गर्मिन 010-02441-22 विवोफिट जेआर. 3 स्मार्ट वॉच पानी प्रतिरोधी ट्रैकिंग स्मार्टफोन स्वास्थ्य और फिटनेस तैराकी

Blue Garmin vívofit jr. 3 smartwatch displaying ICE emergency contact information screen with parent contact details-alternate-image1
Garmin vívofit jr. 3 smartwatch showing activity progress screen with personalized stats and progress bar-alternate-image2
Garmin vívofit jr. 3 smartwatch next to smartphone showing adventure app interface with animated characters-alternate-image3
Garmin vívofit jr. 3 displaying game interface with activity-based rewards and progression-alternate-image4
Garmin vívofit jr. 3 next to phone showing exercise instruction screen with animated character guide-alternate-image5
Garmin vívofit jr. 3 alongside smartphone displaying chore management interface with progress tracking-alternate-image6
Garmin vívofit jr. 3 showing challenge creation interface with participant selection-alternate-image7
Garmin vívofit jr. 3 next to phone showing rewards redemption interface with various reward options-alternate-image8
Garmin vívofit jr. 3 displaying various watch face options in customization menu-alternate-image9
Garmin vívofit jr. 3 next to phone showing exercise instruction card with jumping jack demonstration-alternate-image10
Garmin vívofit jr. 3 showing game progress screen with animated character and achievement tracking-alternate-image11
Collection of Garmin vívofit jr. 3 watches in various colors including lime green, blue, and lilac-alternate-image12

गर्मिन 010-02441-22 विवोफिट जेआर. 3 स्मार्ट वॉच पानी प्रतिरोधी ट्रैकिंग स्मार्टफोन स्वास्थ्य और फिटनेस तैराकी

Garmin 010-02441-22

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  • Free Shipping
  • 1 Year Warranty
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  • Carbon Neutral

Product Key Features

  • बच्चों के फिटनेस ट्रैकर में एक इंटरैक्टिव ऐप अनुभव शामिल है जो बच्चों को गार्मिन वर्ल्ड टूर पर ले जाता है
  • बच्चे उन रोमांचक नए स्थानों के बारे में शैक्षिक प्रश्नोत्तरी ले सकते हैं जिन्हें वे खोजते हैं
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गर्मिन 010-02441-22 विवोफिट जेआर. 3 स्मार्ट वॉच पानी प्रतिरोधी ट्रैकिंग स्मार्टफोन स्वास्थ्य और फिटनेस तैराकी

This item: गर्मिन 010-02441-22 विवोफिट जेआर. 3 स्मार्ट वॉच पानी प्रत...


Total price: ₦187,200.00
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Garmin vívofit jr. 3 Kids Smart Watch: Interactive Fitness Adventure for Young Explorers

Transform your child's fitness journey with the Garmin vívofit jr. 3 Smart Watch, a water-resistant activity tracker that combines health monitoring with educational adventures. This innovative smart watch features a vibrant color display, impressive 1-year battery life, and swim-friendly design perfect for active kids up to 164 feet underwater.

Interactive Educational Adventures and Fitness Tracking

  • Globe-trotting adventures unlock through daily activity goals
  • Educational quizzes and games about world landmarks
  • Collectible gems system rewards active lifestyle
  • Built-in fitness cards teach basic exercise moves
  • Track steps, sleep quality, and daily activities
  • Timed activity tracking for sports and playtime

Smart Features for Parents and Kids

  • 0.6" color display with 112 x 112 resolution
  • Bluetooth connectivity for easy smartphone syncing
  • Parent-managed chore tracking and reward system
  • ICE (In Case of Emergency) widget
  • Toe-to-Toe™ step challenges with friends
  • Durable silicone wristband in Blue Stars design

Technical Specifications

  • Up to 1 year battery life (8765.81 hours)
  • Water-resistant up to 164.04 feet
  • Compact size: 0.5" x 1" x 1"
  • Lightweight design: 0.88 oz
  • Built-in accelerometer for accurate tracking
  • Multiple functions: Clock, Timer, Stopwatch, Alarm

