacity power delivery to the PDU. The robust design prevents accidental disconnection, while the locking mechanism maintains reliable power continuity. The 50-amp capacity supports full utilization of the PDU's distribution capabilities.

Technical Specifications

  • 50-amp Hubbell CS8365C connector
  • Locking mechanism for connection security
  • Three-phase power support


  • High-capacity power distribution
  • Mission-critical power systems
  • Industrial power applications
Layout of PDU installation accessories including plug locks and mounting hardware

Complete Installation Kit with Security Features

The comprehensive mounting kit includes everything needed for secure PDU installation. Plug-lock inserts prevent accidental cable disconnection, while mounting brackets enable flexible positioning. The included configuration cable and mounting hardware ensure rapid deployment.

Technical Specifications

  • Complete mounting hardware set
  • 18 plug-lock inserts included
  • Toolless mounting options


  • Secure equipment connections
  • Rapid deployment installations
  • Custom rack configurations
The Tripp Lite PDU3EVNR6H50A is a 14.4kW three-phase monitored PDU featuring 18 outlets (12 C19 and 6 C13), real-time remote monitoring capabilities, and a built-in network interface. It includes a color touchscreen LCD for monitoring power data, an HTML5-based LX Platform for remote management, and supports multiple protocols including SNMP, HTTP, and SSH. The unit comes with plug-lock insert sleeves, mounts vertically in a 0U configuration, and offers per-outlet power monitoring with ±1% billing-grade accuracy.
The PDU3EVNR6H50A operates with a power rating of 14.40 kW, featuring a 230V AC input voltage and 208V AC output voltage. It has a 40A input current rating and uses a Hubbell CS8365C 50A connector. The unit distributes power across six breakered load banks and includes overload protection. The PDU provides three-phase power distribution, making it suitable for high-density data center environments.
Remote monitoring is available through the built-in LX Platform network interface, which provides Java-free HTML5-based management. You can access the PDU via secure web browser, SNMP (v1, v2, v3), Telnet, or SSH with full 10/100/1000 Mbps auto-sensing capability. The system supports multiple protocols including HTTP, HTTPS, SMTP, FTP, DHCP, and NTP. Real-time monitoring includes voltage, frequency, per-phase input current, and per-outlet power consumption data.
The PDU3EVNR6H50A is a 70-inch 0U PDU designed for vertical mounting in standard 19-inch racks. It measures 70" in height, 2.2" in width, and 2.5" in depth, weighing approximately 14.13 lb. Installation can be done using included toolless mounting buttons or rack-mounting brackets. The PDUMVROTATEBRKT kit allows installation with outlets facing the rear for improved airflow or equipment access.
The package includes the PDU3EVNR6H50A unit with built-in LX Platform interface, a configuration cable, 18 plug-lock insert sleeves for secure cable connections, rack-mounting hardware, spare mounting buttons, PDUMVROTATEBRKT mounting bracket accessory, and an owner's manual. The PDU comes with a 6-foot power cord terminated with a Hubbell 50A CS8365C 208V connector.
The PDU features 18 total outlets divided into six breakered load banks, consisting of 12 IEC 60320 C19 outlets and 6 IEC 60320 C13 outlets. Each outlet can be individually monitored for power consumption, and the unit includes plug-lock insert sleeves to prevent accidental cable disconnection. The outlets distribute 208V AC power and can be monitored for current draw per bank and per outlet.
The PDU3EVNR6H50A comes with a 2-year limited warranty and is TAA-compliant, making it eligible for GSA Schedule and federal procurement contracts. It is environmentally certified with RoHS compliance and manufactured in Taiwan. The unit provides ±1% billing-grade accuracy for power monitoring and meets various networking and security protocol standards.
The PDU supports environmental monitoring through optional EnviroSense2 modules (sold separately). When connected, these modules provide various environmental monitoring capabilities including temperature and humidity tracking. The color touchscreen LCD can display this environmental data alongside power monitoring information. The system can be configured to send email notifications for environmental and power conditions through its network interface.


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