Shure SLXD24D/SM58 Dual Digital Wireless Microphone System
Experience professional-grade audio performance with the Shure SLXD24D/SM58-H55 Dual Wireless Microphone System. This advanced system features two handheld transmitters with SM58 capsules, delivering crystal-clear digital audio quality with an impressive dynamic range exceeding 120 dB and a wide frequency response of 20Hz-20kHz.
Professional-Grade Performance Features
- Extended 328-foot operating range for maximum flexibility
- Dual handheld transmitters with renowned SM58 capsules
- 8-hour battery life using standard AA batteries
- Operating frequency range: 514-558 MHz
- Multiple connectivity options: XLR, BNC, and 6.35mm ports
Reliable Digital Wireless Technology
Built with Shure's advanced digital wireless technology, the SLXD24D/SM58 system ensures stable signal transmission and eliminates dropouts. The system's robust construction features galvanized steel and aluminum components, ensuring durability for demanding professional applications.
Versatile Connectivity and Power Options
The system comes equipped with professional-grade connectivity options including XLR outputs, BNC antenna connections, and 6.35mm jack compatibility. Power management is flexible with either included AA batteries or optional Shure SB903 Li-ion rechargeable batteries for sustainable operation.
Physical Specifications
- Compact form factor: 15.5" width x 6" depth x 1.7" height
- Lightweight design: Receiver unit weighs 3.2 lbs
- Transmitter weight: 5.20 oz
- Durable metal construction: Galvanized steel and aluminum build
Your performance should never be in question. Whether presenting, educating, praising or entertaining, your relationship with your audience is singular. With SLX-D Digital Wireless you can stand confidently on a strong foundation and build the wireless installation to match ongoing demands, from day-long conference to nighttime performances.ALWAYS COME THROUGH CLEARIn front of an audience, clarity is simply essential. SLX-D provides crystal-clear digital audio quality with >120 dB dynamic range. DROPOUTS ARE OUTFrom the leader in digital wireless technology, SLX-D maintains stable signals with high efficiency for rock-solid, reliable performance.KEEP THE SHOW GOINGReady to perform for all-day conferences and nighttime performances-up to 8 hours of use from either 2 AA batteries (included) or optional Shure SB903 Li-ion rechargeable batteries and charging accessories. --- Dit præstation skal aldrig være i tvivl. Uanset om du præsenterer, underviser, roser eller underholder, er dit forhold til dit publikum unikt. Med SLX-D Digital Wireless kan du stå selvsikkert på et stærkt fundament og opbygge den trådløse installation, der matcher de løbende krav, fra dagslange konferencer til natteforestillinger.ALDRIG KOMME IGENNEM UTYDELIGForan et publikum er klarhed simpelthen essentiel. SLX-D leverer krystalklar digital lydkvalitet med >120 dB dynamisk område. DROPOUTS ER UDEFra lederne inden for digital trådløs teknologi opretholder SLX-D stabile signaler med høj effektivitet for solid, pålidelig ydeevne.HOLD SHOWET GÅENDEKlar til at optræde for dagslange konferencer og natteforestillinger - op til 8 timers brug fra enten 2 AA-batterier (inkluderet) eller valgfrie Shure SB903 Li-ion genopladelige batterier og opladningstilbehør.