Package Contents

  • vívofit jr. 3 Smart Watch
  • Documentation

अपनी दुनिया का अन्वेषण करें

vívofit jr. 3 सिर्फ बच्चों के लिए एक फिटनेस ट्रैकर नहीं है। यह एक इंटरैक्टिव अनुभव है जहाँ आपके बच्चे की गतिविधि शैक्षिक ग्लोब-ट्रॉटिंग ऐप एडवेंचर्स को अनलॉक करती है।

यह मजबूत फिटनेस ट्रैकर तैराकी के लिए भी उपयुक्त है - आपके बच्चे के चारों ओर की दुनिया के अन्वेषणों के लिए बिल्कुल सही।

चार्जर पैक करने की कोई आवश्यकता नहीं। यह आसान-से-स्थानापन्न बैटरी 1 वर्ष तक चलती है।

आपका बच्चा कई घड़ी फेस विकल्पों और रंगीन डिस्प्ले के साथ किसी भी मौके के लिए तैयार होगा।

माता-पिता ऐप का उपयोग करके कार्य प्रबंधित कर सकते हैं और अपने छोटे विश्व यात्री को पुरस्कार दे सकते हैं।

आपका बच्चा कौन से नए स्थानों का अन्वेषण करेगा? खेल के समय से शैक्षिक एडवेंचर्स, खेल और आइकन अनलॉक होते हैं।

कोई फर्क नहीं पड़ता कि आपका बच्चा कहाँ जाता है, कदम, नींद और दैनिक गतिविधियों को ट्रैक करें।

हमारी दुनिया के चमत्कारों के साथ इंटरैक्ट करें। | गतिविधि एडवेंचर को अनलॉक करती है

आपके साथ यात्रा साथी के रूप में, आपका बच्चा शैक्षिक एडवेंचर्स अनलॉक करेगा, प्रसिद्ध स्थलों के बारे में सीखेगा और प्राचीन ग्रीस से लेकर माउंट एवरेस्ट तक हर जगह अन्वेषण करते समय रहस्यों को उजागर करेगा।

क्विज़ और खेल

न केवल 60 मिनट की दैनिक गतिविधि एडवेंचर को अनलॉक करती है, बल्कि जितने अधिक सक्रिय मिनट बच्चे लगाते हैं, उनकी पॉप क्विज़, फिटनेस मूव्स सीखने और टैप चैलेंज और मैचिंग खेल खेलने के और अधिक अवसर मिलते हैं।

कलेक्टिबल जेम्स

उनकी दैनिक गतिविधि लक्ष्यों को पूरा करने पर आपके बच्चे को रंगीन जेम्स से पुरस्कृत किया जाता है। वे जेम्स का उपयोग करके एक स्क्रैपबुक में चित्र प्रकट कर सकते हैं जो उनके सभी एडवेंचर्स की यादों को दर्शाता है।

फिटनेस कार्ड्स

यात्रा साथी से कोचिंग के साथ, आपका बच्चा फिजिकल ट्रेनिंग कार्ड्स से बुनियादी व्यायाम मूव्स सीखेगा, जिसमें जंपिंग जैक्स, डाउनवर्ड डॉग, माउंटेन क्लाइंबर्स और अन्य शामिल हैं।

अपने बच्चे की कलाई पर और अधिक डालें।

समयबद्ध गतिविधियाँ

नई समयबद्ध गतिविधियाँ बच्चों को पार्क में खेलते समय, सॉकर प्रैक्टिस आदि के दौरान उनके कदमों और अनुमानित दूरी को ट्रैक करने देती हैं। Garmin Jr. ऐप में बाद में सहेजी गई गतिविधियाँ देखें।

रंगीन डिस्प्ले

चमकीले धूप वाले दिनों में भी, बच्चे रंगीन डिस्प्ले पर सब कुछ देख सकेंगे। और आप मजेदार घड़ी चेहरों के साथ उन्हें अनुकूलित करने में मदद कर सकते हैं।

आईसीई (आपात स्थिति में) विजेट

तैयार रहना हमेशा बेहतर होता है। अपने बच्चे की आपातकालीन संपर्क जानकारी को आईसीई विजेट में दर्ज करें, ताकि आवश्यकता पड़ने पर इसे जल्दी से एक्सेस किया जा सके।

माता-पिता के लिए एक सहायता। | गतिविधि की निगरानी करें

Garmin Jr. ऐप के साथ, माता-पिता गतिविधि, ज़िम्मेदारियाँ, नींद, कार्य डेटा और अधिक देख सकते हैं, जो संगत उपकरणों के साथ सिंक होने के बाद।

