WatchGuard WGT26643 Firebox T25-W 3Y TOTAL SEC. Netzwerksicherheits-/Firewall-Gerät Intrusion Prevention Gigabit Ethernet IEEE 802.11ax USB 5 Ports

Front view of WatchGuard Firebox T25-W security appliance showing LED status indicators and WatchGuard logo-alternate-image1
Rear view of WatchGuard Firebox T25-W showing multiple network ports, USB interfaces, and power connection-alternate-image2

WatchGuard WGT26643 Firebox T25-W 3Y TOTAL SEC. Netzwerksicherheits-/Firewall-Gerät Intrusion Prevention Gigabit Ethernet IEEE 802.11ax USB 5 Ports

WatchGuard WGT26643

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  • 5 Gigabit Ethernet-Ports unterstützen Hochgeschwindigkeits-LAN-Rückgratinfrastrukturen & Gigabit-WAN-Verbindungen.
  • Wi-Fi-fähige Firebox T25-W unterstützt den 802.11ax Wi-Fi 6-Standard und gewährleistet schnelle Geschwindigkeiten für Ihre Benutzer
  • Alle Logging- und Reporting-Funktionen sind im Kauf enthalten, mit über 100 Dashboards und Berichten, einschließlich PCI und HIPAA.
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WatchGuard Firebox T25-W: Enterprise-Grade Network Security for Small and Home Offices

The WatchGuard Firebox T25-W is a powerful network security and firewall appliance designed specifically for small and home offices requiring enterprise-level protection. With Wi-Fi 6 capability, 401.92 MB/s firewall throughput, and comprehensive threat management features, this compact powerhouse delivers uncompromising security for remote workforce environments.

Comprehensive Security Features

  • Advanced threat protection including WebBlocker and APT Blocker
  • Integrated malware and ransomware protection
  • Gateway antivirus and intrusion prevention system
  • Application control and botnet detection
  • TLS decryption and proxy blocking capabilities

High-Performance Connectivity

Experience superior network performance with:

  • 5 Gigabit Ethernet ports (10/100/1000Base-T)
  • Built-in IEEE 802.11ax (Wi-Fi 6) wireless capability
  • USB connectivity for additional flexibility
  • Support for up to 10 Branch Office VPNs

Zero-Touch Deployment

Streamline your setup process with cloud-based deployment and configuration tools. Simply connect the device to power and internet, and the appliance automatically retrieves its configuration settings from the cloud.

Technical Specifications

Dimension 8" x 8.5" x 1.7" (WxDxH)
Weight 1.98 lb
Warranty 3-Year Total Security Suite
Environmental Certifications WEEE, RoHS, REACH Compliant

Erhältlich mit optionalem integriertem Wi-Fi 6 Wireless-Modul
Bis zu 3,14 Gbps Firewall-Durchsatz, 5 x 1Gb Ports, 10 VPNs für Zweigstellen


Entwickelt, um Unternehmensbenutzer zu schützen, wo sie sich verbinden - im kleinen Büro/Heimbüro - ermöglicht der Firebox T25 Unternehmen, leistungsstarke Netzwerksicherheit auf die Remote-Belegschaft auszudehnen. Mit mehr Funktionen als jeder andere UTM-Firewall im Kleinformat seiner Klasse ist die Firebox T25 eine kostengünstige Sicherheitssupermacht, die Unternehmenssicherheit in einem kleinen Paket liefert.


Die WatchGuard Firebox T25 ist ein Gerät im Kleinformat, das großen Schutz bietet, egal von welcher Umgebung Ihre Benutzer sich verbinden. Perfekt für Heim- und kleine Büronetzwerke ist die Firebox T25 eine kostengünstige Sicherheitssupermacht, die eine komplette und branchenweit beste Reihe von Bedrohungsmanagementlösungen bietet, darunter Gateway-Antivirus, Inhalts- und URL-Filterung, Antispam, Intrusion Prevention und Anwendungssteuerung, alles in einem einfach zu verwaltenden Paket.


Die Möglichkeit zur Konfiguration ohne Berührung ermöglicht es, einen Großteil der Arbeit beim Einrichten einer Firebox zum Anschluss an Ihr Netzwerk zu eliminieren - und das, ohne Ihr Büro verlassen zu müssen. Ein robustes, Cloudbasiertes Bereitstellungs- und Konfigurationstool wird standardmäßig mit WatchGuard Firebox-Geräten geliefert. Das örtliche Personal schließt das Gerät an Strom und Internet an, und das Gerät verbindet sich mit der Cloud für alle Konfigurationseinstellungen.


WatchGuards Unified Security Platform-Framework ist von Grund auf für eine einzige Konsolenlösung konzipiert, um eine integrierte Palette fortschrittlicher Cybersicherheitslösungen und -dienste zu bereitstellen, die Provisions-, Einsatz-, Verwaltungs- und Überwachungslösungen ermöglichen. Diese umfassende Palette von Endpunkt-, Multi-Faktor-Authentifizierungs-, Wi-Fi- und Netzwerksicherheitslösungen (einschließlich Firebox-Firewall-Geräten) hilft, die versuchte Entdeckung und Ausnutzung verwundbarer Systeme, Phishing, Ransomware, Intrusionen und fortgeschrittener Malware bei allen Benutzern, Umgebungen und Geräten zu stoppen. Unsere Unified Security Platform-Architektur ersetzt den alten Flickenteppich-Sicherheitsansatz und ermöglicht es, Sicherheitsfähigkeiten in jede Computing-Umgebung zu erweitern, in der Ihr Unternehmen agiert.

