RautaKiila IKD500S/32GB D500S 32GB USB 3.2 (Gen 1) Tyyppi A Muistiavain Vesitiivis Kestävä Kotelo.

IronKey D500S USB flash drive showing sleek black design with silver branding-alternate-image1
Side view of IronKey D500S showing durable construction and capacity marking-alternate-image2
Back view of IronKey D500S showing Kingston branding and certification marks-alternate-image3
Close-up of IronKey D500S USB connector and housing-alternate-image4
Angled view of IronKey D500S highlighting secure design elements-alternate-image5
IronKey D500S retail packaging showing FIPS certification and security features-alternate-image6
IronKey warranty and compliance information card with multiple language support-alternate-image7

RautaKiila IKD500S/32GB D500S 32GB USB 3.2 (Gen 1) Tyyppi A Muistiavain Vesitiivis Kestävä Kotelo.

IronKey IKD500S/32GB

Saatavuus: Varastossa , valmiina lähetettäväksi .
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Tuotteen pääominaisuudet

  • 🔒 FIPS 140-3 Level 3 certified with military-grade security
  • 🛡️ Hardware-based XTS-AES 256-bit encryption
  • 💨 Fast performance: 260MB/s read, 190MB/s write speeds
  • 💪 Rugged zinc casing: waterproof, dustproof, crush-resistant
  • 🔑 Multi-password support with Admin, User, and Recovery options
  • 🚫 Brute Force attack protection with auto crypto-erase
  • 💾 Dual Hidden Partition feature for secure file storage
  • 🔐 Read-Only mode protection against malware
  • 📱 USB 3.2 Gen 1 Type A interface
  • 🏢 TAA/CMMC Compliant and Assembled in USA
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IronKey D500S 32GB Military-Grade Secure USB 3.2 Flash Drive with FIPS 140-3 Certification

Experience uncompromising data security with the Kingston IronKey D500S, a 32GB USB 3.2 flash drive that combines military-grade FIPS 140-3 Level 3 certification with XTS-AES 256-bit encryption. This rugged, waterproof drive delivers speeds up to 260MB/s read and 190MB/s write while maintaining the highest level of data protection available in portable storage.

Military-Grade Security Features

  • FIPS 140-3 Level 3 (Pending) certification for government and military compliance
  • Hardware-based XTS-AES 256-bit encryption
  • Brute Force password attack protection with crypto-erase functionality
  • BadUSB malware immunity through digitally-signed firmware
  • Multi-password option with Admin, User, and One-Time Recovery access

Advanced Data Protection Features

The D500S offers unique security capabilities including:

  • Dual Hidden Partition option with custom-sized secure partitions
  • Global and session-based Read-Only modes
  • Virtual Keyboard for protection against keyloggers
  • Complex password or Passphrase mode support (10-128 characters)
  • Self-testing and automatic shutdown on detecting security threats

Rugged Physical Protection

  • Zinc casing with epoxy-filled protection
  • Waterproof and dustproof construction
  • Crush-resistant design
  • Compact dimensions: 3.1" x 0.9" x 0.5"
  • Unique 8-digit serial number with scannable barcode

Performance and Compatibility

Interface USB 3.2 (Gen 1) Type A
Read Speed Up to 260 MB/s
Write Speed Up to 190 MB/s
Capacity 32GB

KINGSTON IRONKEY D500S | Sotilasluokan FIPS 140-3 Tason 3 (odottaa vahvistusta) turvallisuus suojaamaan mobiilidataa

Kingston IronKey™ D500S/SM USB-muistitikku tarjoaa huipputason sotilasluokan turvallisuuden, joka tekee IronKey'sta luotetun merkin luottamuksellisen tiedon suojaamiseen. Se on FIPS 140-3 Tason 3 (odottaa vahvistusta) -sertifioitu uusilla parannuksilla NIST:ltä, jotka edellyttävät turvallisten mikroprosessoripäivitysten käyttöönottoa voimakkaamman turvallisuuden ja hyökkäyssuojauksen takaamiseksi hallituksen ja armeijan käyttötarkoituksiin. Tiedot salataan ja puretaan D500S:ssä ilman jälkiä isäntäkoneessa. Kovan XTS-AES 256-bittisen salauksen lisäksi siinä on kestävä sinkkikotelo, joka on vedenpitävä, pölytiivis, iskuja kestävä ja erityisesti epoksilla täytetty suojaamaan sisäisiä komponentteja tunkeutumishyökkäyksiltä.