कार्य और पुरस्कार

ऐप से कार्य और कार्य सौंपें, और वर्चुअल सिक्कों का पुरस्कार मूल्य निर्धारित करें। ये ऐप में सिक्के उन पुरस्कारों के लिए निविदा किए जा सकते हैं जो आपके बच्चे चाहते हैं।

फ्रेंडली रिमाइंडर

जब आप कार्य सौंपते हैं और अनुसूची अलर्ट सेट करते हैं, तो आपके बच्चे का ट्रैकर उन्हें यह बताने वाले आइकन के साथ सूचित करेगा कि क्या किया जाना है। इनका सेट अप साप्ताहिक या यहां तक कि दैनिक रूप से किया जा सकता है।

कदम चुनौती

Toe-to-Toe™ कदम चुनौतियों के साथ, बच्चे निकट मित्रों के साथ समन्वय कर सकते हैं ताकि समयबद्ध कदम प्रतियोगिताओं में भाग ले सकें। माता-पिता भी मजे में शामिल हो सकते हैं, Toe-to-Toe ऐप और एक संगत Garmin पहनने योग्य के साथ।

एक साथ सक्रिय रहें

Garmin Connect ऐप पर अपने बच्चे के दोस्तों के साथ लिंक करें, और Garmin Jr. ऐप में अन्य परिवारों से जुड़ें। उनके साथ इंटरैक्ट करें, और बहु-परिवार साप्ताहिक कदम चुनौतियों में मुकाबला करें।

बच्चों का मोड

Garmin Jr. ऐप में बच्चों का मोड सक्षम करें ताकि आपके बच्चे को अपने कार्यों की निगरानी और उनकी ऐप एडवेंचर में नवीनतम मिशन की जांच करने की सीमित पहुंच मिल सके।


Return Policy

Time to Return

Standard Return Policy

We offer a hassle-free 30-day returns policy for domestic (US) orders, excluding non-refundable items. Refund or Replacement within 30 days of the delivery date. All products that fall under the Standard Return Policy qualify for our 30-Day Hassle-Free Returns. Please see the section above for more details.

Replacement Only Return Policy

Replacement within 30 days of the delivery date.

Manufacturer Only Return Policy

Covered by the manufacturer's warranty. Please refer to the terms and conditions for the manufacturer's warranty or contact the manufacturer.

Holiday Extended Return Policies

Extended Holiday Return Policy.

Qualifying purchases of products displaying the " Extended Holiday Return Policy ", from November 1st, 2023 to December 25, 2023, are eligible for a Refund or Replacement until January 31, 2024.

Extended Holiday Replacement-Only Return Policy

Qualifying purchases of products displaying the " Extended Holiday Replacement-Only Return Policy ", from November 1st, 2023 to December 25, 2023, are eligible for a Replacement until January 31, 2024.

Blue Garmin vívofit jr. 3 smartwatch displaying ICE emergency contact information screen with parent contact details

Emergency Contact Access at Your Child's Fingertips

The ICE (In Case of Emergency) feature keeps parents connected and children safe with instant access to emergency contact information. The bright, clear display shows essential contact details, ensuring help is just a glance away when needed. This thoughtful safety feature combines peace of mind with practical functionality.

Technical Specifications

  • 📱 Easy-to-read 112 x 112 resolution display for clear emergency information
  • 🔒 Secure storage of emergency contact details
  • ⚡ Quick access ICE widget for instant information retrieval


  • 🏫 School field trips and outdoor activities
  • 🏃 Sports practice and team events
  • 🎪 Family outings and crowded venues
Garmin vívofit jr. 3 smartwatch showing activity progress screen with personalized stats and progress bar

Real-Time Activity Tracking with Fun Progress Display

Watch your child's daily achievements come to life with dynamic activity tracking and engaging progress indicators. The bright display shows personalized stats and motivational progress bars, making fitness fun and achievable. Kids stay motivated as they watch their activity levels increase throughout the day.

