WatchGuard WGT26001 Firebox T25-W Verkon turvallisuus / palomuurilaite 1 vuoden standardituki gigabitin Ethernet IEEE 802.11ax

Front view of WatchGuard Firebox T25-W security appliance showing LED status indicators and WatchGuard logo-alternate-image1
Rear view of WatchGuard Firebox T25-W showing multiple network ports, USB connections, and power input-alternate-image2

WatchGuard WGT26001 Firebox T25-W Verkon turvallisuus / palomuurilaite 1 vuoden standardituki gigabitin Ethernet IEEE 802.11ax

WatchGuard WGT26001

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Saatavuus: Varastossa , valmiina lähetettäväksi .
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Tuotteen pääominaisuudet

  • 5 Gigabit Ethernet -porttia tukevat korkeanopeuksisia LAN-väylärakenteita ja gigabitin WAN-yhteyksiä.
  • Wi-Fi-yhteensopiva Firebox T25-W tukee 802.11ax Wi-Fi 6 -standardia, varmistaen nopeat nopeudet käyttäjillesi.
  • Kaikki lokitus- ja raportointitoiminnot kuuluvat ostokseen, mukana yli 100 kojelautaa ja raporttia, mukaan lukien PCI ja HIPAA.
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WatchGuard Firebox T25-W: Enterprise-Grade Network Security for Small and Home Offices

The WatchGuard Firebox T25-W is a powerful network security and firewall appliance designed specifically for small and home offices requiring enterprise-level protection. Featuring Wi-Fi 6 (IEEE 802.11ax) capability and delivering up to 3.14 Gbps firewall throughput through 5 Gigabit Ethernet ports, this compact security powerhouse offers comprehensive threat management solutions for modern business environments.

Advanced Security Features and Threat Protection

  • Comprehensive gateway antivirus and malware protection
  • Integrated ransomware and APT blocking capabilities
  • Secure IPsec VPN connectivity with support for 10 branch offices
  • Advanced application control and botnet detection
  • TLS decryption and Reputation Enabled Defense
  • WebBlocker and proxy blocking functionality

Network Connectivity and Performance

The Firebox T25-W delivers exceptional network performance with:

  • 5 x 1Gb RJ-45 ports supporting 10/100/1000Base-T
  • Integrated Wi-Fi 6 (IEEE 802.11ax) wireless capability
  • 401.92 MB/s firewall throughput for optimal performance
  • USB connectivity for additional flexibility

Deployment and Management

Experience streamlined implementation with:

  • Zero-touch deployment capability
  • Cloud-based configuration tools
  • Unified Security Platform® architecture
  • Centralized management console

Physical Specifications

Dimension Measurement
Height 1.7 inches
Width 8 inches
Depth 8.5 inches
Weight 1.98 lb

Saatavana lisäominaisuutena integroitu Wi-Fi 6 -langaton moduuli
Jopa 3.14 Gbps palomuurin läpäisykyky, 5 kpl 1Gb-portteja, 10 toimipisteen VPN:ää


Suojellakseen yrityskäyttäjiä liittymispaikoissaan - pienissä ja kotitoimistoissa - Firebox T25 mahdollistaa voimakkaan verkkoturvallisuuden laajentamisen etätyöntekijöille. Firebox T25:ssä on enemmän ominaisuuksia kuin missään muussa pienimuotoisessa UTM-palomuuri-laitteessa, ja se on kustannustehokas turvallisuusvoima, joka tarjoaa yritystason turvallisuutta kompaktissa paketissa.


WatchGuard Firebox T25 on pieni laite, joka tuo suurta turvallisuutta kaikille ympäristöille, joista käyttäjät liittyvät. Täydellinen kotiverkkoihin ja pieniin toimistoihin, Firebox T25 on kustannustehokas turvallisuusvoima, joka tarjoaa kattavan ja alan parhaan joukon uhkien hallintaratkaisuja, mukaan lukien portinvartijavirustorjunta, sisällön ja URL:n suodatus, roskapostin esto, tunkeutumisen estäminen ja sovellusvalvonta, kaikki helposti hallittavassa paketissa.


Nollakosketus- käyttöönotto mahdollistaa suurimman osan työntekijästä liittyvään työhön Fireboxin asentamisessa verkkoon - ilman, että sinun tarvitsee poistua toimistolta. Robusti, pilvipohjainen käyttöönotto- ja konfigurointityökalu tulee standardina WatchGuardin Firebox-laitteiden mukana. Paikallinen henkilökunta kytkee laitteen virtaan ja internetiin, ja laite yhdistää pilveen kaikkien konfigurointiasetusten saamiseksi.


WatchGuardin Yhdistetty Turvallisuusplattforma -kehys on rakennettu alusta alkaen mahdollistamaan yhden konsolin ratkaisun tarjoamisen yhdistettyjen edistyneiden kyberturvallisuusratkaisujen ja -palveluiden toteuttamiseen, käyttöönottoon, hallintaan ja valvontaan. Tämä kattava portfolion loppupisteistä, monivaiheisesta todennuksesta, Wi-Fi- ja verkkoturvallisuusratkaisuista (mukaan lukien Firebox-palomuurlaitteet) auttaa estämään haavoittuvien järjestelmien löytämiseen ja hyödyntämiseen, phishing-hyökkäyksiin, kiristysohjelmiin, tunkeutuminen, ja kehittynyttä haittaohjelmatoimintaa kaikkialla käyttäjien, ympäristöjen ja laitteiden keskuudessa. Yhdistetty Turvallisuusplattforma -arkkitehtuuri korvasi vanhan palapeli-turvallisuusmenetelmän ja mahdollistaa turvallisuuskykyjen laajentamisen kaikkiin tietojenkäsittelyympäristöihin, joissa yrityksesi toimii.