IronKey D500S on olennainen osa tietovuotojen suojaamisen (DLP) parhaita käytäntöjä, ja se tarjoaa kaikkein tiukimman sotilasluokan turvallisuuden noudattaakseen tietojen salausta koskevia lakeja ja säädöksiä, kuten GDPR, HIPAA, SOX ja CCPA. D500S tarjoaa enemmän ominaisuuksia kuin mikään muu sen luokan tikku, mikä tekee siitä täydellisen turvallisuusratkaisun arvokkaiden tietojen suojaamiseen.

D500S suorittaa itse kokeen käynnistyksen yhteydessä, ja ylikuumenemisen tai jänniteolosuhteiden havaitseminen johtaa tikun sammutukseen. Lisähuoleksi D500S:ssä on digitaalinen allekirjoitettu laiteohjelmisto, joka tekee siitä immuunin BadUSB-vakoiluohjelmalle ja Brute Force -hyökkäyksille. Brute Force -salasanahyökkäykseltä suojaaminen on aina päällä suojatakseen salasanaa arvaamasta, ja se lopulta salaa tikun, jos virheellisten salasanojen yrityksiä ylitetään.

Se tarjoaa monimutkaisen salasanan vaihtoehdon tiedon käyttämiseksi, joka tukee jopa kolmea salasanaa: Hallinta, Käyttäjä ja Kertakäyttöinen palautus. Hallinta voi nollata Käyttäjän salasanan ja myös aktivoida Kertakäyttöisen palautussalasanan palauttaakseen pääsyn, jos Käyttäjän salasana unohtuu.

D500S tukee perinteistä monimutkaista salasanaa tai lauseen muotoa. Perinteinen monimutkainen muoto sallii salasanan, joka on 8-16 merkkiä käyttäen 3/4 merkistöistä. Lausekkeet voivat olla 10-128 merkkiä pitkiä. Lause, jossa on välilyöntimerkkejä, sanalista tai jopa sanoituksia tekee turvallisten mutta helposti muistettavien salasanojen muistamisesta yksinkertaisempaa. FBI suosittelee monisanoisia lauseita, jotka ovat 15 tai enemmän merkkiä, vahvemmiksi mutta helpommiksi muistaa kuin monimutkaiset salasanat.

D500S sisältää alan ensimmäisen kaksoiskätketyn osiovaihtoehdon, jossa Hallinta voi luoda kaksi mukautettavan kokoista turvallista osiota Hallinnalle ja Käyttäjälle, jolloin voidaan luoda Kätketty tiedostokauppa, jota voidaan käyttää tiedostojen jakamiseen Käyttäjäosiolle tarvittaessa. Kun käytetään epäluotettavia järjestelmiä tai jaettaessa tikku, Kätketyt tiedostokaupat pitävät tiedot turvassa ja näkymättöminä, ellei niitä ole asianmukaisesti käytetty.

Erityisen näppäinkombinaation avulla Hallinta voi syöttää Crypto-Erase-salasana, joka salaa tikun, tuhoaa tiedot ikuisesti ja nollaa sen estääkseen luvattoman pääsyn.

Auttaaksesi käyttäjiä, joilla on näppäimistöongelmia, kaikissa salasanan syöttöruuduissa on silmäsymboli, joka näyttää syötetyn salasanan vähentääksesi kirjoitusvirheitä. Virtuaalinen näppäimistö on myös saatavilla englanniksi suojatakseen salasanan syöttöä näppäilijöiltä ja näytönvalvojilta.

