IronKey IKVP50/256GB Talle turvallisuus 50-sarja USB-muistiinavain 256 Gt Salasanasuojaus 256-bittinen AES-salaus

IronKey Vault Privacy 50 256GB encrypted USB drive in metallic blue with black end caps-alternate-image1
IronKey USB drive showing USB 3.2 connector with protective end cap-alternate-image2
Top view of IronKey Vault Privacy 50 showing full length and security features-alternate-image3
IronKey Vault Privacy 50 retail packaging showing security certifications and features-alternate-image4
Horizontal view of IronKey USB drive showing sleek profile and USB connector-alternate-image5
IronKey USB drive inserted into laptop USB port in office setting-alternate-image6
Vertical view of IronKey Vault Privacy 50 showing compact design-alternate-image7
IronKey USB drive against digital binary code background with laptop keyboard-alternate-image8
IronKey USB drive on desk with laptop in background showing modern workplace setting-alternate-image9

IronKey IKVP50/256GB Talle turvallisuus 50-sarja USB-muistiinavain 256 Gt Salasanasuojaus 256-bittinen AES-salaus

IronKey IKVP50/256GB

0 out of 5 star rating
Saatavuus: Varastossa , valmiina lähetettäväksi .
  • 1 vuosi Takuu
  • 30 päivän palautusoikeus
  • Hiilidioksidineutraali

Tuotteen pääominaisuudet

  • 256 Gt tallennuskapasiteetti tiedostojen ja asiakirjojen laajalle tallennukselle
  • USB 3.2 (Gen 1) Type A liitäntä nopeaa ja kätevää tiedonsiirtoa varten
  • Salasanalla suojattu, jotta tietosi pysyvät turvassa
  • Brute force -itse tuhoamisominaisuus lisäturvallisuutta varten
  • Vain luku -tila, jotta vältetään vahingossa tapahtuva tietojen poistaminen tai muokkaaminen
  • Kryptografinen poistaminen, jotta kaikki tiedot voidaan turvallisesti poistaa tikulta
  • Ylläpito- ja käyttäjätila joustavaa pääsynhallintaa varten
  • Virustorjunta suojaamaan haittaohjelmilta ja viruksilta
  • TAA-yhteensopiva, varmistaen, että se täyttää hallituksen hankintavaatimukset
  • Kompakti ja kestävä muotoilu sinisessä värissä helppoa tunnistamista varten
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IronKey IKVP50/256GB Talle turvallisuus 50-sarja USB-muistiinavain 256 Gt Salasanasuojaus 256-bittinen AES-salaus

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Total price: €170.95
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XTS-AES 256-bit Encryption – IronKey Vault Privacy 50 Encrypted USB Drive



IronKey Vault Privacy 50 Series 256GB USB Flash Drive with Hardware Encryption

Experience ultimate data security with the IronKey Vault Privacy 50 Series 256GB USB flash drive, featuring FIPS 197 certified AES 256-bit hardware-encryption in XTS mode. This premium storage solution offers comprehensive protection against BadUSB and Brute Force attacks, making it ideal for businesses requiring top-tier data security.

Advanced Security Features

  • FIPS 197 certified XTS-AES 256-bit hardware encryption
  • Multi-password support with Admin, User, and One-Time Recovery options
  • Brute Force attack protection with auto-lock after 10 invalid attempts
  • Built-in virtual keyboard to prevent keylogger attacks
  • Dual Read-Only mode for enhanced malware protection

Performance Specifications

Specification Detail
Storage Capacity 256GB
Read Speed Up to 230 MB/s
Write Speed Up to 150 MB/s
Interface USB 3.2 (Gen 1) Type A

Business-Grade Security Management

Perfect for small and medium businesses, the VP50 series allows administrators to locally manage drives, configure employee access, reset passwords, and maintain compliance with regulatory requirements. The TAA-compliant design and customizable Product ID (PID) ensure seamless integration with standard Endpoint Management software.

Physical Specifications

Compact and durable design measuring 3.1" x 0.9" x 0.5" in elegant blue finish, backed by a comprehensive 5-year limited warranty. Manufactured in Taiwan with TAA compliance for government and enterprise use.

