WatchGuard WGT48413-US Firebox T45-W-PoE -verkkoturvallisuus/palomuurilaite 3 vuoden perusturvasarja Gigabit Ethernet IEEE 802.11ax USB 5 porttia

Front view of WatchGuard Firebox T45-W-PoE security appliance showing LED status indicators and WatchGuard logo-alternate-image1
Rear view of WatchGuard Firebox T45-W-PoE showing network ports, USB connections, and power input-alternate-image2

WatchGuard WGT48413-US Firebox T45-W-PoE -verkkoturvallisuus/palomuurilaite 3 vuoden perusturvasarja Gigabit Ethernet IEEE 802.11ax USB 5 porttia

WatchGuard WGT48413-US

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Tuotteen pääominaisuudet

  • 5 gigabit Ethernet-porttia tukevat nopeita LAN-takaverkkoinfrastruktuureja ja gigabit WAN-yhteyksiä.
  • Integroitu PoE+portti liitettäville laitteille virran toimittamiseksi.
  • Wi-Fi-yhteensopiva Firebox T45-W & T45-W-PoE tukee 802.11ax Wi-Fi 6 -standardia, mikä takaa käyttäjillesi nopeat yhteydet.
  • Kaikki lokitus- ja raportointitoiminnot kuuluvat ostoon, yli 100 näyttötaulua ja raporttia mukaan lukien PCI ja HIPAA.
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WatchGuard Firebox T45-W-PoE: Enterprise-Grade Network Security for Small Offices

The WatchGuard Firebox T45-W-PoE is a powerful network security and firewall appliance designed for small offices, branch locations, and retail environments. With integrated Wi-Fi 6 capabilities, up to 3.94 Gbps firewall throughput, and comprehensive security features, this compact device delivers enterprise-level protection in a cost-effective package.

Comprehensive Security Features

  • Advanced threat protection with AI-powered anti-malware
  • DNS filtering and threat correlation
  • Gateway antivirus and intrusion prevention
  • Cloud sandboxing and endpoint protection
  • Application control and URL filtering
  • Secure IPsec VPN connectivity with support for 30 Branch Office VPNs

Network Optimization and Connectivity

The T45-W-PoE features 5 Gigabit Ethernet ports with integrated PoE+ support, eliminating the need for separate power cables for devices like security cameras and VoIP phones. The built-in SD-WAN capability optimizes network performance while reducing reliance on expensive MPLS connections.

Technical Specifications

Feature Specification
Wireless Standard IEEE 802.11ax (Wi-Fi 6)
Firewall Throughput 504.32 MB/s
Ethernet Ports 5 x 10/100/1000Base-T
PoE+ Ports 1 port

Zero-Touch Deployment and Management

Experience simplified deployment with cloud-based configuration tools and zero-touch deployment capabilities. The Unified Security Platform architecture enables seamless management of all security features through a single console, making it ideal for branch office and retail environments requiring robust security without complex setup procedures.

Saatavana valinnaisella integroitu Wi-Fi 6 -langattomalla moduulilla
Jopa 3.94 Gbps palomuurin suorituskyky, 5 x 1 Gb-porttia, 30 toimipiste-VPN:ää


WatchGuard Firebox T45 -pöytälaite tuo yritystason verkon turvallisuuden pienille toimistoille/toimipisteille ja vähittäiskaupoille. Nämä laitteet ovat pieneen tilaan sopivia, kustannustehokkaita turvallisuusvoimatekijöitä, jotka tarjoavat kaikki WatchGuardin korkealaatuisemmissa UTM-laitteissa olevat ominaisuudet, mukaan lukien kaikki turvallisuusratkaisut, kuten AI-pohjainen haittaohjelmien torjunta, uhkien korrelaatio ja DNS-suodatus.


Yhdessä Total Security Suite -kokonaisuuden kanssa, WatchGuardin Firebox tarjoaa täydellisen ja alan parhaan joukon uhkien hallintaratkaisuja, mukaan lukien porttivirus, sisällön ja URL-osoitteiden suodatus, roskapostin estäminen, tunkeutumisen estäminen, sovelluksen hallinta, Cloud-hiekotusalustat ja päätepisteen suojaukset, kaikki helppokäyttöisessä paketissa.


Nollakosketusasennus mahdollistaa suuren osan Firebox-laitteen verkkoyhteyden muodostamiseen liittyvän työn poistamisen - kaikki ilman, että sinun tarvitsee jättää toimistoasi. Vankka, pilvipohjainen asennus- ja konfigurointityökalu on standardina mukana WatchGuardin Firebox-laitteissa. Paikallinen henkilökunta liittää laitteen virtaan ja Internetiin, ja laite yhdistää automaattisesti Pilveen saadakseen kaikki konfiguraatioasetukset.

Integroitu tuki PoE+:lle tarkoittaa, että voit välttää erillisten virtakaapelien vetämisen oheislaitteille, kuten turvakameroille, VoIP-puhelimille tai langattomille tukiasemille.


WatchGuardin Unified Security Platform -kehys on rakennettu alusta alkaen mahdollistamaan yksi konsoli -ratkaisu kehittyneiden kyberturvallisuusratkaisujen ja -palveluiden käyttöönottamiseen, käyttöönottoon, hallintaan ja seurantaan. Tämä kattava portfolio päätelaitteiden, monivaiheisen todennuksen, Wi-Fi:n ja verkon turvallisuusratkaisujen (mukaan lukien Firebox-palomuurilaitteet) avulla auttaa estämään haavoittuvien järjestelmien havaitsemis- ja hyväksikäyttöyrityksiä, tietojenkalastelua, kiristysohjelmia, tunkeutumisia ja kehittyneitä haittaohjelmia kaikissa käyttäjissä, ympäristöissä ja laitteissa. Yhdistetty turvallisuusalustamme rakenteen avulla voidaan korvata vanha tilkkutyöturvallisuuslähestymistapa ja laajentaa turvallisuuskykyjä jokaiseen laskentaympäristöön, jossa liiketoimintasi toimii.