D500S tukee myös kahta tasoa Lukitus- (Käyttöoikeuden rajoitus) -tilaa. Sekä Hallinta että Käyttäjä voivat asettaa istuntokohtaisen Lukitus-tilan suojatakseen tikun haittaohjelmilta epäluotettavissa järjestelmissä. Hallinta voi myös asettaa Globaalin Lukitus-tilan, joka asettaa tikun Lukitus-tilaan, kunnes se nollataan.

Se tarjoaa myös nopean suorituskyvyn vaarantamatta turvallisuutta. Tikku sisältää ainutlaatuisen 8-numeroisen sarjanumeron, joka on sama sähköisesti kuin kaiverrettu koteloon, ja siinä on skannattava viivakoodi tikun käyttöönottoa tai tarkastusta varten.

D500S tarjoaa monia mukautusvaihtoehtoja ja se on TAA/CMMC-yhteensopiva ja koottu Yhdysvalloissa.


Return Policy

Time to Return

Standard Return Policy

We offer a hassle-free 30-day returns policy for domestic (US) orders, excluding non-refundable items. Refund or Replacement within 30 days of the delivery date. All products that fall under the Standard Return Policy qualify for our 30-Day Hassle-Free Returns. Please see the section above for more details.

Replacement Only Return Policy

Replacement within 30 days of the delivery date.

Manufacturer Only Return Policy

Covered by the manufacturer's warranty. Please refer to the terms and conditions for the manufacturer's warranty or contact the manufacturer.

Holiday Extended Return Policies

Extended Holiday Return Policy.

Qualifying purchases of products displaying the " Extended Holiday Return Policy ", from November 1st, 2023 to December 25, 2023, are eligible for a Refund or Replacement until January 31, 2024.

Extended Holiday Replacement-Only Return Policy

Qualifying purchases of products displaying the " Extended Holiday Replacement-Only Return Policy ", from November 1st, 2023 to December 25, 2023, are eligible for a Replacement until January 31, 2024.

IronKey D500S USB flash drive showing sleek black design with silver branding

Military-Grade Security in a Sleek Package

The IronKey D500S combines advanced security features with a refined design. The matte black aluminum housing not only provides durability but also houses military-grade encryption technology and secure microprocessor for uncompromising data protection.

Technical Specifications

  • FIPS 140-3 Level 3 certified encryption
  • Hardware-based XTS-AES 256-bit encryption
  • USB 3.2 Gen 1 interface for fast data transfer


  • Secure transport of classified government data
  • Protection of sensitive corporate information
  • Compliance with data protection regulations
Side view of IronKey D500S showing durable construction and capacity marking

Rugged Construction Meets Data Protection

The D500S features a robust zinc alloy casing that's waterproof, dustproof, and crush-resistant. Special epoxy filling protects internal components from physical tampering while maintaining the drive's sophisticated security features.

Technical Specifications

  • Waterproof and dustproof construction
  • Tamper-resistant epoxy protection
  • Zinc alloy casing for durability


  • Field operations in harsh environments
  • Secure data transport in industrial settings
  • Military and defense applications
Back view of IronKey D500S showing Kingston branding and certification marks

TAA Compliant with Unique Identification

Each D500S features a unique serial number and barcode for easy deployment tracking and auditing. The drive's assembly in the USA ensures TAA compliance while maintaining the highest security standards.

Technical Specifications

  • Unique serial number identification
  • TAA compliant manufacturing
  • Scannable barcode for inventory management


  • Government agency deployment
  • Enterprise asset management
  • Regulatory compliance tracking
Close-up of IronKey D500S USB connector and housing

High-Performance Secure Data Transfer

Experience superior data transfer speeds without compromising security. The USB 3.2 Gen 1 interface delivers efficient performance while maintaining constant encryption for all data operations.

Technical Specifications

  • 260 MB/s read speeds
  • 190 MB/s write speeds
  • Always-on encryption


  • Large encrypted file transfers
  • Secure database backups
  • Protected media content distribution
Angled view of IronKey D500S highlighting secure design elements

Advanced Multi-Password Protection

The D500S implements sophisticated password management with Admin, User, and One-Time Recovery options. The digitally-signed firmware prevents BadUSB malware while protecting against brute force attacks.