IRONKEY VAULT PRIVACY 50 SARJA | Laitteistokryptattu tietoturva

Kingston IronKey Vault Privacy 50 -sarja on ensiluokkainen USB-muistitikku, joka tarjoaa liikesarjaista turvallisuutta FIPS 197 -sertifikoidulla AES 256-bittisellä laitteistokryptauksella XTS-tilassa, mukaan lukien suojat BadUSB:tä vastaan digitaalisesti allekirjoitetulla laiteohjelmistolla ja bruteforce-salasanahyökkäyksiä vastaan. VP50-sarja on myös TAA-yhteensopiva. Koska se on käyttäjän fyysisen hallinnan alla oleva salattu tallennus, VP50-sarja on parempi vaihtoehto internetin ja pilvipalvelujen käyttöön tietojen suojaamiseksi.

Vault Privacy 50 tukee monisalasana (Admin, User ja One-Time Recovery) vaihtoehtoa monimutkaisessa tai sanaphrase-tilassa. Tämä parantaa kykyä palauttaa pääsy tietoihin, jos jokin salasanoista unohtuu. Perinteinen monimutkainen tila sallii salasanan, joka on 6–16 merkkiä pitkä ja käyttää 3:ta 4:stä merkkityypistä. Uusi sanaphrase-tila sallii numeerisen PIN-koodin, lauseen, sanalistana tai jopa sanoitukset, jotka ovat 10–64 merkkiä pitkiä. Admin voi ottaa käyttöön User- ja One-Time Recovery -salasanan tai nollata User-salasanan palauttaakseen pääsyn tietoihin. Salasanan syöttämisen helpottamiseksi voidaan "silmäsymboli" ottaa käyttöön, jolloin näppäimistölle syötetty salasana näkyy, vähentäen kirjoitusvirheitä, jotka johtavat epäonnistuneisiin kirjautumisyrityksiin. Bruteforce-hyökkäyksiltä suojaaminen lukitsee User- tai One-Time Recovery -salasanat, kun 10 virheellistä salasanaa on syötetty peräkkäin, ja kryptoi tiedot, jos Admin-salasana syötetään virheellisesti 10 kertaa peräkkäin.

Mahdollisia haittaohjelmia vastaan suojaamiseksi luotettavissa järjestelmissä, sekä Admin että User voivat asettaa vain luku -tilan kirjoitussuojatakseen tikun; lisäksi sisäinen virtuaalinen näppäimistö suojaa salasanoja näppäihaittailta tai näyttöhaitoilta.

FIPS 197 -sertifikoitu ja TAA-yhteensopiva, organisaatiot voivat mukauttaa ja konfiguroida VP50-sarjan muistitikkuja tuotetunnuksella (PID) integroimiseksi standardiin päätepisteen hallintaohjelmistoon, jotta voidaan täyttää yrityksen IT- ja kyberturvallisuusvaatimukset Kingstonin mukautusohjelman kautta.

Pienet ja keskikokoiset yritykset voivat käyttää Admin-roolia hallitakseen paikallisesti tikkujaan, esim. käyttää Adminia määrittämään tai nollaamaan työntekijän User- tai One-Time Recovery -salasanoja, palauttamaan pääsy tietoon lukituissa tikuissa ja noudattamaan lakeja ja asetuksia, kun forensiikkaa tarvitaan.
  • FIPS 197 Sertifioitu XTS-AES 256-bittisellä Kryptauksella
  • Bruteforce- ja BadUSB-hyökkäyssuoja
  • Monisalasana vaihtoehto monimutkaisen/sanaphrase-tilan kanssa
  • Uusi Sanaphrase-tila
  • Kaksinkertainen vain luku (Kirjoitus-suojaus) Asetus
  • Paikallisesti hallitse tikkuja pienille ja keskikokoisille yrityksille
  • Laitteistokryptattu USB-muistitikku tietojen suojaamiseksi - Suojaa tärkeät tiedot FIPS 197 -sertifikoidulla XTS-AES 256-bittisellä kryptauksella. Sisäänrakennetut suojat BadUSB:ltä, bruteforce-hyökkäyksiltä.
Rajoitettu takuu5 vuotta
Yleiset tiedot
TuotelinjaVault Privacy 50 Series
ValmistajaKingston Technology Company
Tuotteen nimiVault Privacy 50 Series 256GB USB 3.2 (Gen 1) Type A -muistitikku
Valmistajan osanumeroIKVP50/256GB
Tekniset tiedot
OminaisuudetSalasanasuojaus,Brute Force -itsetuho,Vain luku -tila,Kryptografinen poisto,Ylläpitäjä- ja käyttäjätila,Virustorjunta
Salausstandardi256-bittinen AES
Maksimi lukunopeus230 Mt/s
Tallennuskapasiteetti256 Gt
Maksimi kirjoitusnopeus150 Mt/s
IsäntäliitäntäUSB 3.2 (Gen 1) Type A
Fyysiset ominaisuudet
Tuotteen väriSininen

Return Policy

Time to Return

Standard Return Policy

We offer a hassle-free 30-day returns policy for domestic (US) orders, excluding non-refundable items. Refund or Replacement within 30 days of the delivery date. All products that fall under the Standard Return Policy qualify for our 30-Day Hassle-Free Returns. Please see the section above for more details.

