AWID LR-3000-0-0 LR-3000 UHF Long-Range Reader Contactless 25 ft Range AWID LR-3000-0-0 LR-3000 UHF-pitkän kantaman lukija kontaktiton 25 jalan kantama

AWID LR-3000-0-0 LR-3000 UHF Long-Range Reader Contactless 25 ft Range  AWID LR-3000-0-0 LR-3000 UHF-pitkän kantaman lukija kontaktiton 25 jalan kantama
AWID LR-3000-0-0 LR-3000 UHF Long-Range Reader Contactless 25 ft Range  AWID LR-3000-0-0 LR-3000 UHF-pitkän kantaman lukija kontaktiton 25 jalan kantama
AWID LR-3000-0-0 LR-3000 UHF Long-Range Reader Contactless 25 ft Range  AWID LR-3000-0-0 LR-3000 UHF-pitkän kantaman lukija kontaktiton 25 jalan kantama

AWID LR-3000-0-0 LR-3000 UHF Long-Range Reader Contactless 25 ft Range AWID LR-3000-0-0 LR-3000 UHF-pitkän kantaman lukija kontaktiton 25 jalan kantama

AWID LR-3000-0-0

Saatavuus: Varastossa , valmiina lähetettäväksi .
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Tuotteen pääominaisuudet

  • 📡 UHF Long-Range Reader with 25 ft reading range
  • 🚗 Ideal for vehicle gate access and parking facilities
  • 🔐 Proprietary encryption for secure communications
  • 🌐 Operates in license-free 902-928 MHz UHF band
  • 🔌 Dual output: Wiegand and RS-232 interfaces
  • 🏢 Surface mount design with 9.3" x 9.3" x 1.3" dimensions
  • 🌧️ Suitable for outdoor installations
  • 💳 Compatible with contactless cards and tags
  • 🔄 Field-programmable read repeat rate
  • ✅ RoHS certified and environmentally friendly
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AWID LR-3000 UHF Long-Range RFID Reader with 25ft Range for Vehicle Access Control

The AWID LR-3000 UHF Long-Range Reader represents a breakthrough in contactless RFID technology, offering an impressive reading range of up to 25 feet for both vehicle identification and personnel access control. This versatile reader operates in the license-free 902-928 MHz UHF band, making it ideal for parking facilities, gate control systems, and building access points.

Advanced Features for Comprehensive Access Control

The LR-3000 integrates sophisticated electronics and antenna components within a compact 9.3" x 9.3" x 1.3" enclosure. Its dual-LED system provides clear operational status with a steady red light indicating power and a blinking green light confirming successful tag reads. The reader's proprietary encryption ensures secure communications between the device and UHF vehicle tags or hand-held cards.

Key Features:
  • Maximum reading range of 25 feet for vehicle and personnel identification
  • Dual interface support: Wiegand and RS-232 data outputs
  • Field-programmable read repeat rate and RF field strength
  • Weather-resistant design for outdoor installations
  • RoHS-certified environmentally friendly construction

Versatile Applications and Integration Capabilities

The LR-3000 excels in multiple deployment scenarios, including:

  • Automatic Vehicle Identification (AVI) systems
  • Parking facility access control
  • Building entrance security
  • Healthcare facility access for wheelchairs and gurneys
  • Integration with AWID's uAxcess door access readers