Technical Specifications

  • Multi-password configuration options
  • Digitally-signed firmware protection
  • Brute force attack prevention


  • IT administrator management
  • Secure password recovery
  • Multi-user access control
IronKey D500S retail packaging showing FIPS certification and security features

FIPS 140-3 Certified Data Protection

The D500S packaging highlights its FIPS 140-3 Level 3 certification, ensuring the highest standards of data security for government and enterprise use. The binary pattern design symbolizes the advanced encryption capabilities.

Technical Specifications

  • FIPS 140-3 Level 3 certification
  • Government-grade security standards
  • Enhanced cryptographic capabilities


  • Federal agency compliance
  • Healthcare data protection
  • Financial institution security
IronKey warranty and compliance information card with multiple language support

Global Compliance and Support

Kingston provides comprehensive global support and warranty coverage for the D500S, with detailed documentation in multiple languages. The drive meets international security standards and compliance requirements.

Technical Specifications

  • Multi-language support documentation
  • International compliance certifications
  • Comprehensive warranty coverage


  • Global enterprise deployment
  • International regulatory compliance
  • Cross-border data protection
The IronKey D500S features military-grade FIPS 140-3 Level 3 (Pending) certification with hardware-based XTS-AES 256-bit encryption. It includes Brute Force password attack protection, BadUSB malware immunity through digitally-signed firmware, and crypto-erase capabilities. The drive supports multi-password options (Admin, User, and One-Time Recovery) and offers dual hidden partition functionality. For additional security, it includes Read-Only modes and self-testing upon bootup with automatic shutdown for abnormal conditions.
The IronKey D500S measures 3.1" in length, 0.9" in width, and 0.5" in height. It features a rugged zinc casing that's waterproof, dustproof, and crush-resistant. The drive is specially designed with epoxy-filled protection to prevent physical penetration attacks on internal components. Its military-grade construction ensures maximum durability for demanding environments while maintaining full security compliance.
The IronKey D500S offers high-speed data transfer with maximum read speeds of up to 260 MB/s and write speeds of up to 190 MB/s through its USB 3.2 (Gen 1) Type A interface. The drive provides 32GB of secure storage capacity, delivering fast performance without compromising its military-grade security features.
The D500S offers two password modes: Complex mode and Passphrase mode. Complex mode requires 8-16 characters using 3 out of 4 character sets, while Passphrase mode allows 10-128 characters. It supports three password types: Admin, User, and One-Time Recovery. The system includes a virtual keyboard for protection against keyloggers, and an Eye symbol to verify password entry. After excessive invalid password attempts, the drive's Brute Force protection automatically crypto-erases all data.
The IronKey D500S features an industry-first Dual Hidden Partition option. The Admin can create two custom-sized secure partitions - one for Admin and one for User. This includes a Hidden File Store functionality where Admin can securely provision files to the User partition as needed. The hidden partitions remain secure and invisible unless properly accessed with appropriate credentials.
The D500S is FIPS 140-3 Level 3 (Pending) certified and complies with multiple data protection regulations including GDPR, HIPAA, SOX, and CCPA. It's TAA/CMMC Compliant and Assembled in USA. The drive also meets environmental standards including PFOS, REACH, WEEE, and RoHS certifications, making it suitable for government, military, and enterprise use.
The D500S offers two levels of Read-Only (Write-Protect) protection. Users can enable a session-based Read-Only mode to protect against malware on untrusted systems. Additionally, the Admin can implement a Global Read-Only mode that remains active until explicitly reset. This dual-layer approach provides flexible protection options for different security scenarios.
The D500S includes a Crypto-Erase feature that can be activated using a special key sequence and Crypto-Erase password by the Admin. When initiated, this function permanently destroys all data on the drive through cryptographic erasure and resets the device to prevent unauthorized access. This feature ensures complete data destruction when needed for security purposes.

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