Replacement Only Return Policy

Replacement within 30 days of the delivery date.

Manufacturer Only Return Policy

Covered by the manufacturer's warranty. Please refer to the terms and conditions for the manufacturer's warranty or contact the manufacturer.

Holiday Extended Return Policies

Extended Holiday Return Policy.

Qualifying purchases of products displaying the " Extended Holiday Return Policy ", from November 1st, 2023 to December 25, 2023, are eligible for a Refund or Replacement until January 31, 2024.

Extended Holiday Replacement-Only Return Policy

Qualifying purchases of products displaying the " Extended Holiday Replacement-Only Return Policy ", from November 1st, 2023 to December 25, 2023, are eligible for a Replacement until January 31, 2024.

IronKey Vault Privacy 50 256GB encrypted USB drive in metallic blue with black end caps

Military-Grade Data Protection in a Sleek Blue Design

The IronKey Vault Privacy 50 combines robust security with elegant engineering in its distinctive blue aluminum casing. The streamlined form factor houses advanced 256-bit AES encryption technology while maintaining a professional aesthetic that speaks to its enterprise-grade capabilities.

Technical Specifications

  • FIPS 197 certified hardware encryption
  • USB 3.2 Gen 1 interface for rapid data transfer
  • Durable aluminum casing with textured grip


  • Secure transport of confidential corporate documents
  • Compliance-mandated data storage
  • Protected interdepartmental file sharing
IronKey USB drive showing USB 3.2 connector with protective end cap

Enterprise Connectivity with Advanced Security Features

The USB 3.2 interface delivers exceptional data transfer speeds while maintaining complete security protocols. The device's sophisticated architecture ensures that speed never compromises protection, making it ideal for organizations handling time-sensitive, confidential data.

Technical Specifications

  • USB 3.2 Gen 1 compatibility
  • 230 MB/s read and 150 MB/s write speeds
  • Multi-password authentication system


  • High-speed secure data transfers
  • Regular backup of sensitive information
  • Cross-platform secure file sharing
Top view of IronKey Vault Privacy 50 showing full length and security features

Robust Security in a Compact Form Factor

Every aspect of the Vault Privacy 50's design emphasizes security without sacrificing portability. The rugged aluminum housing protects against physical damage while maintaining a compact profile that fits easily in a pocket or laptop bag.

Technical Specifications

  • Compact 3.1-inch length
  • Durable aluminum construction
  • Anti-tamper protection


  • Mobile workforce data security
  • Secure field operations
  • Protected data transport between facilities
IronKey Vault Privacy 50 retail packaging showing security certifications and features

Complete Data Protection with FIPS 197 Certification

The retail packaging highlights the drive's FIPS 197 certification and advanced security features. The comprehensive protection suite includes multi-password options and hardware encryption, meeting the most stringent corporate and government security requirements.

Technical Specifications

  • FIPS 197 certified encryption
  • Multi-password authentication
  • 256-bit AES-XTS encryption


  • Government-approved data storage
  • Regulatory compliance
  • Classified information handling
Horizontal view of IronKey USB drive showing sleek profile and USB connector

Seamless Integration with Enterprise Systems

The horizontal profile showcases the drive's professional design and USB 3.2 interface. This configuration ensures optimal connectivity while maintaining the highest security standards across all enterprise environments.

Technical Specifications

  • Enterprise-ready USB interface
  • Compatible with major operating systems
  • Centralized management capability


  • Enterprise-wide deployment
  • Cross-platform data security
  • IT infrastructure integration
IronKey USB drive inserted into laptop USB port in office setting

Real-World Data Protection in Action

Shown in a practical business setting, the IronKey Vault Privacy 50 demonstrates its seamless integration into daily workflow. The blue metallic finish stands out against the dark computer housing, emphasizing both its professional design and security-first approach.