Technical Specifications

  • 📊 Real-time step counting and activity monitoring
  • 🎯 Visual progress indicators for daily goals
  • 💫 Customizable display themes for personal motivation


  • 🏃‍♂️ Daily step goal tracking
  • ⏱️ Active minutes monitoring
  • 🎮 Achievement unlocking through movement
Garmin vívofit jr. 3 smartwatch next to smartphone showing adventure app interface with animated characters

Interactive Adventure App Integration

Transform daily activity into exciting digital adventures with seamless app connectivity. The companion app brings activity tracking to life through engaging characters and storylines. Children unlock new adventures and discoveries as they meet their daily movement goals.

Technical Specifications

  • 🔄 Bluetooth connectivity for real-time syncing
  • 📱 Compatible with Garmin Jr. app
  • 🎮 Interactive game elements tied to activity


  • 🗺️ Educational adventure unlocking
  • 🎯 Goal-based story progression
  • 🌟 Achievement-based rewards system
Garmin vívofit jr. 3 displaying game interface with activity-based rewards and progression

Gamified Movement Tracking

Turn exercise into an exciting treasure hunt with interactive game elements that respond to real-world movement. The smart integration of activity tracking with digital rewards keeps kids moving and engaged. Watch as each step contributes to in-game progress and discoveries.

Technical Specifications

  • 🎮 Game mechanics integrated with physical activity
  • 💎 Digital reward system for achievements
  • 📊 Progress tracking with visual feedback


  • 🏃‍♀️ Active gaming sessions
  • 🎯 Goal-oriented movement challenges
  • 🌟 Reward-based activity motivation
Garmin vívofit jr. 3 next to phone showing exercise instruction screen with animated character guide

Educational Exercise Adventures

Combine learning with movement through interactive exercise challenges and educational content. Kids explore new worlds while staying active, with each movement unlocking new educational experiences. The perfect blend of physical activity and learning makes fitness fun and rewarding.

Technical Specifications

  • 📱 Interactive exercise instruction display
  • 🎓 Educational content integration
  • 🎯 Progress tracking with achievements


  • 🏋️‍♀️ Guided exercise sessions
  • 🧩 Learning through movement
  • 🌍 Educational adventure unlocking
Garmin vívofit jr. 3 alongside smartphone displaying chore management interface with progress tracking

Smart Chore Management System

Keep track of daily responsibilities with an intuitive chore management interface. Parents can assign tasks and monitor completion while kids earn rewards for their accomplishments. The system makes household management engaging and rewarding for the whole family.

Technical Specifications

  • 📋 Digital task management system
  • 🎖️ Reward tracking and distribution
  • 📊 Progress visualization tools


  • ✅ Daily chore completion tracking
  • 🏆 Reward-based motivation system
  • 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Family responsibility management
Garmin vívofit jr. 3 showing challenge creation interface with participant selection

Social Fitness Challenges

Connect with friends and family through engaging fitness challenges that make exercise social and fun. Create custom competitions and track progress together, fostering healthy competition and active lifestyles. The perfect way to stay connected while staying active.

Technical Specifications

  • 👥 Multi-user challenge system
  • 📊 Real-time competition tracking
  • 🤝 Social connection features


  • 🏃‍♂️ Group fitness challenges
  • 🤼 Friend-to-friend competitions
  • 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Family activity challenges
Garmin vívofit jr. 3 next to phone showing rewards redemption interface with various reward options

Customizable Reward System

Create meaningful incentives with a flexible reward system that parents can tailor to their family's needs. From screen time to special privileges, turn everyday achievements into exciting rewards. The intuitive interface makes managing and distributing rewards simple and engaging.

Technical Specifications

  • 🎁 Customizable reward options
  • 💰 Virtual currency system
  • 📱 Parent-controlled settings


  • 🎮 Screen time management
  • 🎨 Activity-based privileges
  • 💫 Achievement recognition
Garmin vívofit jr. 3 displaying various watch face options in customization menu

Personalized Watch Face Gallery

Let kids express their personality with a variety of engaging watch face designs. From digital to analog displays, each face offers unique style while maintaining essential functionality. The easy customization keeps the device fresh and exciting for young users.

Technical Specifications

  • 🎨 Multiple watch face designs
  • 📱 Easy customization interface
  • 💫 Theme-based display options


  • 🎯 Personal style expression
  • 🔄 Regular theme refreshing
  • 👤 Age-appropriate customization
Garmin vívofit jr. 3 next to phone showing exercise instruction card with jumping jack demonstration

Interactive Fitness Training Cards

Guide kids through proper exercise techniques with animated instruction cards. Each movement is clearly demonstrated with easy-to-follow illustrations and instructions. Makes learning new exercises fun and accessible for young fitness enthusiasts.