Technical Specifications and Physical Characteristics

  • Dimensions: 9.3" x 9.3" x 1.3"
  • Weight: 2.40 lbs
  • Color: White
  • Mounting: Surface Mount
  • Connectivity: Cable/Wireless with Radio Frequency technology
  • Operating Frequency: 902-928 MHz UHF band
  • Made in the United States
```html AWIDin LR-3000™ pitkän kantaman lukija on ultra-high-frequency (UHF) tunniste- ja korttilukija, jota käytetään RFID-sovelluksissa, kuten ajoneuvojen pääsyssä porttien kautta ja henkilöiden fyysisessä pääsyssä. Sen elektroniikka ja antenni on integroitu yhteen kompaktiin koteloon. LR-3000 on optimaalisesti suunniteltu automaattiseen ajoneuvon tunnistukseen (AVI) ja pääsynhallintasovelluksiin, kuten porttien hallintaan pysäköintitiloissa. Se tarjoaa myös tunnistamisen ja pääsyn ihmisille ovilla, pyörätuoleille hisseissä ja erittäin suurille potilaille sairaaloiden sisäänkäynneissä. LR-3000-lukija varmistaa turvallisuuden AWIDin patentoidun salausmenetelmän avulla, joka suojaa viestintää lukijan ja sen UHF-ajoneuvotunnisteiden ja käsikorttien välillä. LR-3000-lukijassa on kaksi LED-valoa - vakaa punainen, joka osoittaa DC-virtaa, ja vilkkuva vihreä, kun tunniste esitetään. LR-3000-lukija on soveltuva ulkokäyttöön, ja se voidaan asentaa altistumaan ympäristölle.

LR-3000 tarjoaa hintasuorituskykyetu verrattuna perinteisiin pitkän kantaman lähikortti- ja aktiivitag RF-järjestelmiin. LR-3000 voidaan yhdistää AWIDin uAxcess-ovipääsylukijoihin, jolloin sama käsikortti voidaan käyttää sekä ajoneuvon pysäköintipääsyssä portilla että ovipääsyssä rakennuksessa.

LR-3000 toimii lisenssivapaalla 902-928 MHz UHF-alueella. Se yhdistää tehokkaan UHF-tekniikan taloudellisten passiivisten tunnisteiden ja korttien kanssa, kenttäohjelmoitavan lukunopeuden ja RF-kenttävoiman, sekä samanaikaiset Wiegand- ja RS-232 -dataulostulot. Se voidaan liittää kaikkiin standardeihin pääsynhallinta- ja AVI-järjestelmiin. LR-3000 tarjoaa vaikuttavan yhdistelmän yksikön rakennetta, pientä kokoa ja houkuttelevaa ulkonäköä. Tunnisteen lukuetäisyys on tyypillisesti jopa 25 jalkaa ja joskus enemmän riippuen lukijan asennuksesta, tunnisteen tyypistä ja ympäristöstä. ```

Return Policy

Time to Return

Standard Return Policy

We offer a hassle-free 30-day returns policy for domestic (US) orders, excluding non-refundable items. Refund or Replacement within 30 days of the delivery date. All products that fall under the Standard Return Policy qualify for our 30-Day Hassle-Free Returns. Please see the section above for more details.

Replacement Only Return Policy

Replacement within 30 days of the delivery date.

Manufacturer Only Return Policy

Covered by the manufacturer's warranty. Please refer to the terms and conditions for the manufacturer's warranty or contact the manufacturer.

Holiday Extended Return Policies

Extended Holiday Return Policy.

Qualifying purchases of products displaying the " Extended Holiday Return Policy ", from November 1st, 2023 to December 25, 2023, are eligible for a Refund or Replacement until January 31, 2024.

Extended Holiday Replacement-Only Return Policy

Qualifying purchases of products displaying the " Extended Holiday Replacement-Only Return Policy ", from November 1st, 2023 to December 25, 2023, are eligible for a Replacement until January 31, 2024.

The AWID LR-3000 UHF reader has a maximum operating range of up to 25 feet (7.6 meters) under optimal conditions. The actual reading distance may vary depending on the reader mounting position, type of credential being used, and environmental factors. In some favorable conditions, the range can even exceed 25 feet.
The AWID LR-3000 reader is designed for multiple applications including: Automatic Vehicle Identification (AVI) and gate control in parking facilities, physical access control for people at doorways, wheelchair access at elevators, and gurney tracking at hospital entrances. It can be integrated with AWID's uAxcess door access readers, allowing the same credential to be used for both vehicle parking and building access.
The AWID LR-3000 features a compact, single-unit construction with dimensions of 9.3" x 9.3" x 1.3" (Height x Width x Depth) and weighs approximately 2.40 lb. It's designed for surface mount installation and can be installed outdoors as it's suitable for environmental exposure. The white-colored unit combines small size with attractive appearance for various mounting scenarios.
The LR-3000 offers dual communication outputs: simultaneous Wiegand and RS-232 data interfaces. It operates in the license-free 902-928 MHz UHF band and uses AWID's proprietary encryption for secure communications between the reader and UHF vehicle tags/cards. The reader can be interfaced with all standard access control and AVI systems.
The LR-3000 reader features two LED indicators for operational status: a steady red LED that indicates DC power is active, and a green LED that blinks when a tag or card is successfully presented and read by the reader. These visual indicators help users and administrators monitor the system's functionality.
The LR-3000 works with UHF tags and cards, specifically designed for long-range reading. It uses economical passive tags and cards, eliminating the need for battery-powered active tags. The same credentials can be used with AWID's uAxcess door access readers, providing a unified solution for both vehicle and pedestrian access control.
The AWID LR-3000 is environmentally certified with RoHS compliance, making it an environmentally friendly product. It's manufactured in the United States and is designed for both indoor and outdoor applications, capable of withstanding environmental exposure while maintaining reliable performance.
The LR-3000 incorporates several security features, including AWID's proprietary encryption for communications between the reader and its UHF vehicle tags and cards. It offers field-programmable read repeat rate and RF field strength capabilities. The system provides secure identification and access control, making it suitable for high-security applications in parking facilities and building access.

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