Firebox T45 tekee verkon optimoinnista helppoa. Integroitu SD-WAN mahdollistaa kalliiden MPLS- tai mobiiliyhteyksien käytön vähentämisen ja liikenteen tarkastamisen pienistä toimistoista samalla kun parannetaan verkon joustavuutta ja suorituskykyä.

Return Policy

Time to Return

Standard Return Policy

We offer a hassle-free 30-day returns policy for domestic (US) orders, excluding non-refundable items. Refund or Replacement within 30 days of the delivery date. All products that fall under the Standard Return Policy qualify for our 30-Day Hassle-Free Returns. Please see the section above for more details.

Replacement Only Return Policy

Replacement within 30 days of the delivery date.

Manufacturer Only Return Policy

Covered by the manufacturer's warranty. Please refer to the terms and conditions for the manufacturer's warranty or contact the manufacturer.

Holiday Extended Return Policies

Extended Holiday Return Policy.

Qualifying purchases of products displaying the " Extended Holiday Return Policy ", from November 1st, 2023 to December 25, 2023, are eligible for a Refund or Replacement until January 31, 2024.

Extended Holiday Replacement-Only Return Policy

Qualifying purchases of products displaying the " Extended Holiday Replacement-Only Return Policy ", from November 1st, 2023 to December 25, 2023, are eligible for a Replacement until January 31, 2024.

Front view of WatchGuard Firebox T45-W-PoE security appliance showing LED status indicators and WatchGuard logo

Advanced Network Protection with LED Status Monitoring

The WatchGuard Firebox T45-W-PoE features an intuitive front panel design with clear LED indicators for real-time network status monitoring. The sleek red chassis houses sophisticated security technology while maintaining a professional appearance suitable for any office environment. Status lights provide instant feedback on failover conditions, port activity, and system health, enabling IT administrators to quickly diagnose network conditions.

Technical Specifications

  • LED status indicators for real-time system monitoring
  • Integrated failover monitoring display
  • Visual port status confirmation system


  • Network status monitoring in server rooms
  • Quick system diagnostics for IT administrators
  • Visual confirmation of network connectivity
Rear view of WatchGuard Firebox T45-W-PoE showing network ports, USB connections, and power input

Comprehensive Connectivity Hub with PoE+ Support

The rear panel of the Firebox T45-W-PoE showcases its extensive connectivity options, featuring 5 Gigabit Ethernet ports including one PoE+ enabled port. Dual USB 3.0 ports provide additional flexibility for peripheral connections, while the dedicated console port ensures secure local management access. The compact port layout maximizes space efficiency while maintaining easy access for cable management.

Technical Specifications

  • 5 Gigabit Ethernet ports with PoE+ capability
  • Dual USB 3.0 ports for expanded connectivity
  • Dedicated console port for local management


  • Powering IP cameras and access points via PoE+
  • Secure branch office network deployment
  • Small business network infrastructure hub
The Firebox T45-W-PoE offers comprehensive enterprise-grade security features including AI-powered anti-malware, gateway antivirus, content and URL filtering, antispam, intrusion prevention, and application control. It provides advanced threat protection with Cloud sandboxing, DNS security, and endpoint protection. The device supports reputation-enabled defense, stateful packet filtering, secure IPsec VPN connectivity, and protection against DoS attacks, ransomware, botnets, and trojan horses.
The WatchGuard T45-W-PoE delivers firewall throughput of 504.32 MB/s (3.94 Gbps). It features 5 Gigabit Ethernet ports (10/100/1000Base-T), including one PoE+ port for powering peripheral devices like security cameras or VoIP phones. All ports support Gigabit Ethernet technology, providing high-speed connectivity for branch office environments.
The T45-W-PoE comes with integrated Wi-Fi 6 (IEEE 802.11ax) wireless module support. This latest wireless standard provides improved performance, greater capacity, and better efficiency compared to previous generations, making it ideal for modern office environments with multiple wireless devices.
The Firebox T45-W-PoE features a compact tabletop form factor with dimensions of 1.7" height x 8" width x 8.5" depth, weighing approximately 1.98 lb. Its small footprint makes it ideal for branch offices and retail environments where space may be limited while still delivering enterprise-level security features.
The T45-W-PoE supports zero-touch deployment through WatchGuard's Cloud-based deployment and configuration tool. This allows for simple setup without requiring on-site technical staff - simply connect the device to power and internet, and it automatically retrieves its configuration settings from the Cloud. The integrated PoE+ support also simplifies deployment by eliminating the need for separate power cables for compatible peripheral devices.
The device comes with a 3-year Basic Security Suite subscription, which includes essential security services such as gateway antivirus, intrusion prevention, application control, network discovery, and basic web filtering. The suite is part of WatchGuard's Unified Security Platform, providing integrated security management and monitoring capabilities.
The integrated SD-WAN functionality in the T45-W-PoE enables efficient network optimization by reducing reliance on expensive MPLS or cellular connections. It improves network resiliency and performance while allowing traffic inspection from small offices, making it an ideal solution for distributed enterprise environments seeking to optimize their network infrastructure and costs.
The WatchGuard T45-W-PoE is environmentally certified with REACH, WEEE, and RoHS compliance. These certifications demonstrate the device's commitment to environmental standards and sustainable manufacturing practices, making it an environmentally friendly choice for organizations concerned about their environmental impact.

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