Return Policy

Time to Return

Standard Return Policy

We offer a hassle-free 30-day returns policy for domestic (US) orders, excluding non-refundable items. Refund or Replacement within 30 days of the delivery date. All products that fall under the Standard Return Policy qualify for our 30-Day Hassle-Free Returns. Please see the section above for more details.

Replacement Only Return Policy

Replacement within 30 days of the delivery date.

Manufacturer Only Return Policy

Covered by the manufacturer's warranty. Please refer to the terms and conditions for the manufacturer's warranty or contact the manufacturer.

Holiday Extended Return Policies

Extended Holiday Return Policy.

Qualifying purchases of products displaying the " Extended Holiday Return Policy ", from November 1st, 2023 to December 25, 2023, are eligible for a Refund or Replacement until January 31, 2024.

Extended Holiday Replacement-Only Return Policy

Qualifying purchases of products displaying the " Extended Holiday Replacement-Only Return Policy ", from November 1st, 2023 to December 25, 2023, are eligible for a Replacement until January 31, 2024.

Front view of WatchGuard Firebox T25-W security appliance showing LED status indicators and WatchGuard logo

Advanced Network Security with Intuitive Status Monitoring

The WatchGuard Firebox T25-W features a sleek, red chassis design with an informative front panel display that provides instant visibility into network status and performance. The LED indicators offer real-time monitoring of failover status, port activity, and system health, enabling quick troubleshooting and maintenance. This enterprise-grade security appliance combines powerful protection with user-friendly operation, making it ideal for small offices and remote locations.

Technical Specifications

  • LED status indicators for comprehensive system monitoring
  • Integrated failover monitoring capabilities
  • 5-port status display for network connectivity tracking


  • Real-time network health monitoring
  • Quick system status assessment
  • Remote troubleshooting and diagnostics
Rear view of WatchGuard Firebox T25-W showing multiple network ports, USB connections, and power input

Comprehensive Connectivity for Secure Networks

The rear panel of the Firebox T25-W showcases its robust connectivity options, featuring 5 Gigabit Ethernet ports for flexible network configuration. Dual USB 3.0 ports provide additional functionality for storage and security features, while the dedicated management port ensures secure remote administration. The compact form factor doesn't compromise on enterprise-level features, delivering high-performance security in a space-efficient design.

Technical Specifications

  • 5 Gigabit Ethernet ports for network segmentation
  • Dual USB 3.0 ports for expanded functionality
  • Dedicated management port for secure administration


  • Multi-VLAN network deployment
  • Secure remote office connectivity
  • Branch office network security implementation
The WatchGuard Firebox T25-W offers comprehensive security features including WebBlocker, stateful packet filtering, secure IPsec VPN connectivity, malware and ransomware protection, application control, botnet detection, antivirus (including gateway and IntelligentAV), anti-spam, APT Blocker, Reputation Enabled Defense, proxy blocking, and TLS decryption. It provides up to 3.14 Gbps firewall throughput and includes intrusion prevention capabilities, making it a complete security solution for small and home offices.
The WatchGuard Firebox T25-W has compact dimensions measuring 1.7" in height, 8" in width, and 8.5" in depth. It weighs approximately 1.98 pounds, making it ideal for small office deployments. The appliance features 5 Gigabit Ethernet ports (RJ-45) and includes USB connectivity, all within a small form-factor design.
The WatchGuard Firebox T25-W comes with integrated Wi-Fi 6 (IEEE 802.11ax) wireless capabilities. This latest wireless standard provides improved performance and connectivity for wireless devices, making it ideal for modern office environments requiring high-speed wireless connectivity alongside robust security features.
The Firebox T25-W features zero-touch deployment through a Cloud-based deployment and configuration tool that comes standard with the appliance. This streamlines the setup process as local staff only needs to connect the device to power and the Internet, after which the appliance automatically connects to the Cloud for all configuration settings, eliminating the need for on-site technical expertise.
The Firebox T25-W provides Gigabit Ethernet connectivity with 5 x 1Gb ports supporting 10/100/1000Base-T network standards. This allows for flexible network configuration and high-speed wired connectivity, suitable for both small office and home office environments.
The WatchGuard Firebox T25-W comes with 1 Year Standard Support included. This ensures users have access to technical assistance and support services during the initial year of deployment, helping maintain optimal security performance and addressing any technical issues that may arise.
The Firebox T25-W is specifically designed for small offices, home offices, branch offices, and business environments. It's particularly suited for enterprise users working remotely, providing enterprise-grade security in a compact form factor. The appliance delivers powerful network security features that protect users where they connect, making it ideal for distributed workforce scenarios.
The WatchGuard Firebox T25-W is environmentally friendly and holds several important certifications including WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment), RoHS (Restriction of Hazardous Substances), and REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals), demonstrating WatchGuard's commitment to environmental responsibility.

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