Jabra GSA9555-583-125 Yhdistä 75 Kuuloke Langaton Mono Bluetooth/DECT-Kuuloke

Jabra logo in black text on yellow background-alternate-image1
Complete Jabra Engage 75 headset kit with base station, headset, and accessories laid out-alternate-image2
Side view of Jabra Engage 75 mono headset with boom microphone-alternate-image3
Side profile of Jabra Engage 75 headset showing chrome accents and boom microphone-alternate-image4
Full Jabra Engage 75 kit showing headset, base station, and all included cables and accessories-alternate-image5
Close-up view of Jabra Engage 75 headset emphasizing comfort features-alternate-image6
Detailed view of Jabra Engage 75 headset highlighting audio components-alternate-image7

Jabra GSA9555-583-125 Yhdistä 75 Kuuloke Langaton Mono Bluetooth/DECT-Kuuloke

Jabra GSA9555-583-125

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Tuotteen pääominaisuudet

  • Kuulokemuoto: Mono muotoilu mukavampaa käyttöä varten koko päivän
  • Mikrofonimuotoilu: Boom-mikrofoni yksisuuntaisella teknologialla selkeää äänen siirtoa varten
  • Langaton teknologia: Bluetooth/DECT-yhteys saumattomaan viestintään
  • Äänimuoto: Monoääni 40Hz-16kHz taajuusvasteella
  • Langaton toimintamatka: Jopa 100 metriä liikkumisvapauden takaamiseksi
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Jabra Engage 75 Wireless Mono Bluetooth/DECT Professional Headset with Advanced Noise Cancellation

Experience unparalleled wireless communication with the Jabra Engage 75 Mono Headset, featuring industry-leading DECT and Bluetooth connectivity with a remarkable 328-foot range. This lightweight 18g professional headset delivers crystal-clear audio quality with advanced noise-cancelling technology and versatile wearing options for all-day comfort.

Superior Wireless Performance and Connectivity

  • Triple wireless capacity in the same office space
  • Connect up to 5 devices simultaneously (desk phone, softphone, analog phone, 2 Bluetooth devices)
  • Enhanced security with 256-bit AES encryption and DECT Security Level C
  • Impressive 328.1 ft wireless operating range

Professional Audio Quality and Comfort

  • 40 Hz - 16 kHz frequency response range for superior audio clarity
  • Uni-directional boom microphone with advanced noise cancellation
  • 118 dB sound pressure level for optimal audio output
  • Multiple wearing styles: behind-the-neck, over-the-head, and over-the-ear options
  • Ultra-lightweight design at just 0.63 oz for extended wear comfort

Productivity-Enhancing Features

  • Up to 9 hours of talk time with fast charging capability
  • Integrated busylight for minimizing workplace interruptions
  • Intuitive touchscreen base with device status display
  • Near Field Communication (NFC) enabled for quick pairing
  • TAA compliant for government procurement requirements

Package Contents

  • Engage 75 Headset
  • Charging Base with Touchscreen Display
  • Power Supply
  • USB Cable
  • Desk Phone Cable
  • Headband
  • Earhook & Eargel
  • Neckband
  • Quick Start Guide and Documentation

Suunniteltu antamaan enemmän voimaa keskusteluihisi.

  • Alalla johtava langaton suorituskyky ja tiheys.
  • Edistyksellinen melunvaimennusmikrofoni kristallinkirkasta soittoa varten.
  • Koko päivän puheaika ja integroitu kiirevalo.
  • Kevyt kuulokemikrofoni, joka painaa vain 18g.


Alalla johtava langaton suorituskyky.

Työskentele pois pöydältä ja säilytä silti langaton yhteys, joka ei petä sinua tai asiakkaitasi.

Ylittää langattomat kapasiteettihaasteet.

Jabra Engage -sarja mahdollistaa kolme kertaa niin monen työntekijän toimimisen langattomasti samassa toimistotilassa.


Kristallinkirkkaat puhelut.

Edistyksellinen melunvaimennusmikrofoni ja parannetut kaiuttimet tarjoavat kristallinkirkkaita puheluita jopa meluisissa toimistoissa.

Vakaat äänen tasot koko päivän ajan.

Kaiutinohjelmisto erottelee melun puheesta, vähentäen käyttäjien stressiä. Kaikki saapuvat puhelut voidaan säätää käyttäjän määrittelemälle äänen tasolle, joka pysyy vakaana koko päivän mukavuutta varten.