Technical Specifications

  • 🎯 Step-by-step exercise guides
  • 🎨 Clear visual instructions
  • 📱 Interactive training interface


  • 🏋️‍♀️ Exercise technique learning
  • 🎯 Guided workout sessions
  • 🌟 Fitness skill development
Garmin vívofit jr. 3 showing game progress screen with animated character and achievement tracking

Adventure Game Progress Tracking

Watch as daily activity transforms into exciting game progress with dynamic tracking and rewards. Each step contributes to in-game achievements and unlocks new story elements. The perfect motivation to keep kids moving and engaged throughout the day.

Technical Specifications

  • 🎮 Activity-based game progression
  • 🎯 Achievement tracking system
  • 💫 Story-driven rewards


  • 🎮 Interactive storytelling
  • 🏃‍♂️ Movement-based gaming
  • 🌟 Achievement collection
Collection of Garmin vívofit jr. 3 watches in various colors including lime green, blue, and lilac

Vibrant Color Options for Every Style

Express personality with a range of eye-catching colors that appeal to every young taste. From bold lime green to soft lilac and classic blue, each watch brings its own unique character while maintaining full functionality. The durable design ensures these vibrant colors stay bright through daily adventures.

Technical Specifications

  • 🎨 Multiple color options
  • 💪 Durable silicone construction
  • ✨ Scratch-resistant display


  • 👕 Fashion coordination
  • 🎨 Personal style expression
  • 🎁 Gift customization
The Garmin vívofit jr. 3 is a kids' smart watch that combines fitness tracking with educational adventures. Key features include step counting, sleep monitoring, water resistance up to 164 feet, a color display with 112 x 112 resolution, and interactive app-based adventures. It includes timed activities tracking, chore management, and rewards system through the Garmin Jr. app. The device features a long-lasting battery that runs for up to one year without charging and includes fun features like Toe-to-Toe step challenges and collectible gems for meeting activity goals.
The Garmin vívofit jr. 3 features an impressive battery life of up to one year (8,765.81 hours) with regular use. The device uses an easy-to-replace battery, eliminating the need for regular charging, which makes it particularly convenient for children's daily use and ensures continuous activity tracking without interruption.
Yes, the Garmin vívofit jr. 3 is water resistant and can be safely used while swimming. It's designed to withstand water pressure up to 164.04 feet (50 meters) deep, making it suitable for swimming, splashing, and other water activities. This durability ensures children can wear it during various activities without worry about water damage.
The vívofit jr. 3 tracks multiple activities including steps taken, distance traveled, sleep quality, and timed activities. It features an accelerometer for accurate movement tracking and includes special features like Toe-to-Toe step challenges for competing with friends. The device also monitors daily activity goals, which unlock educational adventures and games in the companion app.
Parents can manage chores through the Garmin Jr. app by assigning tasks and setting their virtual coin value as rewards. When chores are assigned, the watch displays icon reminders to children about what needs to be done. Tasks can be scheduled to recur daily or weekly, and children can earn virtual coins to redeem for agreed-upon rewards. Parents can monitor completion through the app after syncing with the device.
The Garmin vívofit jr. 3 features a 0.6" color display with 112 x 112 resolution. The device measures 0.5" in height, 1" in width, and 1" in depth, weighing approximately 0.88 ounces. It comes with a durable silicone wristband in blue with stars design, making it comfortable and suitable for children's daily wear.
The vívofit jr. 3 offers interactive educational features through its app adventures. Children can unlock educational content about global destinations from ancient Greece to Mount Everest through physical activity. It includes pop quizzes, fitness training cards teaching basic exercise moves, and educational games. Children can also collect virtual gems through activity completion to unlock pictures in a digital scrapbook of their adventures.
The vívofit jr. 3 includes an ICE (In Case of Emergency) widget where parents can input emergency contact information for quick access when needed. The device is also built with durable materials and water resistance for safe use during various activities. Through the Garmin Jr. app, parents can monitor their child's activity and location when synced with compatible devices.

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