Technical Specifications

  • Plug-and-play functionality
  • LED activity indicator
  • Universal compatibility


  • Secure workplace data access
  • Protected file sharing
  • Mobile data security
Vertical view of IronKey Vault Privacy 50 showing compact design

Compact Security Solution for Modern Business

The vertical orientation highlights the drive's efficient use of space while maintaining comprehensive security features. Its slim profile makes it ideal for modern mobile workforces without compromising on data protection.

Technical Specifications

  • Space-efficient design
  • Portable form factor
  • Robust security features


  • Mobile business operations
  • Secure data transport
  • Field work data protection
IronKey USB drive against digital binary code background with laptop keyboard

Advanced Encryption Meets Digital Workspace

Photographed against a binary code background, this image emphasizes the drive's digital security capabilities. The contrast between the sleek hardware and complex encryption visualizes the sophisticated protection systems at work.

Technical Specifications

  • 256-bit encryption implementation
  • BadUSB protection
  • Brute force attack prevention


  • Cybersecurity compliance
  • Secure data management
  • Protected digital workflows
IronKey USB drive on desk with laptop in background showing modern workplace setting

Enterprise Security in a Mobile Environment

Captured in a modern workspace setting, this image showcases the IronKey's role in securing mobile work environments. The drive's presence alongside a laptop emphasizes its crucial role in maintaining data security across different work locations.

Technical Specifications

  • Mobile security features
  • Remote management capability
  • Cross-platform protection


  • Remote work security
  • Hybrid workplace protection
  • Secure mobile data access
The IronKey VP50 features FIPS 197 certified AES 256-bit hardware-encryption in XTS mode, providing business-grade security. It includes protection against BadUSB with digitally-signed firmware and Brute Force password attacks. The drive offers multi-password options (Admin, User, and One-Time Recovery) with Complex or Passphrase modes, built-in virtual keyboard to prevent keyloggers, and dual Read-Only settings for malware protection. If 10 invalid password attempts are made, the User/Recovery passwords are locked, and the drive crypto-erases if Admin password fails 10 times.
The IronKey Vault Privacy 50 Series offers 256GB of storage capacity. It delivers high-speed data transfers with maximum read speeds of up to 230 MB/s and maximum write speeds of up to 150 MB/s through its USB 3.2 (Gen 1) Type A interface, ensuring efficient data transfer while maintaining secure encryption.
The drive supports three password types: Admin, User, and One-Time Recovery. Passwords can be set in either Complex mode (6-16 characters using 3 out of 4 character sets) or Passphrase mode (10-64 characters allowing PIN, sentence, word list, or lyrics). The Admin can enable User and One-Time Recovery passwords, reset User passwords, and manage data access. A "eye" symbol feature helps prevent typing errors during password entry.
The IronKey Vault Privacy 50 has a rectangular design with dimensions of 3.1 inches in length, 0.9 inches in width, and 0.5 inches in height. The drive comes in a blue color and features a USB 3.2 (Gen 1) Type A interface. Its compact size makes it highly portable while maintaining durability for business use.
The drive features dual Read-Only (Write-Protect) settings that can be enabled by both Admin and User to protect against potential malware on untrusted systems. When Read-Only mode is activated, the drive becomes write-protected, preventing any malicious software from writing to or modifying the drive's contents. This feature, combined with the built-in virtual keyboard, provides comprehensive protection against malware, keyloggers, and screenloggers.
The IronKey VP50 is designed for business use with features like FIPS 197 certification, TAA compliance, and customization options through Kingston's Customization Program. It can be integrated with standard Endpoint Management software using a Product ID (PID). Small and Medium Businesses can use Admin controls to manage employee drives, reset passwords, recover data access, and comply with regulatory requirements. The 5-year warranty and hardware encryption provide additional business value.
The drive has multiple security measures against hacking attempts. It features Brute Force attack protection that locks out User or One-Time Recovery passwords after 10 invalid attempts. If the Admin password is entered incorrectly 10 times, the drive will crypto-erase itself, completely destroying all data. The drive also includes BadUSB protection with digitally-signed firmware and hardware-based 256-bit AES encryption in XTS mode.
The IronKey Vault Privacy 50 comes with a 5-year limited warranty, providing long-term protection for your investment. The device is manufactured in Taiwan and is TAA compliant, making it suitable for government and enterprise use. Kingston Technology Company, a respected name in storage solutions, manufactures this premium security-focused USB drive.

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