Viekö langattomien puheluiden turvallisuus uudelle tasolle.

Patentoitu pariliitos. 256-bittinen AES-salaus. 128-bittinen aitouden vahvistaminen. DECT Turvallisuus Taso C.


Vähemmän keskeytyksiä.

Kiirevalo toimii ei-häiritsevana merkkinä kollegoille.

Koko päivän akunkesto.

Jopa 9 tuntia puheaikaa - ja kun sinun on tarpeen ladata, nopean latauksen ominaisuus lataa kuulokemikrofonin 40%:iin vain 30 minuutissa.


Yhdistä jopa viiteen laitteeseen kerralla.

Voit yhdistää pöytäpuhelimeen, ohjelmistopuhelimeen, analogiseen puhelimeen ja kahteen Bluetooth-laitteeseen.

Moderni tukiasema, pieni jalanjälki.

Intuitiivinen kosketusnäyttöpohja helppokäyttöisyyden takaamiseksi, joka näyttää yhdistetyt laitteet, akun käyttöajan ja puhelun hallintapainikkeet.


Vaihtoehdoista jokaiseen työtyyliin.

Kevyt kuulokemikrofoni vain 18g mukavuutta varten koko päivän. Valitse korvakuuloke, panta tai kaulakappale tyylin mukaan.


Huipputason käytettävyys ja rakenne.

Vastaaminen ja puheluiden lopettaminen, mykistäminen ja äänenvoimakkuuden säätäminen ovat helppoja intuitiivisten ohjauspainikkeiden avulla kuulokkeessa.

Suunniteltu tarjoamaan enemmän voimaa keskusteluihisi.

40 insinööriä vietti yli 115 000 tuntia tutkimus- ja tuotekehityksessä luodakseen maailman tehokkaimman ammattimaisen langattoman kuulokemikrofonin, rekisteröiden neljä ainutlaatuista patenttia Jabralle prosessissa.

Return Policy

Time to Return

Standard Return Policy

We offer a hassle-free 30-day returns policy for domestic (US) orders, excluding non-refundable items. Refund or Replacement within 30 days of the delivery date. All products that fall under the Standard Return Policy qualify for our 30-Day Hassle-Free Returns. Please see the section above for more details.

Replacement Only Return Policy

Replacement within 30 days of the delivery date.

Manufacturer Only Return Policy

Covered by the manufacturer's warranty. Please refer to the terms and conditions for the manufacturer's warranty or contact the manufacturer.

Holiday Extended Return Policies

Extended Holiday Return Policy.

Qualifying purchases of products displaying the " Extended Holiday Return Policy ", from November 1st, 2023 to December 25, 2023, are eligible for a Refund or Replacement until January 31, 2024.

Extended Holiday Replacement-Only Return Policy

Qualifying purchases of products displaying the " Extended Holiday Replacement-Only Return Policy ", from November 1st, 2023 to December 25, 2023, are eligible for a Replacement until January 31, 2024.

Jabra logo in black text on yellow background

Industry-Leading Audio Innovation

The iconic Jabra logo represents decades of audio engineering excellence and innovation in communication technology. The distinctive yellow and black branding symbolizes the company's commitment to delivering premium professional audio solutions that enhance workplace productivity.

Technical Specifications

  • Brand identity represents professional audio heritage
  • High-contrast design for maximum visibility
  • Consistent global branding across product lines


  • Corporate brand recognition
  • Professional product identification
  • Quality assurance certification
Complete Jabra Engage 75 headset kit with base station, headset, and accessories laid out

Complete Professional Communications Kit

The Jabra Engage 75 comes with everything needed for immediate deployment in professional environments. The comprehensive package includes the wireless headset, charging base with touchscreen interface, multiple wearing styles, and all necessary cables for various connection options.

Technical Specifications

  • Multi-device connectivity options
  • Touchscreen charging base included
  • Complete cable set for various setups


  • Instant office deployment
  • Multi-device workspace setup
  • Professional call center installation
Side view of Jabra Engage 75 mono headset with boom microphone

Ergonomic Over-Ear Design

The sleek mono headset features an adjustable ear hook design optimized for all-day comfort. The boom arm microphone ensures clear voice capture while maintaining a professional appearance suitable for office environments.