Return Policy

Time to Return

Standard Return Policy

We offer a hassle-free 30-day returns policy for domestic (US) orders, excluding non-refundable items. Refund or Replacement within 30 days of the delivery date. All products that fall under the Standard Return Policy qualify for our 30-Day Hassle-Free Returns. Please see the section above for more details.

Replacement Only Return Policy

Replacement within 30 days of the delivery date.

Manufacturer Only Return Policy

Covered by the manufacturer's warranty. Please refer to the terms and conditions for the manufacturer's warranty or contact the manufacturer.

Holiday Extended Return Policies

Extended Holiday Return Policy.

Qualifying purchases of products displaying the " Extended Holiday Return Policy ", from November 1st, 2023 to December 25, 2023, are eligible for a Refund or Replacement until January 31, 2024.

Extended Holiday Replacement-Only Return Policy

Qualifying purchases of products displaying the " Extended Holiday Replacement-Only Return Policy ", from November 1st, 2023 to December 25, 2023, are eligible for a Replacement until January 31, 2024.

Front view of WatchGuard Firebox T25-W security appliance showing LED status indicators and WatchGuard logo

Advanced Network Protection with Intuitive LED Status Display

The WatchGuard Firebox T25-W features a sleek, red chassis with an informative front panel display that keeps you informed of your network's status at a glance. The LED indicators provide real-time feedback on failover status, port activity, and system operation, enabling quick assessment of network health and connectivity. The clean, professional design integrates seamlessly into any office environment while delivering enterprise-grade security.

Technical Specifications

  • LED status indicators for real-time monitoring of network activity
  • Failover status display for continuous operation assurance
  • Port activity indicators for ports 0-4


  • Network status monitoring in IT operations centers
  • Quick troubleshooting of connection issues
  • Visual verification of failover functionality
Rear view of WatchGuard Firebox T25-W showing multiple network ports, USB interfaces, and power connection

Comprehensive Connectivity Hub with Multiple Interface Options

The rear panel of the Firebox T25-W showcases its robust connectivity options designed for modern network environments. With 5 Gigabit Ethernet ports, dual USB 3.0 interfaces, and dedicated management ports, this appliance offers flexible deployment options for various network configurations. The thoughtful port layout ensures easy cable management while providing the essential connections needed for small office security implementations.

Technical Specifications

  • 5 Gigabit Ethernet ports for network segmentation
  • Dual USB 3.0 ports for extended functionality
  • 12V DC power input for reliable operation


  • Small office network deployment
  • Branch office security implementation
  • Secure remote office connectivity
Häufig gestellte Fragen
The Firebox T25-W offers comprehensive security features including WebBlocker, stateful packet filtering, secure IPsec VPN connectivity, malware and ransomware protection, application control, botnet detection, antivirus (including gateway and IntelligentAV), anti-spam, APT Blocker, and TLS decryption. It provides up to 401.92 MB/s firewall throughput and includes Reputation Enabled Defense for enhanced threat protection. The device is designed to deliver enterprise-grade security in a small form factor, making it ideal for small offices and home environments.
The WatchGuard Firebox T25-W measures 1.7" in height, 8" in width, and 8.5" in depth, weighing approximately 1.98 lb. For connectivity, it features 5 Gigabit Ethernet ports (10/100/1000Base-T), USB connectivity, and integrated Wi-Fi 6 (IEEE 802.11ax) capability. The compact size makes it perfect for desktop placement while offering robust network connectivity options for small office environments.
The Firebox T25-W features a streamlined zero-touch deployment process that significantly reduces setup time. Users simply need to connect the device to power and the Internet, after which the appliance automatically connects to the Cloud to retrieve its configuration settings. This Cloud-based deployment and configuration tool comes standard with the appliance, eliminating the need for on-site technical staff and allowing for remote setup from any location.
The WatchGuard Firebox T25-W comes with a 3-Year Total Security Suite warranty and support package. This comprehensive coverage ensures that users have access to technical support and security updates throughout the warranty period, maintaining optimal protection for their network environment. The Total Security Suite includes access to all the advanced security features and threat management solutions offered by WatchGuard.
The Firebox T25-W is specifically designed for small offices, home offices, branch offices, and business environments. It's particularly well-suited for enterprise users working remotely, providing enterprise-grade security in a compact form factor. The device's combination of powerful security features, small size, and Wi-Fi 6 capability makes it ideal for protecting networks where space is at a premium but security cannot be compromised.
The Unified Security Platform architecture is WatchGuard's integrated framework that enables single-console management of multiple security solutions. It allows for unified provisioning, deployment, management, and monitoring of various cybersecurity solutions including endpoint protection, multi-factor authentication, Wi-Fi, and network security. This architecture replaces traditional patchwork security approaches, streamlining security management across all business computing environments and devices.
The Firebox T25-W supports up to 10 Branch Office VPNs with secure IPsec VPN connectivity. This feature enables secure remote access and branch office connections, allowing businesses to maintain secure communications between multiple locations. The VPN functionality is part of the device's comprehensive security feature set, ensuring encrypted and protected data transmission across networks.
The WatchGuard Firebox T25-W is environmentally certified with WEEE, RoHS, and REACH certifications. These certifications demonstrate the device's compliance with international environmental standards for electronic equipment, including restrictions on hazardous substances and proper electronic waste handling. The product is marketed as environmentally friendly, showing WatchGuard's commitment to sustainable technology solutions.

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