Technical Specifications

  • Lightweight 18g construction
  • Adjustable ear hook fit
  • Noise-canceling boom microphone


  • Extended wear comfort
  • Professional office communication
  • High-volume call handling
Side profile of Jabra Engage 75 headset showing chrome accents and boom microphone

Premium Build Quality

The sophisticated design combines durability with style, featuring a sleek black finish and chrome accents. The precision-engineered boom arm showcases Jabra's attention to detail in creating professional-grade communication tools.

Technical Specifications

  • Chrome-accented design elements
  • Durable professional construction
  • Precision-engineered components


  • Executive office environments
  • Client-facing communications
  • Professional virtual meetings
Full Jabra Engage 75 kit showing headset, base station, and all included cables and accessories

Comprehensive Connectivity Solution

The complete package ensures seamless integration into any professional setup with multiple connection options. The intuitive layout of components demonstrates the system's plug-and-play capability for quick deployment.

Technical Specifications

  • Multiple connection interfaces
  • Universal compatibility design
  • Integrated power management


  • Mixed device environments
  • Flexible office setups
  • Remote working solutions
Close-up view of Jabra Engage 75 headset emphasizing comfort features

Optimized Comfort Features

The ergonomic design prioritizes user comfort with its lightweight construction and adjustable fit. The strategic placement of controls ensures intuitive operation during extended use.

Technical Specifications

  • Balanced weight distribution
  • Flexible ear hook design
  • Ergonomic control placement


  • Long-duration calls
  • Active office movement
  • Continuous customer service
Detailed view of Jabra Engage 75 headset highlighting audio components

Advanced Audio Engineering

The sophisticated audio system combines premium speakers with noise-canceling technology. The professional-grade construction ensures consistent performance in demanding business environments.

Technical Specifications

  • High-fidelity speaker system
  • Advanced noise reduction
  • Professional-grade materials


  • High-stakes communications
  • Multi-party conferences
  • Critical business calls
The Jabra Engage 75 Headset offers exceptional connectivity with the ability to connect to up to five devices simultaneously. It supports both Bluetooth and DECT wireless technologies, allowing connection to desk phone, softphone, analog phone, and 2 Bluetooth devices. The headset has an impressive wireless operating range of 328.1 feet and features advanced security measures including 256-bit AES encryption and DECT Security Level C certification.
The Jabra Engage 75 Headset provides up to 9 hours of talk time for all-day use. It features a fast-charging capability that can power the headset to 40% in just 30 minutes, ensuring minimal downtime. The base station includes an intuitive touchscreen that displays battery life status, making it easy to monitor power levels throughout the day.
The Jabra Engage 75 Headset offers multiple wearing options to suit different preferences. Users can choose between three styles: over-the-ear (earhook), over-the-head (headband), and behind-the-neck (neckband). The headset is extremely lightweight at just 18g (0.63 oz), ensuring comfort during extended use. All wearing accessories are included in the package contents.
The Jabra Engage 75 features impressive audio specifications with a frequency response range of 40 Hz to 16 kHz and a maximum sound pressure level of 118 dB. It includes an advanced noise-canceling uni-directional boom microphone for crystal-clear calls in noisy environments. The headset's speaker software separates noise from speech and maintains constant sound levels throughout the day for user comfort.
The package includes the Engage 75 Headset, base station with touchscreen, power supply, USB cable, desk phone cable, earhook, headband, neckband, eargels, documentation, and a Quick Start Guide. All necessary accessories for different wearing styles are provided, allowing users to customize their wearing preference right out of the box.
The Jabra Engage 75 Headset features comprehensive security measures including patented pairing technology, 256-bit AES encryption, 128-bit authentication, and DECT Security Level C certification. These security features ensure that wireless calls remain private and protected, making it suitable for professional and confidential communications.
The Jabra Engage 75 includes an integrated busylight that functions as a visual "do-not-disturb" indicator for colleagues. When activated, it clearly signals that the user is on a call, helping to reduce interruptions and increase productivity in office environments. This feature is particularly useful in open office settings where maintaining focus during calls is important.
The Jabra Engage 75 Headset features intuitive controls directly on the headset for managing calls, including answer/end call buttons, volume adjustment, and mute functionality. The base station includes a touchscreen interface that displays connected devices, battery life, and call controls. This combination provides easy access to all essential functions during calls.

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